Daemon x Machina

Western VII is the best merc group name, prove me wrong.

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dummo I kinda dig Innocence

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Melee is the most fun and interactive way to play.

I really like the Mace, smacking things never gets old.

Five Hells has the best name and the best team desu

Does it ever ramp up difficulty? I've been facerolling every mission so far.

Fashion over function
Prove me wrong

>Using all boost armors/enhancements
>Running Gunfort missions
>Start zooming around boss
>Screen starts blurring so hard I have to put game down as hurting eyes
Jesus, fuck. This is fucking unplayable at too fast levels

Handheld or docked? Never had this happen and I'm pretty speedy

Handheld. I only ever play handheld

yes, some actual challenge later single player missions, and in MP.

handheld mode has a pretty shitty performance

does it even just get better? i'm only a few hours in but every time i play i play a few missions then turn it off, it just seems pretty boring.

each stage is so small and confined, the story sucks, gameplay is boring. it just seems like people like the deep customization which is cool but the actual game is kinda shit,

please don't tell me fucking nightmare has two blueprints or at least that is more than one of these things is in the game

Would you Netflix with Chill?

True that, it does sound badass.

I would chill with Chill

The alpha and beta variants of bosses in co op have their own blueprints that can be built in the secret factory. Early game nightmare is the worst boss in the game but by the time you’re A rank it’s the fastest grind in the game. Go get your Hermès

>Early game nightmare
Not really actually as early on you can cheese it with bazooka and Falcon and later on double smgs rip it apart
can i do that shit solo or multi missions are locked to multi or have too much hp?

So in multiplayer lobby there's a message if I want to ask someone about to share his friendcode but we can't check whoever we played with.

What kind of fuckery is this ?

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I wish they wrote it as 5Hells to match how they're saying it as "Shell" in Japanese.

And the best theme

>Game's roster bounces between completely normal individuals like Bishop and then throws fucking weirdos at you like Savior and his whole posse

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Speed is life

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lol ded gaem

Firepower is everything

"i heard you were talking shit about The Terrors"


What would you do Yea Forums ?

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>bishop the turbo autist

Let's assume this sells well enough in Japan to get a sequel. What do you want? For me it's
>less story/better story that isn't all dumped in the last 2 chapters
>make the space colonization ending the canon one so we can fight in space
>at least one set of hover legs or tank legs
>cannons/railguns rebalanced so there is a reason to use them
>a cybernetics equivalent of the secret factory so you can further min/max your Outer
>60fps in docked but this probably wouldn't happen unless a Switch Pro comes out

>make the space colonization ending the canon one so we can fight in space
This, I just want to fight in space

fighting in space would make more sense for how these mecha maneuver
if we're on a planet, i want to feel weighty and heavy. not some weird jetplane with legs

Better story.
Mission structure more like Ace Combat where the goals and obstacles are pretty gimmicky from mission to mission
Social-system where characters react to the missions you take and who you helped/killed.
More variety in locations.
More variety in cybernetic upgrades
More variety in Outer gameplay, let us scale buildings and set our Arsenal to auto-pilot

It's not even a jetplane, the mechs feel floaty because they basically have no weight while flying
It'd be cool if the only way to stay up in the air was to go into a sort of plane-control mode where you have to direct and control acceleration.
I'd also really like it if they changed it so we maintain momentum when we hit the ground

>more story
>expanded hub and just stuff to do between missions in general
>some kind of affinity system with other pilots and factions
>purely cosmetic mech customization that doesn't impact stats

Guessing you haven't played many mech games?

Has anyone got 3 slot Halberd legs in the Terror mission?

40 something runs and only 2 slot.

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This game is doomed, isn't it?
The only people playing online are nips and a handful of Yea Forumsirgins and /m/echautists.

Nope, I gave up.

I mean, what more do you need? Can you not enjoy a game if it isn't League of Legends popularity?

im a simple man, I want
>more outer customization options, especially plug suits
>more upgrades on the skill tree
>option color the outer's robot parts individually
>new weapon types( lances, drills, ball and chain, etc)
>more weapon variants and overall rebalance
>more challenging battles and bosses, more variety of enemies
basically, just want more customization and variety

if nobody is buying the game we won't get any new content

Its hard to play a mutiplayer-only game with few to no other players at any given time.

Create a room, people join your room, play.
Hard isn't it ?

>You can pick up Colossal Immortal weapons
>They do colossal damage

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Which ones ? I only picked the Gunfort one.
Rebellion drops his sword but I can't take it

You can. You have to press A around the top of the handle.

I thought you needed a heavy mech to do that?

