Play Engineer.
Risk of Rain 2
Other urls found in this thread:
>risk of rain
>it never rains
I'm trying but my turrets are getting instanuked on monsoon now
it literally does you fag
Artificer's skin sucks! SUCKS!
>game based around cooperative gameplay with your pals to defeat hordes of enemies
>but there's no support class
Defend this, RoRbabs. Artificer should at least get an alternative Shift ability that heals allies or something.
First for scaling a shit.
>risk of rain
>it actually rains
>but nothing happens
>"we really like how the game encourages healing items now"
>most healing items are near useless
duncan is such a massive faggot, I just KNOW he doesn't ever play on monsoon
>healing support
what a fag real support would weaken enemies, increase damage of allies and provide a more gold earned buff
>the burst damage character
you just want her to be mercy
also engi has his shield and the ability to actually get use out of fungus
There's only a risk of it, it never says there WILL be rain. Just that potentially, there COULD BE rain.
>but nothing happens
what do you mean? what would happen?
it's not a co-op game
deal damage or die
this game isn't designed with roles in mind lmao, it's supposed to function the same no matter how many are playing it
did they remove the shrine of order?
RoR is designed to be played solo as much as it is co-op. That being said, Engi is a bit of a medic with his stationary turrets and Fungus.
I don't know but rain is literally the least worst thing that could happen and yet it's i the title.
new skins for those that happen to be curious
What's the best route for the flawless Merc Prismatic Trial?
Its called Risk of Rain, not It's Currently Raining
the left hand path
I'm carrying the drop pod fuel array.
MUL-T's buzzsaw is pretty dang fun
it's the embodiment of 'I'm gonna do this and walk towards you, and if you're in my way it's your fault'
>Monster tooth is a default item
>medkit is insanely easy to unlock so you have to get disabling it so it doesn't drop
the "rain" is figurative, not literal
The rain already happened while you weren't paying attention
Wait do turrets move now?
>imagine being so bad at the game you need a dedicated babysitter just to play pass drizzle
Alternatetively imagine being so hungry for cum that you willingly subject yourself to being the party healslut just for an ounce of praise
do I just suck now or did Monsoon get considerably harder?
>Working for loader < 25 minute obliteration on monsoon
>make it to level 7 with 8 minutes left, making great time
>level 7 boss is a horde of malachite lesser wisps
>instantly shotgunned and killed
oh boy nobody tell him
New level has rain.
i'd tell you but the other user said not to
Have they added Enforcer yet? Trying to decide whether to bother reinstalling.
Health regen changes.
No the mobile turrets suck. They COMPLETELY stop the AIs following the turrets instead of you. Also they can't use fungus unless you stop as well.
>malachite that early on
actually fucked up
can we get this truck as Mul-T in transport mode + saws.
Loder paunch gud.
>breaking a time crystal makes it deal damage in a small AoE
What are the must buys in the second stage and where are they? Obviously prion+fuel cell, but is there anything else or should you save for the mega drone immediately? I can't keep the topaz shields up in second stage because there's just not enough small stuff to kill and I don't have the DPS to kill bigger stuff without leaving I-frames. Should I just run away and let the beetle guard farm money for me?
New alternate skill adds mobile turrets that are squishy and dumb as balls
second stage has a topaz printer my man, in the cave. also just his merc's iframes for the time crystals
Commando has a shotgun ability on a ~3 second cooldown, if you stack Backup Magazines you are basically playing Enforcer with your unlimited 1600% damage shotgun.
109775241054567578 US
it's fucking hell
Do they benefit from move speed items?
>1600% damage shotgun
it's 800%. 400% per burst
Protip: if you're struggling on making the time restraint for the Loader challenge, you're doing it wrong.
Load up on drizzle and bum rush the teleporter every stage. You dont need items
Where's the fuel cell?
what does artificers butt smell like?
smells just like the rotten brain of an off-topic waifufag
give me this gif without the 1 frame visual fuckup thanks
Salty coins and jet fuel.
Artifice. So oil and flowers.
Smells like someone trying to bump the thread with some rather cheap bait.
I hope that every character is a different person aside from Acrid because they rob Acrid of his happy ending through moonjews pulling him across time
you don't need to do the 25 minute one on monsoon
the skin is the only challenge that requires monsoon, and that doesn't have a time limit
standing on top of a vagrant and just unloading a bunch of his secondary until it poofs dead is so satisfying
>he's still here
>pick monsoon
>by the end of the third stage boss fights are 8+minutes of kiting and trying not to get hit once
I love it
I'm not the mentally ill han-dcap, no. I'm against actual waifufagging that should stay on /vg/, not my new main loader
>I hope that every character is a different person
I kinda want to know what happened to the PTSD Commando after 1's events
sorry it's shit bro
it's so hilariously obvious that QA and hopoo themselves never play on monsoon
>Keeping an eye on the regen thing
how about you just play it and see for yourself you faggot
What does focus crystal even do?
>charge up punch
>grapple to enemy
I like them. I want a white one for commando so he can look like a regular astronaut. And maybe an enforcer recolor since Mult-T got a Hand-D one
exactly what it says. it does damage to enemies that are near you
it's primarily a melee item
>I'm not the mentally ill han-dcap
Now that right there is the good shit.
>Getting across the map in 5 seconds
I fucking love the bionic commando
>based around cooperative gameplay
it's not. It just has coop functionality.
15% damage increase per stack against dudes like 5 meters or closer. Amazing on the melees, alright on everyone else. Still, its one of the few just plain damage upgrades still left as a white so stack it hard and try to use it.
>it's another "challenge fucking ended by shit RNG" run
I swear to god getting 12 crowbars shouldn't be this difficult 10 stages in
I like it. Loader's abs being slightly visible through her shirt was a nice touch.
SHIT. For some reason I thought that was in the last trial and I missed out.
On the spiral cliff right by where you get the accumulator.
>by the end of the third stage boss fights are 8+minutes
stop jerking off and try to play the game, nigger
That's not all. They also increased elite spawn rate by allowing the AI director to hold onto its points for a little longer.
