*blows up the kitchen*

*blows up the kitchen*

Attached: Annette_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 736K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Did she fart loudly near a gas stove? heh, erotic dumb bitch.

*blows inside her*

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*gets shit growths*

Attached: Bernadetta_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 728K)

"Professor, why do you keep calling our Vulnerarys, Caprisuns?"

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>pre timeskip
>one of the cutest and funniest characters
>post timeskip
>the most beautiful and ladylike character
Is there anything /ourgirl/ can't do?

Not be short


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>beautiful and ladylike
Yup, she's perfect.

Be a good unit. Damn the other classes took all the good offensive spells leaving nothing for her

>151 cm
>153 cm post time-skip

*slap her, beat her up, burn her arm with cigarette than made her lick my shoes*

>Edelgard is 5 foot 2 in heels even after timeskip

Imagine Dimitri compeltely dominating her tiny body with his superior size and strength

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Anyone else fucking love the advice box?

>Hubert confessing he wants to be a pegasus knight but is afraid of heights
>Catherine leaving a note asking Byleth to dinner
>Rhea confessing that she really just wants to share a meal with the students but is worried she'd be a bother

It might be one of my favorite things in the monastery.

shut up felix

Dimitri only belongs with FemBlyat, Marianne or Flayn, sorry.

>Caspar is also a manlet

Black Eagles Seething Manlets Force

Hubert's a tall lad though

he is the only one. every house has a token.
how tall is petra post timeskip

*is competent*
*is nice*
*can cook*
*is cute*
*looks up to your dad*

what a fucking bitch

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She has the literal fire emblem as well as her own family crest
>>superior size and strength
not with .2 Res growth he's not

only one womanlet for me

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i really wish there were more of them, they show some cute sides of otherwise serious characters

Who the fuck has El use magic instead of going full Unga with her?

>BL men are all megachads and their women are all solid wife material
>GD has mediocre men but the best girls in the game
>BE is filled with trash and homos
how did one faction get JUSTed this hard

big fucking deal. dimitri is the lord least concerned with crests. for him, BUNGA is all he needs. and BUNGA he has

Find a flaw.

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But his Crest is the reason why he is Unga my Bunga.

imagine edelgard mentally breaking dimitri into completely dominating her tiny body with his superior size and strength in bed

*casually crits you for 999*

Marry Marianne

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Too cute.

People who want to take advantage of the fact she has more MAG than Claude and Dimitri added together while still being an absolute gorilla no matter what you class her as

Yeah you can just throw her on a wyvern like everybody else but there's other options. She also has twice the Res of Dimitri which helps her not get fucked by mages herself

wonky eyes

All of her growth went to her chest.

he doesn't need to know that. because all he does is BUNGA and as long as he can BUNGA the crest of all others does not matter

The goddess is a lie, m'teacher.

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>Wife material

user please

>would be dead if not for the goddess' intervention
>gives some bullshit anime speech about mankind not needing gods at the end of her route

Speaking of Dimitri's retard strength, how the hell was Edelgard able to teach him to dance without having her limbs crushed? This is the kid that couldn't stop snapping needles when trying to sew and broke swords on the regular.

>would be dead if not for the goddess' intervention
Eh? Are you talking about how Sothis revived the land after the Agarthans turned Fodlan into a nuclear parking lot?

Worst girl. Deserves the death she gets.

>not knowing how to Bernie
Bring her through brigand for a few levels, get strength growths and death blow, abuse her amazing personal skill and now you have the cutest death machine killing shit from tiles away.

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They certainly don't need false saints spreading lies about what God actually wills

The end of Crimson Flower is fucking kino anyways

>Felix/Annette Support

I think I’m gonna puke rainbows holy shit this is ADORABLE.

That, and Sothis' crest stone being implanted in Byleth allowing him to divine pulse his way to victory, saving Edelgard at the beginning of the game, etc

Dimitri is for Blyeth only. It isn't like Blyeth is very big either and her tits are massive.

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did you miss the part where she's just as strong as he is with TWO crests, one of them being the series namesake?

her unique classes one-hand a two handed axe with a shield in the other while clad in full plate. She's a womanlet but she's far from weak

Dimitri has more impact on her surviving slitherfags torture/experiments than a god that is canonically dead user


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She was teaching Dimitri to dance before she got the second crest in the rape basement bud.

She still had the crest of the imperial family at that point though

Did you just not play the game you fucking moron?

Is the Crest of Seiros known for giving Unga Bunga strength?


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her tummy tummy tum is not filled with my cummy cummy cum!

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You mean how the crest in Byleth shuts off, letting them finally live for the first time?

It's the crest Byleth and UNGA, FIRST TO BUNGA had so probably

That's the Crest of Flames dipshit

The entire continent would be lifeless if Sothis didn't sacrifice herself to save it you buffoon. Add that to the fact that she spent the entire pre-timeskip part of the game bailing you out of stupid situations you got yourself in.

user I don’t know what to tell you if you seriously thought Edelgard was going to seriously die in that bandit attack.

Sothis herself said the entire stunt was pointless

>Nabateans just left Sothis unprotected in some random tomb that your average Grug could waltz in and kill her
What were they thinking?

As seen with Rhea it’s clear these people lack a lot of common sense

The Crest of Seiros is only held by one person and they're a giant fucking dragon without any children

bros is anyone else playing maddening? am i really supposed to buy new weapons until i unlock the blacksmith? i really wanted to use my money for battalions but i guess i'll have to blow it on weapons damn

Why are there so many memes for the Three Houses voice actors? Is it because they aren't just using the usual anime VAs?

Well I guess the whole fact that the Hresvelg family, known for holding the Crest of Seiros, just never actually happened right?

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they're more involved with the fandom this time around

Because the VAs actually engage with the community and create even more memes than just want the game

Joe Zjela’s twitter count is like tenfold what it was before 3H

Just use the ones you get from online tiles
What class are you playing?

The first emperor of the Hresvelg royal family was granted the crest of seiros by the Immaculate One in exchange for remaining silent regarding the truth of the church and it's leader being a fucking dragon

Maybe the crest makes people have a tendency to go off the deep end considering how edelgard and rhea both act when things don't go their way

Anybody got that cold steel edit of dimitri?

>dude like she can't cook LMAO LMAO LMAO
Japanese """humor"""

Did Dimitri really think Edelgard would take his hand after all the shit she did, hell does Edelgard even gain anything from taking his hand beyond 'well at least you're not dead'?

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I'm a megaweeb and even I'm tired of that fucking "joke." It's never funny.

The point wasn't whether or not Dimitri believed she would, only that he had grown enough to give her the opportunity.

There's no way she would ever go back to imprisonment after what's already happened to her

Red vs Blue. Edelgard knew the score and considering how ready Dimitri was with that spear, so did he.

Not being dead sound like a very big plus in my book. What's a little exile compared to rotting in the dirt?



