ITT: Weapons that suffered death by nerf

ITT: Weapons that suffered death by nerf

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Other urls found in this thread:

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i stopped playing in 2011, what happened?

This image is cursed.
How the fuck did they get 2 hosts in Firelink?
Even if it's not a host, the team of host within that area?

My assumption is some Cheat Engine shit on DS:PTDE. Since you can do that there with some shiggying.

and good riddance

>hurr cursed

It doesn't stun anymore, it just slows the targets movement by like 15%

Doesn't stun anymore, only slows. It also had synergy with a weapon called The Flying Guillotine and they removed that too

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I just want the old 120 damage 2 pills version back.

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>baby face blaster isn't super viable when actually trying to play but is loads of fun to fuck around with in pubs
>valve nerfs it into the lowest circle of hell

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Why so many tf2 threads?
You never talk about anything, its just the same old shit over and over


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>its just the same old shit over and over
just like the game

>Giving a shit about words this much
Get over yourself. You remind me of the people who constantly post "seethe" "cringe" "dilate" "cope" over and over again.

Inb4 "Seethe" "Cringe" "Dilate", and or "Cope"

Despite Valve's efforts it's still a fun game

Jimmies status: Rustled

Have sex.

>Stuns are too hard for me to deal with because I'm bad at fps games!

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This has no bearing on anything

There it is.

Why the fuck did you reply to me? Learn to read before you shitpost at least.

why not tho
better than the overwatch threads made by people that dont even play the game

>This has no bearing on anything
It shows that you're a flaming and faggot and thus are mocked justly.

How much eSports do you have to be on to think making THE FUCKING SANDMAN worse than the sun on the stick

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>I shouldn't have to learn to dodge projectiles! Nooooo!

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One of the few that deserved a change, even if the end result isn't satisfactory.
Stuns don't belong in good FPS games.

>unironically uses wojaks and pepes

Eat shit you rocket hopping retard.

Stuns in any game are straight up unfun. I'm okay with slows or even disorientation because, while drastically reduced, I still have a chance of winning the encounter. If someone stuns you there is literally nothing you can do except hope to god thier aim sucks or a teammate intervenes.

Oh fuck. Ya got me man.
I meant in context. It has no bearing on my words. Getting your panties in a twist over a word is dummy as fuck. Taking the bait on my end was also dumb as fuck.

What the fuck man? Who are you even arguing with? I was just talking about Dark souls cheat engine shit while deciphering an image. Unless this is some bot made to shitpost. Get your fucking brain in back in your skull.

I mostly play scout and sniper though

Congrats, user. You just summoned the wojakposters, and now all actual discussion will become impossible. I hope you feel good about yourself.

TF2 is a magnet for autists
They're literally stuck and can't move on

Why aren't you blasting your ass out over the holiday punch then?

>S-Stuns are bad because I can't move hurrr
>I walk predictably in fps games and get hit constantly like a retard

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Didn't mean to.
I swear to god the only thing that promotes a fucking human response is blowing up and going "ballistic" so it becomes a screencap. Or making a vocaroo about how much you hate the word "Cringe."

Nigger the point of the stun was to disable the mobility of blast jumping classes, and that kind of logic is retarded. Should enemies be forced to discharge any extra ammo loaded so you "still have a chance of winning the encounter".
Why the fuck does it not become okay that they used their tool at their disposal to win the encounter but it's ok for you to?
Oh wait, it's because you're a whiny asshole that has issues when you can't have the best mobility and damage in the entire game for 2 seconds

Shut up already, fag.

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Worthless and smelly frogposters


It's not that people can't move on, it's because Valve made a legitimately great FPS that still holds up today.

>No argument
Thanks for the win

Are you really comparing an spammable projectile from one of the classes with the highest mobilitues to a melee weapon with restrictions on the slowest class in the game?

Test, but again.
This is most likely a bot dedicated to advanced shitposting.

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This post is full of fallacies. You should really work on that if you want to be taken seriously in arguments.

