What are some good point and click adventure games?

what are some good point and click adventure games?

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dark seed

dark sneed

light chuck

The Room: The Video Game

>point & click

Didn't the main actor for Darkseed get busted for rape or something?

Also if you want some disturbing point n' click play I Have No Mouth

You were always a kidder, Steve.

Monkey Island, it's rare for games to be this consistently funny. Just finished the first one and now playing the second. The graphic style has aged really well and the new voice acting is quality too (the new visuals not so much). I'm finding 2 much harder though.

Darkseed is pretty trash and Geiger had no involvement in it afaik. The dev just bought tons of unused artwork from the Dune movue and the like. It's really best enjoyed as a longplay because the puzzles are boring af.

A really underappreciated p&c is tony tough, one of the last classic pixel adventure games from the 2000's.
Also all Lucas Arts adventures range from good to excellent.
Deponia and Edna's escape are probably the most Successfull adventure games atm, and one of the few german franchises that manages to survive by pure quality.
My favorite though is Premordia, a game about a world where humans have long gone extinct and robots picked up civilization. Its MC is probably the most heroic character i have ever played in a videogame and the story is small scale but tackles lots of great themes.

And shout outs to harvester for being motherfucking harvester.

Quintessential Adventure game coming through.
The last puzzle in this one is fucking bonkers, just like the rest of it actually.

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Still Life.

Edna and Harvey

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Black Mirror? Nibiru: Age of Secrets?

Dreamfall Longest Journey is pretty good. I remember fapping to that game years ago.

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dark feed

Dark Fall: The Journal


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>drugging a hobo to steal his change to use the phone
They just really didn't give a shit

The best.

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YU-NO is a good japanese one

my man
only game I ever bought with my dick, good stuff