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Can't wait to pair them both in the golden route

hope dlc also adds children

>Ingrid with Sylvain

You telling me Claude von Riegan invented the all-day breakfast menu?

hey, if the route is still grey enough, I'll take it.

>in the golden route
But they're ded in the Golden Deer Route user

Edelgard's fate would literally be the same as her mother. IE being used as a cocksleeve for the king for Faerghus while locked in a shitty tower.

Claude uncovers the slither's secret necromancy and brings them back for fun.

Why was Lambert such an ass to Patricia anyway? Like I get you don't want to deal with the whole scandal of 'King of Faerghus Marries ex-concubine of the Adrestrian Emperor?!' but did he really have to keep her a secret from her own daughter?

>hope dlc also adds children
Seeing Byleth having kids with his wife Bernadetta would be pretty cool for dlc.

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>golden route
Never happening. It is impossible to get Edelgard to cooperate with the other Lords before the skip. And after the time skip the weight of her crimes makes friendship impossible.

>Raphael going through everybody’s letters and you can just respond with “This is a serious invasion of privacy.”

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>Annette is the most popular girl in her house

Lol, relying on class growths like if they matter.

He was a good father/friend/ruler but he was a dick to her. Not surprising she made a deal with slitherers to see her daughter again. She's not evil so she probably didn't expect them to go full regicide mode

>It is impossible to get Edelgard to cooperate with the other Lords before the skip.
Are you retarded? It's as simple as Arundel overthrowing Edelgard and him starting the war instead of her

>only way to redeem her is to whitewash her and have her get away scot free from all her crimes

>hope dlc also adds children

Do people think there will be a joint route? It feels like it would defeat the entire point of the story, but at the same time it makes so much sense.

>No option to say “It’s a metaphor you dumb bitch”

>doing a BE run for the first time
>meet Edelgard after the Timeskip
>she fucking tries to attack me right after seeing me
This was a mistake, wasn't it?

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>and have her get away scot free from all her crimes
I mean the meeting between Edelgard and Dimitri wherein she has to explain why she knows all of the Empire's troop depositions as if she's been planning the exact same conquest for years herself is gonna be pretty awkward

She gets the possibly of being either Professor or Dimitri's sex slave.

she doesn't have any crimes until she attacks the monastery, if the slitherers decide she's not worth keeping around they'd still go to war with the church because they REALLY hate Seiros

>an alien star god is extremely old? Impossible!

there was that one time where she hired bandits to kill the other lords and Byleth

>betray Edelgard
>woooow wtf why is she mad at me

she betrayed you, genius.

better than blowing up the toiler while she's using the bathroom

>wanting a golden route
>hope dlc also adds childen
ultra faggot

She's dead

>Golden route children
>Forcing Lys to fuck Hubert or Hanneman to give the kid Major Crest of Gloucester and a super magic growth
This would be worse than giving kids in Fates dragon blood

>golden route
>kids are an option
>give Byleth to Hilda's brother
what would the children be like

the third coming of jesus

Get the fuck out. Other than that, post checks out, though.

But his wife is Flayn.

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Sounds like you got kicked out of BE senpai.

You're on the church route now

>marry, fuck, kill

Attached: 1568631640735.jpg (962x1058, 122K)

Would be very literal if he inherits the Crest of Flames

>marry Annette
>fuck Mercedes
>kill Ingrid

Attached: 1568728361804.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

so why does Yea Forums consider edelgard to be the aggressor in the story anyway? does nobody else think it's weird that you run into armies of bandits and rogue militias in forts when you take a few hundred feet out of the monastery? it's like saying los angeles is peaceful because beverly hills is peaceful

Why would I want to kill any of them? What did they do wrong? They're all good people.

are you retarded

>so why does Yea Forums consider edelgard to be the aggressor in the story anyway?

Because she starts a war? Even in her own route one she's still technically THE bad guy of Fodlan

All of those "Flame Emperor's Soldiers" you fight in the first half of the game are Edelgard's army, you literally spend most of the first half fighting the Empire even if you do join Edelgard ultimately.

Stop posting, Hubert.

Nah, that is Freddie posting, Hubert were have no care about being the aggressors.

But can she marry your dad?

>so why does Yea Forums consider edelgard to be the aggressor in the story anyway?
because they actually played the game

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hubert please stop posting and come back to bed.

>implying that women like Hubert

>implying women dont want to be rawed by a vampire cosplayer
come the fuck on

no bully, he's doing his best!

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>we who rule from the shadows
>they who slither in the dark
>doing his best

>only need a D in flying to recruit her at base support
Damn even Dorothea has higher standards

You're telling me you don't want to bang fantasy Oberstein?

Attached: Oberstein.jpg (631x478, 149K)

>hope dlc also adds children
Me too

Attached: Jeralt Junior.jpg (759x1280, 172K)

>Marry Mercedes
>Fuck Ingrid
>Kill Annette
I don't want to kill any of them though.

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>Seteth asks for advice on how to keep boys away from Flayn
>Tell him if he keeps this up she's going to grow up to resent him
>Seteth didn't like that response

At this point I learned you need to tell each character what they want to hear. Not actual advice.

>Because she starts a war? Even in her own route one she's still technically THE bad guy of Fodlan

i must be only one who does not have amnesia because the minute you step into the monastery, rhea and seteth are sending you on missions to massacre their political enemies. i suggest you look up the term "political violence" because that's the type of violence that's even more prevalent and more harmful than the obvious kind like edelgard does by bluntly starting a war and declaring her opposition to the deep state church.

Marry Annie

Marry and Fuck Mercedes,
Kill my loneliness

>Cyril is illiterate
>his advice box notes are drawings
nice touch, my only problem is they didn't show the drawing, just described it, missed opportunity

Swap Ingrid and Mercedes and you'd be me

>bernadetta and byleth kids
>not byleth and shamir's edgy son who's an atheist despite his father being literal god

There's literally files for supports between the three lords already in the game's code, of course it's happening.


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>I've got something to ask of you. Someone has set up an online dating profile for Flayn. She refuses to give me the account password so I can delete it. I need someone to investigate the instigator of this incident and find the account login information while I keep Flayn locked up and out of reach of potential suitors. Can you help me?

I did on every run, I feel it's a bit of a shame I didn't explore more of the content but it was too wholesome to skip

>thinking Seteth actual wants advice and not someone to purity check the students with him

I sure showed him because I fucked Flayn.

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Yes. Edelgard is a moron. She even states to Dimitri that the goddess doesn't answer people's prayers when Byleth is pretty much Jesus, has her powers, intervenes to help Dimitri secure Kingdom near victor and can even communicate with the goddess.

>Cyril is illiterate
...Then how did he figure out what Byleth wrote back to him?

Quick! Say something that will get her interested in you!

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No one but you knows the nature of your relationship with Sothis.

Oh yeah well if the goddess answers people's prayers than why is Marianne still alive?

I know Gilbert.


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No one must know I put the ring on my jerk off hand and went to town after marrying my imaginary friend.

