#1: Margaret Thatcher jokes

#1: Margaret Thatcher jokes

Attached: UKGame.png (340x338, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>*tea and cookies song plays*


"Oy you've got a loicense for that?"

I thought you needed a license to look tv screens.

>Modern firearm depictions are completely unfaithful to the real world models
>Modern firearms are unrealistic and the gunplay/mechanics are completely wrong

Frenchmen hate

Driving on the wrong side of the road


A sense of unfounded innate superiority and a hate of every other type of European.

This, as well as an obsessive amount of jokes at the expense of Americans.

Clumsy MC

The prologue literally starts with "GOOD MORNING".

mutt games do that shit worse cleetus. bong games actually get guns right

Who was it that famously said the english always love themselves too much and show contempt for anything not like england which is why they're so satisfied with their mediocrity? It wasn't just some random guy, it was like a really famous poet or somethig

#2: "Made in the United Kingdom"

why are there so little games made by the UK?

Chrono Trigger is my favorite British game

>british "humor"

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the company who made it doesn't pay taxes

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Actually plenty of games are, they just don't give much indication of that fact.

Peter Molyneux in the credits

An over abundance of sand people

All NPCs are African or muslim

>brown men aren't seen as evil even though they go around raping literal thousands of little white girls for a decade

Pretty much these two, that's how everything british is. I was surprised how much they bash on other europeans in their tv shows.

Uses the Metric system.

people clap when they get taxed.

He said a video game not real life

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There are lots of english people today that genuinely believe they're responsible for the modern democratic ideals in freedom.

Crazy how one rainy island can make everyone mad at once

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Why would you assume that they're American? Almost as if we're the only country that matters and you know it full well. How does it feel to be the comic relief in our story?

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She was a shit Prime Minister t b h

>Getting a wanted star for wielding a spoon in front of law enforcement
>You cannot check the time. Instead you hear bongs every time an in-game hour passes
>The face models aren't hideous, but are definitely 'off'.
>Even though it's a white country, the capital is filled with brown NPC's
>All the quest characters keep drinking themselves near to death instead of helping save the world
>Everything you do gets recorded and sent straight to the Queen. The Queen IRL, that is.

>sheepfucking and rapes by pakis
>human accomplishment

>british cars are the best cars in the games

In Aussie cuz

If you made an Aussie game all NPCs would be lebo, Indian or Chinese

>when you die by an explosion, you get the achievement "Part & Parcel"

>Why would you assume that they're American?
Because only Americans are that ignorant and obsessed with race (especially with brown people), hence why they make up of 44% your racial demographics.

>Almost as if we're the only country that matters and you know it full well.
Classic mutt superiority complex. Kill yourself.

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>only an American would dare point out the shittiness of my country!

lol fuck off. I'm from Iceland. The UK is a festering shithole even moreso than America is, and people like you are 100% to blame for it.


God damn this sentence has such a huge misunderstanding of how brits are
Self deprecating enough most of the time but for cars especially

"Bob's your uncle."

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>game sets the cops on you for picking up a butter knife

Want to know I can tell you're a larping mutt?

yaketi sax is part of the soundtrack

Quality for price if British goods has always been terrible. Same goes for their video games. They can make games with good ideas but the games are always unoptomized with mediocre assets.

Sounds like you're obsessed about race and insecure about your place in the world, m8

Please no.

If I were a brit I would be, they went from a global empire to a series of islands that are breaking themselves apart in like 100 years.

>Americans are portrayed as stupid idiots who need pakis and africans to save them

just like rome poggers

Monty python jokes

Like monty python, the game sucks

What is this a reference to?

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They all speak like they had a cock in their mouths.

water drops hurt you

>mouths are really wide for some reason

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...like the Magna Carta?

>Game is about a hellish dystopia that looks strangely like Liverpool

There are though.

I'd say America, Japan, and the UK are the top 3 developer countries when it comes to games

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bad teeth

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Hey British fucks, remember that time we saved your asses in World Wars 1 and 2?

