Here's your masterpiece bro

here's your masterpiece bro

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Other urls found in this thread:

The only people who voted for Drumpf are rural and suburban retards. City people all voted for Hillary.

those silly rural retards

when will they learn us city people can easily provide for the country without their farms, sources of water, and sources of electricity

I guess his obsession with hollywood sure lead him into a interesting ... place

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you mean those farms were suffering financially because of a pointless trade war that Trump started, that we are now subsidizing with government money? those farms?

>we should suck chink dick


that's a democratic opinion alright

Japanese companies have finally figured out how to get American money, huh?

This reminds me of that thread yesterday about a VN dropping a random "LGBTQ++ people are good" line

All of his games were like this. The MGS was even more hamfisted with its
>american imperialism bad!
>hrnrnrnrnrr military industrial complex

oh no, subsidizing local business with government money, during a trade war, the only time you should be subsidizing. call me when he's bailing out banks, big pharma, and other countries politicians.

>Loses by 3 million votes
> Still gets elected president

I fucking hate how our system works. 1 person should have 1 vote. And that vote should be equal to whatever hick state votes.


>Retarded city people voted for Hillary.

yeah, those farms that rebound because trump made trade deals with other countries. it's almost as if china isn't the only country we could trade with

yes we should all praise the hero trump for throwing some of our money at a problem he created to serve as a minor but ultimately insubstantial recompense

after all this is the same guy who claimed he'd drain the swamp but then proceeded to hire goldman sachs and exxonmobil in his cabinet while giving enormous permanent tax cuts to the very wealthy

>thing: *exists*

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>illegal immigrant votes

You're retarded if you actually believe this.

If walking beautiful landscapes while carrying your babybro is the "worst case scenario", the only thing I regret more is it not happening sooner.

>3 or 4 cities should decide who is the president for the whole country
I'm not even american and I know this is bait, either get monarchy back or don't bother with a representative system you have if you are going to have direct votes

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>for throwing some of our money at a problem he created to serve as a minor but ultimately insubstantial recompense
the goal is to cripple china, as they've had free reign on EVERY market globally, for literally no reason. trump has shown they're very weak, and their bullshit economy held up by the world is so incredibly wobbly that he's done most of the legwork in taking them down in 2 years. if it takes 2 years to get dismantled globally, you were never in charge, someone else let you be.

>wants to be controlled by the popular vote
>the US is controlled by California, Texas, fucking Florida, New York.
>NH is gonna be dictated by what California wants

As mentioned before, rural retards. Will literally support the guy who's fucking them over, lmao

Can't wait for new Iraq war right around the corner. Oh who I am kidding? This is the new hundred year war. We will never be done over there.

here's your board bro

i have an even better system for you. imagine 50 states that govern themselves. too bad abe "king america" lincoln destroyed that, and started the mess we have today.

i fucking hate this timeline

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>rural retards

rural retards don't work for tech companies at 30k a year, while having to live in their cars because their state subsidizes illegals. there's dumb, then there's city dumb.

Trade wars do jack shit. The same shit happened during the Bush administration with steel tariffs and that did jack shit too. Trump knows fuck-all about negotiating, all he knows how to do is cancel deals with no warning for no reason or playing "chicken" like he tried (and hilariously failed) to do with Pelosi during the government shutdown. The TPP was designed to address China taking advantage of American intellectual property and hold them accountable for it, as well as place an American foothold in the South China Sea but Trump pulled out for no reason, without even bothering to renegotiate, so all of the geopolitical influence in that region is gone. All he knows how to do is BIG DUMB GAME OF CHICKEN that we all have to pay for.

It's all fake bullshit. Kojima did not say that.

>Trade wars do jack shit
canada lost their steel and wood in trade wars, and they're gonna lose their oil too. the only province that can produce oil wants to leave the entire country, because they know when it all goes wrong again, they'll be sacked because the rest of the country can't produce anything.

First day pirate confirmed.

i've made more money, paid less in taxes, and got more back in tax returns. my business is booming because of trump, and trump alone. say what you want about him, i'll vote for him until commie democrats decide the only way they'll win again is to start a civil war. and if they do, i own more guns than most people, and democrat run states disarmed themselves.

How does it feel to be wrong literally 100% of the time?

It's not a democracy, it's a republic.

Death Stranding Spoiler time so you bitches will understand what he meant by it, its just misinterpretation.

In the future, due to climate change, war, global hunger and mankind being unable to sustain its large numbers anymore, the America's built a neural network similar to the internet and bring everybody together, online, taking their brain and converting it down to data and placing it on the web where they can continue to live, free, but their bodies would die. BB's are born from mothers who are like this. Sam is repairing the network so everyone can once again reconnect, but some factions don't want to, they don't want to die, they want to continue living in the real world. Spoiler times 2 time the Kojima twist style, Sam is in a virtual world putting together the neural network for data to go to because the real world is gone, so your in a network putting together a network.

Games story is batshit crazy, the exploration is what you come for, survival tactics, exploring, the rest is just shit, its Breath of the Wild without the cutting down tree's and doing fun shit.

The headlines are bait, he does not say that in the body of the Interview.

Gamespot is a faggot.
Trump is based and now is being responsible for good games too.

Except he never said that, not a single time during the whole interview, VG247 literally made it up for clicks

>u-u-ur wrong! i won't explain how or why ur just wrong! MUH FEEEEELS
rural retard detected

1. Any tax cuts you receive under Trump, assuming you even get them in the first place, are temporary, and the overwhelming majority of tax cuts go to the the very wealthy and are also permanent. This is why people have called his tax cuts a scam.

2. Trump arrived during the middle of an economic recovery facilitated by Obama and attempted to take credit for it. Now that he has actually been in office for some time and has actually taken action there are fears of a recession due to how volatile and uncertain the market has been. 7 out of the 10 largest DOW drops in American history have happened under him.

And not to mention

3. This is all completely anecdotal and has no value

>we not demuhcracy *REE*
you are a fucking idiot, you vote for your state's reps in a headcount democracy, the president is elected by the college comprised of people you elected
most fucking parliamentary systems work like this in EU retard
all the bullshit surrounding voting in US is literally media bullshit preying on retards like you, because you're an ignorant kys tier faggot that can't comprehend democracy beyond a 5th graders level, muh 1 vote 1 perSON

here's the beauty, why do this, because headcount democracy doesn't account for issues 'caused by population density, and is a system that only works perfectly in the laughably unrealistic scenario where population is distributed completely evenly across land
(or if you wanna be ultra cynical it was always bullshit that existed to get the group living in the akropolis what they want, wonder what the modern equivalent of that is)
problems start snowballing once 20% of the population is in low single % landmass, in the US 60% live there
get it fag? what you want hastens the collapse of the system, and the college itself doesn't have nearly a strong enough normalisation to counter it, only slow it down slightly

>i won't explain how or why ur just wrong!
So you predicted Trump would win, did you?

What actions did Obama do to make the econmy recover. Please be detailed and list as many things as possible

>Trump arrived during the middle of an economic recovery facilitated by Obama and attempted to take credit for it

Obama threw away tax money while the country climbed out of recession. Obama created dead end part-time jobs for everyone because no employer was going to lose their money on Obamacare. Obama said you can't wave a magic wand and bring jobs back. That doesn't sound like someone who accomplished something.

Fun fact: Obama removed the requirement for immigrants to be AIDS free before moving here. What progress.

sounds like fun!
preordered! [endspoilee/]

Meanwhile Japan has lots of protectionist policies and has almost complete ethnic homogeneity

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Based Kojima. I'm glad he's not become afraid to address real world issues, now that he doesn't have to do Metal Gear anymore. Can't wait for the game.

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Why does population density even matter? All that should matter is the number of people who wants X to be president. Protection of state interests already exists in Congress via the House of Representatives and the Senate. The president, meanwhile, is a representative of the entire country as a whole, so it only makes sense that he is voted via popular vote. The entire electoral college system in America is retarded and makes no sense, all it does is make your vote useless if you vote in a red or blue state and give a disproportionate amount of power to swing states

The founders disagreed with you. Case closed.

