If you call this a "failed console", I don't know what you call the Xbox One

If you call this a "failed console", I don't know what you call the Xbox One.

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Well it's only failed because it didn't sell much and nintendo abandoned it pretty quick overall.

>Still no Xenoblade X on Switch

>xbox one
what about ps4? the literal only game ps4 has is bloodborne, and a couple interactive movies that hardly qualify as video games, while everything else looks and runs better on PC.

for starters

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spaghetti & cuckballs

He's not wrong. Although they both failed for different reasons

That doesn’t count faggot. PS4 has no games.


It’s a failed console because it sold like shit and lost Nintendo money due to them naming and marketing it poorly. Doesn’t mean it didn’t have some great fuckin games.

t. NPC

>they're all sequels

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>console has good games
>this obviously means it wasn't a financial failure
based retard


I find more than half of those to be really questionable picks to feature as the highlights of a system.
Might as well add Knack there if you're just desperate to show as many exclusives as possible.

That Ratchet and Clank is shit but writing off the rest is hilariously sad.

That's a pretty diverse (and not exhaustive) list and at the very least more impressive than Xbox One's list would be. What would YOU consider a good exclusive, or will it be a constantly moving target?

Keep sayin' it

Fuck off Dunkey

>I don't know what you call the Xbox One
A modestly successful cable box

Funnily enought, the Wii U easily outperformed the Xbone in Germany

I never played any of these but
>uncharted 4 is a walking sim
>God of war is probably the same a ever, a little onions never hurt anyone
>spiderman looked like a lot of fun
>never saw any gameplay even though Yea Forums shiller it here awhile, always just the game cover
>walking sim
>who even played Jake and dexter games, how is it still being milked

Am I right about any of these?

Oh wow bing bing wahoo rehashes and weeb shit for autists what a great lineup

>I never played any of these but...
and then Ive stoped reading your worthless opinion

While I personally don't get games like Persona 5 and Bloodborne, I can still understand their appeal to the enthusiast of their respectives genres.
The rest are regressive fotm AAA blandfests designed for normalfags who buy whatever is marketed the most at the time. Let's not pretend those games are celebrated primarily because they are exclusives which is pretty sad.

Keep saying it

P5 shouldn't even be listed here

>designed for normalfag
>The Last Guardian

mmkay retard. and that user asked what you would consider a good exclusive. plan on answering?

so you play only indie games that no one has heard of until they do and then it's normalfag/reddit game?
i don't know man. just play what you want. no need to take pressure about that kind of stupid shit. almost everything "celebrated" is either exclusives or "normalfag" games or both. Who cares.

Well, no. Nintendo didn't abandon it early. They were the only one releasing games for it for years. There's a damn good reason why people want a lot of the WiiU ports over for the Switch. It was everyone else abandoned it early.

oh so now all of a sudden Yea Forums cares about wii u.

The XBOX One has no exclusives outside of Forza but the list of PS4 games is just as laughable. Spiderman and Bloodborne, wow what a great console.

The 8th gen will go down as the worst to anyone who is not a zoomer.

Even vita was supported longer than wiiu. nintendo saw that it doesn't sell and moved to new thing.

captain toad is a spin-off

pikmin 3 and bayonetta are the only good ones

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Anyone who bashes the Wii U but owns a Switch is retarded as fuck. They are pretty much the same thing and have the same amount of releases per year.

Only W101 and Tropical Freeze are good. 3D World is good with friends
only Bloodborne and God of War are good

TW101 is?
Also he didn't include Splatoon

Vita sold more than Wii U. Also 2011 to 2017 is quite a long time to support a total commercial failure.

>he's finally starting to realize that exclusives aren't the be-all-end-all of consoles
took you long enough

In the world of console wars, there is no good answer, there is only a bad answer : the Xbox One.

>bait image is so old that smash bros is still coming soon
i'm shocked you haven't found a new way to seethe yet

He's not wrong, as many have said, there is no reason to own an Xbox. Most first parties are on PC/Switch, most multiplats are on PC or PS4, and you can just use the controller on PC(if you like the Xbone controller)

It's hardly a failed console in my books. Any console that lets me play gamecube games on a smaller screen in the comfort of my toilet is a win.

Needs an update with mario maker 2 instead of rabbids, and the two yoshis from each console. Cut out mario world/odyssey and kirbies, because fags will try to use those to dismiss the rest of the lineup.

>when that puppet fag got so assblasted by this image he made an entire video just trying to debunk it

What other choice they'd have? I'd imagine switch must have been in the makes at least 2 years before launch. They started to get rid of wiiu as soon as it was possible. Pretty sure it was discontinued before the switch launch.

Sony didn't support shit. It was 3rd party devs that supported it and it was mostly RPGs that sold as much as you would expect on the Vita. Don't you dare compare the support between two.