>falling for the bullpup meme
not even once

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Edgy gas-mask black-blue uniform wearing SAS goons with MP5s

>bows are overpowered

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the game has whimsy and soul

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>Running in the 90s


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a pervasive sensation of unease

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unintelligible accents

Obese yank hands have typed this post

Spoons are lethal weapons

You push up to jump

counter window is one hour long

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You did nothing of consequence that you weren't paid to do

It's deserved

But we got revenge when the krauts sank the Lusitania then we decided to stick around to fight for freedom

How much of an upper class elitist boomer do you have to be to defend Margaret thatcher

>literally destroyed all industry just to le own leftists

So the trade unionists (proved to have been funded by the kremlin) should have just been allowed to shut down Britain indefinitely? And the Argies take the Falklands?

They sound pretty butthurt. I don't know a more self hating people. Or the fact most of their humor revolves around being in awkward shitty situations or making an idiot of yourself.

hmm maybe

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>Has to resort to baseless slander since they can't refute facts

>Who was it that famously said the english always love themselves
Sounds like someone who has never known a single englishman

why does it stop at 1950s?

Brits made the right call with the Falklands but holy shit that looks like the most autistic conflict ever fought. At least the Iran-Iraq war gave us the dramatic descent into trench warfare as the helicopters and planes got used up.

All empires burn. We crashed ours fighting 2 world wars. There's worse ways to go out. Especially since we were in power just as we reached this technological revolution which has made english almost the default language at the moment. So we might still get the cultural victory.

Same reason Rome stops at 500

English is still the lingua franca because we took over. Dad we love you even if we did run away from home but you’re getting a bit senile

>electrified swamps
>human wave attacks with child soldiers
>T-72s vs Chieftains
>dual mustard gas and sarin attacks

Shit was kino. Saddam made a movie about it using actual captured Iranian tanks and blew them up on screen

>send half the country into unemployment and poverty to own Le trade unions

Also Falklands should belong to Argentina, but Thatcher just went into war to satisfy the Anglo desire for bloodshed and endure re-election

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My father is actually a big fan of her cause my grandparents couldn't afford to heat their house during the winter due to the miners unions constantly striking. So her breaking up the unions allowed them to be able to actually buy coal. So it's not just rich people. They were poor as dirt.

why are humans like this?

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The magna carta has almost nothing to do with modern democratic ideals, and has even less to do with the ethnic groups of modern Britain.

Who are you calling senile? I'm pretty sure your president literally has dementia

Pajeet will carry on your legacy.

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It's shit.

Skargil was an idiot sure, but the whole thing would have lasted at best a few more months.

There was a lot more at play than just Skargil's idiocy. Anyone that tries to act like the workers were at anything resembling majority fault has clearly never investigated the issue. when it was the oil shock which was mostly behind it. I mean for fuck sake the strikes ended THE SAME MONTH THE CRISIS DID.


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Why don’t fat white guys have any shame?

"You want chips with that?"

They're trve sons of the norf lad. You wouldn't understand. They're the only real human anglos.

Except ones that support city.


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Shame is for fuckin TWINKS

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>Falklands should belong to Argentina
The booty-bothered arg*ntinian speaks

>coming from an Italian
Oh so it's just projection

The only game I can think of right now is LittleBigPlanet so I guess the sign is Stephen Fry

they ate it all

Shame? is that some sort of shellfish?

>t. American
Show a pic of 1 (one) fat brit. You can not because you will just show an american

>You can not because I will just call them an american

ok dumbass which country is your government and courts of law based on?

Are you implying that our fine Wigan lads couldn't eat any American under the table? Their Greggs sense is so fine tuned that it makes even my own pale in comparison. They can tell you where the nearest pie is to 10 decimal places.

>LBP devs
>Peter Molyneux
>Sean Murray
>The Chinese Room
Lot of "2deep4u" devs from UK now that I look

you're obsessed, asshurt and probably out of shape

Queen tier bait

Take the norfpill, lads

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it depends if they're going for a comedic or serious game, if it's a comedy then you can expect those monty python references and if it's serious then expect hoodie wearing youths

Hating on darkies is a common shared past time amongst all countries and races, even with darkies. In fact the ONLY ones that DONT are precious little onions men and green bean thots that happened to all be in america. Dumfuks history wouldve been so much different if china took over africa

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An obsession with Americans and their culture.
Women with accents that will make your dick hard.
The game is either 9/10 or 1/10. No exceptions.