Monsoon elites are bullet sponge hell
haha imagine
>listen up, here's why you should hate typed chests
The reasoning for typed chests being added to the game is to give you more flexibility on how to build, but this is a farce since the only interaction you have with a chest is to either buy it or not. Items are sparse enough in singleplayer that you will be picking up almost all the chests you see anyway, and this only holds water in multiplayer which is disorganized enough for this to be a nonfactor anyway.
Once you have a few mobility/defense items, the only items you will want to pick up at this point are pure damage because not having enough damage is the reason for at least 50% of your losses lategame.
Typed chests have three types: healing, utility, and damage. Damage items will all fall under the red damage chests. However, the "damage" chest pool is also polluted by extremely subpar items like warbanner (which also spawns in utility and healing chests because fuck you) and AP rounds, which is decent early on but won't carry you against most of the enemies.
So whenever a typed chest spawns and takes the place of a multishop or regular chest, there's a 33% chance it will be a damage chest, and then an even smaller chance on top of that that it will be one of the few usable ones.
Typed chests are a blight on this game and are one of many reasons your runs feel like you're hitting elites and bosses with a wet noodle.
Bros this game is too hard fuck it
I cant get this fucking prismatic shit with merc.
How the fuck can I cheat this bullshit?
That is one smol Artificer
Why did they even add them? Surely people are gonna open every chest in a map anyway so what's even the point?
You're telling me I have to work my ass of to make Artie look like a even more black leather version of Celty?
Where do I sign?
>Surely people are gonna open every chest in a map anyway
Absolutely not. Pre loop you will be opening maybe 5 per map if you're lucky.
>On the spiral cliff right by where you get the accumulator.
Thanks my dude
to make sure you are getting as many junk items as possible :^)
Same way you get all the new skins. Obliteration on Monsoon.
>that Mercenary
Arti and Loader both are a little dissapointing though.
NA Mansoons
EU lobby Monsoon
Do you just rush the teleporter?
I like that Huntress.
>buy big drone having not been hit once
>it shoots an explosive barrel next to me
oh shit nigger what are you doing
It's pretty fun, though I do think if it's gonna be viable it needs to change
pic related
only mando and merc got new skins, the are just different colors. disappointing
>Be Loader
>Take syringe
>Take syringe
>Find syringe printer
>Locate boss
>Infinite combo them with zero risk of death
>fast forward a couple of loops
>A singular gunner appears
>Opens fire
>> sUcKs To SuCk
finish levels in 3 or so minutes each on the first cycle
the 4th level will have multi-shops with confirmed green items, it's much better to get good stuff there instead of combing the maps for just a bunch of whites and maybe a green or three + red if you're luck
Obviously you can take more time after your past the first cycle and not looking to obliterate yourself
Worship Unit reminds me of a Destiny Servitor
>game based around cooperative gameplay
It really, really and most definitely fucking isnt.
It only gets harder the more people there are.
Based CRT Chad spreading the word of the greatest display technology there ever was.
but typed chests have a chance for reds and largr chance for greens unlike small chests and cost less than big chests
Yes. Wasting whole minutes clearing the map just to pick up maybe 3 more items is absolutely not worth it on monsoon. Scaling will fuck you if you go too fast or too slow. Just about every single run you should be going fast enough to pick up preon in rallypoint.
Its why i'm mildly upset there is nothing timed on Acres.
I've just had the WORST fucking luck since the update released, I'm fucking going to bed
Whats the new bird foot lunar item do?
where did you get this from?
What are your hours anons? I want to play but don't know if I want to spend $20 on it right now.
I have 148 in the first game btw
Am I the only one who fucking hates Siren's call?
>this thing and its big Fuck You explosions
>oh and it regenerates HP about as fast as you can shoot it, so you'd better not think about shooting other enemies
>no red chest (AFAIK)
>more flying fucks everywhere
It's like it's designed for me to hate it
from 200 hours of playing this game, they drop greens more regularly and reds
Makes you invis while giving you a speed boost and heals you. But it replaces your third skill.
128 in ror1
116 in ror2
Huntress kind of reminds me of Haydee. Shares the same color scheme.
>oh and it regenerates HP about as fast as you can shoot it, so you'd better not think about shooting other enemies
It doesn't regen. That's just shield. It drops immediately after the eruption attack.
>Siren's call?
The boss is called alloy worship unit
It doesn't regen hp, it shields when doing its ground explosion
Killing drops a red out of that central pillar of stacked orbs
>more players just means more dps and less items to go around
How can hopo fix multiplayer
not too bad I guess, which classes have trash 3rd skills again
You can get reds in normal chests too m8
Furthermore I doubt your statement about greens
no proofs posted
The rain is literally (you) and the debris of your transport ship
but more items spawn with more people
Its the shift user. The rolls and dashes and ice walls and shields.
I can't say, Siren's call may or may not end up being the Magma Barracks of RoR2 as in annoying and want to avoid.
RoR1 had 5 levels (Final level being 6th) So we haven't gotten our fifth stage yet. Will it beat Temple of Elders though?
I have 250 hours and haven't noticed what you're claiming
but why?
for what purpose?
Monsoon just feels like shit now.
Seems like a good replacement for Artificer's trashwall.
Like 150h in ror 1 and 45h in ror 2
because they don't play it themselves, and neither does QA
Anyone have a chart of what all the new skills are?
I think they did it just to make the skin challenges harder but desu it feels like shit to play on moonsoon if you don't roll OP items
>play engi
>get fungus
>setup shield bubble with turrets
>heal base established
it's not that hard
walking turrets and spider mines are more fun tho
get back in your dome fungus-cuck
there should be a button or some other kind of trigger for the fucking orb boss
the eggs just pop halfway across the map after a couple loops, and then you have to plink his ridiculously inflated health bar down for 5 minutes before moving on
I'd rather it be Temple of Elders
109775241054567578 US
try 20 minutes if you're undergeared
I'm never fighting that stupid thing again
that's the point retard
it's not even that much harder I've ran 2 hours solo from a 4 man party where everyone left first drop
>Realized we have 3 stages left.