Nice, i'll try next time i'll fight him

I mean, only heavy parts I have are Goliath Arms

How do I do selfie mode with my mech?

So you think pvp will just be death matches or will there be objective based ones. Like ctf would be pretty sweet. Just disable wing femto when you pick up flag.

Destroying Bolt's armoured sections lets you pick up the arc guns at the tip.


anyone wanna come co-op?


>Fashion over function
Are we talking body mods or mech? The optimal body mods for melee makes you all lopsided with one normal sized cyber-arm, and one massive fapping arm.

Bishop seemed plenty normal to me.

So do body mods actually effect your gameplay inside the mech?

Yeah, majority of them do. It will tell you if you are applying the part for Outer or Arsenal which trees into one of the two

They already have the necessary setup from the case collection mission.


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so what the fuck was this

>Jumps continuously out of your weapon range for 4min

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>There are only 2 variants of bosses

What happened to Omega?

What pose is Solomon even doing?

I was wondering the same thing today
How weird is that ?

Future DLC?

Is the riot zero any good? I've been grinding the runaway train for hours and still haven't gotten the blueprint.

I hope it comes at the same time than PVP

Redpill me on the best weapons, all I've been doing to clear all A-rank missions is taking 4 submachine guns so I have 3500-4000 bullets

It's shit

>mfw this song kicks in

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I've been using dual SMG arms and clearing out pretty much everything, though I have been using a flamethrower for arsenal fights with one SMG arms

Arc gun + flamethrower = win

> thought dreadnaught was tough for a second and wondered how to kill it in 150 seconds
> dual bazooka arms kill it in like 30 seconds
holy fuck i love these things

Quad Swords for maximum gundam fun

Did you try typing your friend code in the chat ?

It doesn't seem like there's a lot of progression for armor. Things open up more laterally with different options more so than straight up better parts, or am I wrong? And sets to keep a particular eye out for?

Pretty much everything is just sidegrades rather than straight upgrades

Sold out day 1 there. Thats all that matters since the other new mech game is confirmed DOA after going to epic

I have only done a few missions and am still on rank D missions, but when can you get the beam swords?

where ?

>can i do that shit solo or multi missions are locked to multi or have too much hp?
find out for yourself but they do have distinctly more HP

First mission is a D rank one called Reclaim AI Controlled Territory.

>Expect them to be obnoxious pretentious chuunis with tagged on waifu bait
>Savior is one of the few reasonable dudes in the entire game
>Knight is cool as hell
>The crazy girls are probably the only ones bar Gun Empress who don't seem to be completely stupid

>The crazy girls are probably the only ones bar Gun Empress who don't seem to be completely stupid
By stupid do you mean incompetent, or dumb? They're plenty dumb.

I always treat news of "sold out day 1 in Japan" with a lot of skepticism. I doubt this game had a lot of in store stock to begin with so it just means the game sold more physically than Marvelous/Nintendo (not sure who would handle the physical distribution in this case) expected in the first few days.

It was also #1 on the Japanese eShop

I guess incompetent was the better word. I mean it's not as though the guys aren't also morons, but a lot of the dudes are willing to be the voice of reason.
The Innocence girls are both screaming toddlers, Queen and Princess are basically just there to be bitchy and job, the Western VII girls barely function, and Regret mostly just suffers from being a Terrors.

Gun Empress is one of the only people that contributes anything to the hazy story and the Seven Hells girls are weird but they at least manage to perpetually exist with their quirks.

>puts up a shield and pushes you into the instant death out of bounds
nothing personnel rookie
I've just seen people take the best screenshots they can in the garage. I guess you could also exit your Arsenal in the post-mission and take a screenshot then too. There not being a camera mode surprised me since it seems to be a favorite side gimmick at Nintendo and it would make sense if you took photos of decals instead of just "scanning" them.

I need some advice, on the C-rank mission in which you guard the fright train against the three arsenals and other trash mobs, how do you go about doing it?

dual assault rifles or machine guns
kill the butterfly tattoo lady first since she seems to be the most aggressive then Guns Empress and then the sniper

>ywn be Savior
>ywn use your ridiculous wealth to fight for pure ideas of justice
>ywn have a classy butler-mentor or a harem of sister-wives to hang out with

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>all your sister-wives are fucking lunatics

>ywn have a butler who's one of the most badass pilots around despite not even being an Outer, just a normal old man

Well, in that scenaro, you'd be a lunatic too, so you probably wouldn't notice or at least be very bothered by it.

They exist, don't give up.

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You don't need wealth to fight for justice, user. Have you thought about becoming an officer of the law?