>Byleth draws a picture of Cyril being spanked by Rhea
>Cyril is satisfied with your response

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Probably had someone read it to him.

Ah, is this true? Well, I can't say I'd be sorry to have a power of friendship feel-good anime as fuck route, even if it does strip the poignancy.

She was saying that Byleth throwing her life away for some random girl was pointless. Edelgard actually would have died of not for Byleth/Sothis. I think that's why she's so dismissive of Kostos when speaking to him in the Red Canyon later as the FE.

It is almost time to pair Dimitri and Analgard and see who ends up being on the bottom and beaten until it because pleasure.

Source or it never happened

Fucking kek

i'm satisfied as well

Your post just makes me think of Fesh Pince.
>I could have a two handed axe in one hand and a shield in the other

>Power of friendship route
It begins with Edelgard being booted from power and Arundel beginning the war in her stead.
She's forced to go into hiding and ask Byleth and Dimitri for help.
She is NOT happy about this.
Neither is Dimitri when she's basically forced to confess that she was (a) the Flame Emperor and (b) was planning on invading his country and that's why she knows everything about the Empire's current plans.
Also Edelgard wants to usurp control of Dimitri's forces because she's a control freak.
Claude has fucked off like normal and doesn't show up again until like halfway through.
Dimitri and Edelgard spend most of the route plotting each other's deaths while (you) wrangle them into some semblance of organized resistance.
It's really not that happy.

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of Dimitri's character if you think this. if anything, he would proclaim her to be dead to everyone and give her a secluded castle or something where she could live the rest of her days in peace. He genuinely loves her as a sister and friend. That's why she smiles before trying to kill him, she's amazed at how he can still be kind even then. And she knows the sneak dagger attack woudln't work, she only does it because she would rather die than to live with her ambitions having lead to failiure.

Hey Annette would you make me a sandwich.


Annette is made for mating presses

>It's really not that happy.
Not until you max their supports, but I don't imagine Rhea being too happy with Edelgard either way

She literally turns back time to save her in the first cutscene retard

Perfect, even better.

Rhea cannot be saved, no matter what. The one single thing that literally everyone on the continent can agree on is that she needs to be stopped.

I think Edelgard’s most defining trait above everything is her massive sunken cost fallacy after playing BL and BE

> not having Dimitri bromance with Dedue till the end of his days

>with femByleth

That is so fucking gay homie, BL is male Byleth, bro route.

She's still an accomplice to all the Slitherers' bullshit. Accomplices are considered equally as guilty as the perpetrator. She even had the Death Knight work directly with Solon.

>Edelgard just as strong as Dimitri
Where did you get this idea

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They're clearly both switchers, user.

I need to see one of them force the other into making children against their will.

>tfw paired up Dimitri with Catherine
I have no regrets

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You're only asked to quell rebellions or stop people who are attacking the Church. Rhea never asks you to attack anyone just for being an enemy of the Church.

It'll be the Sothis route, around the same time they let Sothis be a playable character. It'll be when Byleth normally goes super mode but instead, Sothis will come out of the rift with you. She'll be the ultimate authority of the continent and will unite the three houses under one banner since she can more or less fix everyone's problems. Or did no one notice how central she is to the game despite being absent for half of it?

>It'll be when Byleth normally goes super mode but instead, Sothis will come out of the rift with you.
Whose hand do I have to put money into for this?

byleth looks pretty good with glasses

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But she literally goes on rants about killing those who say the church is gay and miss their sunday service.

How does Flayn manage to look so cock thirsty in every single frame?

Yeah, bro. No homo. Bros totally ask you out to dinner, tell them their smile is memorizing, and hold hands.

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It's pretty obvious imo. That's the point of the game where Sothis stops talking to you and there's already a Sothis model in the game that's rigged for battle animations. They'll probably package the route alongside her being fully playable as well as having supports beyond just her S rank and have the Sothis route feature her during the back half of the game. No idea what the diverging point could be though, maybe having Edelgard and Dimitri both to B rank before the timeskip?

Does Manleth also hold Dimitri's hand at the end of BL?

u wot? Shamir, Dedue, and Petra are all more than welcome at the monastery, and they don't even believe that Sothis actually exists.


I do that with my bro all the time and yet I am not gay and only like SMOL girls.

Only right answer

But they say "no homo", right?

Shamir never said the church was gay, she only misses Sunday service but all dem dicks aren't going to suck themselves.

Hot damn, I need this.

Uh.... cute monks?

Fuck she's too fucking cute.
Her seiyuu really did an outstanding job.

Shouldn't you be betraying your father, your childhood friends, your kingdom, and your king, Felix? You traitorous dog.

Cyril also admits he's not a believer, yet he's practically their entire janitorial staff and hangs out with the highest members of the Church, including the Archbishop herself.

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>tfw you Byleth has really mediocre stats at the end of the game

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How the fuck do you do the first timeskip chapter on maddening with GD?

>Archers all over the map, Claude's fancy new class doesn't help at the beginning and he can't tank for shit
>No healing outside of items and maybe a shitty Byleth heal until way later
>Enemies still have retarded AS and will double no matter what, have to rely on dodging despite the AI still frequently hitting with ~50 hit in bushes
>If you get last long enough for Hilda to appear it gets a little easier until you remember you also have to deal with enemies moving towards Lorenz and Ignatz and instantly one rounding them because neither can take a hit

Seriously considering leaving both of them to die because if a single enemy starts moving towards them they're toast

>No idea what the diverging point could be though, maybe having Edelgard and Dimitri both to B rank before the timeskip?
The idea is hooking me, doubly so if we can get a different class for Byleth and a special one for Sothis, I thought enlightened one was okay at best, but this is the main point for me of whose route do i have to go down to get it and do I get Rhea and Jeralt as playable units?

hey man every good team needs a janitor, and if he does it for free so much the better

It almost feels silly, starting a new run without all the DLC out

>you can tell Edelgard to live in a dark cave

This was more to fulfill Dmitri's redemption arc than anything. He probably knew she was gonna say no or pull off some sneaky shit, hence why the lance is still a nice 6 inches from her chest, but he wanted to show the viewer that he fully gained his sanity back and was willing to forgive even his biggest adversary.

As long as you don't betray your own blade, that is all that matters.

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She wants you to make her an adult, user.
Paired her with Felix my first playthrough, it was actually pretty nice.

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user, I think Dimitri's dick being 6 inches from her chest is for something else but he had no choice but to change plans.

The wave 4 of the expansion pass, which is due out by April, promises "New narrative content, new playable characters, new locations, and another free content upgrade"
The narrative content is clearly the golden route and the plural nature of "characterS" makes me believe Rhea and Jeralt would be playable. It'd make sense for Rhea to have supports with Sothis and people would want to save Jeralt.
Maybe we can recruit Kronya.