Based. Can't wait to go there and fucc their women

If you want that you can always leave.

>Muh interests of the few

The founders also supported slavery. This is a 5th grade level argument, lmao
>What is an amendment????

>Dude we can't let California, New York, Texas, and Florida get too much power!
>Let's let Ohio decide every election instead!

Well yes. 4 people in inbred town don't get to decide who the president is either.

Okay, and to pass that amendment you need 3/4ths of the 50 states to agree to it, meaning you need almost all those states to agree to giving up less power for no gain. Good luck.

Tech companies literally can't pay people less than 150k a year in NYC, because otherwise Google would just actually hire everyone who works for them

christ the news cycle for this game is becoming absolutely retarded
almost as retarded as pointing at it as if it has anything to do with the actual game

Why shouldn't we have slavery? Talk a ojt a 5th grade argument.

Supporting is not the same as not opposing.

*talk about

Giving every state a say shouldn't be a bad thing.

Giving them a disproportionate one is. You have no power as a Republican voter in NY or a Democrat in Mississippi. Everything gets decided by the same few states.

>ask question for which answer is in the thing you reply to
>follow up with generic tuh systum unfair waaah raped into your dumb brain
>even though post you reply to already said that's propagandised buzz bullshit for stupids
if you are of age to vote violently kill yourself

It only makes no sense if you're retarded

Democracy unironically doesn't work

Simple. Obama introduced a stimulus package called the American Recovery and Investment act which included a number of tax incentives, money to improve infrastructure and aid to low-income workers, as well as tax cuts for poorer people and increase in taxes for the wealthy (by not renewing tax cuts for them that Bush implemented).

Why do I have to explain everything to the rural retards, yet the rural retards can't defend any of their claims themselves? I'm not your teacher, lmao

Obama reduced unemployment from 9.9% to 2.2% over a period of 8 years and that somehow doesn't count. Trump simply exists for a few years, and somehow, he's the economic mastermind behind everything when it's abundantly clear he's completely clueless on the most basic issues.

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>ur so dum bro, haha. ur so dum

The argument for the EC always conveniently neglects that if you live in a safe blue/red state, your presidential vote just doesn't matter at all, it's literally useless. I've never voted for a presidential candidate when I vote, it's just fucking pointless for me because it has less than zero impact on the process, so why even bother. If you don't live in like a dozen or so "purple" states, your vote is worthless. I actually prefer midterms over the big four year elections, since at least without rampant gerrymandering maybe my voice matters a little.

You know, to me, this is the future of news on social media. It'll use all your browsing history, fucking memes, recent posts, websites, messages, people who you have contacted recently, region etc, and then combine them all in to some fucking bullshit story to make you CLICK once and they get a little bit of money per that ONE click.


Do you think anyone would have any say ever again if only California counted?

>yeah, those farms that rebound because trump made trade deals with other countries.
You wanna let those farmers know they rebounded because their financial statements seem to be lagging behind the good news.

>everybody in the same city has the same opinion
shut the fuck up retard

>when will they learn us city people can easily provide for the country without their farms, sources of water, and sources of electricity
Your city life would cease to exist without those rural retards

>Urbanite niggers seething ITT
Rural chads living in your head rent free

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So? Your original argument was that we can't change the system because muh founders.
My rebuttal is that there is an additional system in place that allows us to change the system we currently have. Whether the "founders" want an electoral college or not is completely irrelevant to whether or not it should actually exist, because they themselves were aware that America would change in the future.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>Obama reduced unemployment from 9.9% to 2.2%

By giving everyone two jobs where you work 20 hours a week with zero benefits or future. People working at the dollar store and Dunkin' Donuts aren't going to turn a country around. There's no actual value there. Obama paid off the companies that fucked us over.

Nice regurgitated NPC meme

In other words, Kojima is a faggot. Slap that Jap.

If you want inbreds, check out Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Just because someone did not vote for your piece of shit candidate, does not make that person the product of consecutive first cousin inbreeding by default.

I am glad we have an electoral college since it helps prevent urbanites from pushing around rural residents.

Oh and while I voted for Trump, I know he has big problems such as giving too much (or any) money to Israel and selling out gun owners and gun enthusiasts. He would also support allowing more third world migrants into the US as long as they give lip service to American values and speak sufficient English to work in retail as oppose to what I would do which is hold off immigrants unless they are coming in from a European nation, South Africa, Australia, or New Zealand and are racially Europid.

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>shitty facebook meme: *exists*

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Again, this system has been in place for years for a reason. Its been tested. Again. And again. Throughout decades of history. Everytime an outcome is disagreed upon, it gets tested. And everytime, it passes. I am sorry someone you don't like got elected, but it is how it is, because people's votes were respected. That's why we continue to have elections, so if you are unsatisfied with the outcome, fucking vote against it so it doesn't happen again. That's how it fucking works.

If that's where the majority of the population is, then yes.

Every change you advocate for isn't done out of some sense of what's justice or what is right. It's just because you're butthurt that you're losing and you can't think of a legitimate way to win.

>Hmm our party platform of abortions for all and free healthcare for illegals isn't winning us any elections, what do we do?
>Let's stack the supreme court (like we did before) and make it legal for 16 year olds to vote and let's change the fundamental rules

Have you considered just not being a shit person? Maybe that's a way to win.

FUCKING THIS. Who in the right FUCKING mind would let a bumbling billionaire BUFFOON in the white house???

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California is like the 4th largest supplier of food if I recall correctly, a lot of the midwest is frankly redundant and big agriculture businesses own a lot anyway, rural people are being pushed out of their singular purpose in life. This is why a lot of areas of the midwest are still flailing through a fent epidemic.


>hicks creates water and electricity
talking about retards

Centrist here. As you might imagine I'm a sensible and educated person (IQ off the charts) who deals only in facts, logic, and REALITY. I'm simply too intelligent to identify with either side of the political spectrum. My politics are an intricately crafted work of art, the best part of course, is that all my views are correct because -unlike you- I'm unbounded from political groupthink. Sometimes it takes a brave thinker like myself to just stand up and say that both sides are wrong -- the answer lies somewhere in the middle.

LOL and retards here said that Yea Forums wasn't a leftist board, guess I'm voting for Trump again

Each state is its own entity. Getting rid of the electoral college would lead to a race war because then the only factor involved is which race has the most votes. It would end the country.

Resettrannies and co. are, unfortunately, inflating numbers.

All of these are false
I wouldnt rush to defend journalists if Drumpf started killing them holy fuck

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I loved Donald Trump, honest to God I did, I even bought The Art of the Deal and highlighted all of my favorite passages and quotes in classic neon yellow highlighter, I bought every season of The Apprentice including the 40 hours of bonus behind the scenes footage for an extra $20 smackers, I bought every version of MAGA hat, even the very rare green St.Patricks day hat and I even bought every MAGA hat from the Spring pastel color collection, but after the most recent Russia revelations, I can no longer support this man. I dropped off all my Trump suits at The Salvation Army and the homeless volunteer said "this shit is made in China!" And threw it in the dumpster, then the homeless man living in the dumpster threw it onto the street and I heard a muffled "cheap made in China bullshit!" then his stray pandering dog limped over to the suits and took a shit on them, I just shook my head, so symbolic, fuckin Drumpf.

Biden will get my vote in 2020

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>Brexit somehow bad
They are breaking free from their tyranical, neo-communist overloards. Why is this considered a bad thing again?

Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.

Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.

On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.

All Kojima games are just copy pasting whatever politics / philosophical issues are hot on the press. You were just too young to realize that before.

"Biden will get my vote in 2020"
Same here, buddy. The alt-right keep shitting on his gaffes but reality, it just makes him more authentic and down to earth LOL!

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Because [actress/celebrity] said so, you Nazi bastid.

OMG so much this!
Also rename the country to "United States of California and New York".

B-but they are breaking away from the control of the actual Nazis

How does this shit even work anymore?

