Will you play his game?

Will you play his game?

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Maybe if it comes out while I'm still alive, if it doesn't have a clusterfuck of unnecessary features that make everything unnecessary complicated and if it can function properly... Or at least if I can just pirate it.

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Nobody will, he'll never release it

Did he even finish developing the first week?

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Will he finish his game?

>tfw making my own game
anywhere i can learn how to code and NOT end up like him?

holy shit

This should still be more than enough, considering how much less other devs have needed for games like this.

wew lad

Didn't he steal the idea from Yea Forums?

I'm not a white loser virgin so no.

*smashes desk*
rawr >:3

At the end of the year he will pull a spoony.

I envy him, such a dream life.

>work on your own game
>spend time at home
>know how to code

You can learn Python, C, Java etc. on Youtube or from your local library. Just install a compiler and start making programs.

I really do need to take the porn pill already

Eva please, go whack off to your dream of a literal child gf and finish your damn game.

you know your fugly when even your fans call you ugly in a poll you made

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He unironically reminds me of a chubbier Craig Charles.

wait what

He's been astroturfing Yea Forums since like 2009 so kinda. He posted his idea for the game here first though.

Sounds like alot of projects. Why are people mad at him?

>He posted his idea for the game here first though.
He came here begging for ideas which is what led to it. He was also trying to make a DMC clone about his awful OC waifu.

he made a poll asking his fans if he looked handsome and 80% of people chose the ugly option

top kek


At this point I don't think anyone has any expectations of this guy finishing this game. This and that Mother fan game that will probably never see the light of day.

I remember years ago when he was asking for suggestions. Seemed based at the time.

1. What the fuck does that have to do with game development
2. lmao

I find it hard to believe that such a pole was made.

>Know how to code
Not too sure about that one


Imagine throwing away 14k a month because you can't be arsed to hire on a couple extra people to help finish your project in a timely manner.

No he didn't. I remember it vividly. There was a thread of people asking what their video game idea was. Someone proposed a Yandere Sim. A week later, EvaXephon makes a thread saying he's making a game called Yandere Simulator and asked for ideas again.

I tried it for the first time recently. I can't fucking believe that after 10 years he still hasn't implemented the first rival. What a fucking no talent hack. I can't believe people still give him money.

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Finished it a couple months ago, bud!

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Ironic weeb garbage.

if I buy I'll definitely play it.
else if I don't buy it and someone else buys it for me I'll prolly delay playing it for a month.
else if I don't buy it but someone posts a code for it I'll delay playing it until a lot of my backlog is gone.
else if I don't buy it and have absolutely no access to playing it I won't play it
else if it gets pirated alongside a batch of other games I won't play it either

>what does this have to do with game development
you know how it relates, if they call him ugly he delays development but if they call him good looking he drops an update

I dont care what you think, you not believing that a poll was made doesnt mean that it wasnt made, you have to be a REAL newfag to miss it

ernie from george lopez is making vidya?

and before people from both sides start embarassing themselves
the problem isn't that he is using "if" instead of "case", it's the terrible variables he has declared combined with a lot of unecessary statements
"if (A) then do X" and "if (B) then do X" repeating for dozens of times for example could be easily organized into " if (A or B) then do X"

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Remember when he got upset that his underage internet girlfriend sisefs broke up with him? I do Evaxephon you dickless bitch

I think your worldview about people is that of a cartoon man.

i still dont care what you think

I'll play his game when I see my favorite twitch streamer play it, until then I'll keep playing skull girls

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I wonder what he looks like now

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im an amateur programmer but i thought the abysmal part is that he's calling all those attributes with string variables

God no

He has improved since then apparently.

>I can't make my game because of emails
>stop sending me emails
This guy has been just riding off the free patreon bucks that retards are giving him. Not sure hoe these idiots haven't caught on yet since he doesn't ever update the fucking game.

Guy doesn't understand OOP and it's hilarious. He has somehow been a coder for at least a decade AND has professional experience but somehow doesn't grasp something you learn in your second CS class

I wonder if he's happy.

>still havent made my own game
trying to think of something that could be fun and multiplayer, cant decide weather or not to make an arena shooter or some basic tank game, any ideas for a basic multiplayer game? im gonna release this shit for free

no because he will never finish it

You could just say no

He looks like the monster from that shitty rpg maker game

>inb4 "lmao, just use a switch, amiright?"