There's literally an entire support involving Cyril and Seteth and how Cyril feels like he's betraying Rhea because he wants to live out his own life outside the Church, while Seteth attempts to convince him that she would be supportive of him. And nothing comes out of it. You don't even get to see Rhea after she gets captured in the BL route.

Felix needs someone to mellow him out, and its impossible to be an edgelord with Flayn.

There are some amusing ones.

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i wasn't totally surprised but still completely disappointed monica wasn't a regular character i could use

So the Death Knight isn't actually Jeritza, right?
>despite being the combat professor who would be privy to campus rumors and common knowledge, the Death Knight doesn't actually know what Byleth looks like until he sees the SoTC during the kidnapping

This dialogue is amazing, Dimitri and Felix are truly the best of the edge.

Attached: dimitri to manuela.png (1280x720, 1.12M)

It is Jeritza.

Wouldn't have it any other way.

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He is actually Jeritza. I'm not sure in which route this is explained, since I've only played BL and GD.

>It's just a picture of a broken vase.

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This is your new music teacher.

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Blue Lions makes it pretty clear. Don't know about the other routes.

>Mercedes recognizes the Death Knight but doesn't recognize Jeritza despite him being the combat processor, someone she would naturally have to work and spend time with
I don't buy it.

Funnily enough, I just saw this image on my Twitter feed.

Attached: 1540279637122.png (816x645, 581K)

same with Annette

>Jeritza moans about Mercedes early on in the game

He literally says that Mercedes seems very familiar to him and they have the same hair.

also, now that I think about it, Manuela never mentions him being Jeritza in Black Eagles despite him being her ex-coworker.

BL makes it clear that the Death Knight is Mercedes's brother. NOWHERE in the route does it say that Jeritza is Mercedes's brother. The most you get is that Mercedes mentions that Jeritza looks familiar in a single dialogue, which I had completely forgotten about until I played the game a second time.

You have to do the Mercedes paralogue which requires you to recruit Caspar. Otherwise it's just alluded to.

Neither of them recognize the other, they hadn't seen each other since childhood and had no idea what became of the other.

Delete this immediately

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maybe Jeritza is the third sibling

Having the same hair color doesn't really prove anything.

Or you could do the exact same thing on a unit that's not bad

Several people say that Jeritza is missing, and say stuff like "Jeritza couldn't be the Death Knight, could he ?!?!?" and other shit that all but makes it obvious he is. Not to mention I swear Manuela says Jeritza stabbed her.

They literally say it every route, at least on BL and GD when Tomas turns into a bigbrain. One guy says that first Jeritza and now Tomas.

I did do that paralogue. Again, NOWHERE does it state that Jeritza is Mercedes's brother. Not in that paralogue, not anywhere else in the route.

Jeritza is actually just retarded.

>>Mercedes recognizes the Death Knight but doesn't recognize Jeritza
But she does, both of them have a dialogue about each other very early into the game. That's how she eventually pieces Jeritza -> DK -> Emile

>Dimitri and the BL gets a dramatic end in BE's route where one-by-one a Lion dies while the leader heads towards the incarnation of the goddess and fights this divine being to the death to end Imperial tyranny
Holy shit. Even in another route, Dimitri goes down like a true king. Edelgard doesn't have similar route in BLs. She just watches her friends die while she's far away in the Empire's capital. It's pathetic.

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This is honestly the only solution unless if there's two Death Knights.

They only imply he's the Death Knight, they never actually prove it.

She only had a younger brother, there is no third unless Mercedes got knocked up by her father.

It is literally the same length, they say that he is the death knight right after Tomas becomes the big brain.

It won't be that
It'll be a Sothis centered route.
Something Sothis/Byleth does will trigger/reveal slithers earlier in the story.
This way IS doesn't have to put as much work into the route and...
Edelgard won't have as much reason to stay allied with them due to...
Information about the true nature of those who dubstep and the church will come to light earlier in the story.
Edelgard plans and Claude's ambition along with Dimitri's unwillingness to forgive will be the crux of the drama.
Sothis will not disappear for the second half because the major change in things happening earlier in the story.
There might not even be a time skip.
It'll be the shortest of the routes.

in my Black Eagles run Dimitri just sat there
maybe it's because I recruited half of the Lions but all of them just fucking stood there except for Dedue

>Asks you to spar
>Pusses out because he can't handle a duel to the death
Jeritza is a BITCH and a FAG

This was actually one of my theories at the begining. It always looked like the game was setting up a bait and switch and switch with Jeritza and DK.

Are you actually Jeritza because you are being retarded.

It's mostly because BL spergs are desperate to call their route "the most canon" when the church route exists.

Jeritza is that guy who gets in fights and loses but tells everyone how hard he kicked that guys ass

No timeskip would lock you out of A and S rank supports as well as most endings, there WILL be a timeskip. I've no idea what will take Byleth out of action for it though.

It's not their fault the Lion characters are head and shoulders ahead of the Beagles and most Deers

>Yeah she was 4'11 of pure fury but I slapped her so hard she cried

I love Rhea, she's the most wonderful person in the whole world.

It's their survival instinct. Got to repopulate fodlan with dragon again.

>thought Hilda was just a dumb slut
>do Golden Deer
>omg the best character to ever exist

Shame Claude tricked me because Hilda made me flood myself.

I like Ingrid's when Felix fight's her in CF, she just completely chews him the fuck out.

The only good BL characters are Felix and Sylvain.

What did Marianne just hear?

absolutely based and churchpilled

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go back to Almyra Cyril

Cyril go get laid or something.

Wrong, all Blue Lions are great

Ingrid has the absolute worst Crimson Flower dialogue whenever she fights a Lions member. Maybe her dialogue is better with the ones I missed (Felix, Dedue, Annette) but most of the time it's just really bad excuses. My favorite one is with Dimitri, which goes something like
>Ingrid, you're an absolute disgrace who betrayed her nation and also a whore
>Ingrid makes this face: and makes some dumb excuse
she has by far the dumbest reason to join which is "nothing"

He couldn't even type it up, it's Catherine

>Sword and Shield of Seiros
I think I'm too weak to do it right now. I can almost break through up top if I have everyone else with me, but I have to leave at least Bernie and Shamir to deal with the wyverns. Only Lysithea has warp, and it doesnt get me anywhere near far enough to the boss, and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to one-shot him.

You guys got any slick tips? Should I just abandon the town and blitz one of the entrances?

Didn't say it has to have no time skip, but why would it, that's not how it's programmed. It's programmed to unlock supports whenever they want to, not specifically after time skip. Granted some supports look weird without them aging, but that's already the case when you get a c support post time skip, I don't see how that would be any different. I guess your referring to young ages maybe, but it could easily be that marriages only happens after the end of the game in the epilog. Maybe with a time skip just for the epilog.

Forcing Bernie to take a bath.

Who should I recruit onto GD?
I heard I need Linhardt and Ferdinand Von Aegir for paralogues, and that I should get Felix because he's a beast.