>When you used to own 3rd world countries and now they own you

France, but again 'based on' is really fucking stretching it, my man.

9/10 brit games?

scroll up

>Women with accents that will make your dick hard.

Accent are such a cheap factor, but they activate some lizard brain and make me crazy.

Besides goldeneye?


I can't help it. Nia's makes my dick rock hard because of her Welsh accent alone. Her being a catgirl in a steamy suit only sweetened the deal.

Most games people think are American aren't even developed in the States so I don't believe you.

oh shit, that's good

>up is jump

>British 'humour'

thats most games since you have to pay money to licence real guns for video games and hardly anybody is willing to do that

it's bad

Your sheriff system is British btw

>LBP devs
Yeah you're gonna have to explain whatever the fuck you're trying to say here with words and not memes

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It doesn't bash you over the head with it or anything but Fry talking about your latent creativity just waiting to be unleashed and the interviews about Dreams get very artsy

Name ONE fucking game made in the UK.

I literally can't.

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Teams man
its called Tribalism
Get with the program
Humans are a collectivist species


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GTA Vice City
GTA San Andreas
GTA Lost and Damned
GTA The Ballad of Gay Tony

They call TV "telly"

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>GTA 2

UK retards being retarded again lmfao

>Lingua France
dumb phoneposter

>English is still the lingua franca because we took over.

English is the lingua franca because that's what the British colonists were speaking when they marched off the boats at Jamestown on 1607

There is an Aussie game and all the NPCs are bugs.

Which actually makes a lot of sense considering how many giant bugs you have there.

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Never talk to a scottish lady
It makes your penis go inwards like a turtles head

>everyone talks like a pirate

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Commie plz leave

>game takes place in "UK"
>and by UK I mean a romanticized Victorian London with cobblestone, chimney sweeps, and speaking in rhyme

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You must be new to video games, maybe a casual, or both.

Filled with faggotry.

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Straight faced absurdism is pretty British, yeah.

I just thought of Dishonored but in that game you get rat swarms to consume bodies away so it's not very romanticized

Banjo Kazooie taught me a lot of Brit speak before I even knew the game was British.

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'member Panama and how nothing happened?

Almost all of Rockstar games
The entirety of Rare games
Even the first fucking StarFox was developed by brits
Holly fucking shit you fucking newfag casual kill yourself.

>only 22
Thats 22 too many.

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>that dark orange
people live up there in that frozen hellhole?

shit and piss humor


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He said British, not Japanese.

What is X-COM

Look at old Rare

"I'll give you a hint: It rhymes with clucking bell."

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I just looked it up after posting that. The actual quote is "I think the phrase rhymes with `clucking bell'." I ought to re-watch Black Adder.

>>Peter Molyneux
what has he ever done that's "2deep4u"

British dark or situational humor is pinnacle though. While other cultures have their own, Brits have refined thier comedy through ages.

Attached: BlackAdder-S1-2-d5b19a0.jpg (620x413, 27K)

>privitized rail industry
>It is now a dice roll if my train shows up on time if at all
I'm glad she's dead


>Peter Molyneux
>what has he ever done that's "2deep4u"
Dungeons can be pretty deep

Press T key to turn on torch.

Well well, look at the grove street nigger in his fancy stolen car

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How did Raimi get away with this?

Only example that comes to mind is San Andreas, where Paul tries to give Macker anti-fap therapy by making him think of Margaret Thatcher. It doesn't work. "Oh, Maggie!"

>How does it feel to be the comic relief in our story?
please be bait, no one can lack self awareness this much

All rare games and new GTA were made in the UK.

Ive never noticed that in a weeb game though.

>lizard brain

just call guns by military destination(M4 instead of colt whatever) and slav and nazi shit. Sometime you might even get the license for free if the game appeal to Americans.

How exactly wasn't Vice City made in Britain?

>Brits actually believe fucking this
By the way your welcome in helping you not fucking starve to death while Russia does all the hard work and you sit on your shitty island doing nothing for half the war you ungrateful old man.