3? Thought it was 2 with a couple hidden realms
2 stage 5s and 1 stage 6
God, I love this cunt punching cunt
Wait I meant two, dammit.
Also has anyone gotten this to drop?
Some of the times I've fought it its HP was just far far far too high. That needs to be fixed, and it needs to have longer range on its machine gun laser balls, or be given a new attack so you can't just completely outrange it while dodging its gravity circle things.
You get a red item for each player for defeating the optional boss.
yeah it's actually a great item, directly synergizes with merc/huntress and you can can shit out dps while you're running away with the other characters
Fuck no outraging it is the only way artificer can kill it
Can you still edit shit to get achievements?
Fuck this merc one.
It's from Scorched Acres, Grovetender drops it. Causes little laughing wisps to spawn out of you when you're sprinting, locking onto enemies and sudokuing themselves for damage.
No. One fifth stage, one final stage. Just like RoR1. I'd post the release schedule but hiroshimoot blocked my IP from posting images.
what were you posting user
I hope they give some reason to use the default grapple. Her optional one is the only one I really would say is an outright unquestionable upgrade. Seems like they just rushed to add it after finishing her so that people wouldn't be disappointed that she didn't have unlocks.
>forget I'm carrying the Fuel Array
>Shrine of Blood myself
>instantly explode
I deserved that one.
If that were the case then they should fix that. But that isn't the case you only need a few move speed items, or a couple feathers to dodge its laser balls as artificier, and that's with the flamethrower.
Thanks to all the anons who gave advice on the prismatic trial challenge. Didn't think I'd be able to earn it legit, but I did. Now to repeat the strategy with huntress.
It regenerates health during that attack. Just not a whole lot. The real reason that shit's bullshit is because it fucking
>slows you
>will insta-kill you
>is pretty fast combined with the slow
Fucking hate it.
How the fuck do i unlock the rest of the characters?
I only have
Not sure how many stages I've beaten, but god damn I have to be close to 30 by now what the fuck
it's way, waay easier with huntress, enjoy
when is the update coming to console?
>I can't say, Siren's call may or may not end up being the Magma Barracks of RoR2 as in annoying and want to avoid
Siren's Call is ultimately fine as soon as you're done with the Loader unlock, IMO. Fighting that cancerous unique boss is what makes it unfun to do, the real problem is that knowing it replaces the guaranteed Legendary chest makes it an automatic skip.
As cool and atmospheric as it is, Scorching Acres is Magma Barracks-tier simply because traversing it without high mobility or verticality items is fucking annoying and easily twice most levels if you're like that.
already do, big guy
Is the trigger for "100% Calculated" broken? I defeated a boss well within 5 seconds as engineer and i didnt get the notification or the item.
this post is full of truth
>get 5 cloaking devices by stage 6
>every boss takes 5+ minutes to kill
you should be guaranteed at least 2 damage items per stage
and cloaking device needs to be deleted from the game
Any of the new engy abilities better than stock?
the spider mines are way better, the new turrets suck tho
stealth kit is based though, it has saved so many runs
Look at the character select dumbo
Do you really need fucking five of them though?
How the fuck you edit the Ethereal mercenary challenge ability
I'm not spending 12 fucking hours bullshitting in their awful prismatic mode without taking damage
they are absolutely out of their mind thinking thats fair
you get a speed boost when they proc :-)
Just like newt shrine and trade for reds.
>a reason to use the grapple
>webm clearly shows reason
So Loader's a chick in this iteration or something?
>TFW out of first 3 portals, 2 were the green that gives out of combat movespeed
>Trash whites from Chests (mostly Fireworks)
>Mountain stage 4
>2 Cloaking Kits
In other words, if they make the boss less tedious to fight it becomes a great addition that takes slightly more effort than just opening the gold chest, but doesn't force teammates to fight over who gets the guaranteed red.
i reached stage 5 with three red whips and five bustling fungus as commando today
just fucking enraging this game
US East
Scorched Acres may as well be the fifth stage. It's too tedious to traverse when you don't have any movement items. The very least they could do would be to give it something special, like how Rallypoint Alpha has the preon accumulator. Otherwise it's just disappointing to get tp'd there.
Jack shit, it's probably a frogposter down the street. Not the first time I've been randomly range banned
They do, but it doesn't make them good.
>Playing Loader with headstompers
How does RoR2 do melee characters so right?
Yeah but in that very webm loader could have just grabbed the wisps, instantly killing them, instead of dancing around for them. And if it was that important she could have swung off the walls or her tesla.
>half a fucking year
>this piece of shit still exists
can they fucking buff/change some items soon? there's so much worthless garbage polluting the pool now
Command when?
>took the blue that replaces zoom punch
>took glass
>took glass again
I have never made so many mistakes in a single run
>host MP game
>has three people join
>have them leave
>4 times loot
Much more fun
>play loader
>hookshot tree
>spin around till gauntlet is fully charged
>fling myself off
>hit curve and gauntlet at same time
>reach heights never before seen by man
Loader is pretty fun
This was also a Commando run for me.
so which load out do i use for commando?
>no artifacts
still see no real reason to play
It rains on the Distant Roost and Siren's Nest.
>Scorched Acres
The one reason I hate that map is because the teleporter placement is so shit
>Have a big idea where it is and can see the particles but still can't find it even if I look under the ramps
Except you couldnt, because he was using his charge to hit the wisps and the grapple to pull himself back down
If you remove that grapple then you just fly off into the sunset
yes, not the same loader. we ripley now
Shotgun and suppressive fire. Grenade is shit until it gets explode on impact
forgot image fuck
109775241054567578 3/4
Use the shotgun, not the grenades
>We STILL haven't gotten Frenzied or Volatile Elites
>Malachites are the new Leeching
Would they transfer well into the game guys?
