Defend this Yea Forums
Defend this Yea Forums
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The opinions of a character aren't those of the devs.
People that think this exist in real life.
who cares
I'm gay and I don't care. It looks like a shit game. You deserve this for playing garbage
fake outrage quit trying to screencap for twitter
she's a fujoshi talking to a gender neutral character
Normally, yes, but actually, it is, the director is quite involved with western journalist and is on the woke side
As a recently transitioned transwoman, i can confirm that the LGBT community is indeed rich and full of talented and artistic people with excellent taste, so please cease your bigotry.
What more needs to be said? Gaijin need to fuck off and do their job as translators, they aren't writers. If they want to be writers so badly they can go write their own book or game or whatever instead of fucking with someone else's work.
just listen to the dub, it's almost the same thing. First thing she says is literally LGBT
She's right you know.
I don't have any surrounding context and do my best not to make sweeping judgements based on single screenshots of things.
It doesn't need defending, it's correct. Being dumb and hateful doesn't make you cool you dweeb
What faggotry is this?
There's no LGBT community. I only care for my fellow bisexuals.
She's a fujo trying to rationalize her fetish.
she masturbates to anime men fucking each others
Ah, I see. Of course it's a fujo.
Can't even say "gay people are cool" without sounding like a faggot. "Allies" writers are pure cringe. Thiere are ways to say it without it sounding like a basedface journalist's pinned tweet.
Then I guess the question remains why people are wasting their time worrying about a creator they know they're unlikely to enjoy the games of. It's like they just want to be mad.
I suck dick and think this shit is obnoxious. If your only defining characteristic as a human being is what gets your dick hard, your a shallow piece of shit with LITERALLY no value as an individual.
I can't blame her. I do the same with bisexual women.
because he's the directory of Zero Escape and most people that played 999 and VLR loved those games
literally nothing wrong with it
Grouping all LGBT people into a "community" which implies that they're all a hive mind that all share the same beliefs is prejudice within itself.
err director*
never loved those game.
Guess i saw the gayness in the creator.
And how Yea Forums is plebs that have zero tastes.
It's literally like when Resetera says a woman videogame character is
Without even looking at the character, you have to automatically translate into a negative, so
>ugly as shit
>dressed and with the body of a literal man
And you're 100% right.
pleb taste confirmed
did turn to shit with ZTD, so at that point there wasn't much to expect anymore
One thing is saying they're cool, but this is sugarcoating it. And a few cool individuals don't make the community any less intolerable.
Gays hate bi men and FtM.
Lesbians hate bi women and MtF.
MtF hate bisexual people and transbians.
No idea about FtM.
Ah yes, (((localizers)))
My gay friend is pretty adamant about his dislike of women in general, especially lesbians.
That's a HUGE issue with labeling LGBT as one subculture. It's NOT a single subculture, it's at least four going by just the letter provided, and they keep adding more. A lot of these people don't even live in the same world as the rest.
while the localization did have a few problems translating some jokes, that particular bit is almost a 1:1 translation, see
then I blame American imperialism
>so because of all of that, i really respect
them. They're even kinda cool...
Fucking tranny self-insert cancer shit
Gay dudes don't like lesbians
Lesbians don't like gay dudes
NO ONE likes trannies. Not even themselves.
United you stand
divided you fall
There is no future for societies that won't extend an olive branch to each other. Not when the climate begins to start collapsing. The "LGBT community" is useless. The only ones worthwhile are the extremist gays and trannies who own guns. They know what's up.
I've seen this thread with these exact same replies before
>paying any attention to Uchi
Tripfagging is worse than this character.
It's I believe the fourth thread.
it's just your imagination
How do we know the game isn't just parodying and making fun of sjws?
It seems to be that the less hateful LGBT group is bisexual people.
that's because this is a guaranteed way to trigger the snowflakes on this shithole who fall for this sort of thing every time
well good for the user you quoted then I guess since he wasn't tripfagging but namefagging you goddamn newfriend roodypoo subhuman
I've seen over 30 since yesterday, although many of them got deleted before they could get the same replies
>snake was supposed to be brother but it was too obvious so uchi went with "LOL MINDHACC" man instead
I'm still fucking mad
i'll give it the 1st point, but everything else i have no idea where the fuck did it come from
why does Mizuki have such shit taste?
based gaylord
>No idea about FtM.
Ironically most of them that are willing to speak out about it say it's depressing and day to day life is harder and less rewarding than it was before. So they nailed it.
I dunno user, she's kind of cute, and it looks like she's kind of a piss-take so unless you're getting triggered by the suggestion of views that aren't yours, I don't really see the issue.
No (You) for a mass reply, either.
schizo post
That's because they want to fuck everyone.
I'm pretty sure everything in this game is not meant to be taken seriously
for shame
Not really, we have a thread with a ton of people asking why someone like that is still here; they've been banned at this point. I'm not going to link them but I'll link this thread with the "calls to defend" comments. Not really, we have a thread with a ton of people asking why someone like that is still here; they've been banned at this point. I'm not going to link them but I'll link this thread with the "calls to defend" comments.
Talented, autistic people.
Gays/Lesbians/Trannies are jealous of Bi supremacy, eternal seething
Guys is this worth $60? I really liked Zero Escape but it's pretty expensive for a pseudo-VN. Also if so should I buy for switch or PS4?
A character can express a point of view without the devs agreeing with that point of view simply to give characterization to said character
I'd say it's worth playing because of how silly it is (not really the same vein as ZE), but not $60, just pirate it or wait
defend this
Not a piratefag but good to know, I thought it was super "gritty"
The character is an actual fujoshi. I'd say it's a fairly accurate representation of one. They are very much known for being extreme mentally deranged individuals.
There's nothing comfier than BiXBi couples.
what countries still make good games now that we've lost japan?
Great now i'll have to search for trash by franchise with nip games too.