You said: "Stuns don't belong in good FPS games." Not projectile stuns, not stuns from slow characters, but that stuns should not exist in the FPS genre. So where is your outrage for the holiday punch? Why aren't you petitioning for the removal of the bonesaw and hunstman taunt kills?

thanks macro patch

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The onus is on you to prove why it suddenly stops being okay because the scout brought a sandman and whacked you with a ball compared to anything else in the game.
"He hit me before I shot him" is not a reason.

So you're really comparing the two, glad to see how buttblasted you are because your toy got nerfed.

I accept your apology.

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>Be driven to such sped fury over getting hit with a baseball with the third loudest launching sound queue you participate in a campaign to get the thing crippled
>y YOU mad tho?

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Not even a vaccinator pocket can make this viable now with how badly I saw it got nerfed.

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this whole character

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nigga you needed to cope, not cry to valve because you couldn't stop getting balls in your mouth

I'm glad they got rid of item set bonuses the way they were, it was the only bit of P2W in the game

Except you know, they Specifically made the Polycount hats directly craftable to prevent this very issue

They should have just put the set bonus on the gun

the only ones I see crying are you fags who needed this crutch
There's no thread where you don't cry about it

>Nigger the point of the stun was to disable the mobility of blast jumping classes
Yeah that's probably right but it still doesn't make stuns a fun mechanic.
>Should enemies be forced to discharge any extra ammo loaded so you "still have a chance of winning the encounter." Why the fuck does it not become okay that they used their tool at their disposal to win the encounter but it's ok for you to?
Learn to read retard, I specifically said that I'm okay with other debuffs however stun is not okay because you can't do shit to fight back. If you reread my post you'll also see that I was talking about all multiplayer games in general not just TF2. No shit you use everything at your disposal to win, I personally don't care for stuns.
>Oh wait, it's because you're a whiny asshole that has issues when you can't have the best mobility and damage in the entire game for 2 seconds
Once again you're still under the impression that I'm exclusively talking about TF2 when I'm not. On top of that I main spy, I'm used to being the weakest class with the worst mobility.

It was stupid that you could get such a strong ability for -15 max hp but it didn't deserve to be fucking murdered. Hell, you could have even focused on making it a combo weapon, making it mark like the FoW (and making the FoW better at marking as well, maybe being able to mark multiple targets) and make the cleaver crit on minicrit.

I don't think the fastest class in the game should have access to a long range stun, that really undermines scout's core design of being fast but also a glass cannon that needs to close the gap for big shotgun hits and take some risks in doing so.

>I don't think the fastest class in the game should have access to a long range stun

Boy, you had better be shitposting

Anyone who defends the old sandman is shitposting


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You better be, because if you are unironically suggesting anyone but blast jumpers are the fastest, you either haven't played the game outside of the offline tutorial or are lying.
And don't give me no shit about
>b-buh they lose health
Because there's health kits fucking everywhere.

Yeah, he literally has the fastest walking speed and a double jump. Explosive jumping is faster in those short bursts sure, but the fact you lose health and ammo to do it means that mobility isn't nearly as flexible, not to mention your trajectory needs to be entirely free of obstacles, and you have limited airstrafing.
Of course that way of looking at it does not fit your narrative so you'll conveniently leave that latter part out.



>using an exploit counts as a legit method of travel
Scout is the fastest, soldiers/demos just use exploits.

>taking health kits from your teammates isn't a drawback
>limiting yourself to certain areas of the map to be near health kits isn't a drawback
>implying rocket jumping is even comparable to scout movement during an engagement

Nice bait.

Not an argument

>Implying your teammates need health kits when you can fly by the enemy team and vaguely sneeze in their direction and drop all of them, god forbid you get a crit.


Still not an argument.

>just don't get hit

Boy you're a fucking genius.

>heavy bitches about stuns
>natasha has gotten nothing but buffs

>say its going to just stop critting at 1200 HU
>actually it stops doing full headshot damage outside of close range
>worse than a revolver at close, medium, and long range

what the fuck were they thinking.

Health kits are irrelevant when you're actively engaged on another person. If you take the time to try and grab that shit 9/10 times you lose.
>b-buh they lose health
You do realize that actually matters right? Blast jumpers are only faster when they use thier health to do so, the fact that they take damage is extremely significant despite the quantity of health packs. They can't be constantly faster than scout unless
>They have a pocket medic up thier ass
>They chunk half their health in the middle of a fire fight


the hat bonus was ridiculous since announcement.