Open again
I feel like all items should give a damage increase even if it is really small. Like maybe enemies take more damage when slowed, or the slow itself does a bit of damage.
>it's a default item so you can't keep it locked
if malachite heals and blocks healing, what does celestial do
>activate 3 shrines of the mountain when playing with friends
>swarm of Overloading Vagrants
>they all die but I'm playing based Loader so shields for days
>end up with about 14 chronobaubles when I take down the last one
>tfw it doesn't stack for shit
Or you could just grapple the floor. Or you could not have to spend your shift on wisps and just grab them instead.
Let people choose which whites/greens get traded when you use a 3D printer or trade
That fixes everything
Makes enemies invisible
Ah, that makes it a pretty neat reference. That also makes me wonder, though.
Are any of the characters in this game the same ones from the original RoR?
>be Huntress
>have 3 dodges + can jump into the air
>dont even need to aim your shit
>and have an amazing ass
how can any other character even compete?
Invis aura.
Or you could use the default grapple and do what he did
Thats why they are called 'side grades'
They have a constant AoE that makes all monsters inside the radius invisible
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[Number]\632360\remote\UserProfiles
I cant fucking do it, my fucking adds keep killing everything before I do. this fucking suck so much ass.
Where do you put this in the file, anywhere?
should be called ethereal or something, celestial doesn't exactly make me think "invisibility"
Wouldn't they end up for making printers rarer since you can choose a specific item to get rid of?
No reason right now to think that huntress/commando/engi aren't the same, not until the lore shit gets filled in
So if the entire cast are entirely new and unrelated people to the old cast, where does all this story go? This is so weird. Is Hopoo forreal about this?
ctrl+f , stick it in there
I wish we could limit items.
chronobauble is the only item that needs deletion
What are objectively the best items for each survivor
Except that sidegrade does objectively more in most other situations since it deals fukking damage and stuns.
loader is the only one that's been confirmed to be a different character
wow this fucking ability sucks
All of his alternate abilities suck
I'd be absolutely enraged if I played for so long and all I got was this
these dont even fit him, they could've given us a counter or something way more interesting than the bladespin
still have one slot open
1 more
I just realized, Hopoo put in Blazing Vagrants, but not Overloading yet.
Wouldn't it be funny if they added in the worst elite bosses packaged in with the artifacts, haha
Except he could've done everything he did there with the upgraded version. However the default version cannot deal damage when you grapple, and cannot stun enemies. The default's unique uses are only for fun. They are not actually effective in any way that the upgrade can't do just as well.
aw ye
Thank fucking god.
Chronobauble's pretty good it just is really sad when you get more than 1. With skills like Huntress or Loader R it just locks down the whole area with everyone in it, and even with just command's M1 it turns everyone you shoot out into a sitting duck.
Go to the bazaar and buy artificier for 10 lunar. If you don't have 10 lunar, look out for drops or obliterate yourself at the end of an easy loop. You're welcome.
There are Overloading Vagrants
I kinda like the uppercut, it hits lots of stuff and gets ridiculous with mags
the projectile is... losing eviscerate really hurts but I like what it does
>ma stun
>ma damage
Firstly, its 300%, its irrelevant. Second, the stun is pathetically weak and useless. I have never once ever had to use the stun for any situation because every single situation is solved by hitting more to gain shield. The only problem here is your autism.
They are different side grades for different play styles, the fact people want to do things differently than you does not make the other option bad. Now reply with your upset ad hominems so this dumb argument can end.
So, if loader's second grapple can still fling off from the terrain, why the fuck would you ever pick the first
>the stun is pathetically weak and useless
yeah interrupting Golem's beam sucks, definitely can't save you if you get caught out
Saw is a meme, but what about the grenade launcher? You guys like it?
I have literally never played with Yea Forums
anything I should know beforehand?
for sick slingshots off of wisps, i suppose
>gets buttblasted at people for pointing out the ability just does more and then tries to do a witty one liner to end the argument on a ""win""
Embarassing as hell, man
>using the shitter blink
Grappling to literally anything also breaks the beam since you move too fast nice try retard
The downside is if you're autistic with your use of the special as a dodge and your actual blinks, literally anything fucks you up, even on
>grapple fist
move to things
>spiked fist
move to things
move things to you
gee i wonder which of these is better
It's a quick ranged stun which is exremely valuable for a character with no fast ranged options, the fact you seem to be discounting that as useless makes you seem bad.
>fun is not a legitimate reason to have a mechanic
you don't stop sprinting with new blink, therefore it's better
this isn't ror1 with a bunch of artifacts on, so no.
If you don't activate mountain shrines the instant you see them you are a coward
I wish the projectiles moved faster and reached a longer distance. It's an awkward alternative to the nail gun at best.
the uppercut is fantastic. if it didn't interrupt m1 combo it would be perfect.
did you reply to the wrong post or something? because that has nothing to do with what i said
Not him but
>Getting this upset over having different playstyles
>Not thinking this is cool as shit
I am so glad the devs dont listen to the player base because otherwise they would have never done any Skills 2.0 and just done straight upgrades instead since you retards can only minmax and can never pick anything because its fun or different. Stop thinking everything has to be perfectly 100% balanced all the time you absolute no fun allowed faggots.
I feel ammo was a mistake. Would have been more fun if it was just continuous.
>mentioning skills 2.0 when loader released with it
are you fucking stupid
Open again
feels kinda shit to use
the grenades have a pretty small aoe, and it feels like the time spent switching to grenades would be better spent just holding m1 on the nailgun
and the sound effect for it is pretty bad, too
>being unable to read
Kiddo dont call others stupid when you lack basic reading comprehension
Should I just play on drizzle until they fix the game?
if you're not at least playing on rainstorm, just stop playing video games
I wish crit chance worked like in warframe where each 100% crit level increases the multiplier.
>reading comprehension
>deletes his post because he can barely write
It's not that interesting and just a lot worse in the long run.
Keep calling everyone calling you out as seething and autistic, seems to be working out great.
No you bigotted bully videogams are inclusive it's 2019
What is the point of the new engineer turrets? they seem to have significantly less range.
