Microtransactions: Currently microtransactions in Gears are done through a premium currency called Iron where the Dollar to Iron exchange is $1 = 100 Iron. As of this moment, what's currently on offer for sale is over priced. Just last week there was a skin for the character Lahni that was priced at $10 and a set of weapon skins that went for $25 in total. Also they go on a weekly rotational system where if you don't buy whatever is on offer for that week, it will be "vaulted" forcing a false sense of urgency upon anyone remotely interested in these skins. Also here's what's going to be offered this week, according to gears5.com
Esports Supporter: Chrome Steel Fahz – 1500 Iron / $15
Esports Supporter: Chrome Steel Scion – 1500 Iron / $15
Delivery Driver Mac Character Skin – 1000 Iron / $10
Cardboard Jack Character Skin – 1000 Iron / $10
Outsider Banner – 400 Iron / $4
Gears 5's microtransactions, Tour of Duty rewards, and playable characters need to be addressed
>dude let's put Dave Bautista in that will surely impress gamers xD!
In total this amounts to $54 just for this week's "collection" of items. Also you might be wondering what the free unlockable are. Right now, they're abysmal. Currently "free" unlocked content can be earned in these varieties.
-Through earning them in random supply crates that are earned through playing the game. To be clear these can't be bought.
-Through unlocking items through Tour of Duty, a tri-monthly set of various challenges with a rotating set of 3 daily challenges.
-Through purchasing them through scrap, which is earned by getting duplicate unlocks through the Supply Crates
-Buying them through microtransactions
The items available for unlock however, are also mostly horrible and filler.
-Banners are flags that show up in the customization menus for characters. They do not show up anywhere else and are absolutely worthless when trying to show anything off cosmetic wise.
-Bloodsprays are blood splatter effects that get shown on a surface whenever an execution is performed. Obviously these are also worthless in a game like Gears where blood is flying everywhere and people are constantly on the move to stay alive.
-Execution animations are animations you can choose per weapon that specify which animation you want to perform upon killing an enemy. In all honesty these are pretty worthless as execution animations are already over the top as is and it would've been better to make them random animations everyone does rather than a customization feature.
-Spot icons are symbols that go above an enemy's head whenever a player spots them. These are actually pretty neat but currently is filled with filler like roman numerals and animal icons.
-Character lines and gestures are, as the name suggests, lines and gestures the character can say or perform in a match.
Of what's being offered for the current Tour of Duty, most of it is junk. We've already established the filler nature of things like banners, executions, icons, and bloodsprays, which comprises almost the entirety of rewards you can earn. So what about the things people want like weapon and character skins? In the current Tour of Duty, there are only three sets of unlockable weapon skin sets, one of which is the final reward for earning max rank. In terms of character skins, all of them come from the Campaign. The version of JD that's bald and has a burned arm? That's a Tour of Duty exclusive reward. The snow version of Kait's armor that she wears in the second Act? Same as above. These rewards are extremely underwhelming and feel like a retooling of campaign assets in order to put the least amount of effort possible in the first Tour of Duty rewards.
In versus and arcade, anyone can be any character they want, for their respective faction of course, but in the PvE modes Horde and Escape, duplicate characters aren't allowed. This creates an issue where now you're forced to play as other characters even though you may have focused purely on progressing only one character. There's also the issue now where newly introduced COG characters have to have unique abilities. In a series like Gears, where a slew of characters have been introduced into the multiplayer, it means it takes a lot longer for people who want their favorite characters from previous games put into the current game. Longstanding fan favorite characters like Baird and Cole, who for the uninformed were two characters that made up the 4 main characters of the first 3 Gears of War games, despite being in the campaign and being AI companions, are not playable right now. Currently this system, judging by sentiments shared on the Gears subreddit, discord, and Gears 5's steam page, is very much disliked.