I want this back because three pills in this thing bugs the hell out of me. It has two barrels.

The change to this (and simultaneously the cleaver) was the fucking stupidest thing ever.
>rebalance both weapons
>nobody uses either anymore
>”we did it, Valve! We fixed the issue!”

Incidentally, using the sandman on a heavy is borderline straight up pointless, because as a feature, the heavy can melee while sandman stunned, and being stunned freezes your crit chance.

Still no arguments to be heard of.

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All shotguns.
The industry has decided they are a melee weapon with cotton candy bullets that disappear after a certain distance.

>If you take the time to try and grab that shit 9/10 times you lose.
rediculous, if you go for the health kit they will sperg and try to stop you. Use that to predict where they'll fire next and shoot them in the face.

4-shot, six barrel default Grenade Launcher exists too though

They serve a functional purpose in game design then. Going for realism to that degree is detrimental to gameplay

And the most retarded thing they could have fixed the entire issue just by changing the cleaver to:
Minicrits stunned players
Crits at long distance hits
Nevermind the issue with the cleaver was fucking broken and ANY stun resulted in a crit

I don't think most Heavies knew about that exploit, but assuming both the Heavy and Scout knew about it, it's very easy for a Scout to fuck up a stunned and slowed Heavy with his primary while keeping out of melee range.

Honestly realistic shotguns would be very very fun.

>no need to use iron sights
>solid slugs for long range
>tons of ammo choices
>can load directly into chamber when swapping ammo

you could honestly make a shooter based entirely around a shotgun.

If you go for the health kit that's probably because you're losing the fight and your predictable movement will get you killed. I don't think I've ever seen anyone fake low health to bait an opponent and 99% of other players won't care what your actual health is. If anything going for health packs can be equated to retreating which only gives an opponent morale which is pretty much never in your favor.

It's not an exploit, it's a feature, it literally exists to deter scouts from trying to use the sandman on heavies.

>It's not an exploit, it's a feature
Fuck off soldierfag

Why do people act like the sandman was for countering things like soldier and demo when it was really about never allowing heavies to live ever?

This, not only is it fucking stupid that it fires 3 PILLS FROM 2 BARRELS but unless you can't aim its only good for taking down nests. The damage bonus wasn't even OP, at best it just changed needing 3 pills to kill a someone to 2, which is counteracted by the fact that it only has 2 pills so if you miss YOU GET NOTHING YOU LOSE GOOD DAY SIR. If I'm just being a clueless demomain who doesn't feel like how it is to be on the receiving end, then I don't know maybe they can nerf reload speed????

>nobody uses either anymore
Everyone uses the cleaver now. Thing recharges so fucking fast that if you have even a modicum of leading ability you'll be hacking and whacking left and right.

You're just bad and needed a crutch.

>could instakill more than half of the classes
>literally no skill required, just whack them
caber deserved the nerf and you know it

What the actual fuck are you doing using a stun projectile on the slowest fucking thing in the game? Are you retarded?

>Danger Shield used to give health, making you tank one direct hit shot
>Only danger were pyros, which were a class that only countered spies and scouts at the time
>Now the danger shield countered pyros trying to ambush you
>Pull out the shahanshah and get a meaty 235 crit on a pyro
>don't die from afterburn unless below 20 health
Feels good to be Darwin.

At the cost of killing yourself.

Because combined with the cleaver you could instantly delete them. Are you a moron perchance?

Not that user but disabling the ability for the highest DPS character in the game to shoot is pretty useful.

I'm with I see the cleaver in BFB loadouts all the time.

Are you really implying that 45 + 150 > 300?

if you face the health kit while retreating that will kill you, but I've done a load of baits for one.

>A tank class built solely to counter Widowmaker mains

technically its intended to keep heavy revved, not allow him to melee.

>I see the cleaver in BFB loadouts all the time.
Both of you need to stop right now.

>>A tank class built solely to counter Widowmaker mains
That's not winston

>could instakill half the classes in a single hit
>but you die in the process
I'd say that's a fair trade especially if you're on defense.

