So whats wrong with western video game developers? why can't they stop putting political garbage into every game?

so whats wrong with western video game developers? why can't they stop putting political garbage into every game?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Being trans isn't political OP. She is just expressing excitement in having someone to identify with. What is wrong with you?

Why do you care?

It's not political. Also they do that for publicity and free marketing.

Reminder, every game released has had some sort of political stuff in it, no matter how snowflake OP spins it. Fuck the 40% mentally ill trannies though :)

Jesus christ what is wrong with you. Go back to your containment board

>Offtopic Twitter thread
>Bluecheck poster

>implying /pol/ doesn't whine the most about politics in games
Fuck off back to r/thedonald, fag

>all short haired girls are actually boys

so the game is about mental illness and niggas being gay as fuck?

Why can't you stop making shitty political Twitter screencap threads?

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The story of the game is about a girl accepting not just the good parts of her self, but also the bad parts.
That's fucking it.
The gameplay is pretty fucking tight.

It’s okay when Japan does it

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Wanna get banned again for your gb2/pol/ posting?

>Gay and trans
So a cross dresser?

ITT: Incels mad about trans people getting representation

Because they're mentally ill people.

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What do you mean? There's a whole game full of trans representation and I enjoyed that game, it's called "Outlast"

>gay and trans
So was there a reveal the character is into girls, or was the tweet subtly implying you're still a guy even if you transition.
Because lmao

>being happy that a fictional character has an arbitrary designation that just so happens to coincide with the designation that comes out on top in typically left wing hierarchies
>being happy developers are more or less towing the line
Imagine having a life as empty as that

Real question is why do you care?

I'm not gay, but I could give two shits. It's almost like you guys are obsessed or something.

Please don't reply to shitposters, it only makes them shitpost more.

> dude trust me

>Yea Forums gave a pass for this shit nogame
>is autismosexual cancer

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But shitpost is the highest quality post achievable on Yea Forums

user, what did I just say?

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That you love black cocks

I sure hope that transphobe neo-nazi that said Madeline might not be trans got banned.

Hell yeah, motherfucker.
Look at this majestic looking motherfucker.
He looks slick as fuck.

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It's a generalization

Support the western devs that don't do that shit like Popcap and Wayforward

Have sex

It doesn't matter what she looks like, only how she identifies. Why are you so bigoted?

I thought the game was about abortion

>human rights are politics

It's fucking weird and very narcissistic

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I played up to the new DLC and I'm pretty sure it's about depression and accepting that nobody exists out of just good parts.

why do you care? if it doesn't affect the story of the game or the character, it doesn't really matter.

>screencapped headcanon of a twitter literally who
Every day this gets pointed out to you user and yet you still post this, why?

Such a realistic depiction of a trans persom. They even included her committing suicide with sleeping pills.

I listen to Jim sterlings podcast each week and he has Laura on it. I don't hate his takes most of the time but Jesus christ this tranny is literally mentally ill and autistic (even has a book about it) and looks like shit irl. Laura has so much facial hair and shit teeth and hair. Nobody is fooled by this even if he has a fake pussy.

Gavin is based though even if his music is trash

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trans stuff aside, imagine having celeste as one of your fav games

This. This is the crux of the entire argument.
The LGBT community feels oppressed therefore thinks bobbing its head like a pigeon and yelling in a megaphone how good they are is perfectly justifiable "because they're in the right", even if it comes as obnoxious and even in a best case scenario, redundant.

I literally didn't know about any of this tranny shit - I skipped all cutscenes - before Yea Forums started making 10 threads a day about it.

Lies and slander.
They are all mentally sane people and wouldn't hurt anyone.
Unlike the people on this board, of course.
Don't you know that playing video games too much is a mental illness?

I wonder who's behind this shitty falseflag bait thread...

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>the trannies themselves are now recognizing being mentally ill is a marker of being trans
they have no self awareness at all do they

Most people are disgusted by transsexuals and rightfully so. Go ahead and do it if you want, but don't be surprised when most people don't want to look at you or talk to you.

>please someone post that level design picture?

Wrong thread, famalan.

Being trans is not political. It's a scientific, medical issue, just like being gay is. The fact that this stuff is considered political is the problem.
t. gay

Cool anecdote bro

Reminder Celeste sold over a million copies and is a massive success

Gay and trans? Are they admitting that trannies aren't real women? If a tranny was a woman, liking men would not be gay.

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Why am I supposed to care about this image of dubious origin? The fourth most senior catholic in the world is in jail for sexually assaulting children, people are disgusting and crazy in general, let me shitpost vidya without these disingenuous boogieman threads popping up every single day

As soon as a game makes a statement about what should or shouldn't be, even if it's only in the confines of said game, it can be considered political. However, game-journos and most people screeching for more political games mean very specifically contemporary politics, something like 'Orange Man Bad'. Which is something no sane dev should do, even just from a practical standpoint because these topics age incredibly fast and can be outdated in a very short span of time.


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>politics i agree with
no problem here :)!
>politics i don't agree with
why do you subhumans even exist

They keep hiring women. And these women have gone to university and have been brainwashed by their Social Marxist Professors. That's it.

>pic related
That's interesting, considering an algorithm could deduce if someone was gay with over 90% accuracy by looks alone.

When will you retards stop misusing this word?
Politics have existed in videogames since pretty much the beginning and your favorite videogames have politics in them unless they're ultra basic like pong, which is just two lines and a ball.

What retard youtuber started this shit? What shitstain did you watch that filled your head with this dumb shit?

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Literally not vidya, recruit somewhere else

you mean """""women"""", right?

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But that's just lookism and the halo effect in play. People don't like ugly people and associating ugliness with people you don't like takes a only a pea brain to achieve. There's ugly people everywhere, especially if said ugliness comes from a lack of care like being overweight, not taking care of your skin/hair/etc.

People who are just ugly because of bad genetics are quite rare, but they do have pretty much the worst hand dealt to them.

>a well made game sold well this is an outrage

Except that I don't give enough of a shit about modern games to even bother to pirate them.

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The person that made celeste is nonbinary.

Don't you dare call these liberal corporate bootlickers marxists.

The solution here is to simply never have a story and never encourage story heavy games. For safety, I hate all games with a story by default, from JRPGs to visual novels.

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What is gay or trans about anything in those pictures? The first pic just looks like a mother holding a child and the other is a bottle of pills which could mean anything. Fuck I've never played Celeste but isn't a theme of the game depression, couldn't those pills just be antidepressants


These things are mutually exclusive.

do you have the one about the tranny whose mother saw him on a dress and called him a dissapointment?