If you really have no ideas copy a flash game and think what you can do to improve on it

Just looked through his youtube, seems fun. Would pay $10.

uh oh

Left is fucking revolting but right is kinda hot. would sex/10

hey remember when he was falseflagging and samefagging on Yea Forums like 7 years ago to make posts that supported him appear popular?
and then when that failed miserably and he was called out with evidence, he proceeded to sperg out with his trip about how much kinder reddit is?

thinking about it, if he launched his Yea Forums campaign now instead of back then it would be much more succesfull, especially with discord raids being a thing and all those faggot atheist redditors festering this place

So, is he a narcissist? It seems to fit him, the attitude of "Every problem with me fulfilling my promises is the fault of someone else, I can do no wrong!"

mostly for being a jew faggot
>Seemed based at the time.
take mike Zs dick out of your mouth raxeva you faggot jew golem.

jesus christ what a failure. swallow your pride and maybe one day . . . who am I kidding your life peaked when you tricked weeaboo paypigs for you to be a youtuber. It's all downhill for you from here on out. Hope you at least got some skills you could get hired for in the real world. Not that it would help since you can't work with people due to ego shit.

>>spend time at home
you got one right

No. Playing Hitman basically showed me how shit his game was.

Wtf? The game came out years ago I played it, was fun. I feel bad that someone stole this idea and then cheated people for money for an existing product. Yandere school should SUE! store.steampowered.com/app/687750/Yandere_School/

>MFW I was watching Saltybet the other day and noticed he was watching too
>He even still had his old EvaXephon name as his betting handle
You think he was working on his game?

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I mean how was he not successful as he could have been? His demo got every eceleb and their mother playing it. Game only fizzled out because of the lack of updates and getting the game banned off twitch. I doubt events would have happened any different if they were starting up now, hell it might not have blown up as much seeing as the patreon/Kickstarter boom is no where near as large as before. Nigga still made tens of thousands of dollars off it

>been a coder for at least a decade AND has professional experience
he has not nor does he. the only experience is in being a jew faggot

bro I literally made a text adventure on a sunday afternoon. I never done a nothing in my life and I made a game. just make something.

i remember his shitty streams

being shit would be excusable though since it was a silly indie game with a yandere protag.
something you would expect to be finished in 1-2 years even with no budget.

this fucktard though has somehow managed to fail to produce something final in over 7 years and with a budget of hundreds of thousands. and his fans still haven't caught on, they are too busy jerking off to his "calm voice".
he is one of the greatest indie con-artists of the decade.

He's been chased off like 4 websites for being that big a sperg. He still comes here and fucking lurks, he has done it on stream before.

Did he work somewhere as an intern and get fired?

It's great, make some fetishy sketches for thirsty people and suddenly you have upgraded from a screenless pad to a 22' Wacom

you really are missing out
if you draw it's actually a good way to practice anatomy and overall improve your skills

I'll become the next yanderedev, give me your RTS unit ideas so I can steal them and put them in my game

I bet Eva is ITT

Mate that's a dead genre, try something else

nigga looks like a rent a friend for zoomers
nigga looks like he tried to get unerageb& to fuck him and failed
nigga looks like if an autist tried to write a manifesto about evangelion and raxephon
nigga looks like he steals ideas from anonymous image boards for profit
nigga looks like a failed influencer
nigga looks like he's trying to transition into a youtuber/streamer
nigga looks like he has a kiwifarms thread
look at this jude look at the top of his head!

Alright for my ironic shitty pixel art walking simulator platformer then.

>RTS unit ideas
how about making an RTS that doesnt follow the method of just zerg rusing your enemy untill he dies?

make a cutesey platformer with an animal or some shit but at the end have a swastika in the main characters bedroom along with a copy of mein kampf for that free twitter outrage marketing

Please don't tell me he's American
Please don't tell me he's American
Please don't tell me he's American
Please don't tell me he's American

Markets pretty saturated with those. Assuming you got/are an artist and you have no integrity go furry

>total comes to around 209k over 4.4 years
it's basically pays like a standard programming job
pretty based

Worse, Jewish and Californian

Worse, he's Californian.

>the people in original subreddit for the game slowly turn against him over time
>cry about it and make a second subreddit
>some time later, bought the original subreddit because the creator or whatever didn't want it anymore
Plus, most of his fanbase now are either underage or people that lack common sense. If they had the ability to conduct a successful raid, they would be paypigging something else that even tries to pretend to look like they're working on something. This nigga spends more time on twitch than working on his game.