I thought that's how it worked? That's why you get the red crits, 200% crit means 100% of 200% damage shots
they deal more damage, slow, and can move around with you
that said they're dogshit until Engi can mark enemies for them to focus. The AI will waste time on a random wisp that's across the entire map
Has anybody completed the mercenary demon of the skies challenge? I was trying to do it on a magma worm boss on stage 4 while tracking time and it seemed like I had multiple 40s runs in the air. Does your feet touching an enemy count as the ground?
I imagine that certain skills are going to get better when more are released
you can cheese it with the geysers on titanic plains
I wish people would just run the numbers and give me the exact builds to guarantee highest statistical chance to complete a run, instead of fucking around with useless shit.
I just want Merc's Judgement Cut to be better.
I had a feeling they dealt more damage, but I just don't feel that the ability to move is a good enough trade off for their diminished range. Jumped into a match with them and the first wandering vagrant that showed up ripped me a new asshole because they just basically ignored it. Though could be fixed by being able to target it for the AI to focus on like you said.
you'll get caught out at some point it's an inevitability
you always want a backup plan
i discovered you could just do this yesterday
Open again
>Two enemies show up at the end
>Yo you can't be doin' that my guy
I just got that red item that gives you 3 movement abilities and the floor was gone forever
If they don't change this Merc prismatic challenge I swear to fucking Allah I will CHEAT THIS FUCKING ABILITY IN
they didn't do shit to me lol
just use cheat engine to play as a healing drone then fag
Now that the dust has settled, what do you think of Loader, user?
I think she needs just a liiiiittle bit more attack speed on her M1, then she'll be perfect.
>you don't need to do the 25 minute one on monsoon
Nice strawman, keep being angry about people telling you one is just way better and not just 'a sidegrade'
any tips for mercs prismatic trial challenge for the current prismatic trial?
all it really needs is a reduced cooldown desu
It'll probably be a lot better when we get more alternate skills that can compensate for eviscerate's I-frames and mobility
I feel like m1's don't scale well enough, but that's probably because I don't ever find crowbars. I love the playstyle, way more than Rex that's for sure. Just walk up to cunts and crush their skulls.
Cheat it in, it's bullshit and the ability isn't even good
You can do it user, theres a shit ton of topaz brooches in the current seed
Zero skin for Mercenary WHEN
there should be a goat hoof nearby, and there are multiple barrier items throughout the map so you can still get hit if you're careful
there was also a BFG lying around somewhere iirc
I'm serious, give me the numbers, I'm not going to play this game until I have the perfect meta build.
why does Artificers M1 have a cooldown?
it feels like dogshit to have an entire second of downtime where you're just hovering in the air like a retard waiting for cooldowns
Hopoo could just give it a long animation instead, like MUL-T's Rebar Puncher.
But it's easy right now, just get topaz brooches and keep them up, you're not a shitter right?
To make her rely 100% on spare mags
regi mod for golems WHEN
Her thing is burst damage and managing cooldowns. It's what makes losing her flamethrower such a big deal to offset how strong her superjump is.
>you are in an area surrounded by enemies
>there is no nearby grapple surface
>but there are wisps you can grapple to in order to avoid being hit
>oh no my 100% totally upgraded grapple just killed my escape route, guess I'll just eat shit
The unlocks for Mercenary are literally impossible.
Super crits are a myth.
but burst damage is dogshit in a game where enemies have such inflated health pools
the health pools keep rising every patch
>there is no nearby grapple surface
>what is the ground
charge punch through the lemurians dumbass
The passive healing "fix" honestly ruined the game for me. Early game is a fucking slog and it's way harder to get runs started. Really hope they revert this shit. Maybe I'm just bad.
Being able to command them with the tag button would be good in general. Like if you tap the button you tell them to move there, or attack that, but if you hold the button you could tell them "stay here" and "move freely".
just jump and grab the ground, problem solved
or you could grapple to your little tesla thing
It's okay user I hit my keyboard playing this shit today after not having done it for decades
Are mountain challenges bugged in the latest patch?
Only got a single game in last night with a buddy of mine, we activated mountain shrine on one of our bosses and only saw two greens fly out of the tele at the end. We looked everywhere around, checked chat logs and our items, couldn't find the others anywhere. Do they not scale item drops anymore with it?
I'm with you on this one its fucking annoying
Did the 10-man servers mod get broken with this update? I've kinda been waiting for the user who usually hosts them to show up, but I haven't seen him since the patch dropped.
I've played loader to level 14+ probably 3 times on rainstorm, and to 7 once on monsoon with the upgraded grapple, and I have literally never had this situation occur. I believe that it can occur, but it is so infinitesimally small that there is no wall, no ceiling, no tree, no lamp post, no clear path to ground, or no big enemy nearby that it has never happened while I didn't have my other cooldowns ready and needed to escape.
What's infinitely more likely, that you're somehow fighting on a completely flat plane or there isn't a single wisp nearby
No. Chance to crit is capped at 100%, no matter how many glasses you got.
Can't crit the crit.
>but its easy right now
>cant get tickled at all
>Your guardian steals your kills
>but you need him for the 2nd boss so fuck you
Ah, so this is why the difficulty spiked in today's run.
>quit playing
>346mb update
>can't find any notes on it
oh, what the fuck. that's extremely homosexual
I wish they would revert it. wisps keep chipping at me and grabbing heal items just draws out my death cause I can't kill anything.
I'm having trouble just obliterating myself now
There's a mod that does exactly that, not sure if it's one of the working ones right now though
daily reminder that the regen is only a further nerf on top of an already bad previous patch
Also keep in mind that the crit mask and scythe give some crit, so getting 10 glasses is overkill. I just stop at 5 personally since I'm sure to get two or three from random chests and don't want to go over the limit.
Exactly. Real retarded.
Warframe had a good idea going for it.