>Complaining about Kojima including political themes in his video games

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This is a meme argument. Part-time employment did spike during the first year of Obama's presidency because we were in the middle of recession, but proceeded to continuously decline throughout Obama's presidency. Compare 2016 to 2008.

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The unmitigated projection with this shit, every fucking time. Most people who want one person = one vote want it because it's just a very logical and understandable way to enact elections, there's nothing fucking insidious underneath that except your frantic obsession with categorizing everything you don't like as evil. If you can win an election with more numbers voting for you, there will be a lot less complaints about fairness because it simply means there are more people in the country who want your guy over the other guy. In the current system we have, you can have millions more people supporting one side, but still lose because you didn't specifically pander to states that the average person can't even name on a country map because of how inconsequential they are. Seems an awful fucking lot like a handout right there, maybe if they'd pull up themselves up by their fucking bootstraps and work to increase their human capital, their states would have greater impact. Farming is becoming increasingly corporatized, so they can't even hang onto that anymore.

>cities arent known to have the most homogeneous opinions on politics out of any geographic location


Rural white voter here. My family has swore that, if CNN can go a entire week without speaking Trumps name, they will vote democrat. Its not looking good, tell CNN to stop giving Trump free advertising revenue and shut up so my family will vote democrat please. Otherwise they will vote for Trump out of spite for CNN.

Thanks for proving my point for me.

>people shouldn't vote, a piece of ground should vote instead
>whatever gets chuds elected works for me

This is why the civilized world doesn't take magapedes seriously.

>Media, stop covering the leader of the free world

Brexit is a comedy shitshow/dumpster fire that only shows the Europeans how low UK has fallen.I cannot wait for another episode of it, when UK after years of humiliation finally leaves just to have its economy wrecked and having to fight off Irish terrorists again.

Every time I BTFO your argument you switch to another position. Explain to me how it makes any sense for the president, who represents the entire country as a whole, to be elected via electoral college. You just want to electoral college to stay because that's the only way a Republicunt president can be elected, you're demonstrating classical conservacuck projection

>muh supreme court is unfaaaaair
Gee, you mean like when Mitch McConnell and the GOP deliberately refused to grant Obama's constitutional right to appoint a neutral, uncontroversial Supreme Court justice? You mean like that?

>I don't know how to read graphs
Why was part-time employment declining during Obama's presidency, then?

>wanting their autonomy and liberty back
>this is somehow bad
>this somehow shows how low Britain has fallen
I'd say its the reverse. The EU is a dystopian blob that wants to absorb everything in its orbit.

So you want to split up america even more, got it. That's the way forward. Fuck farmers and shit.

Yes exactly, thank you for agreeing with me. Its called contrarianism, my family acts opposite of how CNN is. Once CNN starts covering positivity without covering Trumps negativitiy, we will change sides. But until then, CNN must be taught a lesson, and what better way to do this then by ruining the country even further. We grew up in the shit, we know weaklings will move in a heartbeat rather then trying to tough it out like we do.

Your family is petty and will be easily tricked into voting against their interest simply to oppose an "other."

Forgive me if I ignore your grandiose claims about democracy when you shit talk most of the country like you do. People who unironically speak like cartoon villains maybe shouldn't be trusted with our entire political process.

>They are inconsequential! Give in to the dark side!

The entire point of the system is you have to pander to ever state because we are a country of united states. If you got your way the entire country would be sidewalks covered in shit and used needles. Thankfully, you will never get your way. Never.

It also skyrocketed during Obama's presidency, giving credence to my uncontroversial assertion that Obama used part time jobs to climb us out of a major recession.

Welcome to America user:
>Bad mouth the working class
>Vote against that side
>"What the fuck you are voting against your self interests fucking stop just let us insult you"

No thanks, rather ruin the country then deal with being called a entitled white male. I am used to living in shit, I can stand to do so for however long it takes.

>Gee, you mean like when Mitch McConnell and the GOP deliberately refused to grant Obama's constitutional right to appoint a neutral, uncontroversial Supreme Court justice? You mean like that?
They didn't keep him from nominating someone, which was his right. The senate is in charge of confirming and they can and did tell him to get fucked.
>M-muh stolen seat!!!11!1!
Can't wait until Kikeburg dies.

>There’s actually three steps to that chiral network. For Bridges’ sake, you’re connecting from east to west and they want you to join the UCA – the United Cities of America. When you connect, you can use UCA services, but at the same time, they’re retrieving your information 24 hours a day. It’s like 1984. Some people may not like that, and say “I’m not going to connect to UCA, because we’re going to repeat the same thing that we did.” Like Trump, or the EU, these things. It’s a metaphor. However, if you get really close, they start to say, “Okay, I’ll connect.”

That's all he's said about Trump. He didn't even say a single bad thing about him. Why is /pol/ upset? Kojimbo is right wing as fuck.


Rural retards don't even see their own president as legitimate because they don't hold him accountable for anything. They treat him like a celebrity or a e-celeb, wondering why everyone is "obsessed" with him, even though he literally is in charge of the most powerful country on the planet. If they actually saw him as a legitimate leader they would scrutinize everything he does because they would treat him like someone with power.

Your side is the one demanding we change from tradition. It's on you to convince everyone to switch. One look at California and New York will tell any sane person that letting California and New York decide everything is insane.

>It skyrocketed during Obama's presidency
It skyrocketed because Obama took the reigns during the Recession, retard. Next you're going to claim that unemployment skyrocketed under Obama too, right?

Brexit is bad because like everything Britain does, it's clunky and will probably do more harm than good, even if perhaps leaving the EU is the right thing to do. It truly is a shitshow, since the backlash has made more people embrace the EU, despite the grievous flaws Germany and co. have brought with it. It's like being handcuffed, and instead of looking for the key or another harmless way out, you just cut your fucking hands off. Problem solved, worry about your stupid ass bleeding out later I guess.

>"Tell CNN to stop taking Trumps bait every fucking time he talks"
>"But he isn't baiting, CNN should cover every reactionary lie he states"

Mere Exposure Effect: Being exposed to a repeating process over a long period of time alters and affects the way a person thinks about something. Its a type of classical conditioning.

That doesn't make them less retarded, though. Throughout all of civilized history they were oppressed. This is the only era where they have a vote, and look what they do to us. Trump.

Civilized world is a bemusing way of saying cucked world. I hope your "civilized world" crumbles. I hope another 9/11 happens in the left-wing US cities and in China. I also hope a major earthquake decimates San Francisco and Los Angeles preferably when the other Metallica members are outside of the city (Hetfield lives in Colorado) thereby laying waste to the left-wing and gang ridden LA.

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Everything good is Obama's doing, everything bad was beyond Obama's control. Got it.

Here's a puzzler to bake your noodle on: if Obama was so amazing for the economy and did so much for us, why does nobody love him? Why aren't the Democrats running in the primary all expousing Obama's economic policies and running on Obama's name?

>having to deal with regular bombings again
>expected food shortage
>having its economy collapse
>M... Muh... Nation state

It's going to be a shitshow, also it will make a great example of what happens when someone decides to leave. I'm eagerly awaiting it.

I hate all of you.

>Ruralite thinks he can live forever off of field corn

>the city that thinks injecting children with hormones to castrate them is a good thing, teaches gender studies instead of biology and believes that communism is the perfect form of government that hasnt been tried yet should be allowed to decide what happens to the entire country of USA
Are you fucking kidding me you californians are beyond parody because no exaggeration of you is even remotely close to the actual batshit insanity that runs wild in that godforsaken hellhole

that makes them based

If the EU is so humanitarian and great, why don't they let Britain leave, see how terrible leaving the EU is, and then welcome them back with open arms?

>thinking alt-right likes trump

>californian thinks he can actually grow his own food when society as a whole collapses

>mentions EU
>literally only EU
They're desperate.

>Ruralite doesn't understand what imported food is/who processes food
We already own all of your crops, by the way. Your farmers are not independent. They are under the control of our banks.