Been trying to make something that resembles White Glint. Pretty confident with the arms and head, but not sure what I should use for the legs and body.

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Have you found a full set of Sword Breaker parts? Can you post what they look like?

They're not crazy, they're baby-crazy.

Guess its back to the grind.

Nice mech btw, looks like mine except with blue highlights instead of red.

The Silver Ravens make me feel so strong. But I dont understand why. I still dont have a grasp on what stats matter more.

Silver Ravens just feel so reliable in this game its hard to change to another weapon when everything else feels slow

I'm pretty sure two three slot SR2 are the highest damage in the game when you use arm femto. Even more than disco ball and non armored targets.

>Bishop attacks me after a free mission
>didn't realize I could only pick 1 item off his corpse and grabbed a body piece
Oh well

Try two Guilty Throne S models, at the proper range i was hitting 45s and 70s on Grief in online.

Not as much ammo tho.

Reminder that using guns might be efficient, but you'll never feel the thrill of zooming between weakpoints with a katana.

It's like you need to kill bosses at least 15 times minimum to get blueprints.

anybody know a good mission to farm the bazooka gun arms? ive beaten almost everything and i have yet to see an enemy with even just one.

>accidentally grab a trash item instead of a 3 slot by habit
Why bros...

I think two flamethrowers with three slots of special performance up Mk III does even more damage, but you need to be within 30m of the target.

Like this

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The spreadsheet suggests nothing has it or no one had found it yet.

fuck thats what i figured

I prefer bullet works. Also does someone also hate how the game keeps saying things like "if you want" but gives no option to chose things? It's like they wanted to add editions to the game but scraped it half way in

I o my really bring a sword in case I'm put of bullets

>Fighting Bullet Works online battle
>Fucking Painkiller spends whole round sitting on edge of map behind rocks
>Kill other 3
>Spend next 7 minutes trying to chase this fucker in melee cuz out of ammo

>keeps saying things like "if you want" but gives no option to chose things?
Do you mean in missions?

Are the passive bonuses to boost speed and melee damage from body mods not reflected in the hangar stat screen?

Look for Radiant Gleam parts, you get them after the first Rank C missions. geddit

>almost up to 22,000 flight boost speed
I think I may be getting slightly out of control

>dislike the gameplay and story
>likes the shallow customization
I think you got it all wrong, famalam

The game needs a FOV slider. The customization is great but that is the one thing the game is missing.
Also i am a mech noob, how do i git gud at melee? Enemies are zipping around left and right and i just can't seem to keep up with them if i want to whacl them.
Also anyone else getting big Monster Hunter vibes from the general gameplay loop?

>15fps per second, the game

I wish you'd have to build and maintain momentum, at least with the heavier ones. Make them fast as fuck once they get there, but slow accel/decel. The lighter ones should still be snappy of course, but yeah, I want a mech to feel like a mech.

In logs and in mission. It's always things like "it's up to you to join me rookie" or similar stuff, as if you really had a choice. The only time you actually have a choice is when in a mission you can decide to go unarmed. It's pretty weird.

Feels more god eater to me with how short many of the missions are.

So does ACFag really browse these threads? If I come to these, will I have to deal with him?

probably a left over from a scrapped feature. I feel like it was supposed to have some kind of social system.

He hasn't been around recently, as far as I can tell

Try pairing your melee weapon with a flame thrower or arc gun

Does anyone know which mission I need to do to farm the Prominence II? Golden laser sword.

He got blown the fuck out by /m/ mods about a week ago, haven't seen him since.

There's a few small spots where you could "Choose" something.

Like not attacking Cinderella or Savoir when his generator goes to shit. But yeah. I thought you picking things you want to do would be a bigger part

Sweet Christ, I need to farm the rest of this set.
Getting good at melee is really easy. Use Swords for packs of enemies and use blades for arsenal on arsenal combat. Get used to boosting like a spastic to keep up with your target.

how can I go full sword kit when the Colossal's knock me away just from touching?

Low FPS is a mecha genre staple
Git gud, scrub

Use two murakumos and expose their weakpoints. Start chaining attacks between them, but start your attack from a safe distance. If ever you're in danger, Blink away.

I need a link to that fucking thread

a poor mans armored core

armored core hasn't had a game in over half a decade

that would imply that an armored core game was released this generation

any oasis in a desert

Soon enough, it'll be over a full decade

thats the fucking point zoomies.
Even after all this time it doesnt suprass it
yeah i cherish what i can at this point i guess.

it cant be a poormans anything if there isn't another choice

Nothing wrong with that.

