did he hear the caller request the jumping jacks or did he just think the annoying kid got up and started doing it for no reason
Did he hear the caller request the jumping jacks or did he just think the annoying kid got up and started doing it for...
the jumping jacks happened after the request to be quiet
It's only a matter of time until someone requests the clip and that same guy from every one of these threads jumps on them for it. Why keep making these bait threads?
I only learned about this situation today, I didnt know that it has a long history on Yea Forums
they can hear the announcer roastie
jumping jacks are essentially a white flag in this situation
ask for the chair sniffer
It's happened in nearly every GDQ thread I've been to. OP posts an image from a meme/cringe worthy moment without any context which leads to someone requesting a vid or asking what happened. Every time this guy goes out of his way to berate and insult them for not looking it up themselves. Some of those threads offer absolutely nothing to go off of, so I just assumed they were all bait threads.
did chibi intentionally do the jumping jacks as caveman began to talk about his favorite part or did his autism just cause him to not realize?
>nothing to go off of
there is an arrow right next to the post that will give you the option to search the image through google.
Seriously, no one would have given a single fuck about his boring speedrun if it weren't for Chibi spicing things up.
If Chibi was never there, the whole speedrun would be forgotten and neither Caveman or Chibi would be anywhere as popular they are today without their autistic tango with one another.
There is that, but I just can't hold it against someone for requesting a vid or source. Image boards are for discussion. Anyone getting upset over that has actual issues to work out.
Why did Chibi go completely silent after being told to be quiet?
I would watch Caveman run TRAG or Spider or whatever, any day of the week if he still streamed
There are no original threads on Yea Forums anymore. Just endless reposts in a desperate attempt to farm more dopamine.
>I just can't hold it against someone for requesting a vid or source
Depending on the context, I can. There’s too many idiots on here who are completely digitally illiterate.
Found him.
Go ask him. I'm sure he'd love that.
Caveman wasn't an unknown before that run. You're right about it being a throwaway run that nobody would have remembered, though.
>Depending on the context, I can. There’s too many idiots on here who are completely digitally illiterate.
I can't think of any situation where someone asking for a source would get me so worked up that I'd have to write an entire paragraph just to insult them. (I'm not saying that you do that I'm just saying that the one user I've been referring to has some serious issues.)
How can anybody defend chibi's autistic ass? Seriously, the only way you could defend him is if you're as cringey as he is.
have you ever been around a real autist? to chibi, it was two friends having fun