My suggestions for all of this? Get rid of the rotating selection of customization options. Make it a static store with an ever expanding list of premium cosmetics. Lower the prices for these cosmetics. A single skin SHOULD NOT cost $10+ that's absurd and most people are willing to spend money elsewhere. Make the Tour of Duty rewards actual new content people want instead of recycled Campaign assets. Get rid of the unique character system and instead just make general character classes like Engineer, Assault, Heavy, etc.
Also, before anyone says it, I KNOW THE GAME IS ON GAME PASS. I know most of their playerbase are coming from people who paid for game pass on the cheap. That being said, they're still offering it as a retail $60-$80 game and thus I will treat it as a such. This system feels like something from a free to play game, and because Gears 5 is selling itself as a full priced title I will treat it as such, regardless of how much a separate subscription service plays into the user base.
This system really kills a lot of my enthusiasm for the game and I really hope The Coalition listens to the complaints and makes the requested changes. I hold the series in high regard so it greatly upsets me when greed seems to be the only thing on the developer's minds.
Ya, it's BS and retarded. However, Gears 5 wouldn't exist without whales throwing their money away at micro transactions. I hate that this is the way things are but I can still enjoy the game without spending an extra dime.
Just grind the iron bro lol
Not playing multiplayer until I get my boy available.
Story was pretty good but multiplayer can fuck off until they have OG shit.
Let fags pay if it means we get more content
>Sarah Connor
>Kat and Emile from Halo Reach
I really want more wacky characters in my Gears 5.
nah bro, gotta slow drip all the characters for 10 years. but i feel you carmine bro
This is the alternative to lootboxes. You just make things worse with more outcry.
Rash would fit perfectly into Gears.
The worst part is that he's right there in the game files. Like he's fully animated and voice lined but they have to drip feed him in like everything else. Man I remember the Gears 3 character selection list. It was so simple and easy. Sometimes it was annoying to grind for characters but at the very least you were earning them and had fuckloads of variety.
Actually Fulgore would be better.
Dead game for a dead franchise.
Thanks for killing the series, Microdick and TC.
How big is the download on pc?
>have to wait fucking months just to play my favorite character
>get no unlocks for finishing the campaign
>have to grind either horde or versus just to unlock shit
I want my fucking Anthony Carmine bros
This, the roster sucks right now. Every versus match I join is just halo reach vs terminators
I'm quitting gears 5 for now and gonna come back when we have more characters
>all carmines: anthony, ben, clay, gary and lizzie
>my og negro minh young Kim
>baird and cole obviously
>grunts like cog gear and onyx guard
>jinn bot
>locust drones
>raam skorge and the queen
These are the niggas we need. At the very least we should've gotten the characters that were in gears 4.
This, I'm content to let faggots waste their money on this shit if it means I get maps and characters for free
Wanna know the thing that confuses me the hardest? Queen Myrahh is on the fucking cover and she's not playable.
They didn't even bother to let us play as Lizzie despite her being this game's Anthony. At the very least she's a new character. The Coalition have bonkers priorities and this game would be pretty good WITH the multiplayer if that shit was available from the get go, but instead we have to have timed micro-transactions because "fuck you". Especially on stuff thats already in the base game.
The rewards are awful and the grind is insane. Levelling up does nothing too. I've been playing since release and I still have no good cosmetics
You probably remember him as the Rock.
I forgot to mention: Campaign is actually pretty good at the very least so not all is lost. However multiplayer-side, there are some dumb issues that need to get resolved pronto. Also making timed exclusive shops so small because Fortnite did it deserves the old scorcher execution being used on them.
Does anyone know how to curbstop? I've seen bots do it so the animation is definitely there.
