What games does this console have that are worth playing? (including ports if the Dreamcast version is superior)

What games does this console have that are worth playing? (including ports if the Dreamcast version is superior)

Attached: dreamcast (1).png (650x419, 212K)

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Jet set radio
Crazy taxi
Charge n blast
Nba 2k and 2k1
Maken X
Airforce delta

Zero Gunner 2

ecco and rayman 2. sonic adventures are also better than the ports. the house of the dead 2


Just barely got one of these. Rayman 2 is great. I need to open it up to get Shenmue to work without just putting the Dreamcast upside down..

Does House of the Dead DC have anything over the Wii version?

Berserk, Shenmue, and maybe Code Veronica bottom text.

Attached: Eclipse1.jpg (863x963, 644K)

>Does House of the Dead DC have anything over the Wii version
No idea. Didn't even know that those were on wii except overkill.

Based. Im a big Eno fan.

Attached: eno.jpg (1600x900, 131K)

No, Wii has everything. I've heard people complain that playing rail shooters on LCD screens is "laggy" but I pulled off a 1cc on the Wii version no problem.

Power Stone
House of The Dead 2 (with light guns, better than the arcade version)
Blue Stinger (it's shit but it's good shit)
MvC 2
Trick Style
Hydro Thunder
Soul Caliber
Crazy Taxi
Gauntlet Legends
Grandia / Evolution / Skies of Arcadia (if you like jrpgs)
RE3 / Code Veronica / Dino Crisis
Soul Reaver

2&3 are a collection on Wii. Pretty gud.

Reminder "Heritage for the Future" is called JoJo's Bizarre Adventure on DC and is superior in every way.

I've lightgun for dreamcast and it's pretty good.

Resident Evil 3 is better on Gamecube. Higher resolution models anyway and has all the content.

RE3 is on GameCube?

Yes and so is RE2. Harder to find those versions but the visuals are too notch.

EGG: Elemental Gimmick Gear, if you're in the neighborhood for a fun Zeldalike title then this is for you. From my experience it's a bit more action and a bit less puzzle than most Zelda titles.


All the best games have been ported already
Skies of Arcadia the NGC port is better, emulate with dolphin
Shenmue 1/2, PC ports probably fine though
Jet Set Radio, PC port is good
Crazy Taxi, I think PC port has a different soundtrack but can be patched?
Code Veronica, NGC version superior
Grandia 2 ported to PS2 and probably on pc

Tomb Raider 4 or 5 the one in egypt I believe is superior on DC

Unless you're into more obscure gems and jap oriented arcad-ish stuff, like power stone, rival schools 2, etc

>Dino Crisis

Attached: Dino Crisis Difference.jpg (2679x2507, 394K)

Grandia even got "hd remasters" recently and yeah, it's on PC.

Dynamite Cop is great fun if you're into beat 'em ups, especially with a bud. It's hilarious, you can use anything from your fists to rocket launchers and other assorted weaponry found in the environment against your enemies, and as a dynamite cop you can even arrest baddies if you've got a pistol. It's fairly short, but that is somewhat remedied by the three difficulties that have some different stages and such. There's a ton of bonus material like artwork that you find as drops here and there during gameplay too.

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Pretty sure the ports of Grandia 2 are horrible tho.

Not gonna buy a japan only dvd player hybrid just for a vaguely better looking game

are you retarded?

The entire Sakura Wars series excluding V but that is its own thing.

epik b8! have a (you)

Canon spike, skies of Arcadia, bangai-o, MVC 2, Jojo, power stone


All of these you can play them somewhere else better

except Power Stone 2, Dreamcast for me will always be the Power Stone 2 Box with 4 controllers = top tier fun

ITT: Top Tier Games of the Last Decade, so other anons can avoid the trash

Let me start:

Attached: titanfall-2-cover-i31916.jpg (399x600, 101K)

MvC2 is debatable if you consider the PS3/360 version is delisted. There's also stuff like soundtrack in the case of Crazy Taxi.

VVVVVV is excellent.

Attached: vvvvvv_screenshot_9.jpg (2560x1600, 233K)

Power Stone 1 is so much better than 2

Power Stone 1 has better combat, but 2 is more fun with friends.

on this you are wrong dear user, Power Stone 2 allows 4 players, 1 doesnt, just that alone makes PS2 superior

Grandia 2, Skies of Arcadia, SIlver