
Attached: Undertale.png (1920x1080, 337K)

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>Plays off its audience
What the fuck does this even mean

gay furry pandering

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They also gave uncharted 3 a 10/10 masterpiece seal of approval when that game doesnt do anything ahead of its genre and in game in general

remember God Hand?

"It has a little something for everyone."

Remember Imagine Babyz?

uncharted 3 was where cinematic games kind of hit their plateau. they probably wouldn't give it the same score now.

it's an autistic game for autistic people

What will they say about Moon

they have shit taste yes

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They wont review it

"It makes you feel like batman"

The one time IGN was right.

daily reminder this is all the proof you need that video game critic reviews are fucking pointless

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I have gone home and yet I am not home.

It strengthens its impact by recognizing the player's assumptions about the game and reacting to them

Where's the lie?

Now post games that are really good that IGN gave like a 5/10

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the rating is based on vanilla skyrim with no mods

I'm aware?


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clearly you aren't aware of anything if you think skyrim is worth more than a 50

yeah, it should be a 100 instead

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IGN is completely irrelevant these days
I doubt zoomers even know it exists

how the fuck

I think its worth a 100 and I'm glad its rated that high.


it HAS to have fucking cons
not even the BEST shit like OOT didn't have cons! FUCK YOU CURRENT GAMERS!

It's not "gameplay" that's the pro, the pro is that is had both good gameplay AND storytelling that work well with each other

>Can't spell "ignorant" without...


>it HAS to have fucking cons
Jokes that aren't funny
Gameplay that is just stolen and watered down from other games
Horrendously inconsistent artstyle
The only good boss fights are locked behind hours of unfun grinding


extremely shallow mechanics is the biggest one IMO
whats even the point of equipment if there is barely any, just to reference dead kids wow

Once you realise that you've spent more time gaming than most people will in their lifetimes you will understand that reviews aren't aimed at people like us. Skyrim is fun for casuals who haven't played RPGs for thousands of hours already.

I agree
Its fandom is shit but the game itself is a fucking masterpiece for the story and themes it wants to convey, while not being an unenjoyable or ludo-narrative mess

No those are IGN quotes.

>tfw its been 4 years and people are still talking about Undertale none-stop.

I like the game but come on. Cuphead releases and about 5 months later its out of everyones head.

I guess memes really do keep a game relevent.

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Toby just posted new stuff for Deltarune. Also Sans in Smash is a pretty big deal.

Doesn't matter whether it's artsy fartsy shit that ambitiously tries to do something new or AAA games with a huge scope and state of the art technology

you bitch at any high rating Yea Forums because you hate video games

This is why game reviews are useless shit opinions. Objectively 10 can't even exist.
Also apparently 1-7 = shit, 8=good, 9=excellent.

They gave God Hand an abysmal score from what I remember.

Based IGN

Game constantly breaks the fourth wall and talks to (You), the player, specifically.


It makes you feel like "x" is an overused reviewer meme, he was hardly the first person to notice that those people don't have anything original to say

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The Steam reviewer quotes always make me laugh.

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10 is meant to be exceptional, not perfect.

Otherwise why have a 0-10 scale? Then you'd have to cap at 9, which would just take 10's prior role.

I was speaking more regarding the years coming up to Deltarune.

I guess the rereleases on PS4 and then the Switch release kept it relevent enough for companies taking note of it.

The last quote being what it is, in this context, just kills me.

You don't get points for trying, you get points for succeeding.

If they can dock you points for your ultra-realistic graphics having hiccups in the textures or shadows, then they sure as fuck should dock points for pixel-graphics. No free handouts. That ruins actual competition when you're losing points by performing a more difficult challenge because someone performing no challenges has the exact same handicap and score multiplier. You spend $200,000,000 on your art, you deserve a reach-around on your overall score. Pixelshit is basically cheating. There's practically no room for error.


Are you saying Undertale didn't succeed

Well good game can get 10 because game is good. And even journalists idiots can notice this
Good game can get 2 because journalists are idiots.
Same for bad games

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Evidently since I didn't enjoy it

Oh, it definitely sucks seed.

>"Game is a piece of shit."

I like honest reviews.


>You spend $200,000,000 on your art, you deserve a reach-around on your overall score. Pixelshit is basically cheating.
You can't be even more wrong. Quality of game should not be determined by amount budget it had. If anything games like Destiny should looks better than real life.

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I think its a really good game but lmao that they gave it a perfect score what the fuck.

I like undertale.

And the tens of thousand people who evidently did, meme the game up to this day and all the reviewers rating it stellar just, like, hype it for shits and giggles or what. I honestly feel it's straight up ignorant to act like undertale is bad just cause it didn't click with you

>you can't dislike a game, since other people like it
okay retard

Funny how Undertale is popular in Japan. I think self hating your culture is big thing. Like anons hates US cartoons while they're pretty much loved in other countries. And Undertale was loved by Yea Forums until popularity jump

The joke is that Toby specifically cherrypicked for negative points in their reviews for "LE QUIRKINESS POINTS XDDD"

Sorry bud, you're in the 1% who dislike it.