Its mostly white people really. You don't see blacks or latinos bending over to please trannies.

>Doesn't matter what he looks like
>only how he identifies
You're right, he is completely oblivious on what a woman looks like but he is in his right to think he is one.

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I'm sick of having this shit shoved down my throat and then being attacked for having NORMAL views.

Good God

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Exactly. The idpol crazies you find in american universities aren't marxists. Even your boy Jordan 'wash you penis' Peterson had to fold when he talked to an actual marxist.


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I don't play indie platformer garbage but if the protag's a minor it's pretty political.

99% chance that's localization cancers replacing the actual game with their fanfiction.

They're all the same.

Whatever the fuck happened to James May?

Trans... people? Does not compute.

What, you couldn't tell from the blobby androgynous art obviously drawn by a tranny?

Serious Question: What will be the next mental illness that indie games will get woke points for fetishizing?

I'm confused.

Is it a dude without a dick that's into dudes.
Or a dude without a dick that's into girls.

Reminder: this is the kind of person you're replying to

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It's like 2 pixels on a screen. Is this you?

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>It’s okay when Japan does it

of course, just look at all the anime

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This literally makes my stomach ache. I can't control that. I can't control what I'm disgusted by.

I expect there to be a split between binary and non-binary transpeople pretty soon, with what happened to contrapoints and all that shit, just like with feminism and TERFS.

Zizek is kind of batshit insane though and his brand of yugomarxism has devolved into "I demand self management committees and I demand the right never to show up to them"

Unless you mean Wolfe.

>99% chance that's localization cancers replacing the actual game with their fanfiction
You'd be surprised.

>zombieland saga
I was going to watch this, but nevermind. It's not even a trap either it seems

I love that can't even help them selves but to call each other Radicals. LMAO

No, he's a male

Most of the Japanese games you like have political commentary, guaranteed.

>It's not even a trap either it seems

It is, but Crunchyroll decided to promo it as a tranny everywhere.

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I'm not talking about celest. I'm talking about entertainment media and news media in general. If I want to engage with MEDIA I can't help but see this garbage. I'M SICK OF IT

Chomsky, Zizek and Wolff have nothing to do with the clowns that inhabit american universities today. Wokeness has nothing to do with marxism, it's pro-capitalism, pro-corporatism brownnosing, claiming to do something while doing nothing.

>99% chance that's localization cancers replacing the actual game with their fanfiction.
Nope, listen to the audio. She explicitly says that the LGBT community is cool and that she likes them when it comes up.

Why this one out of all the trap characters? The girly name or what?

>Creator of Sonic the Hegehog literally says he forced environmentalism in the game because he had the chance to express his politics that way.
>I sleep
>few pixels of some flags

being trans isnt political and who gives a fuck if its in games

>Can just be a cute trap
>opt to mutilate yourself instead


>uses female pronouns and says she's a girl, not a boy
>not trans

Why do people call traps, trannies?

The Nazis were also environmentalists so...

An interesting development for sure. Unfortunately it's hard to take anything in good faith anymore considering how western politics in video games have already started affecting the japanese (see: Sony).

Why is this such a shock? Who in the living fuck saw this game and didn't IMMEDIATELY know it would be like this?
Also politics have always been in games. Identity politics, however, which is what you're complaining about, haven't, and I agree with you. They shouldn't be in video games, or any media at all.

It was a pretty good show and the characters were all really likeable. She also died because she grew a single hair of facial hair.

why the fuck are white people like this

Probably because it was a modern trap character from a popular show.
It's current year after all. Every trap character is now trans.

Because in University they learn that it has to be, idiot.

Except that it is. Whether you like it or not. It is. And you can't escape that fact by hiding your head in the sand.

Trannies pushing their political garbage and encouraging people to become trans. Just ignore

na she wanted to be a girl, not just a cute boy. You'd know if you'd have watched the show

If we're using woke in the context of demanding Marvel make a black widow movie instead of seeking out works by feminists then sure I'll go with that. But to disassociate the idea of mainstream Marxist praxis in the modern day from the socjus in that vein is kinda ridiculous. Unless your primary interests are tanks and ice picks.

t. rot.

dont tranny fucking hate the word trap?

Because Trannie is slang for Transsexuals. And sometimes Cross Dressers are called Transsexuals because that's what some of them were.

There's a difference. The environment is actually important, being trans or gay isnt

Imagine wanting to identify with an video game character. LMFAO
Trannies are so pathetic.

whites are literally too stupid and now bow down to superior races

i aint complaining tho

I'm cool with trannies so long as they're adults when they do it, and of course don't harm anyone. They're basically proto-transhumanists. /pol/ went full retard when it strayed from liberty and became obsessed with other peoples' business, which in turn gives credence to the basis of leftist ideology.

That's just a double standard.

Because they're not niggers. You Racist Faggot

This. People who are ugly would be that way anyway regardless of gender.

How is this not Political? I thought "Everything is Political" was what everyone said all the time?

They hate everything. Including themselves.

why do you keep spamming these threads and why should we care
gb2 twitter

No it isn't. Somebody's Fee Fees don't actually matter.

I'd be %100 behind you if this shit wasn't being pushed so fucking hard. And yes I agree that trying to control people is leftist ideology. The National Socialists we're the most right leaning group in history after all.

So you think saving the planet (and human race) is just as important as feeding into the delusions of mentally ill people?

Stop being such a dramatic faggot. There's so much media content out there, including video games, that you can get through without hearing about trannies. Like literally 0.01% and y'all are acting like it's 40%.



WE'RENT You Fucking Shit

>Best trans girl in anime
>Everybody in Zombieland saga is dead
Based Crunchyroll playing 4D chess on these trannies

Why isn't Blend S trap in that same list? Oh right because that anime shows it's a narcissism thing and not a psychological "gender dysphoria" thing.

Sensationalist bad science goes around a lot on this front, people who claim to be sceptics eating up literally whatever shit is pushed in front of them that they think sounds right is the worst meme.

I remember a lecture which did nothing more radical than say "hey, let the kids explore these aspects of how they feel, a lot of the time, they'll 'grow out of it' if given the freedom to do so, but when we force it onto them that pushes them into deeper dysphoria. And in cases where it seems more serious we should let them take hormone blockers" got lambasted as saying "give kids hormones" despite the fact that hormone blockers do nothing and if you stop taking them you'll just go through puberty like normal, if slightly delayed.

The idea of pushing "this matters but this doesn't" has never been anything but a can kicking exercise and you know it.

