>subterranean oceans
>haunted shopping mall
>reverse limbo
>first person table simualtor
Levels/areas that dont exist
Other urls found in this thread:
>first person table simualtor
VR tabletop sim
>rts dungeon crawler
But you arent the table in that
>hand simulator
>but no foot simulator
>subterranean oceans
Sunless Sea. twice
>haunted shopping mall
Mother 2
Also, if supermarkets count, Pokemon Sun and Moon.
>reverse limbo
What does that even mean?
>reverse limbo
>area includes fun
The man-made inside out planets with nucleonic powered speed much faster than the speed of light.
>reverse limbo
Context? I haven't played any of the Final Fantasy games.
how have the footfags not made this yet?
>>subterranean oceans
it's just high jump
>sky trains
>vets office
A city in a half-mechanical lava planet located in a flooded universe (water instead of empty space)
I thought they meant the other limbo.
All those fucking levels but the last one are in Persona 2.
Dungeon Keeper.
So what the hell is reverse purgatory?
>potion seller simulator
Heaven (and that's a bad thing)
>haunted shopping malls
Silent hill shattered memories.
Decent horror game, bad silent hill remake
14 is an MMO so it has lots of area variety.
>Chinese buffet level
>call center level
>hot dog grill simulator
>ice volcano
>plane, car, & boat racer
>tournament WITHOUT shouneshit powerlevel circlejerks
No heaven is reverse hell
Lmao this takes me back
>Subterranean Oceans
Sunless Sea.
>Haunted Shopping Mall
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey.
>Reverse Limbo
What even is
>First Person Table Simulator
Nigga you ever played a VR game?
>RTS Dungeon Crawler
Pikmin 2.
>haunted shopping mall
FF14 doesn't have a subterranean ocean, though
Most of those I'm dry on, but
>Ice Volcano
Hailfire Peaks
>Plane, Car & Boat Racer
That's Sega Allstars Racing Transformed.
>Chinese buffet level
Arkham Knight
also it definitely sounds like something that would be in Sleeping Dogs
roguelite gambling game
ultimate hightstakes
isn't every rogue-lite game gambling on whether you get decent enough loot to continue
>Underlava level
>deep sky
>seven circles of heaven
>>subterranean oceans
Super Metroid
>>haunted shopping mall
The Last of Us
Resident Evil 7
>>reverse limbo
the fuck are you talking about?
>>first person table simualtor
There's 5 on Steam.
>subterranean oceans
Blaster Master Zero/E.V.O. Search for Eden
>haunted shopping mall
Zanki Zero/Condemned
Zanki Zero/Cold Fear/Resident Evil Origins (of course if you mean sailboat or rowboat I guess you could say Wind Waker or the intro of Bioshock Infinite)
>reverse limbo
Pokemon Platinum (or whatever the hell Reverse World is)
>reverse limbo
Super Metroid.
>rts fighter
>1st person dwarf fortress
>3d sudoku
>4th person platformer
Dead Rising and Zombies Ate My Neighors
Kung Fu Chaos, Hitman, SOCOM, Goldeneye
Limbo Simulator walking backwards under the bar
Its the place you have to traverse to get from the afterlife back to earth.
Oh fuck, I completely forgot about that part.
>game where you traverse plans of existence to defeat a higher being every step of the way
>tfw damned to the moon for all eternity
How could you?
Wait my rotting corpse gets resurrected too? Not just my soul?
I've got a list of about 11 of these but I wouldnt dare release it as I am using them for my vidya.
>haunted shopping mall
Aubnautica has underwater subterrain
Based stupid Boco.
>lava ocean in the sky
snowy deserts
>subterranean oceans
Ecco the dolphin
>haunted shopping mall
Zombies ate my Neighbors
Shinning Force
Actually, Blood has
too. Twice.
It's been years since I've played that game and I only finished it once. I did start a new playthrough but that fucking forest always gets me.
I still feel like SH:SM would be my basis for the perfect survival horror game. It just needed some good combat.
>haunted shopping mall
SMT strange journey and Devil summoner : Soul Hackers
SMT Digital Devil Saga 1
Literally Bowser in the Sky - SM64
>>haunted shopping mall
Silent Hill 3
Hitman Blood Money, Dragon Quest Builders 2, Pokémon Red/Blue, etc.
>tournament WITHOUT shouneshit powerlevel circlejerks
so a tournament that is decided from round 1?
>haunted shopping mall
SH1 does it
Im guessing a tournament without cop outs, ass pulls, or deus ex victories. Anime has a hard on for impossible victories every round of a tournament. Although it would be boring otherwise
You'd think so, but it's not. Closest you ever get is fights in fish warehouses or clubs.
>>subterranean oceans
Dark Souls, Ash Lake. The others have been covered enough.
Nice try. Name one (1) [uno] unique idea that has never been used before
>subterranean oceans
>>reverse limbo
It just occurred to me that in Billy and Mandy they played a game of limbo in limbo against death.
>what is toyota tundra
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
isnt that Asura's Wrath?
which one is that supposed to be?
>every matchup in the tournament is randomly generated for each fight
there, now you get dynamic rock paper scissors and a potential subplot with rigged matchmaking.
The Magic School Bus Explores the Human Body
>deep sky
Space Engine
Literally any game that takes place on the surface of a planet.
>seven circles of heaven
literally a map type in Age of Mythology.
sunless skies
>space pirate rpg
>Cultist simulator
>Clue but like 10x the amount of players, rooms, weapons, etc
Megaman X4.
Those aren't areas you fucking ignoramus
>haunted shopping mall
Silent Hill, Silent Hill 3, Silent Hill: Shattered Mammeries.
Frigate from Goldeneye 007.
>Chinese buffet level
True Crime: Streets of LA
>call center level
It also has an office level with a bunch of cubicles if that's similar enough
>tournament WITHOUT shouneshit powerlevel circlejerks
Any Dragonball game's tournament modes :^)
Destiny 2
item shop games
unironically this
I wish
>ice volcano
donkey kong tropical freeze
>multi vehicle racing
diddy kong racing
paper mario thousand year door.