madeline is a boy or a girl?
Madeline is a boy or a girl?
Sex - Male
Gender - Female
It's that simple, /pol/.
have sex
I do not like this game because it has a Tranny flag that you have to zoom and to see and most normal people would miss if they were playing the game. This upsets me so much that I spam threads about the "issue" over and over again. Also libtards are snowflakes grow some tough skin amirite.
This. How is this even a debate. Your sex is your sex. It’s genetic and can’t be changed. Your gender can be whatever the fuck want it to be. Gender is a social construct defined by society itself. It can mean anything we want it to man.
Then why not identify as your sex even if you have gender different from it? Why is it that the gender takes precedence?
fuck off tranny era tourist
Anxiety meds sounds likely. MTFs would have two bottles, one for estrogen and a separate one for antiandrogens.
Because people conflate the terms and use them erroneously. Sex is genetic and defined by our dna. Completely unchangeable.
Gender means whatever we want it too mean. It really doesn’t matter. The only meaning it has is the meaning we give it. Sex is inalienable and biological. Gender is fluid. Period. If more people understood this on both sides there wouldn’t be nearly as much miscommunication.
estrodial can be injected, or with patches. AA are no longer needed once you loose your balls
She got an abortion, so I'm going to say girl.
But sex isn’t binary as well. There are more than just XX and XY.
>estrodial can be injected, or with patches
Did you see any of those items in the game?
Ah, yes, who can forget XZ?
You don’t inject every day and patches are normally worn under clothing.
>getting mad enough over a word that you make this
Not to mention you're a filthy phoneposter.
>You don’t inject every day
But where are they?
>Gender is fluid.
Not only is this bullshit made up by attention whores, but it reinforces archaic gender stereotypes because your idea of "gender" revolves entirely around clothing and hair length. This game is an example of that. Madeline must have been a boy because she had short hair, and now she's a girl because she has long hair.
get aids lol
Those sound like unnatural deformities.
Down syndrome isn't a gender
but if he got the balls cut he should have the dilation dildo instead
Gender is performative and the problem is that performance only gets two categories that people tie their entire identity to. It's why feminine men think they're trans instead of just accepting they kinda faggy and fucking women anyway while wearing a dress.
According to that tranny on the picture, "she" knows the tranny dev from the game and "she" confirm to "her" that the main character is a freak.
Why do trans people feel the need to try and self-insert themselves into vidya? I thought the whole idea was that they were the gender they identified with and not some weird, unique thing.
The idea of two sexes were an unnatural deformity itself remember we all stared as asexual single called organisms
Because it makes rightoids seethe eternally
It's more about the "unique experience". Ask your gay friend why your life bores him.
So they're just betraying their own message for the sole purpose of making 6 guys on Twitter mad?
That's retarded.
How much did it cost to learn that in class? 30k?
and autism is not a race
your penis will always be male
I dunno, you tell me.
>It's more about the "unique experience". Ask your gay friend why your life bores him.
I'm afraid I don't understand.
>Gender means whatever we want it too mean
You are what's wrong with western society.
>"I have it on good authority"
so, source: dude trust me?
>my dad works at Nintendo
>getting mad enough to reply to it
"Ay, Tone, youz telling me that the femme fatale, badass heroine of Celeste was a MAN the whole time? Only a man could have done what she did?"
Holy based
They occur in nature. That's the only objective definition of "natural"
It is a gay tranny.
A girl until a shower scene or something simliar proves otherwise.
>someone says something on the internet so it must be true!
Only 40% of people will know this but not for long :)
Every single female is a fucking whore.
Every last one.
They fuck other guys so males like you can pick up the scraps at the end of her life.
Females are mindless creatures. They don't think. They don't have feelings. They're objects.
Every single last one, every single girl you've ever met is a whore. And you're going to settle for those used goods.
How does it feel to know that your girlfriend has fucked other guys? Enjoy dating another man's discarded cumhole.
they are somewhat common in humans, with one being called klinefelters syndrome
Based and blackpilled
What are retarded buzzword, especially in biology.