One thing more nonsensical than trans faggots is tranny enablers.

It's more than 50% and you're acting like it's .01%

I still can't believe anyone from Yea Forums when they say this after the amount of people who were on the edge of suicide over the BF5 trailers.

When we force convention onto them.* I meant to say.

What exactly is marxist when we're talking about idpol? Marxism is all about changing the status quo, to change the system, not only fiddle around with who's in charge. Woke idpol garbage wants to protect the status quo. They don't want racism to be gone because race can't be overcome. They don't want sexism to be gone because sex can't be overcome. They justify that with historical oppression. They also like the power that comes with victimhood, so why in god's name would they want to remove the only thing they have going for them?

The whole thing about diversity and inclusion doesn't change shit as far as the roots of the problems are concerned. Having more black people work in tech won't stop crazy gang nignogs from slaughtering each other in the streets because black people that can work in tech do not live in ghettos.

Exercise my kicks right in your fucking jimmies

So's complaining about it because the person in a game is not "normal".

Why do people love transexuals so much, anyway.

Crossdressers were called transvestites, not transsexuals.

Marxism isn't just about Change you fucking moron. It's Political Economics at it's very CORE!

That's because they couldn't identify with a female character.
It's only stupid to identify with a character that ISN'T a white guy.
I don't know why that's so hard to understand.

they just want the tranny to get their axe wounds and suicide faster or live horrible lived with botched operations

>to be gay and trans?!!!!?!
Stop. Gay people aren't trans. Stop claiming that all gay people are trans. They're just gay. Homosexual.

Isn't there like a picture of her with her family and there's a boy there which shows it's just her brother?

>Some random neckbear make a game where you are a giant tittied slut and kill gays and niggers
>Yea Forums: Well this is just a game I don't see why people are mad stop getting so butthurt over things jeez
>Some dude makes a game with a tranny as protag
>Yea Forums: this is it guy, this is the death of videogames, we cannot stand this any longer, we need to rise up

>feeding into the delusions of mentally ill people
This is such an oft-repeated and disingenuous fucking argument, because in a given day you really don't have to do anything to "feed into" their delusions. Nor are you genuinely concerned with the mental health of a stranger. Even if you didn't want to call trans people by whatever fucking pronoun they wanted to be called, honestly, when do you call people by their pronouns regularly? Who the fuck says "sir" or "ma'am" these days unless you're a retail cuck, and even then most employees don't. And if you're not a server or someone who works retail, who the fuck are you talking to on a daily basis that you'd have to "give in to their delusions?" Do you run up to trans people you see when you're outside and scream, "I'M GOING TO CALL YOU SIR BECAUSE YOU'RE GENETICALLY A MAN!" Even if you don't like trannies, most people should have a modicum of fucking social decency, even if only because most humans going about their average day don't want to bother talking with other people.

>tfw homosexual male
>I met a couple in college
>One of them was an ugly bitch, the other was a "trans woman" who still had no surgery
>He was this huge fucking hunk of a man, big gut, huge arms and hairy all over
>All HE did was dress in pink dresses and dye his hair
>he still thought he looked like a girl
>whenever he fucked up and talked like a dude he was manly enough to get me hard
How can trans people be so fucking delusional. He basically was the "ITS MA'AM" dude from GameStop.

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Lilly didn't have dysphoria or anything, she just liked being cute and girly. Being a child actor was so stressful a bit of facial hair caused a cardiac arrest.

Why can't you stop making this thread

supposedly it's not ONE gene, but several of them the ones that define wethere you're gay or not.

Literally a bunch of japanses sources says that she is trans, stop denying it Yea Forums

>Marxism is all about changing the status quo

Wut. Marxism is all about analysing things through the lens of class-conflict and you can very easily put through a significant amount of racism and nonconforming analysis into that. Marx did it himself when he was working as a London based commentor on the American Civil War. Marx was explicitly damning in his view on that to the point he considered the entire war to be southern aggression.

Then we can take just a brief step into Lenin's work which really gets into that when he starts dividing the world between the periphery-semiperiphery and core.

It's really not. If I tune into the news, or more accurately click on news links that pop up in my feed, none of it's tranny shit. If I turn on Netflix or watch something off Amazon Prime or Hulu, unless I'm actively seeking that shit out none of it's tranny shit. If I play vidya, unless I'm really looking hard to find games with tranny shit in them, I can't even tell you the last game I played that has trannies. I really can't.

Yes and for the political economy advocated by Marx, you'd need to throw the old systems out of the window. It's a necessity, there's no marxism under the current systems.

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Why do you care about shitty pixel games. Only trannys make and play them.
>white faggots
kek /pol/ is btfo every day by its own race

That's precisely the point. Japan doesn't view gay in the same way the west does, which is a cult founded by non-scientific psych fields and likely pushed because "gender dysphoria" is a huge fucking cash cow for them. Purityfag nips are cool with yuri because yuri doesn't culturally even register as an actual relationship to them, yaoi is a gag for men and fetishism for women (which in turn also is a gag for men), traps dress as female for entirely pragmatic or humorous reasons, etc. It's like claiming blackface in anime is a sign of racial acceptance.

What do you feel is political about having a trans character in a game?

Dude was being very nice but xe killed xerself anyway?

They push trannies everywhere dude. Im an immigrant and my aunt back im South America started telling me how the media has started pushing trannies in there too. I didn't even say anything to her and she told me. And its always white people pushing trannies too.

The whole "dude its not a big deal lmao" attitude is a way for people like you to worm themselves out of the conversation when they are called out.

And Besides, I wrote Social Marxism you fucking dolt.

>Marxism is all about analysing things through the lens of class-conflic
Yeah, but Marx also talks about nature and how human labour is a core element of the human condition that can be exploited or a collaborative effort. He also acknowledges the massive advantages society made thanks to capitalism. Class-conflict is the problem Marx wanted to solve, not wallow in it for pity points.

Marx didn't advocate much of anything though, he spent his time analysing what is there and saying roughly what he thinks will happen based off this. The closest thing to proposals Marx ever laid out were done on commission for someone else. You need to go to Leninism or other more obscure branches to get to people talking about "here is how change happens and what we do about it"

what other possible reason is it there for but to stir this shit up

It's that bitch who thought Joker's song in Smash said retarded. Kotaku writers are great.

no you wrote mainstream marxism mr. dolt yourself :^)


I will never ever forgive trannies for messing with kids.
It's the same shit as the Catholic church, once a portion of them turns out to be nonces, the entire damn movement is cancer to in my eyes, trannies should burn.