I try dont understand how Edeltards exist.
>works with the people responsible for genocide
>attempts to assassinate the other future kings even though they also hold the same ideals
>makes people crest monsters even though she postures about getting rid of crests
>"the world doesn't need gods" The only way she wins is by divine intervention and she fucking acknowledges this when she lore.dumps on you
>is responsible for Jeralt's death
>Dmitri dies a man who only wants to defend his homeland
>mUsT yOu cOnTinUe to reconquer
The only way the game could make it more obvious that Edelgard was the villain is if the Empire had swastikas

>Dimitri in every route that isn't his own
>Dedue anywhere beyond his paralogue


You know that most if not all A ranks require the timeskip to happen first, right?

Ashe is the only bad Lion and he's just boring.

Dedue is always the best character in every scene he appears, though. He even steals the spotlight for one of the major developments in GD.

Attached: 5 Years Later.jpg (900x1200, 102K)

>>mUsT yOu cOnTinUe to reconquer
this isn't even the most egregious line she says I have no idea why people keep saying it
if you talk to her at one point early timeskip she says
>why even fight if you know I'll beat you, just give up and let me win
or something like that

Implying swastikas are for bad guys

Do NOT insult Ashe, he is a very good boy who does his best every day!

Attached: 1544876067553.jpg (1200x1087, 296K)

She's also unforgiving towards Sylvain
>"I would never fight alongside the likes of you."

what the fuck is this image?

Attached: edel.jpg (497x373, 54K)

Almost all do, but that is by choice not design and almost none refer to the time skip

Have you gotten Felix and Leonie's paired ending?

Not to mention siding with her is basically vindicating and rewarding her for being a sociopathic bitch fully prepared to off you and her own classmates if she didn't get her way. How can you trust someone like that, it's like an abusive relationship or some shit

GD are probably the most "complete" house in terms of combat potential, you don't really need anyone. Ferdinand's a good fit character-wise though, Sylvain also has 5 GD supports however none end with an A rank. Mercedes might be the best option if you don't plan on using Flayn since she gets physic and fortify, making her easily the best healer in the game

Felix and Leonie become street performers in their non BL endings

leonie truly is worst girl

>not pairing her with Dimitri

Attached: 86.png (868x190, 22K)

>>Dmitri dies a man who only wants to defend his homeland
It's pretty clear he's still in edgelord vengeful mode when he dies.

I want to praise Ashe and pat his head when he excitedly tells me about the good deed he did today!

Attached: 1557514639521.jpg (849x1000, 129K)

>mediocre men
Maybe Ignatz, but Lorenz is gifted in both magical and martial arts, a brilliant statesman, has the best relic, has ridiculously strong genes that dominate even Byleth-reincarnated-god genes, impeccable manners, AND he’s 6’2.

is that supposed to be Felix
makes sense

Do you see his and Leonie's non-BL ending? They basically become street performers because the post-war era become so peaceful that works are scare and they can't make living with swords anymore.

still can't compare to the collection of chads that is BL

Yes. "Clown Felix" has become the new popular topic on FE Twitter recently.

Are you stupid? Half of them refer to the war that's going on.

>gets mad whenever sensei starts putting the pieces together pre-timeskip
she knows she's the bad guy but doesn't want her teacher to think ill of her for it

Speaking of which, do certain support conversations change depending on your route? There was one conversation involving Ferdinand in which he talks about fighting against Edelgard, but that obviously can't happen in Crimson Flower.

What is the right response? I hate questions like that where all the responses seem somewhat unrelated to what a character might actually want to hear or what might be logically sound.

Claiming she’s an accomplice is pretty generous especially early on in the game. Edelgard’s not really in a position to refuse them

Bernie’s best quality is the combat art that prevents movement, not any of the shit you just listed.

Ignatz is the best of the shitty archer trio anyways. Double Seal skills in a single shot with an extra 20 hit chance + Rally Speed at a super low Authority rank is better utility and none of those fuckers are killing anything anyways

The Goddess sees through time thus she grants her future prayers of keeping Sensei safe instead.

Edelgard, especially gameplay wise, is absolutely just as strong as Dimitri. How is that even a question.

Aymr is fucking retarded especially when you slap her on a wyvern

Look at this horny bitchslut her eyes say "please blow it all over my mouthpussy!"

CF route has the Death Knight apologize to Manuela. Such an odd off-hand remark.
"You fucking stabbed me, asshole." "Oh yeah. Sorry about that."

>keeping sensei safe instead
I married Ingrid. The Boar got Marianne.

Being an accomplice to criminals when the metaphorical police is literally a stone's throw away is pretty stupid

Ashe is the best of the three because his skill proficiencies mean he can become a Wyvern Lord, which actually makes him good. Ignatz and Bernadetta are stuck as archers.

That's still what she's praying for when you ask her on Part 2.

"Focus on what you'll do if the enemy trips instead," it shifts the blunder away from her and onto the enemy.

Attached: 3h.png (984x569, 301K)

BLotomes were such a fucking mistake

BL is the only route in which this outcome is impossible, though.

The Death Knight specifically is on her leash, and she gets him to do all kinds of stupid shit like abduct Flayn. There’s also her willingness to use crest beasts, which she does even pre-timeskip, and the bandit thing in the prologue is all her.

which is why it took twitter normies 3 months to discover it

>t. Zephiel

Based and almost cunnypilled

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Why is Jeritza loyal to Edelgard in the first place? What even is he? Did he get experimented on too or is he just a dude in edgy armor?

I was thinking about getting Mercedes as a main healer since I was going to focus Marianne on offense.
Does Caspar still have his paralogue with Mercedes? I might pick him up too just for that.

I recall Ingrid flat out stating she joins El just so she can protect her family from Edelgard's slaughterfest once the conflict with Fhargus happens, and her normal ending flat out states her house got away unscathed because of that

he's like 17, so probably the latter

he's her general, he's a military man who asked to put on a mask

>t. Rhea

I don't remember that at all. I remember her just saying she thought it was the right side to be on. I know her normal ending has her ask to take control over it, though.

Little things like these give the characters so much SOUL

I dunno. All the game tells you he's Mercedes long lost bro and an imperial general who's cartoonishly nice off-duty despite dressing like death itself

Yes, but you won't get a special picture of Mercedes and her brother in GD route, it's still limited to BL route.

Based and Saintpilled

that's your fault for not raising them properly dumb dumb

>Catherine leaving a note asking Byleth to dinner
but we're not the person who runs the box we just occasionally help out

IIRC in the chapter 12 fort she tells Byleth she's trying to contact her dad to tell him to side with the empire to secure their security once the war scales up

>War = time skip
Reading comprehsnsion

when the fuck do you get a special picture of DK in Blue Lions? I just did the fucking Paralogue.

I guess. But who will soothe Felix's shattered heart then?