Shit son, you dont even have to look that far.
Also have you played Danganronpa? Nekomaru Nidai is a walking shit joke, and a plot point in case 2-1 is how Peko had bathroom complications.
Ever heard of Bobobo? Soften is a literal turd head.
Don't get me started on Wario... pic is real btw, sourcegaming.info/2016/09/28/ask-wario-from-wario-land-4s-japanese-website-part-2/

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Where did it all go so wrong?

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an historic

She literally did nothing wrong.
Coal was dying anyway.

Pretty based.
The Briton is God's greatest creation.
t. British diaspora and true Yankee

>implying Britain won't be cleansed
Britain isn't even the worst in Europe and many parts of the US are already lost.

>ethnic groups of modern Britain
Is that a Paki joke? The English now are direct descendants of the English then, dumbass.

>all 2500 people are Welshmen
>all 2500 of them want to remain British
Why should they be Argentine?

>All this bong bashing
>but when it comes to producing videogames nobody can talk shit on us
All we do is win

Over a third of Americans are British. In 1980 English alone was the largest self-reported ethnic group in the US. If modern self-reported statistics are anything to go by, it was an undercount then, too. If you throw in the Scottish, Ulster-Scotch, and Welsh, you'd likely get over a third if Americans being British, and that doesn't even include the Irish (Basically Papist Scots), who would likely bump the number to over 40%.
We speak English because it's our native tongue. And the rest of the so-called Americans speak it because they live in a British country.

What kind of neanderthal doesn't keep his license permit up to date anyway.

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Pretty sure one of the people who broke the news on that got their car blown up.
Went pretty quiet after that.

Bread Sandwich 2: Moar Bread

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enforced tea time breaks

As a brit is there anything worse than seeing more brits abroad shitting the place up? The real mouthbreathing council estate spastics who treat people in other countries as incompetent retards because "THEY DOW SPAYK ENGLISH PROPA"

Also Top Gear is shit and I hate that Americans have enabled Jeremy Clarkson and his retarded cronies to flourish more because they seem to be fascinated with HAHA BRIT SAY FUNNY THING, same goes for Gordon Ramsay as well.

Fucking niggers

>Hates Jeremy Clarkson
t. the guardian

Well I be a diddley dubler I do, the wickety thacket done shifted the gibbler it did, I teller too ya, ya higger blister mate?


Oi sticky wickets what a scrumptious banger this is!

>on the zx spectrum

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t. Mental gymnastics gold medalist
Talk about delusional levels of cope, holy shit

Fuck off, foreigner.

Actually the vast majority of American genetics are German or Norwegian.

Back to the cell or we'll have to give you something to... relax you, Mr. Cunnilinghamptomshire

Why did the 1980 census read 26% English, then?
Where did the English go?
The fact is that, no matter what dumbasses who don't know their own ancestry and want to LARP as impoverished oppressed Germans and vikings say, any actual genetic studies of white Americans would reveal over half to be British.

Not him, but you can't use a census from 40 years ago as justification for what is actually genetically sound.

If we're going to go into the actual genetics of America, then it's something like this.

>English (which is a broad category in reality)

English genetics themselves are often a composite of Scandinavian Norwegian/Swedish/Denmark, German, and Netherlands due to continued war in the past. German blood is the dominate genetic in all but the Deep South (African-American, French, and Spanish), New England (Italian, and Irish), and Mexican Border States/California/Arizona/etc. (Spanish), and Hawaii (for obvious reasons here).
German genetics are comprised in every single other state, with a mixture of a variety of other genetics, Scandinavians typically being from Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, British being typically Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and so on. That user actually isn't wrong.

>British cars don't work

Nigga England is literally viking rape land and vikings literally discovered North America long before Columbus.

The Getaway

Your language system is French btw

>Literal shit humor

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>be american
>be nonwhite
haha get it
because america is a nonwhite country

>and new GTA were made in the UK.
Wasn't GTA V actually developed by Rockstar San Diego though? I just wish it didn't have the Houser Brothers and Lazlow Jones shit writing and dry Brit humor.

British pretend to be self-hating, but they're the most arrogant, self-absorbed, constantly dick measuring snobs you'll ever meet. I guarantee it.


Trying to understand Indians "speaking" English is the worst. Fuck them for making my job harder than it should be.


He's talking about fucked up shape, not rotten ones