Dont let fucks like this user get away with it. Always call them out. Fuck you user, i bet you are a white cuck. Fucking white progressives push their trannie garbage everywhere, you people are sick. Fuck you.

If us being straight men isn't political, neither is some cunt being a gay tranny

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>clearly her little brother

IS EVERYONE TRANS??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Don't they always say "everything is Political"?

If the government defunded feminist and sociologists, and people protested to get them fired from colleges, you would see the trannie pushing be reduced severely.

You need to go to the source and the source for a lot of this stuff is leftists academia that is being held up by taxes. Defund them.

dunno, seize the means of production is a pretty common phrase associated with Marx and marxism.

Hey they say "everything is political" , they can't complain when people practice what they themselves preached.

Its an unironic mental illness.
If you truly are tranny, that means your mind (brain) is rejecting your body. That is not mental wellness.
Ofc you’re baiting, but still.

why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies?

But dear SJW i thought "everything is political" was true. Didn't you use to scream that to anyone that would listen.

>gay and trans
Ain't it the same damn thing?

The biggest source is the lack of exposure to conflict in modern society.
Defunding mild sources will only cause more extremism to occur.

That's a barely relevant footnote which is intentionally left incredibly vague and more of a general framework for people who look to apply something might think about.

Marx basically never goes further than saying that a "Dictatorship of the proletariat" should do that. But never expanding on what the form of that would be, only really in the name. i.e. the mass of the people excluding the elites and moneyed interests from politics completely.

they earn my ire when they tried to turn every trap and tomboy into a fucking tranny plus all the censorship campings they're worse than furries

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>haha someone got a bunch of farm animals and put dresses and wigs on 'em and shit, that's pretty funny
>wait a minute
>oh no

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>Just hangin' with the boys

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No its not you retard. Im not gonna support that stupid shit just because you have a prepper fantasy. Fuck sjws and leftist but also fuck prepper larpers.

>using politics as an excuse for hating trannies in video games.

I'm not a fucking prepper, you retard.
Humans are violent animals.
If humans don't get an outlet of this "bad" side of them, they'll focus it on harmful things.

You little insignificant obsequious capitalist nerds need to stop invoking my political theory because you're triggered about a motherfucking toy flag in your stupid-ass capitalist-made American propaganda computer game, fucking hell. Either stop paying for capitalist bullshit like this fruity-ass girl game, overthrow the ruling class, and forcefully give power to the workers, or else you can SHUT the FUCK up you goddamned spoiled-ass luxury-blinded capitalist insect incel neets. I'd say have sex but you'd just fuck some other greed-blinded bourgeois self-victimizing pig and then cry about it when your capitalist government enslaves you further by forcing you to pay for your ugly lovechild and you'd still complain about stupid shit in computer games, so don't have sex. Never have sex again. Just fucking stop.

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>all white
White dudes are fucked in the head. Chapelle said it right, a lot of you have some weird down low gay shit obession.

What's wrong with being trans? We're not hurting you or anyone else. If you don't like it, just ignore it, no need to attack us.

Also, why does it matter if a video game character is Trans? The character is not real, just pretend it has any gender or sex you want.

Im not have this conversation user, you as retarded to me as the trannie pushers and leftits.

i am so tired of hearing about queers and people with mental illnesses

i seriously wish the world was nuked back to bedrock and dust


>Wahhh of you don't like this thing the only solution is communism
I can think of a more final solution

Why is the agent just standing still when punching? His arms are not even able to reach Neo even if he did not parry. It looks so silly. People just don't stand still when fighting.

Kill yourself already. Do the world a favor.

JFC why does every tranny look the same? You'd think there'd one decent looking one, but they're all fat and gap-toothed with dyed hair. This is why trannys are memes, it's just an attempt by ugly guys to be able to cop some of that sweet female privilege.

You are hurting children
I hate pedos too even if they aren't hurting me

Underrated comment.

Thank you Carl. Very cool!

But have I told you about my ideas for France?

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yes they might just have autism but that doesn't excuse their bullshit.

They are literally trying to pinkpill beta gays. What a world we live in.

Fuck off gay ass faggot

Advocating children being given hormone blockers is political

Because traps are actually attractive.
They want Astolfo to be their mascot so badly despite him identifying as a male and being a bisexual who prefers females

This board is shit

Go to /lgbt/ then and cope about how ugly you are some more

It's all fine user. They usually get rid of themselves so it's no biggy at all. A conflict that solves itself.

>literary had a trans activist call me a bigot when i said i did not want to be sexual with a trans""""""""women"""""".

Why do you engage in debates with Transpeople? Just ignore us. I am sure you said something horrible to her too.

Play a video game for once


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For some reason you faggots want to be treated special. With your "respect my pronouns", "you can't say that cause it's offensive to my sensitive heart", or my personal favorite I should be applauded for coming out cuz I'm so fucking special PAY ATTENTION TO ME REEEEEEEEEEE.

>im sure you said something horrible
Yeah because the demographic of progressive trans activist are well known for being calm and collected......

>A character is trans because of antidepressants

Attached: 807.png (1436x1080, 1.01M)

Bet you fapped to trap porn today

>With your "respect my pronouns"

This always felt super petty. Like if someone says "I prefer to be called X" do you say "nah fuck that"?

Stop being a literally faggot about everything.

It goes beyond the individual. Imagine if suddenly there was a trend of people cutting their hand off pretending it's normal. Then the media started praising it, and pushing for more and more people to cut their hands off, teaching children about cutting their hands, even helping them removing their hands. Then Your taxes started to go towards state funded hand cutting operations and you could get fined, jailed, fired, ostracized or else if you dared even point out that it's a mental illness. Then i guess you'd be fed up with the bullshit and realise exactly what's going on and that it needs to stop.
Trans people are mentally unwell and unfit to live in a well adjusted society. They are defective humans and shouldn't be praised or seen as courageous.

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Autogynephile lives matter

Not him but I'll respect it as long as it's he / she.
They, xe, xir, ze etc. Fuck that. I'm not going to subconsciously alter my speech every 5 seconds because someone wants to feel special

Yes. Why should I care if I'm only gonna refer to you as what I see you? Then get upset because I called you something you didn't want to be called. It's lile asking a kid to tell me their nickname and to remember to call them that.

Literally never and I don't understand why all those self-proclaimed heterosexuals here are into that.

Isn't a gay trans technically straight, biologically speaking?

I used to feel the same way until i relized that you give them an inch and they will take a mile. For example it started with the pronouns and now they push the view that denying them sex aka not sucking their dick or touching their surgery wound, is equal to being a racist or a bigot.

