What's the game with the most replayability that doesn't rely on "procedurally generated" stuff?

What's the game with the most replayability that doesn't rely on "procedurally generated" stuff?

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Strategy games, grand strategy even more so.

Literally any puzzle game

sengoku rance

Define 'procedurally generated'. You could make an argument ai is procedurally generated. So strategy games, rpgs, shooters all heavily rely on it. Even racing games.

Fpbp once again

this post must have sounded way smarter in your head.

Any multiplayer game ever. I think fighting games would sit at the top for me.


A good DOOM wad just gets better with every playthrough, but yeah revengance is high up there in terms of replayability. Platinum nailed the pacing and length of the game.

Dark Souls


Cool shitpost, but you still didn't defined it. Did you mean maps? Encounters? Loot?
Do you even know what that phrase means? Even lighting in games is generated based on input variables and some algorithms.
Define the boundaries of what I'm supposed to post in your shit thread, retard.

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He's not inherently wrong.

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cope harder faggot

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Most puzzle games have very little replayability though, once you've solved the puzzle, you know how to solve it
It's a huge slog to go through everything but the boss fights. The normal enemies and even most of the minibosses are just not fun

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strategy, tetris, fighting games etc.

Witcher 2


>Platinum nailed the pacing and length of the game.
I don't know. Revengeance is great but the game kind of takes a short nosedive at Sundowner and right after it. Sundowner himself is piss easy and after him you have a recycled previous level, followed by boss-only Sam level (and he's piss easy as well), then suddenly we're in Afghanistan for the finale where the game peaks.

Does playing mods for a game count as "replaying" that game?

So? You can be right and still be a faggot.

Literal brainlet right here

Any game with/against another Yea Forumsros.