Woo, Yea Forums!

Woo, Yea Forums!

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who is this Yea Forums guy anyway?


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a notorious hacker known as Yea Forumsidya



whats your opinions of that neckbearded sufferable faggot notch?

Didn't they remove that?

literally Yea Forums with two billion dollars. would any of us really act any differently in the same situation?


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Yea Forums - virgin rapist


how do you make this game fun?
my little brother forces me into playing every day, but i hate it so much
>have to chop wood
>have to make sticks
>have to put together tools
>tools break after a couple uses
>oh no seems like you forgot to eat meat for 2 minutes and now you are about to starve
>have to cook meat
>have to craft new tools
>go outside
>do stuff
>now your tiny inventory is filled after just 10 minutes of chopping at blocks
>get pushed into lava by random arrow from the back
>congratulations, now your entire inventory is gone, have fun chopping down trees and stones by hand and start from scratch
it's so fucking tedious.

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Of they did they should remove Reddit then too.

You make it less tedious by progressing in the game. Shulker boxes for example eliminate the inventory problem, especially when combined with an ender chest and a silk touch pickaxe.

quite based desu

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still in the game. surprising considering they removed the ones that mentioned notch

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>waaa waaa reddit waaaa

u sound like a bitch

>still in the game

Seriously? Wow. Presumably Yea Forums is just not notorious enough for Microsoft to have noticed our presence. It still astonishes me that newfags don't know that Notch was a Yea Forumsirgin and we basically beta tested his game for him over a decade ago.

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i feel like the stuff notch tweets doesn't resemble anything he actually thinks and instead has the sole purpose of making as many people as possible mad. He's a multi billionaire, he knows damn well no one's ever going to be able to touch him. So to entertain himself he just goes and scrapes up the latest /pol/ conspiracy, slaps it on twitter, and waits for the raging replies and news articles

Quite literally, he's just shitposting like people do here, the only difference being he isn't anonymous, which really only makes people angrier.

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Fuckin gotem. Plus, cunt/dick aren’t gender exclusive. I call guys cunts all the time, and I’ve called girls dicks before on several occasions. Insults are insults. Like calling someone who isn’t black a nigger. It still means the same thing.

good in my book, he still wants to make games too even without any foreseeable financial need

If Yea Forums didn't exist, it would have taken a lot longer for Minecraft to take off, if at all.

I miss those early threads when the game first came out

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Lmao the fucking madman

Is this still in the game or did they remove it with Notch's credits?

that's an oxymoron

Notch taking down all those trannies a few months ago was very entertaining. I wish he hadnt stopped

I mean let’s be honest, it’s in their right to remove it if we are a site that encourages violence, bigotry, and sexism (which we do, look at Christchurch)

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Wow user this is what I thought too! I really like squid boys and girls mmm

To tell you the truth I was never comfortable with having Yea Forums associated with that cybernazi. Glad they took it out.

He stopped because he realized that trannies are psychotic enough to go to his house and kill him.

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Failed game dev who accidentally struck gold by creating the basis for the video game equivalent of Lego (in other words, a video game that will be around for literal decades in some way or another, like the building toy). But, he had no idea how to flesh out this rough idea. All his early additions and are pretty random with little thought or planning. He had no idea in what direction he should go with Minecraft. Thankfully, he sold his game and company to people who do have an idea how to progress.
The guy is unable to complete projects because he doesn't know how to finish them (sounds familiar to me as well). Like the game 0x10c that he cancelled.
Still, he got literal billions. I'm really curious what kind of life he has now. Has he found a new purpose? Remarried?

Based mmmposter

There used to be this Yea Forumsirgin that I followed on youtube that made probably one of the first minecraft series in its earliest days. He had a FLAOT type map and would basically do podcast style commentary where he would just cover a ton of different topics. I miss that guy.

How do you lads feel about being cemented and memorialized in the highest grossing game of all time?

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He's not really failed if he's a multibillionaire now

>(which we do, look at Christchurch)
That was 8gag, a completely different website than 4channel's Yea Forums.

>cemented and memorialized
i come to Yea Forums but my name isn't Yea Forums. what a soiboi post

Not in the sense of making a shit ton of money, no. But how many projects has he completed? A few indie titles before Minecraft and nothing really since. Was he involved in Scrolls?
But I'd call him less a game developer than I'd call Stephen King (for example) a writer. King still writes books like a machine and many of them are successful. Notch does fuck all.

Well my name is Yea Forums

Minecraft really starts off slow but if you spend every hour just focusing on gathering a lot of resources and leveling up for your enchantments, you will become unstoppable.

This is still in the game, I just screenshotted this an hour ago.

Shut up, thats like saying Yea Forums is part of a child sex ring.

I would belive it if it was Yea Forums

they still have it tard

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Yea Forums doesnt have a gender.

> he had no idea how to flesh out this rough idea
... But that's wrong, you fucking retard.
Every version of the game from the first indev to release 1.8 came out while Notch was at Mojang.
2009-2014 is 5 years.
In reality, development had already started slowing down by this time. It'd been at a crawl compared to its original pace for about 2 years.
For reference, by May 2012, we were at release 1.2. This is exactly the period that Notch retroactively claimed to have considered minecraft "complete" and started running out of ideas, but obviously we can't confirm how true that is, it's possible he just wanted to completely dissociate himself from Minecraft's "dark ages".
Anyway, Notch is responsible for the most active period of development Minecraft has ever had and will ever have, based upon current trends.

it's me

Oh. But I guess it's okay now that Notch is no longer referenced in the game. Microsoft can greet us if they want.

Notch is a retard, and he has retarded opinions, but I will admit he must be living the dream right now.

Yes, loads of shit was added during Notch' time at Mojang, but little of it did anything to flesh out the game. Remember that 3D artist he hired to give the game a proper design? There were a few test models produced and the guy left. And there are more examples of aborted efforts to take the game in a certain direction. All indicative of his lack of any plan how to finish developing Minecraft.
Only now, after years of development, has the game started to have actual gameplay elements besides sandbox building.

Fleshing out the game doesn't require an end goal, it requires more features. The point of the game is to conquer the world and build amazing structures to make your ever expanding conquest even easier. You wouldn't say a standard arcade-style Tetris that goes on forever is a bad game just because it has no ending, so don't make that equivalency for Minecraft.

should have funded an anime or movie or game or whatever media he wants to exists with his fuck you money.

dude he should just get out and do stuff you know

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underrated post

>The point of the game is to conquer the world and build amazing structures to make your ever expanding conquest even easier.
That is a good and grand goal for a game as Minecraft. However, without any kind of adversary or opposing forces it's less conquering and more just building, like Lego.
My point is that many of these antagonistic forces were only added after Notch left. Sure, he created a lot of mobs, but nothing really big, nothing that really challenged the player. Only now is this being added, and Minecraft is slowly starting to live up to its potential.
I honestly think that Minecraft is in better hands now. Notch didn't have the ideas to take the game in the proper direction.

unironically this

Mobs weren't supposed to be that big a challenge. The game wasn't supposed to be a brutal challenge to try and survive; the challenge was supposed to be building truly impressive things. That in itself is a challenge, from planning to resource gathering to execution. That is *the* challenge of Minecraft, to me, not "don't get killed by mobs". But I guess I can accept your point.
Nice quads, by the way.

This. I prefer a minecraft that challenges me, so I add a bunch of modded creatures to rip my dick off if I slip up. Vanilla is just supposed to be a sandbox, my preferred version can easily be created with mods.

spoken like a true faggot

God, you're such a faggot.

Great guy and logical and has fuck you money now

This is 4channel, shitlord. We dindu nuffin.