She is an insufferable fujo in the game. She is like Tenko from Danganronpa

i wish more people would know about autogynephilia and stop watching porn, just like they do in israel...

Yes but biology apparently doesn't matter anymore. That's why some people unironically asks why a straight guy or lesbian wouldn't date a trans person with 100% seriousness

Where the fuck are these nonces coming from?

id you saw the movie you'd now how devastating a single punch of the agents is, they simply don't need to move their whole body for 1 punch

Look at this. She is just a horny fujo justifying her degenerate lifestyle.

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gaming journalists reward and push this sort of stuff, plus it feeds into their victim hood Olympics

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I think it was said this is separate from the girl.

i identify myself as the supreme leader of identities

all other identities must be accepted by me or they are not valid

One of the devs is a fag and the composer is a shemale. What did you guys expect?

Thanks for telling me I'm right.
I'm glad I managed to convince you!

I just like video games man

I'm actually very surprised Uchikoshi wrote this.
I didn't take him to be the pandering kind of guy.

All you mentally ill troglodytes need to be gassed

Just gonna throw this out there for all the people who seriously care about their personal pronouns: Pronouns aren't there for your feelings. They exist to help people identify others. If you're a man in a dress, stop getting pissed off at strangers for "mislabeling" you. They can't account for whatever shit's going on inside your head, and you're the one creating the confusion.

And stop making up words that nobody outside your circle uses

And why do you think we laugh hard at gaming bloggers here?

So it actually is true that the protaganist is depressed because "she" can't get an abortion?

Because you have nothing better to do

Tomboys are trannies by definition tho

So black guys can't get hype when they show off a new Guilty Gear character that's a black cyberpunk samurai guy? And gingers can't get excited when they see a redhead MC? This is kind of a dumb argument.

next you'll be saying we shouldn't tell anorexics to start eating, and they should indulge in their starvation

Attached: One_Of_The_Few_Times_TB_Is_Not_A_Tosser.png (513x380, 35K)

Outrage culture niggers are gonna seethe anyway.

Ah yes, turning legitimate same sex couplings into jokes is surely progressive and enlightened.

everything is political or so I'm told

Then being white is political

no, i would say the exact opposite, i don't think you understood my post

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This argument/example doesn't really make a whole lotta sense considering you're suggesting that it become trendy to remove a part of you that's pretty integral to functioning.

Anyway for trannies I always recommend just waiting until medical science gets better, otherwise you're just damning yourself to medical upkeep hell until you die.

The games I enjoy do not have political things in them actually.

Imagine being such a thinskinned, soft little whiny bitch that colored pixels in a video game genuinely angers you. Fucking do better and stop making your parents ashamed of their spawn. Fuck.

so you only enjoy pong

>Laura Kate Dale
Isn't this the retard that misheard some song from Persona 5 as some insult for autistic people? Who allowed this special needs back on social media?

Why gives a shit? Idpol is a two way street. Stop giving them attention.

Name your top 10

trannies are not political. cutting your dick off does not create an edgy political statement, it just means you caused harm to yourself out of mental illness.

Why can't you stop putting political garbage on this board, you /pol/ huffing retard.

If you have any issue whatsoever about minorities I hope you lose all your fingers and can't play videogames again.

not all trannies cut their dick off. a majority don't

>you're suggesting that it become trendy to remove a part of you that's pretty integral to functioning.
reproduction is pretty integral to a functioning human being wouldn't you say ?

Name a game you like, and I'll find politics. i guaran-fucking-tee it.

Stop being upset about other people's irrelevant choices you fucking arab.

>I still can't believe anyone from Yea Forums when they say this after the amount of people who were on the edge of suicide over the BF5 trailers.
What the fuck has this to do with identifying with video game characters?

>That's because they couldn't identify with a female character.
It's only stupid to identify with a character that ISN'T a white guy.
I don't know why that's so hard to understand.
Cause there where only Female Characters in BF5?
Damn you SJWs are so clueless.

Not at all, really. Just look at some of the people on this board, for an example.

And I hope you and the other fags burn for being absolute of no use to society beside creating more problems with your victim complex.

They shouldnt, because thats vain as fuck. Why would anyone care.

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White people need death

Says the sweatstained fatass neckbeard shitposting his life away on a anime image board because he has no friends or lovers that care about his well being.

>game is about how tough it is to get abortions or something
>go against the whole concept by making the main character unable to get pregnant in the first place
Honestly I'm shocked that more people aren't calling out that the devs just underminded their game's themes for some good boy points.

Wow bud, you're kind of a bitch

Wasn't it already announced that the MC was trans near the launch of celeste?

Whites are dying off you don't need to be in anything, you have been in shit enough.

Experiencing gd isn't political. What you choose to do with that is.
If you lop of your cock and melt your brain with pills you do not deserve validation. You deserve a beating.

Why is it always ugly teeth

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Based falseflagger fanning the flames of tranny hatred.

>game is already full to the brim with commentary and stylings made explicitly to appeal to lefties
>being surprised when they push that envelope further
When will you idiots learn?

Same goes for a hand too then, but that's not the debate. I know my analogy was a bit on the nose but i was trying to go with something simple to understand

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Not an argument, you will never be able to argue that someone should not care about something they do care about, for whatever reason, it is not your place.

Don't play a game made by a person who obvious love trans then?

That rich coming from the special snowflake, mental challenged, depressed, whiny faggot that can only befriend the same people and has nothing better to do then bitch on the internet about wanting to feel special. Go back to Tumblr you suicidal faggot.

This is genuinely some cult shit. These people only care about a game if it mentions their little fetish. When it does, they start having an orgasm over it. They dont care about the quality of the game. Only the fact that it panders to their sexual fetish.

Niggers are more often trannies than whites, though.

lol, you're losing the culture war.

That's exactly why it's political. Only insane retards on the left feed into these degenerates delusions

Reminder that trannies think that they look kawaii and hot

based, but i sincerely hope you're not fat or lazy or a neet or a console player. Else you lose your right to call anyone else useless to society

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Fucking this. Being LGBT is nothing special but when will you faggots ever learn?

having genders is political now?

People who would remove their hand would say they're just "differently able" and "differently functioning" and that your idea of what's integral to your idea of functioning is just close-minded.

Nothing you said differentiates the two scenario's.

No need to worry user. I just started college a week ago.

No because there is no such thing. He is, however, mentally ill

dilate more

you mean white (jews)?