They probably could, it's not like it has happened yet. It would be a power move to get the rest of the EU even tighter under control, but Britain needs to stop being its normal state of fucking useless and enact Brexit, good or bad. If I were a group of corrupt technocrats like the EU, I would certainly put the squeeze on them, but we'll see I guess, exciting times, unless you're a Brit.

Well, yeah, the majority of people are stupid. This isn't a reactionary statement. This isn't even a cynical or negative statement. The majority of people aren't educated, yet, they are allowed to vote. Complex topics aren't fun or interesting to talk about, they are fucking boring. How do people remember Martin Luther King? From his entire speech? Uh no, his singular quote from that speech. "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" -quote from some important guy that was read up about in a history book. Most people don't know anything else about him, hell most people don't know the rest of what he talked about what he said that. A majority of people are simple minded, so they attach to simple phrases. What is a simple phrase Hillary said that is memorable? Pokieman go to the polls LUL. And Trump? Make America Great Again.

Stop reading reddit, it's frying your brain.

You're Jewish?

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>relying on imported FOOD
Imagine being this stupid

>Kojima associates with Hollywood
>immediate begins denouncing Trump, nationalism, etc.

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Then what the fuck are the BTs, Craters, MULES, Timefall and shit? Viruses?

The guy already said people just live underground.

I'll make it simple for you
1. Great Recession began in 2008-2009
2. Part-time employment was high because we were in the middle of recession
3. Over time, though, part-time employment declined
4. Explain this.

The DNC primary is centered around presenting new ideas, not old ones, candidates want to present how they are unique, not sponge off Obama like Trump is doing now, lmao

>"imported food!"
>californian cant into basic economics
Kek not surprised. Dont you have ot attend another course on how that axe wound between your legs is totally not a septic wound?

Brexit is about the EU though. I have a hard time to think about any other parts or things about the EU that are likely to be relevant to Death Stranding. Brexit most likely will be though.

>we need to be a nation of social media apps
>we don't need to manufacture or grow food


t. rural retard

He mentioned the EU, not brexit. They spun it as
>he meant brexit, right?
>right, fuck brexit, we need a bridge all the way to street shitting land

>The United States of New York and California

"Biden will get my vote in 2020"
Same here, buddy. The alt-right keep shitting on his gaffes but reality, it just makes him more authentic and down to earth LOL!

Click on the number above the post. Highlight and copy text. Paste into reply field. Click "I'm not a robot" and solve the captcha. Click post. DO NOT INCLUDE THIS IN THE TEXT FIELD.


>"For Bridges' sake, you're connecting from east to west and they want you to join the UCA--the United Cities of America. When you connect, you can use UCA services, but at the same time, they're retrieving your information 24 hours a day. It's like 1984. Some people may not like that, and say 'I'm not going to connect to UCA, because we're going to repeat the same thing that we did.' Like Trump, or the EU, these things. It's a metaphor. However, if you get really close, they start to say, 'Okay, I'll connect.'"

Breaking news. Death Stranding releases tomorrow and Kojima is no longer associated with Sony.

I prefer permaculture, hunting, and fishing.

A copper bullet and proper inspections bring in natural meat and not filled with hormones and permaculture is far more sustainable than monoculture.

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With a entire family that has the power to vote, don't forget that part in your insult. Why blame me and my family? We are white. We like white america. We want our president to be in support of white people who work. Why should we vote against our own interests? Isn't that unfair of you to ask that of us?

>Let them import food!
Is this a modern take on "let them eat cake"?

>Obama was so incredibly successful nobody wanted to being it up in order to get re-elected

Wonderful. Truly wonderful. 9.2% of Obama voters voted for Trump in 2016. That should terrify you.

>1 person should have 1 vote
Now if only democrats would learn this lesson, eh Scott Foval? Not to mention you're talking about a country with a very widespread culturally disparate population.

>Rural retard inbreds and Trump retards get btfo
>go on a meltdown of spamming the thread with """ironic""" shitposting and regurgitated NPC memes from 2016

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Quite simply: the areas with the most people densely packed are also the least desirable to live and poorest run.

Yes, I'm sure a japanese man who came up with the idea for the game before trump ran for president, before he was elected, is from a country across the planet, totally thought of trump when he wrote death stranding. #RESIST

>Rural retard inbreds

Pop Quiz dude, what is the majority race in America? Its not hispanic, asian, or black.

Yeah, a family that you beat and rape

Kill yourself, rural inbred

welp, time to watch this episode again

The amount of literal brainlets that think it’s okay for California and Texas to decide the fate of the entire country and it’s territories (ignoring how close said states are to Mexico) is why I love the founding fathers had the forethought to put this stuff in the constitution 300 years prior.

>If that's where the majority of the population is, then yes.
Okay. The areas where the farms are secede. The cities demand the military act against the rural areas. The military hits the cities with artillery, blowing out the power. Everyone in the cities dies or is turned into a crazed, mindless cannibal monster in the ensuing months.

>The DNC primary is centered around presenting new ideas, not old ones, candidates want to present how they are unique

How many of you supported increased immigration?
>every debater raises their hand
How many of you support expansion of LGBT rights?
>every debater raises their hand
How many of you support black reparations?
>every debater raises their hand

This. Are the game journos saying the game is about convincing people Trump is a good idea? It makes no sense to interpret it to mean "DRUMPFH BAD"

Is leftie media praising this garbage already as best game ever?

But he did mention the EU. Which includes Brexit and was likely referring to Brexit.
Why are you making such a big deal out of that?

Hideo Kojima is not /pol/

Oh look. A Chinese employee still upset that rural farmers get to sell to other countries instead of Ching-Chongia.

>majority white

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>This rural copefic
Cities would simply cut off supplies of medical equipment, freeze bank accounts, stop sending food, and turn off utilities (including the Internet). They'd be crawling back in a week.

If you read that headline without stopping to even check if it's true or not
Kill yourself, right now

>Pop Quiz dude, what is the majority race in America? Its not hispanic

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>was likely referring to Brexit

So the game is about convincing Brexit skeptics to come over to Brexit?

My kind is the majority of america, do you think we will elect a democrat when you constantly insult us like this. That's it, we are voting Trump for sure in 2020.

>I literally did not get MGS3's story

Explain how MGS3 was a criticism of Donald Trump and nationalism

The majority is still white.
Again, no, still white, wait five years for it to change.

Says the obsessed retard that posts the same wojaks every day in every thread.

It's amazing how out of touch and maniacal these people are. They want us dead. They want our children brainwashed and raped. They want to end our way of life. It's that simple. They can't even hide it anymore.

La creatura...

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>china, as they've had free reign on EVERY market globally, for literally no reason
it's probably because china is the most populated country, so they don't want to piss off the chinese and lose access to all those potential customers

You severely underestimate the sheer hivemind that is city politics and urban mob rule.

A majority of children in the US right now are hispanic. You dont need to wait five years, it happened nearly ten years ago. You are not a white country anymore.

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The US is going to become a minority majority nation no matter how much you mayo hicks cry and whine about it. The future is diverse and we are on the right side of history.

Nobody wants your children brainwashed and raped, you do that shit yourself, lmao.

We do want you dead, though, and also to never reproduce.

>This triggers the leftie trannies

Attached: words to live by.jpg (600x576, 48K)

>Cities would simply cut off supplies of medical equipment, freeze bank accounts, stop sending food, and turn off utilities (including the Internet).
>stop sending food
>turn off utilities
Ah yes. Because all the food in the world comes from the Shopsave and the Pick'N'Pay.

Yes? In fact you're often shunned and demonized if you do display an opinion that's contrary.

I apologize for this brainwashed millenial. He like many of us have been pounded with "Democracy is the best thing and it is how our country is run!" since we started schooling K-12. And it only gets worse in college. Some of us have escaped the sleep spell however so not all hope is lost. Hopefully more will escape it and we can take on our true enemy, the Zionists.

Death Stranding isn't a criticism of Trump and nationalism stop swallowing journo cock you braindead monkey

Provide data if you are so sure.

It is. Kojima wants to "build bridges, not walls". He's not /ourguy/ anymore bros...

