Is Assassin's Creed Syndicate as bad as people say?

or is it worth a playthrough?

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its a slog

Ur mum's a slog innit bruv

The game is good, not great. Midway through you get a Batman zipline launcher thing that let's you move around more quickly, which is new. The side content, clearing out child labour factories and robbing board and trains is fun. The story, I don't even remember. Alexander Graham Bell shows up and our main female character falls in love with a Pajeet. Rain she was cute though

One of the best. Came after Unity, that's the problem.
It's a really good game.

The game is average in terms of the series. The Templars are laughably evil (Starrick literally just wants the Shroud because he wants to be supreme ruler of LONDON and to be immortal wearing it), their gangs are insane and fleece people on top of ruining their lives horribly, and they act like mustache twirling villains (Especially the one after Evie all the time). They also act like beating kids and generally docking their wages is a good, sound plan. Evie and Jacob are alright, Evie is the standout with Jacob being an absolute idiot and ruining everything while Evie has to fix all his messes (He basically kills first and asks questions later). Greenie is barely there but when he is he's alright, Darwin is an alright guy, and so is Alexander Graham Bell. They also introduce George who is never seen again after his first introduction even after they've basically cleaned out LONDON.
Gameplay-wise there's less options to help you out compared to Unity (No Cherry Bombs is a quick example), carriage racing is a lot of fun, the Ropecaster is needed to traverse quickly but at the same time it makes a lot of stealth missions trivial because you can literally zip away from most encounters once you kill someone, and the actual fighting looks horrible and plays just as horrible because even if you can one-shot your enemies you still have to hit them again to actually kill them. Oh, and the Rooks trivialize virtually every encounter even in endgame while not counting as you being seen so you have to basically never use the feature if you want any challenge (They can clear out Child Liberation missions without a bell ever being rung on their own despite running directly at the enemies).

The Jack the Ripper DLC is how the game should have been really, Fear Bombs and stakes are great, the dreary atmosphere is great, there were actual hookers, and seeing Jack go completely mental and play through those bits is awesome even if Evie looks like a crack whore now.

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The main guy is bisexual and one of the villains is gay for him. Take it as you will.

Stop after black flag, if you actually care about the assassins story. If you just like gameplay, go for it

>if you actually care about the assassins story.
If you care about that then Rogue and the Chronicles games should be played. The former deals with so much Assassin/Templar stuff it's the entire foundation of the game while the latter are more about Ezio's Precursor Box and various Assassin things like Shao Jun getting revenge, Arbaaz hunting the Koh-i-noor and seeing a bunch of Isu temples, and Nikolai helping out a girl posessed by Shao Jun while trying to get to America. You're right about the rest though, Unity's a personal vendetta where both sides are being used by Arno and Elise, Syndicate is the filler episode outside of MD stuff, Origins is a backstory for the Brotherhood but the Templars and Brotherhood don't even really exist, and Odyssey takes place even before Origins as far as I understand. You basically have to care about MD for those to be worth it.

It's mediocre. It's not bad in any way. It's just mediocre.

I got it free with the Xbox subscription. I dropped it probably after 2 hours.

Absolutely. Game is a ton of fun if you enjoy the series formula at all, maybe my favorite entry for that. I personally adore the setting and really liked the main characters. The fashion is also fucking top notch. I also love that the city is much closer to scale than prior games (except, I think, Unity.)

I haven't checked but are the modern ACs also close to 1:1 building scale?

Black Flag will always have the edge for its pirate elements but as an actual AC game, it always felt like those elements clashed a lot with the parts that people enjoyed.

it's worse

The best of this game is Evie.

Attached: cutie.gif (540x387, 1.92M)

I will never forgive Greenie.

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Evie would be good if it weren't for that absolutely awful particle effect on her ultimate armor

It's what happens by marrying an Indian guy.

If you played more than 10 vidya in your life, avoid AssCreed games. Boring, tasteless and shamelessly derivative of whatever is popular at the moment.

Jesus Christ what happened? Is 60 in there lol

It's only 20 years apart, Jacob didn't look as bad as she did.

She hit the Wall, hard.

>The game is good, not great.
It was so bland Ubisoft put one of their biggest cash cows on a hiatus and turned it into bootleg Bioware trying to make people interested again.

JtR only happened 20 years after the end of Syndicate and we already know they're both incredibly active so either the Fear Gas affects all the people living in India that way or she hit the wall so hard. Jacob looks amazing by comparison.

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He actually becomes a responsible adult since the girl in the WW1 sequences is his daughter. Eve from what I understand never has children.

Lydia is his granddaughter, not his daughter. Evie and Greenie didn't seem to have a kid at all from what we know, but we know Lydia is because of one Jacob's children. Kind of weird Greenie wouldn't try for one considering he's Arbaaz's son and you'd think they'd want to keep that tap flowing for the Brotherhood.

4 is still a masterpiece of exploration and naval battles, that's why they're making an entire new game based off that alone

>Skull & Bones
The project got downgraded so bad. Used to be about exploring a new continent full of hostile wildlife and natives. Now it's just an other MP pirate game with some sea monsters.

Didn't they delay it specifically because they have no idea what they want to do with it now? I'm assuming they're actually making it a SP game with tacked on MP rather than the other way around now but we've barely heard anything besides delays.