If you could go crazy like this, ohh man, that would be boner inducing.
who knew I could get so many (You)s from an mspaint doodle
yeah, I don't know what it was, but for some reason I thought this was how it worked already. With the amount of crit multiplier items and crit items in general it would make sense to put this system in, just maybe lower the numbers so you need more so by stage 3 you aren't BTFOing every mob with your right click as huntress
How do you play classes with zero/very limited mobility? I keep trying to play MUL-T and get annihilated because i have no real way to evade boss attacks but have to be in short/medium range to do most of my damage
Agree that typed chests was a bad change. They should be big chest variants. Regen nerf is vastly overstated and if it weren't in the patch notes I don't believe 80% of people complaining would have noticed a difference.
Last patch was good purely for the proc calculation changes making big damage high cooldown skills better.
Good posts sometimes get (You)s.
Bad posts always get (You)s.
Hosting one last time.
dont forget the funnest part
>you can accidently spawn the boss thanks to AoE and you have to kill it to progress because teleporter wont finish
my first REX run went a bit better than i expected
stack mobility items, what a concept
all mods are broken right now
>dude just stack something that is completely random and you have very limited control over
I hate this meme.
yeah regen really only fuck over commando and MAYBE mul-t and artificer if your early game is super unlucky. the rest ive been able to play fine
what the fuck the entire point in the character is cycling cooldowns
is this bait?
>tfw I still hold the mod for bigger hipped huntress and artie
>mfw they're for an older iteration of the game...
fair enough.
You don't have to evade them with his utility. It gives as much armor as a dune strider gets during its whirrr, so you can just hit that and tank their big hits.
do bosses better. like jumping when beetle queen spews at you, or running circles around titan
my bad I should have dumbed it down for you
>play conservatively until an opportunity in which you can stack mobility items presents itself so that you may take advantage of it and counteract the weakness of your character's mobility with an item that will improve said statistic
It hurts a little because included in it also has reskins for artie to a waifu variant
he means do your best and if you don't have that many movement items by round 3 just abandon and start over
press ctrl + alt + `
type 'connect' to join
testing something.
I read hipped as ripped and thought here was some mod I didn't know about.
At least we have Loader.
He has a speed boost that gives him a fuck ton of armor. How is that not helpful?
>be Rex
>dealing ass-loads of damage requires you to micro-manage your annoying R and sacrifice a ton of health while animation cancelling your M1 with your M2
>be Loader
>dealing an ass-loads of damage requires you to know what fun is
Why does Hopoo hate Rex?
Loader is bugged to shit, has anyone glitched out the Shift ability and just kept fucking punching? Monsters were spawning on top of me and I literally couldn’t move, I couldn’t grapple out, couldn’t punch out, and I couldn’t just kill everything because mobs were just appearing on top of me. And then the game finally crashed. Was I going too fast?
Not only this he has the highest (still?) HP gain in the game
>there is no nearby grapple surface
Literally does not exist.
>>there is no nearby grapple surface
Get in here
sounds like a fun way to go. when you fist thrust through lots of mobs loader stalls, I think just to look cool, but also because the game is putting barriers on.
so maybe you got caught in a loop of stuff spawning on you when you weren't done punching and just got so much barrier that it broke
if only you had a flying tesla or a super punch that goes through shit and one shots trash mobs
>decent run going
>blazing clay templar level 3
lmao ok game, ok
Maybe I don't understand because I'm a brainlet, but can you explain to me how that statistically ends up in you having a smaller chance to get good damage items? Chests are preseeded when the map loads, and utility/health/damage seem to be evenly distributed as far as items go, so the chance to get the items you need is about the same if you open all chests or higher if more chests spawn than you have money and you only go for damage chests.
>tfw doing well but end up having fall damage screw me or a stray Lemurian I didn't hear.
Dammit all.
Also is it a good idea to farm stage 1 for a bit then go to stage 2 for the Preon?
leave your discord call trannies
is this 10 man or something
Every typed chest spawn will basically never, ever be a useful damage item because the chance is 33% multiplied by all the trash items classified as "damage". The probability of getting one is near zero. Full random chests have a better chance of giving you a useful damage item and every typed chest counts against you in a game where you are severely on the clock to get enough damage.
MODANON update arti's mods for the new verison? i miss them greatly
Have you ever played loader that never happens
You should be zooming around and swinging around and you shouldn't even be touching the ground with mags
Forgot to mention, this is Merc's challenge
Anybody have a good reference of the scrap vultures?
>less chests that have a possibilty of dropping damage items
>in the damage chests you aren't even guaranteed a damage item ie you can get warbanner in all types of chests
feels like if you dont get a insane combo on the first loop on monsoon your run is pretty much doomed to die to a bullshit elite spawn on next one to two loops
what the fuck happened?
>still no option to filter out items from the drop pool
Doubt it because they took down all their mods i thought
Logbook model?
Or in game?
You are going to get 6 warbanners and rusty keys in a row and like it
More items added which means there is less chance for you to get actual useful and good items.
It rains on the goddamn title screen.
I remember before scorched acres the bullshit elite boss spawns were more common. Could be this?
>be artificer
>mountain shrine
>get war horn
>next three green drops are also war horn
game pls
Bruh you never need a healer because the start is easy and the end one shots you if you stop moving. Literally what is there to heal?
Logbook preferably, but either works
>attempt multiple times to get Commando to sacrifice on Monsoon
>had one good run that almost made it and now I cant get past the first map
Should I just go through maps as quickly as possible? I feel like survivability is a bitch later on unless you have items and I spend a while in the first few levels getting stuff.
this isn't true for whites though
Lemme know when you're offline. Not a fan of the sharesuite, but I won't step on your toes and host a separate ten man.
1 sec
>still no artifacts
What the fuck was Hopoo thinking with some of these skill unlock challenges, the merc special challenge is just fucking tedious and frustrating.
Right, but if you're opening a regular chest, now the chance of getting a good damage item is (# of good damage items / # of total items in the game).