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Most people are dude. Just because sjw media uses their networks to push it, it doesn't mean people like trannies. Im not even talking about right winger trump voters either. You think black people or latinos like trannies?

I have a question for you kid. What turned you into such a punk ass little bitch that literally takes time out of their one and only life to get upset and whine on the internet to strangers like a teenage girl about people that have absolutely no effect on you whatsoever? Were your parents that horrible? Did they not coddle you enough? Or are you too warped up in your sheltered basement like a shut in that you can't even realize what made you into such a pathetic grain of garbage?

It's virtually free advertising.

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I mean until cyborg hands come out with perfect 1:1 feeling, a person missing a hand no matter their definitons or feelings will lack the ability to function or use fine motor skills. I'm ambivalent to how they might feel about themselves personally.

i see sleeping pills and a short haired girl, what is the problem?

um sweaty, "bitch" is a derogatory term to females, femmes and allies even when used against a cis male

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trannies aren't people, and I wish they didn't have the rights they keep saying they don't have.

Men have been driven out of the workforce over the past 20 years. This is what happens when the majority is female, simple as that.

it isn't even a tranny protag. It's literally just those 2 tiny flags and everyone here is projecting.
It's the same as with a hat in time and the sewer trans flag

>It's virtually free advertising
Is it anymore though? The people who unironically still go on shitholes like Kotaku don't actually buy games and it seems like being mad at SJWs in games is old hat now.

There are handicapped people right now who believe they're not disabled. There are deaf people right now who refuse to believe lacking the ability to hear is a literal dis-ability. There are people with autism spectrum disorders right now who think they're just "different".

There is no difference between the hypothetical presented and trannies. One somehow managed to get mainstream support, but it's just as horrific.

the fact that this thread isn't removed is proof of how shit it has become.

If the government isn't putting people in literal gas chambers, I dunno how how they're gonna force you to cut your dick off anyway

that girl is no child, though. Just as much as the tiny grandma is no child. It's just the design of the character.

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This shit is all over the media.

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This is these people in a nutshell, and it's the attitude of a fucking megalomaniac.

Fun fact. This dude was a huge princess maker 2 fan and tried to bully a 12 year old on twitter with his tranny clique for posting jokes but got BTFO (not before talking about said 12-year-old's genitals tho)

No I just suffered enough from all of your kinds faggotry for years. Now tell me something what made you decide to want to feel special for what you've become? Did you parents not love you enough? Or did you just want to be happy cuz if that's the case good for you then, really. But people that want to be become a special snowflake all because they're "different" piss me off and should just die.

Source: Dude trust me

I thought the point of becoming trans is because one was gay and wanted to attract his original gender/whatever.

You tried to say the comparison didn't apply, it did, and now you're dropping the point and switching to "b-but they're not forcing you". Real weak shit, later.

This. God I hate arguing against actually faggots.

Where is my Pajeet representation in video games?

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Biology always matters, otherwise we'd be a dying species.

This was the sole reason these fags can't be taken seriously and are just used for memes like "triggered" and "trigglypuff".

>Doom 2
>Chex Quest
>Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
>Lost Kingdoms 2
>Dark Souls
>Kirby Superstar / Ultra
>Demon's Crest
>Soul Calibur 6
There's my top ten games. My ten favorite games.
Please, find the political agenda in each one. I'm sure you can, especially in the more recent titles.
Go for it man.

Say something faggot or did you go back to Tumblr to bitch about how I hurt your pewcious feelings? Live in fucking reality there's no such thing as "safe spaces" in reality.

a face only a mother could love

It doesn't bother me if someone is part of the lgbt etc community, nor does this small nod to said community. But it's actually quite shallow of anyone if this "reveal" (or any other like it)makes them like the character more.
A character should be judged on their own merits not on what race,creed, gender they are.
That said i really like Madeline and think Celeste is a really good game.

That's not true, even if it were, intent matters. When you remove intent, you're left with a bunch of desperate contrarians and malefactors wrapping vague political meanings over everything, and claiming whatever meaning they want when 1% of it fits.

ITT: Bigots

Can we stop calling this shit political? It isn't politics.
It's marketing.

Remember when people could have differences of opinions and that was ok
I fucking don't. Fuck you and you're gay stupid gay shit, you fucking gay faggot.

Zizek yes. Chomsky is very much a liberal though.

Have sex

didn't even bother to properly shave his moustache

Have children

oh wait..

>Dark Souls
That's an easy one. Class struggle: proletariat (humans) overthrowing the ruling class (dragon). To maintain power, the new ruling class (the "gods") create a religion. Religion is failing and the gods are dying, so tranny mislead with illusions (propaganda) to hide the current state of the kingdom. There's a recurrent mention of cycles within the franchise, where the oppressed eventually become the oppressor. The Abyss is literally Anarchy given form.

It's sad.

To these people their life is this twitterbubble.... To have such an emotional reaction over such a tiny thing... "My heaaaaart!"... Really?
What have they done in this glorious gift called life in the Real™ world?
How have they touched a life, made a real difference, better themselves, better someone else? What meaningful or meaningless soil have they practiced? What beauty have they brought into the world today?

I ask these things because, as marcus Aurelius wrote, "the quality of ones life depends on the the quality of their thoughts".
And if THESE thoughts are anything to go by, it's a life wasted

Dilate cissy

And the only "right" thing to do is end the cycle by rejecting it all.

So deep user. Do you think in script?

Two identical twins were separated at birth and one comes out as s faggot. The other one is straight. Identical twins are just that identical, so how is it that one takes it in the ass and other doesnt?

No it ain't. The games clearly reject "Anarchy" because it literally fucks over everyone whenever it's instituted. The story is always about maintaining the status quo, with the small possibility of making it a few percents better

>culture war
Most people are instinctually repulsed by trannies because it goes against our biological programming. Culture has nothing to do with it.

F*ck this guy, glad he's dead

>have a game looks interesting
>There's tranny shit in it

Attached: oh no no no.jpg (1000x1000, 232K)

But timeless games do not have politics in them. No one will remember this trash in five years.

People will still talk about Tetris, Pac-man, SMB, etc.

>thinking this is real
LMAOing @ ur lyfe



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Can someone explain to me how OPs image promotes a specific policy.

Complete lie you fucki g cracker faggot bitch was no tennis before you kneed crackers

>oh shit we have 15$ left in the budget, and we COMPLETELY forgot to do all out advertising
>i got this

could you fags be less gullible

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>cuts off dick to become girl
>doesnt take care of teeth, skin, or hair
>still looks, dresses, and acts like a dude
>but know hes just a uglier and mangled man
why do they do this? if theyre gonna be a fucking girl then act like it

Makes sense, a w*man would never be able to make the journey depicted in the game no matter how fantastical.
Men literally have to take women's places and do it all for them. We win even when we lose.