I liked the campaign too, I actually thought it was great and one of the best gears campaigns we've had. I'm just disappointed in the versus roster and I hate the new class shit in horde
At the very least they should just have these characters in versus and just make them not playable in horde and escape, just characters they already have models and voice lines for like Baird and Cole, the carmines, locust drones, cog gears and onyx guards
I just want some variety in versus, I'm sick of exclusively killing emile and terminators. I'm gonna call it quits for now and return when we have more characters
As much of a blog post this is, i really agree with it.
everything you have said is true and i cant play this game.
been a fan 14 years and this is just so fucking terrible, already quit playing and its sad to see this happen.
Are the transactions only for online shit or does it affect SP?
Just let me play as a damn Carmine and not Marcus with Bautista's head
Gears of War is literally for fags now. Why even play it?
It's not X anymore?
The alternative is not purchasing their games then.
The Curb Stomp Gear Pack is coming in November
executions are now on the melee button, so a quick tap just kicks em.
thoughts on the campaign? just got through act 2, the boss of that was actually hard, felt like some dark souls shit
>all that shit is missing
What the hell? Gears 3 had nearly all of the characters you mentioned, what did they do to this one? Gut the player characters so you can 'unlock' them in the future?
Much better than 4. Ending snuck up on me because I thought there were 5 Acts like normal.
You are joking right?
campaign is also absolute dog shit, the part where you choose if either del or JD dies was done for no reason as del dying is going to be canon next game, why even have that choice
the actual entire fucking game was "sit here and defend this point against varying waves of enemies" and nothing else at all was so shit
the """"open world"""" was done so poorly that it should never have been added and the whole game doesnt matter
you spend all of it getting the hammer of dawn back online only for it to go off almost instantly then fight a random boss that just shows up out of nowhere and it ends, thats it
Oh fuck lol? Microsoft exclusives still have microsanctions in them!?
Drip feed since everyone had classes and skills. Enjoy Terminator, Bautista, and Halo, bro :^)
Is the Kantus a character in 5?
I liked his obnoxiously loud screaming when you would down people
No, I fucking wish he was.
I don't care. I don't play to wave my dick around so I don't buy vanity items.
Why do you say this? Why wouldn't it exist? Back in the day they used to just like put a game in a box and that was it! I can still play the copy of Diablo 1 online almost 20 years later and it never asked for a microtransaction!
Gotta make up for poor sales on the games and xbox itself lol
For me, it is the third best campaign behind Gears 2 and 3. Trekking through sand and snow was a chore though.
Reminder that all of this shit would not be a problem if you faggots hadn't bitched about DLC map packs. 15 bucks for 3 maps and some skins is fair. Now you are being taxed through manipulative micro transaction systems that have ass raped the progression/ unlock tree in the hopes that you will break down and gamble your money away. And in return? You get one reskin or shitty map every few months.
Look at all these scrubs needing cosmetics to play the game. Just hop in ranked and Gib some niggas, that's what gears is about. Not some faggy rainbow skins.
The gunplay, maps, and campaign are all top notch.
Yeah i'd agree with this.
You need to be 18 years of age or older to post on this website.
I don't care about the skins but I'd like to use B. Carmine, Kantus, and Ice-T again.
>15 bucks for 3 maps and some skins is fair
paying for maps was never a good thing
so Resetera > Yea Forums
now ?
Way I see it, it was inevitable. There absolutely needs to be a profit motive related to post launch content in a AAA environment now. Our options are dlc packs or "free" dlc.
It really is jarring. I don't like it at all.
Just buy a sony playstation 4
Lonely fags who post on both sites to troll. Its really sad
Can you explain why? All "post launch content" does it make physical copies useless.
>playing gears
You deserve these microtransactions
Sorry you were pissing yourself in pre k
While I was crab walking on your dad on xbox
Skins? We're talking about characters retard. Are Crash and Phobos "skins"?
Because post launch content (extra maps, game modes, skins ect.) costs the publisher/ studio money to create, and because production time and cost are very high for a high fidelity blockbuster product, whatever money spent studio time is spent needs to be recuperated. Especially because the folks in the studio who make the post launch content are separated from the main team, and are not working on the next title the publisher is planing.