It’ll be the Byleth route. Everything stays the same up to the point where Rhea plans the throne ceremony, but Rhea instead makes it known that she is stepping down as archbishop and Byleth is rising to power. Edelgard pumps the brakes on her army but Cornelia, Arundel and the rest of the dubsteppers perform coups in response and nuke Fodlan’s Locket, dragging two of the nations into civil war and forcing the Alliance to fight back the Almyran hordes, on top of the dubsteppers fucking around.

when you kill him

After killing the Death Knight in the main plot. Beating him in the paralogue with Caspar just makes him give you his scythe

But in story's Canon Dimitri has strength specifically, I do not remember anything remotely similar with Edel but would like to be proven wrong which is why I was asking for elaboration


Honestly expect him to be developed further in DLC where he’s playable

Chapter 20 of BL.

Chapter 20 in BL, DK is the commander and after you defeat him, Mercedes and him have a conversation + that special CG.
The requirement is of course having done the paralogue

And what gives Ingrid a happy ending? Her getting sold off to fat old men for money bums me out since she turned out really fucking good in my current playthrough, minus needing to feed her a couple strength boosters.

but I didn't kill him, that's ridiculous. Why would I do that? He's just sitting there. Caspar and Mercedes just hung out with him. Killing him would be fucking dumb, he's not doing anything wrong.

>marrying ingrid
And just how are you gonna benefit house Galatea user


>no children
Hard pass.

>muh genocide

Literally the only hard stated case of genocide committed in the game is done in the kingdom, why the fuck do you trade keep repeating this nonsense

That user means when you kill him in the actual story.

OH, you mean he shows up again later on?

Lorenz is secretly a really good Nosferatu tank. He starts next to Ignatz if I remember correctly, so between Ignatz’ seal strength/rallies and Lorenz’ fucking massive health pool and Nosferatu they can easily wipe out their quadrant of the map before Hilda.

Well shit, if I had known I needed to recruit Caspar I would have done it ages ago.

Reread the post, dipshit. She works with the people responsible for genociding the Nabateans.

Sylvain, my dude, childhood friends and shit

But the childhood friend never wins user.

Giving Judith a granny voice doesn't stop me from wanting to s rank her

Edelgard has the literal fucking fire emblem and the crest of the strongest Nabeatean of them all. It doesn’t have to be beat over your head that she’s pretty fucking strong like they do with Dimitri.

She’s a 5’2 girl in full fucking plate armor able to match others in combat

They did in my playthrough, user.

The angel of 3H is present!

Attached: FE Ingrid Angel.png (238x229, 120K)

Technically, every Dimitri ending has at least one child.

Hey Indech dont you have a bow to be protecting.

How do you s rank rhea? Are you just supposed to shower her wih gifts to get an a rank before the timeskip?

I want to see a picture of Loog. If he doesn't look like Luigi, I will be disappointed.

Pairing Ingrid with Sylvain fucks over Sylvain tho. Why would a guy who has a higher body count than Dmitri settle for a glorified horsegirl

You need to get her support to A before timeskip, yes.

Considering the circumstances of the empire after Arundel gets SLITHER’D her options are rather limited in that regard. She’s not really in any position to turn down their demands when they run her kingdom from the shadows.
She very likely ends up a corpse like all her brothers and sisters if (via Dimitri’s symobilic dagger nonsense) if she doesn’t an unholy amount of determination to see her path through.

Even she won’t deny she does evil shit along the way but retroactively placing responsibility her for something that happen a millenia ago is pretty dumb. There’s multiple other things you can point to like using Civilians as a shield in Enbarr and the like

Thanks. Time to start my church playthrough then

Pretty much, you can do tutoring with her too for some extra support points.

Why would Sylvain want to spend the rest of his life with a crest whore who just wanted to use him to climb the social ladder and get rich? The glorified horsegirl couldn't give less of a fuck about his status, she likes him for who he is.

He’s just a young imperial general. Nothing more and nothing less. We never learn how Edelgard came to trust him, but I imagine it’s because she handpicked him because he displayed exceptional talent just like she did with Byleth.

Jeritza is a bit of a ham so he probably sticks with her because she lets him dress like a jackass on the job.

iunno Ferdinand does it

what do you get from getting the most kills on battle of eagle and lion? on maddening and the bonus' for the other team gets out of hand quick. I think I might be a bit under leveled and I don't have a flier (I could) or warper.

if anything, considering els taste in names, she picked out the armor for him and he's too young to think its stupid

>who has a higher body count than Dmitri
higher than 1?

probably not since all of her other generals wear regular clothing

yes but those aren't generals she sends out on covert operations

He never drops the corny edgy shit whether he’s on or off the battlefield so it’s got to be at least partly his idea. Maybe being a giant lame-o is how he and Edelgard bonded in the first place.

>golden route
we already have that, its called joining the Blue Lions

Attached: 1567526344112.jpg (1024x822, 52K)

speaking of Edelgard being a fucking dork if the MC fights her during BoTE+L doesn't she say she'll make you bleed out all your blood and get confused why you're uncomfortable with that
just making sure it wasn't a fever dream

maybe if you kill her

>Route that literally solves the least of Fodlans problems and brushes everything not Edelgard related to the side.
>Golden route


Oh it was real. She unironically threatens to murder you out of goddamn nowhere, and then goes "heh, j-just a joke." I get she's kind of retarded and never really grew out of the edgy middle school phase, but even that surprised me

Sylvain and Felix both go to war with Cornelia for the entirety of the timeskip. Sylvain almost certainly has more blood on his hands given he was leading an entire army with his father compared to Dimitri’s one man guerilla campaign.

It’s a fucking miracle House Daphnel, Gautier and Fraldarius held the front as long as they did, given they’re supposed to be the most frigid and desolate regions of the kingdom. Margrave Gautier must be a Holst-Tier madman.

>Tell Edelgard you want to help the flame emperor
>"R-really Professor? M-maybe someday you'll meet him without his mask and you can tell him."
She's too cute.


>strategy meeting between el jeritza and hubert
>>el:ok we need to think up a secret disguise for jeritza to pull off for this covert operation to work, and I have just the one...
>>>lady edelgard, with all do respect, your death knight idea is not going to work
>>>>death knight?, that actually sounds cool, what does it entail
>>>>>as el and jeritza get more into describe the finer details of skeleton aemor, hubert slowly gets more distressed as he realizes he now has to deak with two chuunibyous instead of one

It's Galatea. They split off of Daphnel.

>rushes your squishy backline
>"We all choose our paths and I've chosen mine. I fight for my lord, to the death!"
>youtube.com/watch?v=wlOEN8jUhks starts playing

what do

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If Byleth had told Edelgard to elope with him would the second half of the game even happen?

Duscur is a ruin

>You will never die for a King like Dimitri

Reminds me how there's still people complaining about how low-key the Flame Emperor reveal is in El's route despite all of the hints she throws at you during before the timeskip

Where's the "I know you're the flame emperor or at least working with him, I'm not a goddamn retard" option.

So is it just not possible to kill him in chapter 6 on maddening without dark spikes?