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because you don't have experience of being something other than the default slate of white man?
what's vain as fuck is pretending like nobody should ever be happy about something just because you think they shouldn't

Because being happy because you see someone like you in a game or something is an inherently bad concept. We have been trained to get excited and applaud companies for putting elements, like diversity characters, into their product or marketing, which muddles the discussion about the actual quality of something. I mean lets be honest, do you really think that companies do things like this or change their twitter profile pictures in pride month because they so deeply care about the plight of lgbt people around the world? This is a good example, because celeste came out a year and a half ago and faded from public eye, and then suddenly now its inserting lgbt stuff in their game, where there wasn't any before. Granted, this is a very tame example, but things like Blizzard making their characters gay when they have a controversy surrounding them or JK Rowling doing it to keep Harry Potter relevant decades after it has been written are good examples that bother me.
I don't care if its done tactfully, but I care when its done retroactively or when people treat it as some huge, brave step by a company.

No that's the problem with you crackers you can never admit that its your fault. the whites who call themselves jews benefit from being white just like you. Once you see it's your own ppl doing this and stop blaming imaginary shit maybe shit will get better you dumb devil.

Western academia has been heavily infected by left wing extremists, who view it as their mission in life to spread their ideology wherever they go like some religious fanatics.
How bad is it, you may ask or doubt? Here's an example: The founders of the 20th century domestic terrorist organization, Weather Underground, both got jobs as university professors. One of them (Bernardine Dohrn) was on the FBI's top 10 most wanted list.

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Learn to report trolls. Use the report button. Drain the s/v/vamp.

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Can you imagine being locked in all aspects in the Twitterverse, as your physical husk weakens and wilts away from neglect, your only pleasure in life reduced to short endorphin hits whenever you see a "like" or a retweet?

hows that any different to here

two whole gamer paradoxes are at work here

>if you explicitly state your character is gay, they'll complain about you pushing an agenda
>if you only hint your character is gay, they'll complain about it being unnecessary
>what they really want is to never be exposed to gays, blacks, or women

>[faggots make games]

What is wrong with revealing that a character is LGBT? Why are you such a bigot? Not everyone is a white cis male lol.

The anonymity is the key difference. These people crave some sort of memorable identity.

What are you scared of?

one wants, the other fears.

fuck, that makes us the virgin in the chad vs virgin chart

You people act like raging bigots and you wonder why you can't get a girlfriend, much less a friend.

>what they want is to never be exposed to alphabet people

Attached: 1566808354229.png (300x255, 35K)

>me hype for character
>character skin like mine
>character like same genitals as me
>charcter have same genitals as me
>character mutilate genitals like me
>me relate to this person now
>saying I shouldnt is vain


like WASPS?

Attached: Turd.gif (480x250, 1.79M)

>>Two women in a picture
>MUST be gay
>>Pill bottle
>MUST be hormone treatment
Trans fucks are fucking obsessed. The level of projection is absolutely insane.

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Skyrim is timeless and it's clearly anti-fascist

>all these upset responses

Identity politics are still politics. Its the identity pandering that critics take issue with, but they don't vocalize their thoughts properly.

And yet here you are with us. ;)

Because neither of those actors are trained martial artists.

Every form of Western entertainment has become infested with identity politics and frankly, I'm just tired of it.

Are you not seeing the gay pride and trans pride flags in the screen cap? It's zoomed in.

>didn't even play the game
>calls anyone else obsessed
that's her mother you dumb faggot
the notable part of that zoom is that the other "woman" is a boy
and even then, you're the one grasping if you don't thing a trans flag is there for no reason at all
stay obsessed, trannybrain

So, every Western game, then?

Yea Forums is not YOUR safe space, Confederate. Now git.

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God, triggering Conservitards has never been easier.

Enjoy the uphill battle!

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Its a trannie dude dude. The director is a mega SJW and the composer is a trannie.

The irony in this statement.

>there's no such thing as "safe spaces" in reality.
>tries desperately to get people he doesn't like out of his safe space

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Two words:

Two genders.

>Sell game
>Make money
>Game sales slow down
>One small action that costs almost nothing
>Game sells as if its a brand new game
>Make twice the money

Its basic capitalism to find things like this to exploit.

You know that minorities also dont like trannies, dont you user.

Shut up faggot.

Games have been political for decades, and you're only now throwing a shitfit because it's slightly more noticeable.

Stop making this thread over and over, you dramawhore.

>It's fucking weird and very narcissistic
sounds like half of anons in Yea Forums


>"Don't like it? Make your own games then!"
>"Okay, done."
Every fucking time.

It's not just a trend anymore, that's why. It's getting to be that every Western game has this shit and we're sick of seeing it.


Well that explains the thicc eyebrows.

>they should create their own games!
>>they create their own games
>wtf why are they putting this garbage in my games???

Attached: 1540634988698.webm (1024x768, 1.58M)

>"fuckign sjws go make your own games!"
>they make their own games
>"w-wait that's not fair! i'm being forced to look at them please stop! n-n-no i'm not triggered! i'm justifiably upset! this is HETEROSEXUAL GENOCIDE!!"

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Are the people defending this shit just memeing or are they these discord trannies I keep hearing about?

How is "da whites" not a made-up spook, but "da Jews" is? bad bait desu

Fuck trannies and fuck white people who enable this shit.

They can make their own games AND they should also stop censoring or banning games that aren't aimed at them.

No. Now run away crying. Like you like to do.

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I don't need a safe space because I'm not faggot. I don't cry about people making fun of me on the internet so other people can feel bad for me.


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Wait what are we arguing about? I feel like we might be in agreement with the same thing here.

they can make what ever games they want...just stop going into other peoples game and demand they be catered to them....kinda like this entire thread.

>he thinks only retarded alt right dont like trannies
user you have a rude awakening when you realize like 90% of minorities vote democrat but also dont like trannies either

Nigga if SJWs create their own games don't fucking play them. This is the same as Christfags complaining about DOOM.

What the fuck happened to white people? What over the last decade made all of them into such irredeemable spineless soibois.

This IS you crying, Faggot. Now leave. Yea Forums is not your safe space.

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I wasn't aware this "They" person is one all powerful gigatranny that's consuming the video game industry
quite convenient that that's the case, or else we might have to distinguish between individual groups and rethink our arguments
we, of course, being a single person

>all powerful gigatranny that's consuming the video game industry
You are crazy if you dont think the trannie lobby doesnt have major power in the entertainment industry.

