Im losing intrest

Last week, I turned on pc with the intent of playing vidya but instead i just stayed on youtube and Yea Forums. I did this for 3 days despite the souless feeling i had. What do i do to prevent this? no games seem fun any more, yet i don't wanna give up on vidya but it feels as if my mind is trying to prevent me from playing.

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Learn the the truth about WW2 and what happened in Germany between 1918 and 1939.


You can't prevent this.

The broken, soulless feeling you're experiencing is because you have goals and ambitions which are unfulfilled.

The only way to fix it ... well, there are TWO ways, but...

One -- the one I recommend -- is to set goals and accomplish them. Non-vidya related, preferably. Get a pen and a paper. Start writing things you want -- anything, a car, a house, lotsa money, friends, kids .. whatever, get it all down. When no more goals come forward in your mind to be written down, look over the list and pick one. Then make a plan to accomplish it.

Then get to work. Start with the plan. "But I'm not ready", nobody's ready, except some people don't let that stop them. "I can't" then find out how, make that a part of your plan. "Its too much" break it into smaller steps. ANything can be broken down. "Do the dishes" becomes "do one dish". "Earn a trillion dollars" becomes "earn one dollar".

The other way is to do lotsa drugs. Fun... but not recommended. Also expensive and not a long-term fix.

The jews started getting persecuted which lead to murder?

ASsuming you're OP, there's no hope for you. Given the choice between fixing your problem, OR chasing a magic "might-work" solution, you chose ... poorly.

>chasing a magic "might-work" solution
I don't blame me faults on the Germans losing the WW2 and Jews getting holocausted though

This This is your mind and soul telling you you're wasting time. Work toward some goals, I'm sure you have at least one. I did that and feel much better now, and no, the desire to play games never came back. You won't miss it, desu.

watch the greatest story never told and europa last battle.

Three days, fuck me, I'm on five years

>"be a cool adventurer that slays the undead and all other manner of abominations that threaten the lives of the townsfolk"

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If it's just video games then simply keep trying until you find something you like. Try new genres, try popular games, try games Yea Forums tells you are shit, try obscure games, try "reddit" games, try old stuff, try new stuff. You could be playing games for several lifetimes and still go maybe through 10% of what was created. It's a selection problem and nothing more. Go find a hidden gem you will cherish for years.
If it's not only video games then fix your sleep schedule and limit drugs, alcohol, masturbation and junk food to minimum (gradually and not all at once, don't go cold turkey because you will fail). If the feeling lingers for longer consider seeing a therapist.
Lastly stop coming to Yea Forums for advice, people here are more interested in dragging you down than helping you.

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>youtube and Yea Forums. I did this for 3 days despite the souless feeling i had. What do i do to prevent this?
seems like killing yourself is the best course of action.

And that's why you're a cuck and a lost cause. Wither and die in the doomed timeline your inaction has wrought.

there we go, thanks for proving my guesses right

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Play a game goal-orientedly. And try to improve.
If you play simply to try and produce pleasure, then you'll fall victim to the paradox of hedonism.
Seems like you already are.

just be happy, fag

im sorry but you're never gonna be cool.

That outta the way...

the most common quest is a fetch quest. The most ordinary job is as a curiour.

Make your own adventures, you glorious dumbo.

This is why consoles are superior. Having a discrete gaming machine ensures I never get distracted from my vidya.

Great thread

Go shill death stranding somewhere else fag

no, no

I'm shilling it HERE!




And unlike this user, once I did like 4-5h of work per day I lost that guilt and so played vidya without that heavy feeling on my shoulders and enjoyed them again

Did this work for you? Do you have a successful career and a pretty wife?

Get a job that you enjoy.

I'm working a rather fulfilling and enjoyable job and when I get home, it's time to make dinner and then video games. While I was neet looking for my job, I lost interest in just about everything after about a month. You need something else to do. Be sure to find something you want to do not what you think others want you to do.

Hell, volunteer, there are always places looking for volunteers such as the red cross, animal shelters, and food banks. I found myself feeling slightly better about being a NEET once I started donating platelets. It gave me a goal every other week.



Play something completely different to usual that you think you have 0 interest in. You may be surprised and find a whole novel new genre to enjoy, or you may not, but by the sounds of things you're just bored.
It's probably not anything deeper than that. People just get too fixated on what they've liked in the past, but everything gets old.

im sick to death of seeing the same old shit plaguing this board. always with the
>muh feels
just stop being a faggot, its not that hard
youre just unwilling


for me it all went downhill when i discovered torrent and got overwhelmed by games and overloaded and now i have 20 games installed and dont play any of them

>You have unfulfilled goals
Yeah OP is crying for a new game to sink hours into and be immersed in.

>durrr go make money durrrr
OP clearly stated his goal. Why are you telling him how to figure out his goal? And not even mentioning his real goal?

that's pretty retarded considering the burnout is caused by the easy dopamine fix youtube, Yea Forums and other social media provide.