After retesting its more like 43s and 56s with a few 75s thrown in. Still pretty good.

So the game out, and overall it was better than I expected. It doesn't scratch the armored core itch sadly, but it's the best I'm gonna get for now. I just really hated the stupid story and anime shit. It's just something that only Armored Core ever did right: never show a character's face, never have your character show any emotion, don't even have them talk. It was simple, but it worked.

Better than nothing, I guess.

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Depending on who you ask AC hasn't been good since LR. Or at least FA. DxM for as much as it takes from AC is still good. If very flawed. I'll take it because From doesn't care about AC anymore.

I think it may have worked out if there was some kind of faction or character relationship system but without the way most of the story was presented doesn't make a lot of sense.

It wasn't all that much, really. People were talking about the game, meanwhile ACfag did his thing shitposting about how waifufags would ruin the game or something (making identical posts simultaneously on Yea Forums and /m/). Mods on /m/ got sick of it and deleted all of his posts and continued to do so until he fucked off.

Back to the game. Is Radiant Gleam really research only?

it really seems like they were planning on doing just that, and having alot more mid-mission decisions that would affect later stuff, but it looks like they had to scrap most of it pretty late in development and glue what they had together into the story mode we got.

like it really seems like the story was supposed to have several core-branching paths like how several front mission games did
(i cant remember which one it was, a playstation one FM, it had 2 entirely different stories, and you decide which one to play through based on a really mundane looking choice almost immediately after the tutorial)

The downfall began around the Ps3 era. Sure, there are people who are fans, but the series didn't need autism level boosting everywhere. Armored Core was just as much about positioning than blind speed. And I don't know wtf they were thinking with ACV.

Have you embraced Infinite power yet Yea Forums?

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The /m/ mods at least understood where I was coming from, since they didn't ban me. They didn't even give me a warning. That /m/ thread in particular had alot of onionsjack spam before they deleted it all.

Nah, it kinda removes the fun. And for colossals if you want augments you want to kill weakpoints anyway. I am using it for the dominator fight because it's nice to know that if I run out of ammo for the other weapons I still have a backup weapon that isn't melee.

some of you guys are alright
dont go to Orbal Link tomorrow.

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Any special way in particular to get blueprints?

>Xenoblade Chronicles X Machina
Oh fuck I solved it.

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Its' probably more demoralizing to have your posts just deleted than have you banned unless you do something really egregious because it shows the mod's watching for you and will slap you down constantly in a war of attrition.

More proof that Fire and Acid are cancer Wuss.

How close to Armored Core is DxM? I know it has some of the same "core" staff, but i havent had time to even try the demo

>Its' probably more demoralizing to have your posts just deleted than have you banned
If they considered it shitposting, then wouldn't they have banned it to prevent more shitposting? If you want me to be honest, being a bit overzealous about the welfare of your favorite genre is nowhere near as bad compared to inciting console wars or spamming wojaks.

Besides, I DID make the thread, so I was all too happy to talk about DxM, in particular how the sissy journalists hated it for trivial reasons, continuing Armored Core's tradition of low metacritic scores. Out of many things regarding DxM, I parade the low score around as a badge of honor, knowing that it'll hopefully gatekeep the casuals and """journalists"""". You don't know how much relief I felt when I saw that yellow metacritic score.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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try me, dad

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Is there a bigger version mace later down the game?

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The terrors being wiped by the final boss, save for Grief it seems. Then they're resurrected and Grief decides to create you because whatever he saw when the door opened


Its Armored Core meets Gundam

I think theres only one, it does have massive boss swords tho.

I'm happy this game is getting a bit of buzz.
I was worried it would fly by without anyone buying it but I'm happy to see I was wrong.

I hope it's selling well. Mecha games are criminally underrated.

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currently, no.

but im almost certian that they plan on periodically adding more content.

the best part is no matter where you are in the level if some faggot is using those things the fps tanks into OOT tier

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Damn that looks incredibly satisfying.Just can't get into melee thou

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In another thread someone said knockdown resist is useless because you become invincible while you get up. Is this true?


From what I've seen, I'm the only person who hasn't gone past tier 2 on arms and legs so I'm not mostly mechanical.

There is a moment where you can choose to attack savior or not. Idk if it has any real effects but throughout the entire game after that savior is pretty much my best bro. Idk how he acts if you do attack him.

Can I play the game without making my character an ugly with the eye implant shit

I haven't put a single augment on my outer.

The same.

no, on top of that frequently getting downed is not good regardless.

The way I did it was develop the parts. If you have the precursor parts developed, you can buy them in the shop. If not, then get the precursor to those. The only thing you have to farm is credits. Unless you want slots.