>jihn bot
I didn't realize I wanted this until now, that's genius.
Yeah, no shit, how else are they going to break even on this? $1 Cuck Pass subs? It's the future you chose.
jinn bot is in guardian but only as the leader
I want to fuck Queen Myrrah
>post launch content
you mean withheld content?
just make a complete game, lazy devs
I know, and the fact that del is fucking useless and only keeps dying, makes that boss insufferable
Here's your queen bro.
This, with the Berserker giving me a rimjob.
Not my Queen. Who actually chose Del? Marcus shouldn't suffer more.
Cant blame them. There are folks out there that only play 3-4 games a year, so nothing wrong with selling them skins & items especially if the game is designed to push gamepass.
I like Del more than JD, but I chose JD with Marcus in mind. I think it's funny that everyone else was also thinking about Marcus.
Dom died for this bros . . .
Right? What kind of failure of a company do you have to be to put microtransactions in their premier first party games.
You only don't care because you're not invested in the series. If your favorite game did it then you'd care
I like Del more too. He'll probably be the canon death though.
Anyone know how can i get on that sweet 2 dollar game pass deal as a europoor?
Drip feeding is the worst thing that happened to games. I rather have 1 decent content drop every 6 months than tiny ones every month. COD has no map pack now because they will drip feed 1 new map every month and a half and I have no interest going through that shit
Some of my favorite series are dead and never coming back, and if they copyright holders decide to try to restart them they'd make fucking ungodly abominations.
At least Gears of War is still doing what fans want to be instead of being solely reduced to mobile garbage.
I like her tentacles. They're not only sexy, but they were used to off the two worst characters in the franchise.
>Who actually chose Del?
I did, because it made more sense in the story that she'd choose her best friend over a guy who in the context of the story was being a dick and then disappeared for a few months to become Jiin's right hand because he couldn't stop fucking up when allowed to make his own decisions. Yeah, Marcus suffers more - but that makes for a better story, and in any case - they're either both dead or both alive somehow because without an actual canon death - TC can't do anything significant with the other character or those invested in them. So either they're going to pull a "PSYCHE" and retcon the death, or remove JD & Del from the story of the next game and nothing of consequence will happen to Marcus that wasn't already going to happen (he's going to die in Gears 6, watch). So it doesn't matter anyhow.
>Drip feeding is the worst thing that happened to games.
Tell me about it.
Here's a thought. It seems that the gimmick of Gears 5's campaign was the open world vehicle sections. What if the gimmick of Gears 6 is that there are two separate campaigns. One where JD lived, and the other where Del lived. The campaigns would be similar to one another but also have some key differences.
I'm thinking something similar to Dead Space 3 where it slightly affects the story if you're playing in co-op or not.
Is that Big Dave?
Drax from the largest grossing movie of all time.
I mean, Rock is worth more and in more shit, but most of the films Rock is in are boring action schlock that gets terrible reviews and do shit at the box office. Batista has been in a few things but most have been fairly big deals like fucking marvel or bond films. He's not doing garbage comedies with Kevin Hart.
We can hardly get a new character or skin from TC. I wouldn't hold your breath for two campaigns.
You are correct. I enjoyed gears 4 and currently 5 and anticipate gears 6 but I am not diehard enough to pay 60 for it. Half of gears is the mp, if they can get newer gamers interested then it great.
Tour of Duty is perfectly fine, i'm already at 29/43 ranks not even 2 weeks and with 2+ months left to go (no money spent). All they need to do for next operations is put more stuff that's actually worth playing for like actual characters and weapons skins.
As for the store, i completely agree, the prices are insanely high.
this is literally worse than apex legends, a free game
IMO it was worst in Gears 4 where if you didn't play when certain characters were on the store you could literally never unlock them, until they fixed that in a patch later
I bought a box of kellogs cereal and its got gamepass codes in them