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>Underprivileged students
What does that mean?

they are poor and probably stupid.

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I'll give you a hint

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poor kids
kids in neighborhoods where the schools are shitty and there aren't enough teachers
little in the way of motivational factors because parents don't care and getting a talking too from the Nintendo man could mean a lot to them he's a fuckin sjw now? jesus fuckin' christ this is cringe

They're not white.

The saddest thing about this post is that people will take this seriously.

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Isn't it spelled with a z?


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Unless they're gay, judging by Nintendo's history

Good for Reggie

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>tfw looking for internships or mentorships
>all of them only accept women or blacks

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Is it bad if I automatically think if blacks and Mexicans when I hear underprivileged lol

Uhhh only whites can be privileged Nazi.


>feels like a natural fit
it's the lolis, isn't it?

PS4 owners.

no, he's right. There is no cope, dilate or be-a-good-goy that could save or redeem obviously shitposting like yours. Goddamit, I hate neo/v/ so fucking much