>subtle messaging
This is the kind of brainlet shit I’m talking about. Gender is meaningless by itself because it’s a human construct that derives its meaning from whatever culture/society wants them to mean. Gender is not physical. It’s an idea that we define. So yes it’s entirely possible to identify as whatever you want. That’s not really debatable.
Neither is your sex. If you are XY you are biologically a man and will always be a man. If you are XX you will always be a female and nothing will change that. No amount of chopping dicks off or creating gaping infected wound artificial vaginas will ever change that. But gender? You can identify as a female or a male or some kinda bizarro combo. It literally doesn’t matter. Gender is and will always be a social construct whose meaning changes. Period.
Jesus Christ people. Have sex.
This, like I’m not saying sex is a spectrum or anything I am just saying it’s not binary when looking at chromosomes.
>"Hey Lois, you ever heard that joke, it's called- it's called "What's another name for a transgender"
>>"I swear to god Peter, if this is another one of your-"
>"No no no, it's not, just listen, shut up and Listen alright."
>"Alright Lois here it goes-"
>"What's another name for a transgender? A non-binary person give or take a few years."
>"Get it? Because most non-binaries end up actual trans a few years down the line. It's a coping mechanism, Lois"
>>"Ugh, alright Peter. I've gotta go pick up Chris from school."
who cares
you can project whatever you want onto the playercharacter
It's like 5 pixels nigger how subtle do you want it
Penis = Male
Vagina = Female
It's that simple
Why is Yea Forums coping so hard? Mads is trans. Never mind the trans flag, he has a picture of himself as a little boy in the his room. It is what it is
why are trannies so obsessed at proving that transphobes are the REEL triggered snowflakes
Better question, is Madeline a loli or a roastie?
Which is exactly why how natural something is doesn't matter at all. There weren't any brains back then either.
Because you are?
This but unironically and less autistic.
Obsession normally covers attraction.
>more than one tranny on the dev team
>N-No the little "girl" is not trans!
Face it user your pixel shit indie game is a freakshow, you play as an boy that's being prepared to mutilation while he get's butt fucked by the beard nigger.
Those are abominations that need to be incinerated like the rest of your kind, degenerate trash.
Wait so you're attracted to Trump?
flat chest, def a loli
I love that picture, it's so cute
Like this
hello, adachi
Because they really are. Threads wouldn't constantly hit bump limit otherwise.
Prove it.
I know posts like this are mostly hyperbolic for the sake of it, but it always makes me wonder about the actual relationships of people who truly believe this kind of thing. Not even romantic relationships but like, do they feel their mothers are whores? Grandmothers? Do they disdain all the women in their lives or think of them as being lesser?
>le meme percentage of cropped misleading graphs
Literally who?
We never liked talking about video games here, but threads have become so formulaic now. It's all thanks to redditors coming in and regurgitating what they think is "Yea Forums culture" ad nauseam.
>I am not crazy or insane. I just want to murder innocents!
got it, these meme words are so watered down now that they are actually completely meaningless
>game made by liberals for liberals
>always had a tranny on team
>Yea Forums screams that the game is not pandering to them and needs to for some reason
I thought the issue was politics in YOUR games? Like, in games that are established and didn't have them. This is an indie game made by lefties and trannies. Your fault for buying a game not targeted at you.
And yet everyone here believes this, which is the funny part. Talk about rent free.
Resetera said it so it must be true
Anyone got that image of Billy saying he HAS to look at and get mad at trans shit like this?
I hope that if you people ever have kids you bring them up right. Teach them about the world and make it a fun and welcoming place for them. Show them the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle but don't lock them into any one thing if they don't seem fully into it, expect them to change their minds a lot. Do your best to lead them onto a path of critical thinking but also common sense. These problems will only get worse and even if you do everything right you might lose your son or daughter to these perverted and twisted times.
I will make sure my kids don’t bully others because of gender expression or sexual attraction. Thanks for the pep talk user.