Why does Atlus act like these are their only games?

Why does Atlus act like these are their only games?

Attached: persona.jpg (1980x1080, 481K)

Because they make up about 90% of their sales.

What else should be there, retard?

Catherine and SMT

The rest of the damn series for one thing.

They are by far the most popular and most accepted by the mainstream
Go ask anyone what SMTIV or III were about

P1/P2 (both of which could use a remake)
All the SMT games
Devil Survivor
Devil Summoner
Etrian Odyssey
Fucking Trauma Center

Fucking hell Atlus is an EA-tier killer of IPs.

Is P3 Portable better than FES?

Why the fuck aren't P3 and P4 available on current platforms?

God no

The people that made P1 and 2 aren't working on persona anymore and it would be disrespectful to use them in any capacity

Nobody cares about SMT because it doesn't sell. Persona sells.

Yes it is

Attached: mayran.jpg (524x298, 14K)

>they took out the Nocturne and DDS tracks from Catherine
>didn't even swap out for SMTIV or Devil Survivor tracks, just added more Persona tracks

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They dont. You are just impatient.

Who would have guessed they would replace tracks from nintendo exclusives to sony exclusives on a ps4 exclusive game.

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I wish P5 never released.... it literally ruined my favorite franchise.

and yet doesn't re-release them

Those are just spinoffs.

>what is p3fes and p3p
>what is p4g
>what is p5r

how can a game which is a self-contained story ruin the whole series?

on modern platforms

At least they're killing their own shit instead of fucking up others.

>moving the goalpost

I love playstation exclusives. I’m very glad ninturdo is not getting these gems

Don't underestimate the blind ironic weeb. They will burn everything you love to the ground. I miss the old days of P2.

waifus sell

>Nocturne and DDS
>nintendo exclusives
Sasuga, retard-kun.

All i ever wanted was a Persona 3 Remake so we can subvert the Persona 5 autism