>don't die from afterburn because you're immune to afterburn


This guy was the only reason I played overwatch. that nerf just killed it for me.


>In a game where 90% of things kill in 2 hits
>Where one of the things that kills things in 2 hits can essentially fly BY SHOOTING, THE THING THE SANDMAN SPECIFICALLY DISABLES

it still hurts
also lighting faith magic

What you said was so stupid I forgot my picture.

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This question kills these kind of replies
recomend me a game as fun and addicting as tf2 that can last the time that tf2 did and still be fun, pls answer me all these new fps are literal dogshit whit only a small gem hidden betwen then, overwatch is only good for porn.

Oh right, i forgot it was like that. Now i have an even bigger reason to use the shahanshah against furry pyro mains now.

bruh I just use huntsman
its a way better melee weapon.

>technically its intended to keep heavy revved
I didn't reply to that user because I assumed he was baiting but that's pretty neat, I figured it was just because they forgot to disable right clicks for some reason.

I didn't say it wasn't useful for soldiers or demoman you dipshit, but closing the gap between a class that can constantly pump out enough damage to erase you within a fraction of a second at short-mid range is very handy for a class that specializes in short range damage.


Because tf2 is still basically the only Class and Objective Based Team Multiplayer shooter worth playing even after 12 years, and as for why more NOW, Valve assraped community servers.

What are you even trying to say here? Yes, it's helpful to have one of the highest dps classes not have the ability to shoot you for a good couple seconds. Heavy has to re-rev too, so he's extra fucked. You also just picked the ball back up anyways to refill the meter to full. Retarded weapon that, ironically, no good players ever used, so was ironically never really an issue

But how am I gonna piss on everyone with the sleeper?

You're a scout, you don't run at the heavy, you run AROUND the heavy and shoot his medic.

I was sad about lightning spears too, but it was a necessary evil.

If the Heavy has two braincells to rub together he'll shred you to pieces, with or without you successfully killing the medic who may or may not be in a voice call with him to say "look out there's a scout flanking us".

Yes... I know....

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>uhhhghghh guys hats tf2 was good at the start before the bullshit
>what? All the shitty broken weapons they added over the years to act as crutches for bad players like me? Nah they were good man.

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Half of the stock weapons started out broken

Anyone who thinks stuns are a good mechanic is brainlet tier.

jara- oh wait

>I figured it was just because they forgot to disable right clicks for some reason.

nah stopping a heavy rev was a huge downside with sandman.

>f2ps on Yea Forums begging for headshot immunity because they're completely shut down by every other sniper
lol cope

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>All the shitty broken weapons

most unlocks started out horrible and recieved buffs over the years. A lot of them end up worse than they started. The people that ask for nerfs are typically shitters or dumb comp niggers.

>Scope in
>Headshot a heavy
>Everyone within a 50 foot radius is pissed on as well
>Soldier bombs in with airstrike
>Entire team is DEAD
>Proceed to roll the whole rest of the match

>hurr I liek clikn heads frum fer away
>me good player cause me click realy fast

Him and McCree, fuck.

Fuck you
He deserved it

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Yes I'm better than you. Your point is?

Sadly they removed that because comp niggers.

Seriously blue moon was such a fucking joke.

lol no.

You know just clicking isnt enough right? You know you still have to aim just like every other fucking hitscan weapon in the game, right?

Cent in every form has only existed as a shitter stomper. You're not a shitter, are you user?

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>You know just clicking isnt enough right?

you right click, then you click on the head.
that's litterally all there is to sniper.
Its not some advanced mastery of skill, you build up muscle memory and click faces.

He's a shitter stomper now who gets shut down by anyone who knows his quote-unquote "mixups"
besides, he was never a duelist. It was 4s in Which he murdered your shit, ESPECIALLY if he had another cent buttbuddy with him. We call him a cutscene now, but on release, he was a fucking feature presentation. Now, I wouldn't mind if he got some of his teeth back - I don;t believe any one character should be rendered completely useless, even if I despise them (more reliable mixups than heavy spam could work), but if you said you want release Cent back, I'm gonna have to stop your ass right there with your across-the-map charged heavies with infinite tracking, stun on kick, etc.

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