Attached: CUTE!.jpg (1500x845, 744K)

>one shot doubles
>0% hit chance
nothing but die on madness. Start throwing archers in like cannon fodder until she gets impaled by a million arrows like dimitri does except spears.

Attached: 1561524045146.jpg (638x633, 32K)

For me at least, it's more so that nobody really reacts to her being the fucking Flame Emperor during the reveal.

did anyone not see it coming?

Just let him kill your mage and recruit a new one

Be very glad I recruited her.

well that's because you can't let your students form an opinion on it until after you pick the route

Doesn't he lose his riding weakness in maddening? You might need to lure him off of the stronghold and gambit him a few times to avoid counterattacks before someone comes in to do the rest in one hit.

its the "I want to work with the flame emperor"option

Every route rubs it in your face. If you somehow still didn’t pick it up by the time Monica showed up than you’re either skipping exploring the monastery or you’re a genuine fucking idiot.

I picked up on it as early as the Red Canyon mission because I noticed they shared the same speaking patterns. I was kind of bummed I picked it out so early since it robbed the twist of its impact. At least Hubert was still fun to watch in my first playthrough. He did a better job keeping up the kayfabe.

>God the Flame Emperor is so fucking obnoxious I just want to pin them down, rip off their armor, and FUCK them. I don't even care who it is, they're taking my dick whether they want to or not.
How does Edelgard respond?

>implying I want to work with her
I want to throttle her and get her to tell me where that cunt Thales is hiding so I can avoid 5 years of bullshit

I killed him with Bernie in my BE maddening run. Vengeance + 1HP + her personal skill nukes him outright

They show anger and feel betrayed at least. A collective "WHAT?!?" would've been too cheesy

Some people still don't see it coming somehow. Maybe they're in denial their waifu's evil?

>Doesn't he lose his riding weakness in maddening
No. That was bullshit people spread around immediately following release. He also didn’t move off of his usual platform in chapter 4 for me even though everyone asserted that he would.

I think that's just the blessed lance

I feel really dumb that only on my second playthrough I could actually hear Edelgard's voice when dressed as Flame Emperor

Attached: 1567719894842.png (611x854, 179K)


which language

Not him but can someone explain the meaning behind this particular style of fan art for Edelgard?

*Cumms in her tummy tummy yum yum!*



>Jeritza is a bit of a ham so he probably sticks with her because she lets him dress like a jackass on the job.

At this point I want to see Edelgard and Jeritza watching Wrestlemania and thinking all of it is real.

>Finally started my Maddening run
>Dimitri has gotten +0 STR but +3 Mag

I'm an idiot, I didn't realize until the dagger scene in the BL route.

Rng wants you to turn him into a mortal savant


>tell Flame Emperor you want to join her
>"You're lying"
Fuck sake Edie just let me worship you already.

I figured it out the moment the Flame Emperor was introduced. It always stuck out to me that Edelgard kept saying she would become "emperor" instead of empress and this was obviously why. Also it was after her support where she revealed she had the crest of flames.

Attached: 1567554693784.jpg (2480x3264, 1.19M)

Mine shat the bed with everything but str. Enjoy watching the prince get anally destroyed by every single bandit post skip on the first map when you only have byleth and dimitri at the start.

In Black Eagles at least you don't lose much by figuring it out early, since the game also wants to let you know he's Edel early to help you decide whether you wanna do her route or not

Where's the mission to fight Ionius? or is that webm of him fighting a fake

Is it possible to get a character through support C and B within one visit?

That was done by hacking iirc.

My Dimitri is a god of death, but my Byleth is mediocre all around. I just can't win.

Yes. You just need teatime and a ton of flowers

Hilariously, I didn't figure it out in time. However, after Hubert insulted every one of my students, Edel told me to get over my father's death one day after he died, and Edel demands I come talk to her to take her side in the fight instead of her coming to me...

Yeah, Edel can go fuck herself. You want me to betray everyone and everything, but you don't want to make an effort. You can choke.

He doesn't move off the platform in chapter 4 but his attack range is now meg fuck huge making hard to approach him if you intedn to fight him.

For all Edelgard's shit about "reaching out to each other" she seems to expect everyone else to do all the "reaching" for herself.

>Professor, this isn't a part of the course...

Attached: 1567103898345.png (512x512, 133K)

beg her to stop bullying me

I picked it up when Dimitri goes full WAIT A MINUTE THAT DAGGER

"C-Chef Dedue, p-please let me hold the sptaula..."

Attached: raw.png (691x700, 389K)

prove it

She legitimately tries to be helpful by telling Byleth to get over the trauma the same way she ended up being so emotionally constipated, which fits her whole shtick of meaning well but fucking it up somehow.

Dimitri kinda gives a better advice before screwing it up as well by telling Byleth to make his revenge his main reason to keep living.

Also funny you mention Hubert, 'cause while he's a legit jerk for the lulz he also does a complete 180° with everyone once you join the Flame Emperor.

Edelgard has massive trust issues so that ain't surprising in the slightest

I hated that half of his supports were about cooking and all interchangeable with each other

Hubert attacks everyone. Do his support, he actually care for people, just have a different way of showing it. Bernadette fainted and instead of letting her stand in the middle of nowhere, he carried her to her bed. The only reason he is like this is because he want to protect Edelgard.

>Hey El I couldn't help but notice that your formerly-brown hair mysteriously turned white along with an unexplained change in eye color and that our fellow student Lysithea also experienced these symptoms after her torturous crest experimentation ordeal, now is there something you want to tell me? We could still be friends, El, I know that you still carry around that dagger.
How does Edelgard respond?

everyone is a slither though
the DLC is going to reveal that in Crimson Flower, Byleth, Claude, Hubert, Lindhardt, and Lyisthea are all replaced with slithers

you've already asked this question

I don't remember doing that

he would be an interesting person if he wasn't constantly Edelgard's beta orbiter.

>"fucking digger"
>"fucking dog"
I say it balances out

The problem with Hubert is that he's clearly capable of not listening to her and frequently murders people and keeps secrets, but refuses to tell her that the plan is dumb.

I’m going to pair Catherine with Dimitri. Fuck Byleth.

Why does Crimson Flower only have 18 stages? It's kinda fucked considering how Edelgard was presented as one of the 3 equal faces of the game. If anything, you'd think they'd skimp on the church route.

Never post this again
Even ironically

I don’t mind them not having the same Aliell/Merceus garbage every route has. The unique maps it does have are pretty good.

I just wish we got some form of gronder and maybe one more extra map. I still find CF to have the most fun gameplay of the 4 routes

It has the most unique maps I believe

Well it less of that and more about his father. Remember, he is a person that spent days fighting his own father's soldiers just to run away. When Edelgard went into power, he straight out killed him. He's basically Felix that actually get his revenge.