>The areas where the farms are secede.
Let's stop your fanfic there. If yokels get this far, big if, then it'll end up like the Bundy standoff. Some morons with shotguns thinking they can secede from an armed government force.

>Turning rural communities into self sufficient micro-states.

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>citytard shows off how addicted he is to modern tech
You're dissing the people who keep that shit running in the background you imbecile

Fuck both of you retards

>A small chunk of America should decide everything for every American!
That's a fucking terrible idea. Shame on you

Library Drag Queen story time
Mandatory LBGT classes in school
If you refuse to give your child genital surgery we will take them from you

Haven't Kojima gone on and on about how Death Stranding is about borders, walls, and bridges etc, etc.
The only thing in the EU that would apply to as far as I am aware, is Brexit and the shitfest surrounding it.

I mean if you went back further in history you'd have the post war era and the Berlin fiasco and that'd likely play into Death Stranding's themes too. But that was before the EU.

You already tried and lost, it was called the "Civil War", and you got completely, utterly, B T F O because the Southerners are a bunch of losers who are so asspained about it that to this day they SEETHE over it

Get over it. Cope.

Attached: We-get-our-food-from-the-store-not-whites.jpg (698x960, 43K)

I had actually read it as
>the last time we had bridges you destroyed the world. Fuck you.

Most hispanics are white Christians.

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>Modern tech
>Basic medicine
Have fun making your own cancer medication I guess.

Not trump because he was obviously irrelevant at the time, but it shows that Nationalism is dumb because The Boss being a true patriot didn't mean shit because her government sold her out the second it was favorable to do so and did the disservice of having her student be her executioner. Only Big Boss and co know of her heroic snackrifice.

He's talking about uniting society through common purpose. Do you think anybody is really attempting to do that?

Yes this is true, but it hasn't happened yet. Likely will happen in the next few years. Also, haha, no, whites becoming a minority will not give you a diverse future. More like a black majority future. Or a hispanic majority future. But not a diverse future. So you think, so you actually think that, in hispanic majority america, they will vote for the candidate that will appeal to blacks? Or vice versa? That's not going to happen, unless there is lap over in the cultures. Which is possible, but not for the entirety of the cultures.

>actually put apes in charge of food
How did you not think that this was a bad idea? I mean, just look at him


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Who gives a shit? Hispanics think "Christianity" means worshiping a death god.

>"Whites aren't the majority now"
>"Prove it"
>*posts link proving that whites are still the majority for now, but it could change in the future*

So whites are still the majority for now?

So Trump can't take credit for the economic upturn, but he has to take credit for the downturn?

The US is going to collapse the moment whites aren't there to pay for welfare of minorities. If you are telling the story, tell the entire story.
Wait until next year when recession hits, it's overdue, and watch what happens to Germany.

>cancer medication
>basic medicine
Are you just fucking retarded or what. Do you think cancer didnt exist before modern medicine? That if it did it would have wiped us out like the black plague?

Quite simply the game is about convincing isolationists to join back up with the government. But it's a Kojima game so the people you thought were evil are good and vice versa.

Most kids are hispanic, not white
It already happened

Could = will
Will = nothing can be done to escape it
Inevitable = you can talk about it like a done deal


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If the wrong side got utterly BTFO how do you explain Trump winning?

I wonder if people who live in city centers or the countryside are more likely to get cancer....

>NWO talk

Can't believe there are still Kojidrones that exist.

>waaaah everybody needs the newest and latest shot of chemotherapy and estrogen!
Kek no, you fucking idiot
>city idiot doesnt realize that cornfields are what move his hormones from one city to another
It'll be more likely that you'll come begging to rurals for your next fix because nobody will deliver it to you

>Could = will

Based Retard.

>Obama introduced a stimulus package called the American Recovery and Investment act which included a number of tax incentives, money to improve infrastructure and aid to low-income workers, as well as tax cuts for poorer people and increase in taxes for the wealthy (by not renewing tax cuts for them that Bush implemented).
He didn't all he did was create loopholes for big businesses to work part time workers like full time workers without any of the benefits.
>Obama reduced unemployment from 9.9% to 2.2% over a period of 8 years and that somehow doesn't count.
Because you absolute retard, he didn't actually do anything. The way the unemployment statistic works is as such: once you've been unemployed for a certain amount of time, you no longer count as unemployed. He did nothing and the statistics look better because of teh way they're calculated. Same way when the hurricanes hit we didn't have as many casualties as you'd think because the homeless and dregs of society don't count as people to the tallymen.

For what it's worth, I said that coming from the perspective of the UCA being the obvious evil guys.

Was a massive COPE by rural retards, because unfortunately they're still allowed to vote. Yet once again they get BTFO because their own president is fucking them in the ass and they still support him over it.

The United States is a federal republic and a constitutional representative democracy, the people whining about the popular vote never paid attention in an social studies or history class and have a severe lack of understanding of the government.

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This. I'm a die-hard Trump fanboy and even I think "unemployment" is a nonsense statistic.

People like to twist the numbers to make it seem like the number of white people is smaller than it really is. The number of white people in the country overall is still increasing, it's just becoming a smaller proportion. It's just funny that they lump all nonwhites in together to make it seem like there are less white people too, like all nonwhites get along with each other and want to be seen as part of the same group.

Yes we need to take away the right for people to vote and then disarm them. This has never played out in history before.

You are the densest retard in this thread. Lurk more or at least try to think enough to detect sarcasm before posting. Brain dead dipshit

Also, if California is going to decide every election every state will secede.

Everyone with half a brain concedes that conservatives are unwilling to make any inroads with spics and nigs, and an all white coalition is not going to last much longer. You have to count on democrats choosing another milquetoast loser like Clinton who only 50% of their side at best likes to win 2020. And honestly if this incoming brutal recession hits before the general election, even her worthless ass could probably come back and win, because the economy is for the most part Trump's cornerstone. Trump winning was the final death rattle of a party, because he's too chickenshit to enact anything bold that would secure the future of a certain race of people.

If they aren't Mormon they're not conservative enough


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>m-muh part time
>muh discouraged workers
Then why did the U5 unemployment rate decline as well during his presidency? That includes "discouraged" workers. They all declined during his 8 years

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Is it really that hard to believe that trump might not be good for america

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>make walking simulator
>"it's doesn't get fun till half way in"

bravo hackjimbo

what did they mean by this?

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Except the rural retards, again, voted to make where we live worse in general, hoping that all those people saying they would move to Canada if Trump won, would actually move to Canada. Some did. But not enough. So we are going to vote Trump in again, Hopefully this time, you will realize we don't give a shit about the country's condition and fucking leave already.

>to make any inroads

That's not how it works. The second white people are gone the rest will eat each other alive because they're ironically more brutal and heartless than whites.

>He's talking about uniting society through common purpose

Sounds like an endorsement of globalism and denouncing nationalism or isolationism. More evidence:
>The protagonist wears a bright red hat that says 'Bridge'
>this would be contrary to a wall, and has indeed been used contrary to it by actual politicians ("Build bridges, not walls")
>in an interview, when Kojima is explaining why people want to build bridges, he references Brexit and Trump as similar things that made people want to be isolated in the first place
>this is, pretty obviously, going to be painted as a bad thing in a game about connecting with others
>all this follows Kojima being a fanboy for well-connected Hollywood actors, an environment notorious for being super left-leaning and Jewish

Read between the lines. Kojima turned into a Hollywood neo-lib hack like he always wanted, and all it took was panting like a dog and loyally carrying out their political propaganda. If you buy this game you're just supporting the continued invasion of politics into video games.

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Yes, we have to COPE so hard over Trump being a disappointment that we literally have to invent a massive conspiracy theory involving satanic pedophile rings (that has been wrong numerous times, but for some reason I still believe in it) in order to rationalize how all of his failures are actually successes

It's actually a lot harder to believe that Hillary or any leftie for that matter would be good for america in any way

Because it was on the upswing from a major depression, the worst in recent history. Naturally less people will be unemployed after a recession than during it. That would happen regardless of what a president does.