Being contrarian doesn't make you cool.

Bullshit. The fact is 8-bit graphics have pretty much no possible graphics errors by nature, which means they're much less likely to be given a lower score for graphical issues. This puts people that put 5 years into their graphics and art a scoring disadvantage due to higher expectations but no handicap.

Like that one dumb bitch olympic half-pipe skiier that just went straight down the fucking halfpipe and never did any tricks but got high scores because she didn't (have anything to) screw up.

They should remove graphics entirely from scoring if this is how reviewers are going to play it. Also, music, since pixel-shit games get away with 8-bit audio as well. Also, controls, since 8-direction digital controls + 2 action buttons is a lot easier to perfect than 10 buttons + 2 analog sticks + 1 d-pad in a 3D world.

Really, just stop scoring pixel shit or give it an immediate -30 point penalty.

>No one can possibly have an earnest unpopular opinion, they're just lying to themselves!
I fucking knew that you were one of those cretins

the fanart is predictably the only good thing to come from this game. I feel the same way about Homestuck as well honestly.

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wow rude, I'm not saying you can't not like it, I'm saying that's no basis to relentlessly bitch about IGN rating it high like your preference is the infallible benchmark of what's good and what's not

>I fucking knew that you were one of those cretins

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i'd argue the fan remixes are better than the fur diaper fan art

God Hand got a 3/10

>I'm not saying you can't not like it,
You did though. You said that it's "ignorant" to say that you don't like it.

If we're doing this...

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The soundtrack isn't that great, it's only purpose to to guide culturally uneducated people to the good stuff on bandcamp like Clark Powell. I wish i could listen to A Heaven Broad and Ochre for the first time again.

Can't believe it bros.. video games are supposed to be trash everyone hates

>the soundtrack isn't that great
exactly, thats why the remixes are better

There could be a video game that literally causes world peace and Yea Forums will still say they hate it

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AAA souless trash has unlimited budget but everything goes to marketing. AAA trash can allow best graphics and best anything. Best writers, best animation, best orchestra. But they don't. Yes this trash deserve hard judgement. If you polish turd you should polish your tard hard as possible. Destiny has budget of $500 millions. But can you see those $500 millions on the screen? And the same time AAA pixel shit should looks good too.

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>person A hates game a
>person B hates game b
>person C hates game c

It can't be a 10 with those graphics.

>hur dur they deserve it because they're rich.
Yeah, we get it.

No, I didn't say that because that's explicitly not what I think. I said I feel it's ignorant to act like it's a bad game, as in, saying you can not see how there would be an appeal to it for people when there is so much of it to so many people

It plays with what the player would think like how in the genocide route, Flowely calls anyone who watches an LP of said route a pussy faggot for not doing it themselves.

"It's bad" and "I don't like it" mean the same thing, since quality is subjective. I use those terms interchangeably. If I was to talk about popularity, I would say "it's highly-liked".


Not him but "It's bad" and "I don't like it" probably shouldn't be used interchangeably

>excellent writing
this nigga never read a book in his life
>gameplay and storytelling
purely subjective, i assume the critic is speaking to his own audience familiar with his own tastes
>twists on RPG mainstays
>plays off it's audience
omg it subverted my expectations, how daring and unexpected.

>people like us XDD!
>hardcoer gaymers!!! XDDD
kys faggot

That's all you can understand? If games made by small team of literal who outperform AAA titans with millions budgets in reality they're outsourced for 60% in every aspect except grawwhics bugged and glitchy as fuck muddy mess that's should tell you a lot about real quality of your millions worth shiny toy.

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I see, I don't. I don't think it's particularly subjective to say that undertale has primitive graphics and is very unimpressive on a technological level. In the same vein that it's hard to argue the way the game plays with your expectations of how you, as a player, are "supposed" to play a run-of-the-mill RPG is pretty inventive. I feel that no matter your taste, when you call a game that's rated highly by the vast majority of critics and what not "bad" you're kind of selling yourself short.

>like deus ex, except fun

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>omg it subverted my expectations, how daring and unexpected.

How many games honestly managed to defy your expecations as of late? Undertale managed for me

>this nigga never read a book in his life
Pretty ironic how you mention books in Yea Forums since great writing can exist in every form of art and not limited by books. Unless you're pseud who trying to show off teenager way of thinking

>omg it subverted my expectations, how daring and unexpected.
yeah if you expected it it didn't subvert your expectations

Same. I stil play vanilla Skyrim quite often.

>Post a screencap without text
>get dozens of replies
pretty based, If I say so myself

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