To be fair BL supports are narrow as fuck

>muh Duscur tragedy
>muh cooking antics
>muh womanizing classmate
>muh daddy problems

Mercedes and Dedue talking about their cultures. And Felix watching Annette spaz out over her dancing are a breath of fresh air.

best BL pairing
>Manleth x Lysithea
>Dimitri x Marianne
>Dudue x Mercedes
>Sylvain x Ingrid
>Felix x Annette
>Ashe x Catherine

Ah, that makes sense.


Attached: death knight.png (1200x1006, 676K)

We don't know. The most common theory is that her route was rushed, which explains the lack of a proper timeskip cutscene but still raises questions about the many unique assets it has regardless

>Ingrid has one support where she acts racist
>prejudice comes from her limited knowledge of the Duscur tragedy and how her fiance died in it
>she realizes she was wrong and tries to change
>fanbase treats her as a completely unreasonable racist
at least the memes are some good shit
>muh womanizing classmate
I actually liked that one purely because it showed Sylvain actually being reasonably clever in his deductions and why he doesn't believe Duscur is guilty

Attached: 1567830832336.png (1216x677, 453K)

Doing a first run of GD, who's the best to recruit from other houses?

i wanna say its rushed but it was also close to completion, like another delay could've done the trick but the game was already delayed 2 times, and a third might've been awful.

Ferdinand 'cause he can do whatever you want him to do except being a mage.

Only kinda related to this but if they did add more chapters to the end of BE would they not have divine pulse, the sword of the creator, or your crest? Cuz the crest stone disappears and all?

Do anyone else find it funny that Edelgard's mother is the reason why Edelgard is a psychopath in the first place? She did the Duscur Tragedy, only for her daughter to create a war that change the world.

Ferdinand and Linhardt to get a couple of extra paralogues in part 2

You know what? Fuck you you piece of literal garbage.
I wouldn't kill any of them.

It's possible that it was written lastly and rushed, since there's no cutscenes except at very end of final map. They probably have ideas of more maps dealing with slitherers but they need to give relevance to Golden Deer route so they cut Edelgard's route shortly. Likewise, they probably didn't want to reuse more maps since Dimitri, Rhea and Claude all act differently in this route.

I actually prefer Edelgard's route to the others. She has the most unique and arguably the most fun maps. It's so cool getting to fight Rhea, Seteth, Dimitri, and Claude with their full teams. I felt the most accomplished with Crimson Flower because of how much harder the route was than the others.

Fuck Ingrid
Marry Mercedes
Kill Annette

>sorry but no incels are allowed to cross this bridge

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but didn't become the insane murderhobo that he is in the other routes

Edelgard is a villain. She is also by far the most interesting of the three lords even if her competition isn’t that great. These two concepts are not mutually exclusive.

Stop being triggered over pixels faggot

sorry Beaglefag, Goldenqueers street goes both ways

Lysithea, Leonie, Marianne

Bernadetta, Edelgard, Dorothea

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True but at least he's sane enough to angst about his buddies dying. In GD every time you kill his pals he barely even reacts

>She is also by far the most interesting of the three lords
She's just Arvis with tits, fucking waifufags

do you have this one pic in black/white retro with the german subtitle thing?

Honestly all of these arguments are meaningless when wave 4 golden route dlc comes out.
They'll just have slitherfags kick her out their friend group in part 1 then she'll cry and give her sad and tragic backstory to the school so that she's "redeemed"
Standard anime bullshit
That said, can't wait to have everyone in one party but hope map design isnt terrible so its not Reveleations 2.0 entirely

The confession CGs in this game man...
I don't think the intention was to laugh at them
Edelgard practically jumpscared me

user this is FE, Arvis is literally as good as it gets in this series. That’s not exactly a derogatory statement.

That’s a lot better than naive atheist Trojan horse babby and otomepandering pretty boy turned guts with a hilariously unrealistic redemption arc

>I try dont understand how Edeltards exist.

Because her route's plot feels like FE Conquest but done right, which admittedly isn't that hard to accomplish

Try midgame, it feels so fucking weird surviving the GD timeskip before realizing you get backup by turns. Also it's weird that the game tries to hype up Byleth because of his combat skills instead of his tactics when he has shit stats

The males got some good CGs, the females' are awful.

based entirely hetero broski.

Dorothea’s is literally the only one I’ve liked out of the 4 I did. What the fuck were they thinking

I honestly hope there isn't a golden route dlc, making the other routes moot in favor of an all round happy end for everyone is lame, I like how TH has no clear cut happy ending, each one has its pros/cons and each player has their own idea of which one they like the most, having a golden end kind of shits on that


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Why does Ashe have an N word pass?


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its not gonna be revelations2.0 solely on the fact that edelgard dimitri and claude dont invalidate other characters in their niche

Petra heard Caspar and Edelgard say it assumed it was normal.

because he was raised by a black man

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>a hilariously unrealistic redemption arc
split routes were a mistake, just merge BL + GD so we get something complete at least

Cause he has never done anything wrong in his entire life and we love him for it.

Marianne... How could you...

I've learned to live with these kind of things. Yeah thematically it makes sense to have no golden ending since it makes your choice actually matter but no one likes in it in practice
People don't like dark shit as much as they think they do I find (and most peoples idea of dark/bittersweet shit is just edgy x and y cant be friends)

Gonna have to bring Ike in here to fix that.

He lived in the slums for a good portion of his childhood.

ty user

Why do so many RPGs and VNs pussy out when they have route choices anyway? Why even go through the trouble of "your choices matter bro i swear" if you're just going to give a golden ending where everyone magically becomes friends and you write yourself into a big hole explaining how
That said, looking forward to seeing how they fuck up the writing even more with this one

>doesn't die like a true knight loyal to faerghus
>wanders with "muh jeralt"
>go broke
get woke son

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> sips tea

Its gonna be the golden route where you and Sothis take on EVERY faction in the game and KILL every last one of them and start the world anew, Adam and Eve style

Your girlfriend, Mercedes, is already in my class. Just join already.

Can Rhea come too?

Sure, someone's gotta watch the kids

finally, a route that makes perfect sense

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Better than dying and being known through history as the man who cried harder than the king's wife when he passed.
His name will always come up when people mention "dying as a true knight" in those country legends and will probably be portrayed as a huge pussy when FGO comes out in their world

>as a huge pussy when FGO comes out in their world
All they have to do is completely annihilate Hoshido and it would never see the light of day

It's hardly a hole. Edelgard and Dimitri need to fuck and get it over with while Claude needs to get smacked in the face and told not to be a pussy. Tell Rhea that she's acting like a shithead and pissing off her mom and then everyone can go stomp dubsteppers together.

I fully expect Sothis to just pop out of Byleth and magically fix everyones problems
Least it'd give her more things to do besides call Byleth a stupid bitch for most of part 1. Almost forgot she existed after going SSJ

Will byleth save her in the DLC?

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She killed Dad. She can rot in hell.

>caring about Kronya

What's everyone fascination with her anyway?
>Hard mode: no heroes or bc she's hot

To be fair, you're probably going to save dad in that route so it checks out