Be honest, did you ever do cringy shit like this?

Be honest, did you ever do cringy shit like this?

Attached: gameroom.jpg (1024x768, 180K)

Maybe once in college

Like what? Play games with people?

They're having fun amongst friends and you're shitposting in your room filled with piss bottles, who's the cringier one?

Yeah, bitch! And then I played Dungeons and Dragons with a bunch of fucking nerds, you dumb thot! Go suck the dick of god!

Went to an event like that today. I felt like an outsider and it sucked, everyone was having a good time

>Having fun with friends and strangers in public
Yeah what a bunch of fucking INCEL NERDS AM I RIGHT

Enjoy games with my friends?
Yeah I did that when I still had some and I bitterly miss those times

>soul calibur 2
>raphel wins
good lad

Attached: dog takes care of the sick.webm (720x888, 1.5M)

Uhm yes, I'm actually quite the gamer, you see ;)

I cringed, but then, I didn't instead.

I mean they're not even playing Super Smash Bro's Brawl so what's there to cringe about.

Have fun playing vidya with my buddies? Yes

Play multiplayer with other real people? Yeah online didn't exist as a kid.

OP picture isn't an event though, it's always like that

Nope. I don't like talking about games or attending gaming hangouts with people anymore because 9/10 they either aren't at all as interested/passionate as I am or straight up are mega casual. It always ends up being some awkward ass conversation where I have to dumb myself down to even talk about it with them.

Attached: 1550216897750.jpg (720x710, 26K)

They're lucky to be rid of you. I bet you come up in conversation once in a while and generate groans.

Always like that when? Every evening or what?

>Zoomer fingers typed this post

Like what? Hang out with friends?

Have friends? Not not even once.

This is cringe because?

>playing videogames with friends

There's super normalfag friendly games you can play with a phone there's literally no excuse

lolnope! Fuck friends! Incels unite!!!

Yikes... imagine going to a college library where people are trying to do work and study and sitting there yelling and screaming while playing Smash.. get a clue please.

For once, the rest of the thread seems aware the OP is complete bait.

They are.

>College library
Lol, the only thing people do at college libraries is look up references for their copy pasted research

Lol go and tell them to fuck off then. Dont be a bitch about it.

Lose to a Raph player? Fuck no

Wow. You need to unironically have sex. BIG TIME.

>he's a spineless cuck who didn't tell them to pipe down