He's obviously american, how can you not tell by his jewish gobliness?

>mfw a sea of underaged retards is all you need to make money despite being completely shit
>mfw children are literally a braindead easy demographic and i'm still seriously trying to git gud at drawing

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Worse. Californian.

What’s the difference between being American and Californian

One is dumb and ugly
The other is dumb, ugly, and a faggot

Did he retouch his nose?

California is where you go if you're a pretentious hipster faggot who wants to surround themselves with other pretentious hipster faggots. It's basically a giant containment state.


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California is a weird, gay Mexico where we illegalized straws because a picture where a turtle had a staw up its nose.

>Just install a compiler and start making programs.
You don't need math or cs?

Communism and the place where things make no sense.

He will never release it.

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how do you get started with marketing yourself though

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Give the people what they want. Sadly this means trend chasing on Twitter seeing as Tumblr is dead. Get good enough to take commissions and you can build a name that way.

2019 pic related. Can’t unsee

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ill watch markiplier or some other fucker play it

Nah, he does actually have legitimate industry experience in a game company, Eva isn't lying there. He just conveniently forgot to mention the part where it was just being a QA monkey for a mobile game company, he didn't develop jack shit until he left to make the infamous abortion of a fightan game and Yandere Sim.

lol k liar.

that and the drug testing straws

If you're just drawing, put a watermark with your name and a link to your Patreon on all your drawings. The internet will spread them and you will attract money.
If you want to make a visual novel or a game, just leave a link to Patreon inside it and let piracy market to you.
The problem is that Patreon is currently over saturated, so you have to do something that is really exciting if you want to attract enough money to survive.

My dream is that everybody boycotts the game because it looks like every other unity anime asset flip you'd find on Steam but I don't see that happening.

If it ever releases it'll get another push by YouTubers for like a week, but I'm almost certain it's peaked

bitch had it coming

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Will it though? I don't see anybody on youtube playing it because there's no hype and it's banned on Twitch.


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I should have mentioned that's a, "Best case scenario" I can also see it going nowhere on YouTube since everyone already made they're videos on it long ago. I feel like the only people who still care about it are just following the drama and his stupidity

Will it ever come out?


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>so wait, why do people hate him again?

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Can anyone give me a quick run down on him?All I can filter out here is,that he self programmed a porn game(or tried too),while cucks give him money ?

any 2019 pics?

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>japanese school shooter
what weapons does she use?

.22 LR rifles

they can own shotguns but the license is a pain in the ass and very limited

starts with a .22 but can be upgraded
and shotguns are the best choice ingame tbqh

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How many times are the bullets folded to make them lethal?

nigger you would get more experience from doing the exercises in a Zed Shaw book fuck outta here with that gay shit. its more funny than it is sad with all the money that fag got he still couldn't afford to pay the cool kids to sit with him.

the bullets are pure nippon steel, superior to gaijin trash

There is no quick run down, there's so much about this guy from when he made his first game under the name of Evaxephon trying to get the Skullgirls dev to like it all the way to writing stories about killing his parents

Just check online, you'll find out all you need to know and the evidence to back it all up

I honestly thought this was toby fox for a second.

Basically this base level amateur game dev came up with the idea of like hitman meets persona. He posted about it on Yea Forums and it gained a lot of traction. So he starts actively developing it.

Because he was able to show off a few things early it started getting popular. After a while though it became apparent he wasn't skilled enough to actually carry out his original idea and kept adding more and more "easter eggs" and crazy features no one asked for because they were easier for him to implement then solve core engine issues he set up for himself.

Fast forward a few years and several self imposed deadlines. Yea Forums basically ran him off but youtubers began playing the game. Suddenly this dude is getting paid thousands a month for basically doing nothing of any value. He even had a professional publisher make a deal with him in order to help fix the issues of the game, which he also ran off. There's way more to the story than this too. Including certain personality flaws and various drama.

No because it’ll never release. Also it’s just hitman but worse in every way.

He looks like the average Yea Forumstard

Fuck off faggot
Finish the fucking game instead of breaking an arm jerking yourself off

>people get old
...oh wow

He was 17 in the left image, he's 26 on the right. He looks about 45

We free money for being a literal scammer?

Do it kids are a retarded market who are easily impressed
Hell they set up laws against marketing to kids because they’re so exploitable