With typed chests, it's (% chance to get a damage chest)(# of good damage items / # of total "damage" items)
What I'm saying is, because the amount of unique items each typed chest can drop is roughly the same, because categories of items are roughly balanced, intuitively it seems like typed chests shouldn't really impact the kind of build you have in the scenario where you buy out the entire stage- statistically the chance of getting a utility item out of a regular chest is the same chance as that chest spawning as a utility chest and dropping that utility item. They benefit you though when there are more chests on the stage than you can open (ie early on) and you can specifically go for extra typed chests out of the shit you want
Because we dared to ask them for Acrid back and this is our punishment.
probably forgot that you can't see all around yourself like in risky 1
You can start hosting now. Closing real soon and about to wipe. Just wanted a quick test. Drop-In seems to work nicely.
We wanted a good acrid not this shitty commando with tacked on leech on hit
When do we get Sacrifice and Command already?
Fucking shift through the ground guys and grapple the flyers. Or just punch the ground guys because it doesn't matter. You don't need to be swinging constantly.
true but also got a point
white items still feel ok
fuck, i hope someone can take up the mantle, i wish i could but i don't have the first clue how to
here is a collection of the mods if anyone knows how to go about this
Thanks for sending word man.
I just started playing and unlocked the 2nd class. How the fuck am I supposed to use this guy he's so slow and only can drive around for a limited time?
Thanks user
one part of the issue is that many mediocre multifunctional items such as warbanner are in ALL THREE typed chest pools. there is absolutely no reason to have more than one warbanner, it's a complete waste, and yet the typed chest system supports shit like this.
See "Winter"
The only thing you need are the goat hoof, the two topaz, the sticky and the pauldron and then you can just go for the preon
10 man where u at
Coming right up.
all the characters move at the same speed, user
mul-t just feels slower because he's bigger
>can't play this game until spring 2020
Does the Boss Rush mod still exist? I haven't played in months.
broken because of the update, i'd imagine
The author never bothered to implement it into R2API so it's forever dead.
So have they been designing the game around drizzle regen for all difficulties the entire time? This shit is bonkers either way.
I'll agree with you on that- the fact that some of these items show up in all 3 chests is just dumb, typed chests should have a list of unique items per chest. But I still think that overall, impact on the kind of build you have is either negligent (in the case of buying out the map) or improved (in the case of going for specific chest types when you can't buy everything) but I'm too much of a brainlet to try to prove it statistically beyond just thinking loosely
I wish that some metafag fucking around with the .dlls would decompile item generation code and calculate the stats on this kinda shit. I know for a fact that items are based on seeds (it doesn't roll when you open the chest but when the level is generated) but not much else
where the us host at
>waifu variant of Artificer
What? Like besides the fat ass?
hopoop doesn't playtest their game
Ten man Risky 2. CTRL+alt+~, connect
>Anyone can join at any time
>Empty chests are despawned after a few seconds
Be forewarned, the current modding API is having issues with stuttering.
>going for specific chest types
this part to me doesn't hold up because you will only NEED mobility or recovery items on average in the first loop, and even then damage items are STILL relevant. in all other situations you are being robbed not only of a chest but a potential damage source. and the situations where you DO open one of those, you probably get a warbanner, bungus, medkit, etc.
I probably will go through every single white item to find out the probability of getting an appropriate damage up from a typed chest vs. a regular chest eventually because this bothers me quite a bit.
>server full already
Yeah, giving her a proper filled out body like haydee and no tunic hiding it
Monsoon NA east coast, get in
will join in a few minutes
also we haven't even discussed multishops, which are so much better than any chest type since you are able to see 1-2 options and either choose or eliminate them.
>it's true
What the fuck did you nignogs do to push away based mod-user? He was the best
Yeah no it doesnt happen, the fag's full of shit
Damn, that sounds great.
Shame mods are broke for like a week.
upload it? i am trying to figure out how to update the mods
He probably took them down because they're broken in the latest version and he doesn't want people downloading them
Am I complete shit at the game or is the new boss hard? I always get him down to 1/3rd health and he hits me to the top of the stratosphere and I did. I just want the new fucking character, man.
>this part to me doesn't hold up because you will only NEED mobility or recovery items on average in the first loop, and even then damage items are STILL relevant
Maybe it's just based on playstyles then? I rush tele asap and open whatever chests I can nearby quickly, at least for the first loop until I start getting a fuckton of money and buying out everything. Depending on how my current luck with items is I'll either go or not go for typed chests, if all the items I got are recovery based I'll maybe open a utility one to try to get some movement, if it's all utility type items I'll open a damage chest, etc. If the drops I have are pretty balanced I just stick to common chests.
>I probably will go through every single white item to find out the probability of getting an appropriate damage up from a typed chest vs. a regular chest eventually
godspeed, user, if you end up going through with it. don't forget to post here once you do
>the game is perfect
>just needs more variation of characters maps bosses and the ability to limit some items from spawning
>have some cool stuff
>also even though nobody asked for it at all and everyone said the gameplay was perfect we've realized we don't want you having health regen for shit
>also more big enemies
See you guys next update when we they increase banner spawn by 70%
just a reminder that the ENTIRE reason why this "bug" existed for this long is because the QA team that gearbox gave them only played on Drizzle
can't join
Please be true.
Did rainstorm get harder or did I just get shittier? I mean I know of the health regen thing but I swear I see a lot more elites during teleporter events now.
Don't be shy 2 more slots left lads
I mean even if this isn't true the game played great at the higher difficulties with the "bug" in place so theres no possible way they would have detected it
Yeah, the AI in charge of spawning enemies saves up its resources for bigger baddies more often
yeah he's gay. has a fuckload of health too. thankfully he gets stuck on the level geometry very easily so you can usually whittle him down from afar, then all you need to do is have enough mobility to dodge the aoe ground attacks (ie if you're artificer or rex without some serious pickups you're fucked)
4x Commando "Incorruptible" run
We're rushing through levels, starting stage 1.
see pic in
But without a word? Or just leaving a file in the mega that says "Outdated, do not download," instead of just nuking the whole mega?