>a massive conspiracy theory involving satanic pedophile rings (that has been wrong numerous times
>Epstein was literally killed over it

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Because again, once you're unemployed for a long period of time, you no longer count as a worker so technically the unemployment rate went down but really it remained the same only most of those workers don't count anymore. Can you not understand words retard?

>muh part time
are you some kinda yuppie faggot who never had to work? Part-timers are all an hour short of full time, with basically "right to work" conditions, no way of upwards movement, and none of the benefits obama promised because it was just a giant loop hole to get companies to employ more expendable workers. He did jack shit, I know because I had to work a bunch of these shitty jobs. Obama enabled corps like Target and Amazon to rape this country even more.

>Implying the UCA and BRIDGES guys won't betray sam halfway through the game

Just take a look at the briefing trailer and you'll see those guys just can't simply be "the good guys" much like the homo-demens won't just be 'Bad people'.

It's easier to believe Trump is good for america than the communists will be.

Disarming is the biggest fucking meme ever, it won't happen. Firearms are a pacifier now, most gun owners have decided the line that must not be crossed is gun grabbing, and that's about it. So the government, being mostly not retarded, just takes every other freedom, the so called patriots are fucking useless because the only desire they have is to cling to their guns.

And what does he knows about american and european politics? he just watches movies and buys legos

It's a conspiracy theory that's why everyone involved in it mysteriously dies. Hillary being sick was a conspiracy theory until it wasn't. Trump's campaign being spied on was a conspiracy theory until it wasnt.

Kojima is scared, if this fail he is finished.

>using theoretical evidence than actual, existing evidence we can look at right now

only tax payers should vote

More than American game devs that's for sure.

Why should some states be counted over others?
You do realize that there are people who support the other party who live in states that are considered red or blue?
Why should they be invalidated in favor of 'swing' states?

The president is supposed to be the representative of the people, therefore should be subject to popular vote, not an antiquated system that was created with the intention to give more influence to slave sates and not revoked along with slavery.

True, and I agree completely, its straight up retarded leftist logic. That all the difference races and their different cultures totally get along. When clearly, that do not. Recall when churches started getting torn down to be replaced by mosques? That's a clear example of something some races used, being repurposed for another culture or race. Leftists like to see that, and say "good, take that evil white people!" but what about hispanics? Don't they use churches? What about blacks? Don't they use churches? How is this fair? Are muslims now more important them? How is this diversity? How is this a positive?

>Because again, once you're unemployed for a long period of time, you no longer count as a worker
Yes, that's why I included "discouraged workers", you dumbfuck, AKA "worker who has not been looking for work for a period of time", unemployment including them declined as well as part-time employment. Unemployment across the board declined during Obama's 8 years

>The president is supposed to be the representative of the people, therefore should be subject to popular vote

The president is the representative of the republic, and thus votes are handled in a way relative to the republic. I am not going to let you dance around the fact you just want to win every election by swarming it, like some sort of Chinese army, you faggot Californian.

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Q is funny because it has reached a sobering truth, that our elites are absolute monsters who treat anyone below them as a toy to be acted upon for their pleasure, but their addled boomer brains cannot conceive that that is true across the board, so it has to specifically be liberal elites. It's like feeding a starving animal, and it just eats the bowl, not the food. Very depressing stuff.

It will happen as soon as they can feasibly do it. You can shit talk all you want but it's easier to get the 1st amendment back with the second than it is to get the 2nd back with the first.

probably as much as the average American sadly

pizzagate was 100% real, and it got swept under the rug completely. Comet pizza had basements, there were a bunch of old articles stating people were investigating screaming in teh vicinity of those parlors and it all got swept under teh rug, sascha barren cohen had a comedy bit where he accidentally found an actual pedophile ring, it got brought to court and then completely dropped out of the courts. The onoly person to even mention it was Colbert, bashing "idiots" for believing it, but it falls apart when you realize his sister got a generous donation from his great friend Podesta to get her the treatment she needed.

If your next post endorses communism I am going to shoot you

So he knows about as much about NA and EU politics as most people then.

>the side that cuts unborn babies out of braindead mothers and uses them like tools are the good guys


Liberals love killing children, just look at their love of abortion and denying Pizzagate

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Electoral college votes are dependent on the population of citizens within that state. You would know this if you weren't a mouth breathing retard whose only education came from the Daily Show. Look up a list of states ranked by electoral votes. California has more. Derp.

He never said that but ok

>The will of the people is invalidated because of where they live

It will only happen if/when the majority of people get tired of owning guns, which certainly will not happen this decade, or probably next. It's too good of a tool, you just let them keep their guns and you can slow broil them in every other aspect. After all, if the gubmint let's you keep the guns, things must not be bad enough to take up arms.

You people are so fucking dumb when it comes to politics. You really dont know what youre talking about

>games can't have a contemporary narrative

Agree ,but the US isn't a democracy, it's been a plutocracy for a few decades now, objectively.
The electoral college is utter bs and needs to be abolished, the US have now a severe representation issue.

If the people willed something then it would be a simple matter to make a new amendment and get it ratified to change the voting system. All of this was already planned.

>Electoral college votes are dependent on the population of citizens within that state.
Thank you captain obvious, why do you think I brought up slavery and how it gave salve states more influence.
Then again, it was a conservative idea, like slavery, so it's only natural that conservatives still support it.

>moving goalposts to an imaginary fantasy land

I don't think you understand how this works, do you. People working two jobs doesn't lower the fucking unemployment rate.

how about children dying from stray bullets and republicans' love for guns

Your vote is effectively worthless in an electoral college system if your state is red or blue. It is a completely undemocratic system that only consolidates power to swing states. If I'm a Democrat in Texas or a Republican in California why should I bother voting? The vote for president is not reflective of the will of the people

Was it a Republican or a Democrat president that ended slavery?

now that's a steaming pile of bs like you don't see every day

>implying more than 10% can actually buy luxury items like video

Yea Forumsacebook

Look at the post you replied to

>he doesn't know what a discouraged worker is
>trying to make arguments on sand falling around his feet

Ironically, someone working 0 jobs and giving up looking for one lowers the unemployment rate.

>*The Unthinking Majority from System of a Down starts playing*

If my vote is ineffective then why are you so asspained right now?

No it doesn't, despite your delusions completely long term unemployed people are still counted. They are moved into another category. You don't seriously think people stop tracking a person's employment status after a few years do you?

Woah never thought of it that way. Then after the civil war all the northern republicans moved down south and started voting conservatively and vice versa. Really wild how that happened

Unfortunately the other choice is commues who will do anything for votes. Here in my country the left is pushing for lower voting age (i.e. idealistic people who want to rebel against anything), offer free houses for immigrants (when we already have homeless people) and expropiate farms for the ”””natives”””””

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now that's a lack of an argument you don't see every day

Meant commies.

>Using party affiliation because he wants to deny the hard truth that ideological shifts occur.

Just remember, it's always been the conservatives who have fought against America.
Conservatives were the loyalists in the American Revolution.
Conservatives were the confederates who betrayed America in the Civil War
Conservatives were the Nazi sympathizers during World War II.
The party names might change, but conservatism never does.
The small government meme is just that, a meme.

Fought and lost, traditionally.

>Muh party switch

>tfw called dirty commie for thinking EC needs to be reformed when I think a Republican's useless vote in California is as sad as a Democrat's in Wyoming
If we don't at the very least reform it, we will have extremists in power eventually who will kill it, which would be even worse.

It's insignificant and overblown by the media. Most gun deaths are suicides, when you take those out, the deaths per gun is about the same here as it is anywhere else.

Someones needs to call into this show and set these morons straight. Im tired of seeing this shit pop up on youtube and seeing retarded lefties parrot their opinions. Talk about why the free market fixes shit it or how conservative economic policies make for a safer stronger usa

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Lol you're one of those "the parties completely switched sides!" people, aren't you?

How is "We need blacks to pick our cotton for us!" any different than "We need Mexicans to pick our crops for us!"