>B-b-but PS4...
Keep seething Xcuck, there literally ZERO reason to own shitbox

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It was a failed console, there's no escaping it.

However i wonder why are you tryung to compare it to a DVD player ? That doesn't sound fair.

I agree with you but also think it's a failure that they didnt just come up with switch in first place.
Game pad is cool until you realize you need the console plugged in somewhere nearby to do anything.

Those are literally the only good wiiU games though (missing Zelda botw, splatoon and perhaps 1 or 2 others)
On xbone I have way more great games available

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>no rare replay

The xboner,despite it being shitty PR nightmare, and being released a year later, ran right past this turd. It's a failed console.

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poorfag here
homebrewed wii U for Wii U, Wii, GBC, N64,SNES, NES. (+mcable for antialiasing)
homebrewed vita for vita, ps2 and psx.
is this worth it, or do I rather need a potato PC for emulation ?
wii U (50$) + vita (80$) + hard-drive (50$) + wiimote and shit (50$) + SD card (40$) + HDMI upscaler (40$)
it's almost enough for a poorman PC

I'd get a hacked wiiU if I were you, you literally cannot go wrong

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>dunkey makes a video shilling his cock love for the nintendo switch and wiiu
>his zoomer acolytes flood Yea Forums with this shit

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Multiplat doesn't count tho

You should update your image because Yakuza 0 and Octopath Traveler are both on PC now.

Gamecube and Wii U are both my favourite 3d Nintendo consoles. I can thanks Nintendo for saving my money because the Switch has no games for me.

Why not? All the best games in this gen have been multiplats

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On pc

Samefagging should be bannable

Yeah but I don't like PC gaming

>omits Splatoon, Mario Maker and HashtagFursona

They should have revamped the concept. I love the gamepad even if it was just 480p but somehow i play exclusively on it. I can only imagine if they did more with it. Switch should have been a straight up handheld rather than a shitty hybrid

Some of these are technically subjective but Captain Toad is the easiest puzzle game I have ever played. I got tricked into buying it for Switch and there's no challenge at all. You just walk to the finish and turn some rocks over to find gems.
>inb4 but the game ends with a single difficult challenge level

Then you will never have true gaming experience

I mean, it kinda was. I kinda regret owning one and shilling it back when, when almost every single worthwhile exclusive just ended up being ported to the Switch anyway, not to mention almost all of these ports are objectively better. By this point, it's just a matter of time before the rest arrive on the Switch.

I could've saved a good $400-$500 by just waiting for the Switch. Damn.

>no Gravity Rush
>no Wipeout
>no Miku
>no Gran Turismo
How the fuck do snoyfags manage to have a taste so iredeemably shit that they forget the best of their own exclusives while peddling the same shit (and Bloodborne) nobody else wants.

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>Dunkey keeps going on about his bias to Microsoft: the video.

Now remove the children games. And no, you as a grown ass man baby playing them doesnt make them adult games

Define a true gaming experience

I honestly don't feel like playing any of those games except Smash.

Still leaves you with kinky dong, pikmin, bayo, w101, smash, xenoblade and splatoon.

The console didn't fail on its own; the marketing failed the console.

Emulation works fine, and if it gets a switch port, that's even better.

Take GT off that list, Sport was trash.

>toad treasure tracker
>good game

>marketing failed the console
I agree. What a stupid decision to call it WiiU, that would be as if PS5 was to be named "PS4pro+"

Isn't summer over? When will all these dunky zoomer's get back to 10th grade english class?

The name could have worked if they had had a stronger focus on it being a console. The initial marketing just kept repeating new controller over and over so it's no wonder it confused everyone. If people somehow got to manage 3DS to New 3DS they could do it with Wii to Wii U.

>sold less than the Vita

Wow, only two of those are any good at all

This is outdated. Tetris Effect is now on Steam so I have no reason to get a PS4 anymore.

Samefag here. It's on EGS, so I guess there's still a reason to buy one for now.

Can the Wii U play The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion on the go?

No? Didn't think so.

t. Buyer's remorse Wii U owner who doesn't trust Nintendo which led them to not enjoying the excellent Switch
Sorry you bought a scam, it's a shame you quit Nintendo right before their revival.

keep saying it

I’d also call it a failed console.

