Did you like it?
Did you like it?
Not really, not enough game to it
I like that picture for sure, but the was bad. Though, I did definitely enjoy it more than I did MGSV.
Yes it was pretty good
The first 3 acts before it turned into cutscene, boss rush and gimmick section boogaloo. Back when it at least pretended to be an MGS game.
It's a good but flawed movie
Worth one playtrhough but not more
First two acts at least. The UG's ruined Shadow Moses and 3/5 have no gameplay.
I loved the gameplay. It was objectively very good. In other words, I loved like 20% of the game. The rest is utterly shit. Indisputable.
If only MGS3 had 4's gameplay + Octocamo.
Funny thing, I completed this game last month. I never had a PS3 so I had to bough a used one in order to play this title. Very cheap, but this game was a complete disappointment for me Yes, I have been avoiding spoilers for 10 years.
Now I have an old PS3 collecting dust. What are some PS3 exclusives I can play?
Did you think PS3 has no games was a meme?
Get Persona 5 if you are into the series I guess
I definitely look more favorably on it post-MGSV.
70% of it may be retarded cutscenes that go on for too long, but at least it had emotional beats, a main character who had stakes in the plot, and a satisfying climax/final boss battle. IMO it's got some of the highest highs and lowest lows of Metal Gear, and that's saying something. The gameplay is pretty great when you actually get to play the game.
It might be retarded, but I'll take a retarded complete story over a boring unfinished one any day.
I could play this game at any time. It's all game play if you skip the cut scenes. Act 3 ++ does turn into a slog until shadow moses though. (its my fav fuckin MGS)
Exactly. A 3 hours game.
Wasn't bad, a few levels were good.
I want to get a PS3 to get through the legacy collection to Platinum it because I'm more or less out of games to play on my PS4 because I don't think my original release PS3 will still run if I break it out of storage. What's the best way to get an unused unit?
3 hours in your ass though
I got so bored in the first few hours with endless, repetitive cutscenes that I stopped playing.
No I killed a bus driver
I like MGS Online that it came with. I liked the digital encyclopedia. I didn't like how Meryl had Johnny and how cheeseball that was.