Thinking that's possible with how the system's already been rigged through gerrymandering and mass voter suppression.
Notice how the Republicans are fighting tooth and nail the will of the people when they vote to have an independent commission to stop gerrymandering?

Or how they are trying to stop people from putting forward initiatives because they're unhappy with the results?

make an argument and stand with it pussy.

>What is the Southern Strategy

Yes. Thats what happened. Why do you morons put muh in front of that shit everytime like its not known political history?

I can either agree with you or tell you to kill yourself if you reveal your political values.

And it will be conservatives that fucking execute you in the next civil war. Remember that. Because they fight for a way of life and an ideal, not progress for the sake of progress.

And once again, right wingers have still failed to produce a single video game of any value

I mean the other guy posted statistics and you still ignored them, so why bother, you've already come into the thread with a worldview that is unalterable.

The EC, gerrymandering and a whole bunch of other shit needs fixing but nobody wants to cause it's remove all the grifters in politics who do nothing but push shit around.

Trying to appeal to Hollywood so he can make real movies. Nice Kojimbo.

No one's moving the goalpost you're just an idiot.

>Phone poster
>Crying about Youtube
It has the worst conservative bias I've ever seen. I clear my cookies constantly and whenever I look at something remotely political, the site recommends me to cuckolid Ben Shapiro.

Leftists can never win on ideas. They have to change the rules of the game. It will be true every single time every single day.

>Yes, that's why I included "discouraged workers", you dumbfuck
Except you didn't, after a period they're not counted as discouraged workers, or anything, they're effectively considered invalids. It's all fluff statistics to make Obama look good. >Unemployment across the board declined during Obama's 8 years
At the cost of everyone's wages, with no real impact on anyone but the middle class. Are you some sort of privileged whit yuppie living in a flat your trust fund paid for? I can't believe anybody would be this unknowledgeable and retarded at the same time.

He literally moved a goalpost to a fantasy land where the fact that part time increased post a recession (shock and awe) was contributing to unemployment

That's one interpretation I guess

>And it will be conservatives that fucking execute you in the next civil war.
2nd time's a charm eh traitor?
Next time you try we'll make sure whoever our Sherman is this time burns everything you hold dear to the ground.

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Democrats don't advocate for Mexican slaves that will do work no American is willing to do?

Please stop

>refutes the man's statistics and graphs with wild claims with no evidence to support it


Statistics that are all meaningless without citations, or purposefully leaving out important bits of information. You're a dishonest pussy and this is exactly why nobody likes you.

You just described the right wing, they're stopping people from putting forward ideas and having a level playing field because they know they'll lose.
Nice job.

>thinking there will be another fucking civil war
Quite the comedian. The little piggies that make up the majority of America are way too docile for that shit. Imagine trying to rouse the Boomer Division to battle over diminishing white birth rates and some weirdo crossdressers when they really want to just gorge themselves at Red Lobster.

no because they would support a living wage

>1 person should have 1 vote

>Conservative website can't be used if they publish stories that hurt your side.

Yeah, I'm gonna listen to a graph without citation as an argument to authority. Nobody likes you people, and this is why.

>"obamur wuz great his stats weren't inflated!"
>"no he wasn't he cut a bunch of shit to get those temporary dead end jobs that cant support anybody"
>"hurrf durf wild claims"
It'll be a fine day when you jackasses die of stroke.

No they're too busy sitting around crying about hardworking sjw to do anything with their lazy asses

I'm sure the obese purple-haired trans latinx lesbians will win the war for you this time. I'm sure your pet blacks will fight valiantly by your side like all the government propaganda says they did.

I guess according to you the left were universally against the Nazis. That's why old people around for the war are/were so left-wing, correct? The same old people you all racist and stupid and say should die off already and stop voting.

>he cut a bunch of shit

Like, and such as? You don't even have a platform, you just have headlines that you dusted off from four years ago. You'll die of a stroke first you old fuck, careful with your back while you dig through your cobwebbed memories.

>from putting forward ideas
We need to arbitrarily change ________ so more Democrats will get elected. Name one idea out forward that wouldn't benefit Democrats directly.

>Living in this world of delusion
Conservatism proving it's the true mental disorder of the world.
Have fun out in the real world when you attempt to start your rebellion and get stuffed, again.

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What is a living wage? Define it clearly using actual numbers.

Ah yes, the old people who fought in "the war" will be around to fight the civil war. You're one of those people who thinks his guns are to fight off the army but believes it, genuinely.

imagine voting for a fat, orange jew while somehow simultaneously being an alt right neonazi

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Just like Trump would never ever win, right? I've learned to stop listening to faggots like you that hide behind 57 layers of aloof irony. What have you ever accomplished in your life?

>Arbitrary ideas
>Like non partisan created voting districts where neither party can overtly influence them.
>And allowing people to be able to put forward how they want their community run directly
Why do Republicans hate democracy and Republics??

You do realize that if a suggestion of fixing Gerrymandering and the EC's limitations inherently makes Democrats stronger that means you've done a poor job of convincing parts of america that your platform and ideology is worth supporting.

Don't forget he's also a Saudi cocksucker

You're a faggot lmao

I never claimed they would be. Learn to read. The claim was that anti-nazi = left wing. That's a ridiculous lie.

The Democrats support slavery in the form of allowing people into the country and letting them work for less than minimum wage and denying them full citizenship making them unable to take part in voting, you're perfectly ok with these people running the country in the modern day but somehow the founders are wrong.

>You do realize that if a suggestion of fixing Gerrymandering and the EC's limitations inherently makes Democrats stronger that means you've done a poor job of convincing parts of america that your platform and ideology is worth supporting.
Pretty hard to convince people "I'll give you free shit" is not a good thing long-term.

cope nigger

Honestly not trying to stir up shit, but who in thi site supports Trump in 2019?
Can you give me your reasons?
I understand that there's a very real probability that he gets reelected especially if the democrats send warren or biden against him.
Also, not video games.

>He thinks Trump committing treason (again) and breaking the Constitution (again) will lead to popular rebellion among the traitors.
>Forgets that the military leadership hates Trump and the only people who had any respect, like Matlis are gone
>Even with his extreme pandering to the military and how they normally overwhelming support Republicans, he's treading at only 50% approval among the grunts.
You should just kill yourself, it would save us the trouble and bullets of killing you when you following the Dear Leader to the grave.

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>trump winning an election is the same as the loud minority getting stomped in a civil war, again, like they have the past five times.

Anti-Nazi as a technicality is left wing, Democracy and Socialism runs against the concept of NATSOC and Fascism (and don't let Nazi's try to fool you that it isn't Fascism, it is). Conservatives should also not support Fascism, since it places control ultimately in the hands of the government, but alas

Ooo nice, you boiled down the concept of the Left's politics into "free shit", a classic boomerism.

I'm sure the people that want to impeach Trump's supreme court pick for drinking beer and won't let muh Russia collusion go despite being proven wrong really have our best interests in mind:))))

shh don't tell them that military finds him stupid, embarrassing and the fact that he doesn't actually respect/listen to them pisses them all off

God I can't wait for DumF(short for dumb fuck) to get booted out of office and then impeached. I hope he tries to refuse the election and gets the army to arrest him

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You do realize that if

>I'll give you something for doing nothing
>i-its not free shit though
If you don't pay income tax you shouldn't be allowed to vote in federal elections.

Are you for voter ID laws? Yes or no.

You do realize that if a suggestion of having voter ID inherently makes Republicans stronger, that means our entire system is a sham.

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Then I am higher on the progressive stack than you and you must listen to me.

Will you pay for them all and make sure everyone gets access to it by making sure there is at least 1 place that you can get them within every 5 miles of easy access transportation?

No. voter id is inherently racist.

"If you don't own property, you shouldn't get to vote"

I love you boomers, its like talking to a person trapped in the past that they themselves have never had to live.

I welcome the concept of a Voter ID, you're already in the system if you opt in to vote, so it makes no difference. Also, it sure as fuck would fix "dead" people voting

How did Trump commit treason? Obama wouldn't let that happen under his watch. Obama said the election couldn't be hacked.