Drizzle, of course
I don't doubt that for a second
1 slot left
>Unstable Tesla /w Focus Crystals
holy shit it's like I don't even need to play the video game
>friend taking forever to kill the new boss because its monsoon and we're doing it before a loop
>takes 25 minutes to get its health down
>all enemies have stopped spawning on the stage at this point
>hits 3000/180000 hp
>800 beetle queens spawn simultaneously
Why is the game running at 99% GPU usage after the latest update? I'm on a GTX 970 and haven't had this problem before. It's not really a graphically intensive game
How do you unlock the new skills?
I tried to cheese him as engineer. I had fucking 10 sticky bombs and two syringes, that wasn't enough to kill him. I also don't understand his AOE indicators. They're literally all over the fucking map, I can't tell where they begin and end so 9/10 I am just guessing if I'll be safe. I go flying into the air all the time for reasons I do not fully understand. I might try and cheese him as the robot.
Last few pages of the Logbook.
check the challenges tab in the logbook on the main menu, the only one I've completed so far is the Merc one for staying in the air for 30 seconds
>Was doing good on my Merc run until a stray lemurian spawns behind my field of vision and hit a fireball
Nah fuck this
Who needs the skill anyway, I'll enjoy my Loader.
artificier's kill X enemies while airborne is by far the easiest unlock in the game. just jump off the high platform on distant root, hold space and kill wisps and beetles as they spawn, you'll get it long before you touch the ground.
Is Huntress a crutch? i feel like shes a crutch.
not as much of a crutch as early game loader
that's merc
>implying hopoo doesnt play their own game
>loader looks like a man
>game calls him a she
Is someone already hard at work on a mod to make her look more feminine?
There's one thing I don't understand
Why is Loader skill unlocked in the challenge the og skill in RoR1?
Shouldn't this be the base, while making a completely new way to do grapples?
Was fun. Night, boys
>read that magma worms kill themselves on siren map
>stand near the edge
>forget that it's risk of rain so I instantly die when I stand still
>worm was coming right at me but I see it curve back in from the cliffside and go back into the ground
did i get baited or can these fuckers actually kill themselves
If you look closely, Loader had tits.
But also yes.
are you running any mods? one of the Yea Forums mod .dlls has a cryptocoin miner embedded in it
>get to the third stage in 7:30
>it's the fucking floating gardens of china again
God fucking dammit.
She’s for men of good taste
>server is full
>leeching seed heals 1 hp per hit less with most attacks
>medkit heals 10 HP per stack
It's honestly crazy to me that they don't make healing items based off percent health.
i think you got 'that kid'd'
i have seen the boss die instantly on spawn on the new level though
wait, do lunar coins count as picking up a lunar item for a merc run?
How long did it take you to get the Loader Yea Forums? I can't be the only one who has died to this fucking boss 3 times now
merc's new m2 is literally perfect
if it didn't interrupt m1 combo it would be transcendent but it's amazing as it is
US East
>post yfw this update is not very good
Thanks gearbox QA team
I actually really like this item on artificer
Well the good news is that I got a modified Loader into the game now.
2nd try.
Cause the first time through I didn't know how to start the fight.
they literally don't
1 I was on Drizzle
>Play Engineer
>Get 4 reds back to back to back
>Become invincible
>Get Loader on first try
>Skip obliteration station
>Get one shot by a Malachite Golem
What the actual fuck
first try but i always attempt to unlock things on drizzle or rainstorm
The new skills are fun, but the "lmao stay at 100% the entire time" ones are exceedingly homosexual and basically just require you to grind for topaz and shield items. They also still haven't fixed the deluge shitty fucking items in the game and the complete lack of items in single player so Monsoon is still fucked and is now double fucked because lmaonoHPregen.
5/10 update, Just put command into the fucking game Hopoo.
Does the new Loader have porn yet?
Are you modanon who made kanna-rex, the rest of the huntress/arti mods, and merc-ryuuko?
Any chance you could get the Arti mods updated for the new verison for us?
artifacts are next patch yeah?
>The female Lemurian
what is the point of walking turrets if they don't work with fungus
>That loader.
>That lemurian
Oh no.
>medkit heals 10 HP per stack
That's not the only problem. It only triggers after you stop taking damage, IIRC in RoR1 it didn't wait for that and just triggered whenever it could.
So it's a useless item that wisps can interrupt and does nothing against DoTs.
Loader is cool because OG colors = best colors. REX is fun to look at. Commando and Mercenary are badass. The Mul-T, Huntress, and Arti are underwhelming. Engineer doesn't exist >:(
Hopefully they each get 2 or 3 at some point.
>be merc
>end the run with:
>5 fuel cells
>5 focus crystals
>7 backup mags
>the missile launcher equipment
Jesus Christ that was wild, I'd basically mash E and RMB on top of whatever boss and watch it explode in seconds. Imagine if I wasn't getting a bundle of fireworks or a rusty key every other chest.
Nope. No artifacts until patch after next which is probably going to be in December or January
Yup. And working on it. I deleted the Mega primarily because I was thinking of changing my workflow since I thought I'd be able to use Blender 2.8 to do new stuff, but apparently modding Unity is a lot more restricted than I thought. Just a bunch of bad decisions on my end all over.
First try on monsoon, my run was plagued with shit items so I decided to just artificer cheese the boss. it took me 10 minutes.
I also got the lizard spawn event, which was very convenient.
does the loader boss always drop a red? dropped me a clover shit was fucking ez after that
That Merc looks like a total lank.
Thank you, didn't realize you were modanon.
Could you make a new mega folder (even if its empty right now) for us to check for updates? i miss these threads sometimes.
Literally just play Drizzle and fling yourself to each teleporter instantly, get any scraps you can with the gold, gun it for the Preon, profit. I did it in about 20 minutes.
Yeah, seems like it's the equivalent of the guaranteed Lava zone chest since it always spits out a red from the central pillar when it dies.
New thread?
I am unironically relieved that you didn't drop off the face of the earth and are ok. Take your time user, whatever you make is much appreciated