Did I miss the political message of super mario 64. Let me guess... its the jews, right?

high IQ post

Can you even read, though?

Sounds like you're trying to make your safe space safe again, user.

But they told me everything is political

Too clever for your audience. Remember the salt right can't actually reason.

>chewing bracelet

I can do better than read. I can look at a series of images and from that visual data extrapolate a conclusion

You can hate racist and also say trannies are stupid, user. Politics is not a bundle that must accept whole.

Stop replying to yourself.

For a second I thought this was the image of that one user who had his laptop taken by his Sister.

>t's not political
For years SJWs have scream that everything is political

>implying they also don't hijack existing franchises

thank god there not developing games then, which is the point of this thread


You just outted youself dumbass. Go make yourself a safe space somewhere else. There's always Tumblr.

I've already done it. Maybe you haven't noticed Yea Forums is Social Justice turf now. Now seethe.

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it has power over at Sony and that's about it, since they're generally bending over backwards to let anything western crawl into their ass
everyone else is halfassing for brownie points, if at all

tell me about the politics of pong

It's what happens when society grows too progressive. This is beginning to happen in Asian countries too - Korea in particular. There are many Korean people who are becoming progressive and becoming argumentative in regards to social issues. The Japanese are still quite conservative, but I think a cultural shift may be due to happen in the near future.

If it's social justice turf, who are you arguing with?

38% brain at work.

You're just mad because identifying with a character is your default, so the fact they you don't is now alienating. Rather than think "oh, this is how everyone else felt all the time before they got these new characters," you think they must be in the wrong. Because how could YOU feel bad unless you've been wronged in some way?

Question. This is bound to happen eventually but how will the trannies react to a full on 100% medical cure to transgenderism? Meaning it is detected from the womb and prevents the child from feeling the effects of body dysphoria. See on one had nobody has to go through the shit they did but on the other they will eventually dwindle in numbers and eventually die out.

Himself. What a fag.

He's pretty much an honorary EOP at this point.


There is no politics in cooking mama

So that's where this fucking avatar was from.

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Nothing because it'll break the cycle.

deus ex is extremely political. but those are the right kinda politics for a game, not some faggot self inserting his modern identity politics

It's part of the natural life span of civilization. The cultural divide is becoming more and more prevalent. As more parts of the world begin to embrace "progressivism", progressivism will create the upheaval and social deterioration we currently see in places like California and Portland. Once this becomes a worldwide phenomenon, we will see legitimate civil wars and widespread violence. Shootings will increase in frequency. Many people will lose their lives. All because bored, first world privileged people think trannies deserve respect and representation.

Most would probably be happy that kids won't be born having to deal with that anymore. Because they don't believe dysphoria is a requirement for being trans.

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>trannies have no power in the videogame or entertainment industry.

user anyone that questions them gets blacklisted, i dont know what you can call that but power.

go back to resetera faggot

>Literally shaking

That pop-up swastika still gets me every time after all these years.

Wonder how many tranny haters ITT have fapped to tranny porn

I believe the majority of people don’t gave a shit about trans in a new IP specifically made for trans, or when the stories does indeed requires a character specifically as a transgender.

But if you take an old IP and suddenly turns everyone into a gay / females than obviously people wouldn‘t like it.

shut up
there's no gay gene
faggotry is mostly from kid touching and fucking hormone poison.

They fap to """"""trap"""""" porn, as they'd rather become literally gay than admit they jerk their dicks to their sworn political enemy.

The minority would be such a minority at that point it wouldn't matter what the remainder mentally ill trannies think desu.

Just going to point out the obvious. Young kids, babies, tend to have short hair.

wasnt confirmed by the author tho.

like you right? faaaag

Wow you fags are delusional.

Why did this guy take 3 paragraphs to say what he could've in a sentence.

fetishes are fantasy and not part of reality. It's the difference between fapping to mother/son incest hentai and having a perfextly normal relationship with your own mother.

Fantasy is not reality, user. Unless you actually date and have sex with trannies, in which case you're just as damaged as the tranny.


Gender politics are not politics. Gender Dysphoria is a disease that needs treated, not a badge of honor. Transgenderism is not a sexual preference like Homosexuality is. The LGB movement despises the TQ+ movement as they are attempting to piggy back with twisted ideals that go against science, religion, and society is a whole.

that face is literally /LBGT/ , everyone telling each other they look cute when all of them are hons.

Shid, that brown guy is gonna have to break up with her. Trannies are HARAM.

I didn't say "they" didn't have any influence, I said "they" are not all responsible for anything and everything made by an alphabet person
all it is is a shitty nonargument to avoid having to accept the fact that a game was made by a queerosexual
and it happens every fucking time

The default response of the no argument shitposter. Next you'll green text me with a strawman argument or perhaps a smug avatar image.

Honestly, the recent uptick in transphobia on this board is really tiring. It's like talking to a brick wall. You're a bunch of conspiracy theorists that think everyone is out to get you.

Imagine being this much of a faggot.

>Gender Dysphoria is a disease that needs treated
Too bad they rallied against it so it's no longer considered one. Hell any medical doctor that goes up to cure it gets a fuck ton of flack. Same with gays. Cure ain't happening til it's accidentally found during some stem cell research.

If theyre representing trans people then why haven't 40% of them killed themselves?

Its gonna happen and it will probably come from somewhere like China with genetic engineering. I seen interviews with Chinese scientist about genetic engineering, not in regards to sexuality just in general and they have a different mindset from the west, they look at it with full excitement and dont have the ethical hangups we have about it in the west.

Attached: troon.jpg (1440x1280, 156K)

You're not being honest. You're just baiting for (You)s.

>Honestly, the recent uptick in transphobia on this board is really tiring
Tired are we? How about you go back to your walled curated garden of Resetera then? You won't see this shit there.

Big oof. No wonder they want video games to do the same for them.

Attached: antifabtfo.gif (483x360, 2.1M)

Idk people can leave the bathroom for many reasons. I once noped out when I saw two meat heads doing pushups in the bathroom while a third guy was recording them.

You realize you just proved my statement about thinking everyone is out to get you, right?

It does though, because convincing kids that they dont fit in their body and that mutilating it will fix their mental health issues is retarded. Nice bait, btw.

l think the Twitter commentator is projecting too much. Short-haired girls exist and those prescription pills are for the MC's anxiety issues.

Attached: seethe.jpg (470x506, 92K)