Nah, we'll just pack the supreme court to nullify the rapist and then prosecute Trump for the crime's he committed in 2016 and will commit in 2020. Assuming New York doesn't get him first for his financial crimes since the DoJ saying the president is above the law doesn't matter to the states :3

Nothing you people predict ever comes true so how do you expect anyone to believe you about anything?

California's turning red

>it's racist to make sure only those who should legal vote are able to

>Trump was the one that reached out to an enemy
>Trump still panders to Putin and is his cock holster
>Ttump says he'd break the law and commit treason again
>McConnell stopped Obama from doing anything meaningful

Journalists distorting lines to create a narrative where their (and their sponsors) positions look the right way? Wow! I never saw that.

Siding with russia over our own intelligence.
Alienating the nato forces while buddying up with dictators.

t. neetsoc
Why should people who don't pay income tax have a say in how it is spent?

Video games. Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.Video games.

Kojima is making a criticism of isolationist ideaology and just citing some real life examples that if they went to far could lead to a similar scenario. This was shit you could figure out well before he said it outright.

Lag did it

Black people currently do not have any way to get any form of government ID right now? How do they function?

Ah yes, voter fraud, remember when Republicans in Texas tried looking for it, and then forged information as part of a giant voter suppression scheme that caused their secretary of state to resign in disgrace after it was exposed?

>when you give up and just start posting nonsense

What’s a video game?

Nothing you people have ever done has ever succeeded, so how do you expect anyone to believe you can?

Ban all Neptunia weebs

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>When you can't deny anything and just say it doesn't count

Surely this will be the end of Trump, this time! Did you watch the Lewandowski hearing? It's going so well for the Dems. They always win. They're always this close to beating that orange cheeto man any day now.

Because how income tax is spent affects those people, whether they pay it or not? Why should I pay taxes that go towards farms if I live in the city, or pay taxes for the Coast Guard if I lived in Montana

reminder to report avatarfags

>Greg Abbott

>cock holster
I, too, get all of my information from Stephen Colbert. Say, fellow Colbert fan, are we supposed to be for or against Comey?

Tyranny of the republic vs Tyranny of the majority. You burgerclaps are honestly better off splitting between two nations at this point. Instead of year after year after years of "Neener neener we're in charge now XD XD >w

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>they need, NEED to be EU allies to be able to function
>also they ALREADY have their sovereignty

How can they be sovereign AND also require a higher governing body simply to be able to function. This argument only highlights the blatant vampirism the EU exhibits upon the member governments under its control, its hilarious that people make it and think it comes off as pro remain. The UK citizenrys will has been subverted, they're not even being allowed to choose their own future/legislation because a foreign entity is standing in the way and it was initiated under the guise of improved trade and infrastructure all while the quality of life dwindles in the UK AND they are the third largest contributor fiscally to the EU, its fucking nonsense and moreover it was voted upon 3 fucking years ago now, brexit needs to take place or the EU needs to come out and declare themselves an empire (not just Juncker, the whole system) and stop pretending they have any other countries interests in mind.

Remember, moving the goal post from "availability" to "well i mean you can go get them its physically possible" is a fun but old trick


I cant shoot you in cold blood for being such a kike who repeats the same discredited shit every day, as if you werent discredited the day before. I have no reason to engage you otherwise if it doesn't involve murder. Call the cops, you quivering little pussy. Call the cops and tell them someone would gladly concave your head and leave you there until your dog eats you.

Any intelligence agency that loses evidence against Hillary and gives her team unconditional immunity deals isn't intelligent. The same intelligence community that spied on Trumps campaign and found no proof of any crime.

>Being this mad at the facts

It unironically would be a good thing. We'd have to hash out borders and who goes where, but the American empire is already in its twilight years, even most republicans are sour on imperialism, now is a great time to diffuse power and have a split.

Because they actually provide a necessary benefit. Welfare is a net burden on the taxpayer.

That doesnt stop the fact Democrats were blatantly trying to use illegals living in Texas to try and sway the state.

>shills for trump
>votes for trump
>turns out trump is an embarrassment
>"I wasn't being serious"
alt-right folks use the exact same excuse as all the liberal political comedians

>cites the argument against himself

K, thanks I guess.

We succeeded in getting Trump elected.

Wow its literally nothing.

>mfw I littered this thread with both Pro and Anti-Trump posts for maximum (You)s

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Remeber when /pol/, aka reddit tried to get Colbert fired for that comment and it backfired making him more popular?

Or the fact that because /pol/, aka reddit cannot create original content, they're using 2 year old, stale memes for colbert because they can't think of anything without Russians on facebook spoonfeeding it to them?

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>turns out trump is an embarrassment

He's been the best president in like 30 years

>It's nothing
>Ignoring the hard evidence of a massive voter suppression campaign after Republicans were caught running another one.
>T-t-t-t-he whataboutism will work this time guys, we promise!

No the Electoral College did, technically.

is this a joke

If a black person wants a driver's license, what do they do?

>making him more popular

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Ahh this meme!

>thinks the warm fuzzies you get from supporting a single mother is remotely comparable a keeping farmer able to provide the food he buys
You don't think food comes from stores by chance do you?

As much as your life is a joke user

nigger China for the most part is the biggest shithole in the world. Their economy runs on the back of millions of chinks that have no other way to earn a living than working on some manufacturing plant making iphones and samsung tv's for $1.50 per hour.

>voters didnt elect trump, the system the voters participated in did

I wasn't the one that brought up cock holster, friend. Remember when Colbert's audience cheered Comey getting fired and he shamed them like children because that wasn't the agenda he was pushing? Remember when Colbert was funny?

Yang Gang For Life
Get Your Free Neetbux

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>The Democrats support slavery in the form of allowing people into the country and letting them work for less than minimum wage and denying them full citizenship making them unable to take part in voting, you're perfectly ok with these people running the country in the modern day but somehow the founders are wrong.
Lol you don't think the republicans do this too?
Mexicans taking jobs is a scapegoat, don't have a scapegoat if no Mexicans aren't taking jobs.
Vote for a third party you dumb yanks.

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Correct, the system they participated in definitely motivated individuals with their own goals, agendas and motivations to vote how they wanted.

these articles are as misleading as they could possibly be, kojima never mentioned trump being an inspiration for death stranding, its just pathetic lefty urinalists trying to make every think kojimas on their side

>Republicans are rigging elections by importing massive amounts of insects who breed exponentially and vote Democrat +90% of the time

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>Not making fun of the clown in the white house.
Well, conservatives just aren't funny so it's clear you wouldn't understand how it works.

>Thinking Comey was a good guy
>Still focusing on 2 years ago because he hasn't gotten new material from Ivan
Why are you so mad at Colbert?

>Vote for a third party you dumb yanks.
Y I K E S ! !

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>thinks the warm fuzzies you get from supporting a struggling farmer is remotely comparable to keeping people active in the job and consumer market

I can do this all day man.

liberals are hilarious but not intentionally


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I know you aren't making an argument, you don't need to post the obvious.

Two scoops

I too, get that meme.
Where's the fresh content though?

I guess if nothing is ever your fault and you technically never lose then life would be easier to get through. I'd feel bad for you people if you all didn't want me dead.


Yang is a chink

Bernie is a commie

And warren is a retard

#TRUMP 2020

I am competing with the single mother who made bad decisions. I am not competing with the farmer.

sbay has a mass blue exodus... to Texas. figure that one out

>Import scapegoat
>Blame scapegoat for problems
>Win votes
Classic republicans can't understand politics.
You've been had

Stay seething

what the fuck did you guys do to this thread

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Name a single thing wrong with Islamophobia.

If every single Paki, Arab and whatever converted away from Islam their life would become better.

They don't get one because they don't have the means to get one.
It's a neat little trick of voter suppression, like closing polling places so that a person is required to walk 15 to a polling station.
Oh yeah, and if you do something like arrange a bus so you and your friends can vote? That's outlawed by Republicans

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can't find sauce

Old and busted
I need new Material from Ivan user.
Chop chop