You just posted 11 games a majority of which are getting ported, or got sequels on the Switch
The Wii U failed so miserably they released the switch mid generation to compensate for the Wii U's utter failure
I say this as someone who bought one for Sm4sh and BoTW and threw a shitfit when Nintendo announced the Switch with BoTW being a release title
Fuck Nintendo and their jewy bullshit practices, I refuse to pay for the internet I'm already paying for every month

I think the reason the wii U is considered a failure is because it got most of this year 2 or later. It needed a few more launch titles.
> no Splatoon
what the FUCK

I still cannot comprehend how people still don't realise that P5 is literally just a pS3 game that took so long it was ported to the PS4


>year 2 or later
Yeah this
The only games I had for it before Sm4sh was Mario Kart and NSMBU
I can't believe how much fucking time I put into Mario Kart just trying to keep this piece of shit from collecting dust

You can say the same about a lot of games
The Last Guardian was a PS3 game that took so long it was ported to the PS4
BoTW was a Wii U game that took so long it was released on both
FF7R is a PS4 game that will take so long to make it's going to be finished 10 years from now on the PS5, potentially even the PS6

it's a failure because it sold slower than the fucking Dreamcast
they just kept it going longer
the fact hat it hadsome good games (many of which were just iterative sequels) means nothing

yes but people acknowledge that BOTW is a Wii U game
but for some reason P5 keeps getting liusted among PS4 exclusives

prove me wrong

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I honestly didn't even know P5 was released on the PS3 until just now user

>didn't play
well I can hardly prove that wrong

what do you mean by solid "action" rpg?

Pikmin 3 is not as good as 2 but better than 1

The Wii U was an xbox 360 with a tablet


It sold terribly but it’s library has a lot of gems. I’m glad they’re all getting ported so more people get to play them.

Reminds me a bit of the Dreamcast

who the fuck played pikmin 3? i didnt even know it exists.
its a mediocre/good rpg based arround action/fighting


Dunkey has such shit taste in games. This nigga says TLOU2 and Death Stranding are gonna be "GROUNDBREAKING" titles. When in reality they're boring walking simulators with no creative identity and both games are created by pretentious hacks who sniff their own farts.

I don't even give a shit about Xbox but damn at least they want to make fun multiplayer games even if I could play those on the PC.

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Pikmin 3 was the reason I bought a Wii U
still waiting for pikmin 4 which has been "nearly finished" since 2015

Her mouth is kind of weird. But hey, he's married and I'm single, so I guess I can't be talking too much shit

what does this have to do with this thread

Considering getting a switch. Should I skip the wii and wii u? What would I miss out on?

The catalog was very good, I never once regretted buying a Wii U.

This thread is based off of his recent video.

bro we all seen the dunkey video

Persona 5 is only on PS3 and PS4.

From Wii you're missing almost everything since nothing from it has ever been ported to the Switch (At least not until the 2020 Xenoblade 1 remake); you'd be missing Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 (The best 3D Mario games ever made), Metroid Prime Trilogy, Madworld, the two less known Op Rainfall games (Pandora's Tower and The Last Story) and Zelda Skyward Sword (Debatable, I don't like it but a lot of people do).

Some Wii games were ported to other systems, such as No More Heroes 1 and 2 which are on the PS3 and Donkey Kong Country Returns which is on the 3DS.

Wii U is an even harder pitch since Nintendo seems intent on porting everything from it to the Switch, so far Bayonetta 1 and 2, Donkey kong Country Tropical Freeze, Captain Toad, Mario Kart 8, Breath of the Wild, Hyrule Warriors, Lego City, New Super Mario Bros U, Pokken and Tokyo Mirage, plus a plethora of indies like Shovel Knight and Axiom Verge, are already on the Switch; but there's still a handful of great games that can only be played on Wii U, like Super Mario 3D World, the Zelda Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD remakes, Pikmin 3, Xenoblade X and Yoshi's Woolly World.

All in all you'd probably best off just getting a Switch and hoping for ports of those few Wii U games, though if you can find a cheap Wii U or emulate it there are things that are still only available there.

Can we stop putting Kirby Star Allies on these lists? It's barely worth playing if at all. The main game is much a walking sim as most AAA titles these days.

A platform that actual sold units?

Why don't e-celebs have the balls to call out Sony for their copypaste walking simulators.

Look at Dreamcastguy's basic list.

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>better than wii version
No. Brawl was better in almost every way.

friendly reminder that smash wii u not only still holds up as fun and mechanically different enough from every other entry, but is one of the like 3 fighting games to have a sequel and still have a largely active playerbase unga bunga not fight game unga

Smash wii u is the worst in the series. It's essentially a love letter to all the fans who were shit at the game so now all the real players have to suffer.

>Let's make recovering to stage free!
>Let's have 'combo' characters (even tho every character should have combos) that break the game
>Let's have copy paste up/down throw -> uair combos
>Let's give most characters ONE (1) dominant combo that centralises their already boring playstyle
>Let's gives moves/dodging 0 endlag or additional intangibility frames for no reason so little Timmy can spam the same moves over and over again so he doesn't get punished, which isn't overpowered and can easily be beaten, but forces you to play lame and make the game slow and boring as fuck

No thank you. Give me Brawl top/high tier gameplay any day over Wii U shit

Driver Club is dead

I have to agree, after Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot were genuine gems in the series it was painful to see the first Switch release be so uninspired and toothless, they should have just converted either of the 3DS games to HD.