That choice is one of the real ones that actually does something

I've gone through the whole game as a human.

>If they considered it shitposting, then wouldn't they have banned it to prevent more shitposting?
With phone posters, they can easily just move to another IP and continue shit posting. Also if they see they got banned, it feds their sense of satisfaction that they're getting under people's skin.
Just deleting the posts shows they're being like trash that's quietly taken out.
It's why you know who most likely gave up.

The bonuses are nice but completely optional. Outer lock-on augment is a godsend for one free mission in particular, but that's about it.

yes, you just forfeit some mostly minor femto related buffs.

torso has all of the majorly signifigant outer abilities and arsenel buffs, mostly to do with melee buffs.

then its followed by legs, which are more to do with leg-related things and boosting. oh and legs gives you acess to the flash-step, but its not mandatory

I still don't understand. Do you mean to say that you DO NOT take damage while downed, or that you DO?

You don't take damage while being knocked back and you don't take damage while being downed. However you're susceptible to head while downed, so if somebody threw a flame grenade on your downed body you'd conflagrate and lose all of your stamina

On top of being downed being super inconvenient.

Does gunfort a and b drop the same blueprint or are they different?

a and b bosses give different shit.

being in the actual downed position gives you mercy invincibility, but after you start to get up, it drops.

honestly it's just nice to have a powerful shoulder weapon that doesn't like like a huge peice of shit on your back.

It's actually a shame about the overall story because I actually enjoyed the banter between characters, and a good number of the characters themselves.

>Other Mercs are always gunning for us Western Sevens

>No surprise, this is only the briefing and I already want to shoot you

It's rare a game's writing actually makes me laugh, but I've had a few surprise chuckles.

What weapon?

Look at the image and use your common sense.
You're welcome

I just can't shake the feeling that there was a great plan for the story and it didn't happen because of money or time or whatever. Some games are like, okay the story is just an vehicle, or the writing is just straight up fucked, but constantly DxM teases me with this world or these relationships and then it's just garbage.

Thank you for clarifying. I was convinced that knockdown resist was a useless stat, but now I know better. I was gonna get both body mods for max boost speed, and I figure I'll get two knockdown resists along the way for an added 50% to knockdown resist.

I ended liking almost everyone more than I thought I would.

It's just too bad the actual plot makes everyone full retards

Just don't get hit by heavy weapons, man. No need for something that's not speed.

Yeah. All the mercs and corps make me think you initially had the option to join certain factions, but then they realized they were in over their head and just kind of scrapped together a bunch of shit.

It's sad when you like a batch of characters but the plot has them go "THIS IS A TRAP, BUT WE MUST FIIIIIIIIIIGHT" for no fucking reason.

I want to rub my dick between Nemesis's face and mask.

>Just don't get hit by heavy weapons, man. No need for something that's not speed.
I figure getting hit at point-blank range is inevitable if I'm gonna melee.

i would say get some fire resist actually, one type of the flying drone enemies use flamethrowers, and they tend to just sneak up on you and start sapping yer stamina, especially when they are possible adds for an immortal.

>on a mission where I have to fight Savior, Knight and Abyss.
Which one drops something good?

spider legs, tank treads or chicken legs

Posting this in case someone hasn't seen it. Loot table.


>they just sold out of their stock
thats a good fucking thing though you moron.

Thanks good compeer

I remember that mission, he started attacking me even if I stopped moving, so I had to take him down. He is not a bro but respects the MC

Are sniper/marksmen builds possible in this game, or is that wishful thinking.


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>game with fast crazy robot action
>guise can i stand still and shoot things from miles away

There's literally only two sniper guns. But it's possible. Sure.

god i hope they do a balance patch or something
> machine guns- too strong for their reliability and ammo reserves
> most other guns- not enough ammo to be as reliable as machine guns
> cannons and railguns- cooldown and projectile speed need to be adjusted for how fucking fast everything is
> missiles- homing needs to be upped a LOT to keep up with Arsenals and to be able to even hit most targets outside of 300m
> F. Dominion head- hands down the best head due to the extremely wide reticle, decent lock-on distance, and armor stats. any shortcomings on it can easily be covered by attachments or make its already good stats even better

and we need something like from AC where you can see what each stat does. fire rate support and things like that are really obtuse and dont really say enough to show what they do

Yes. They're extremely possible. Requires good parts and attachments through to rely on feasibly. The scope is a meme though, don't use it.

shit arms and attachments the post

Fuck off reddit nazi frog poster

I got away with in in 4A, so I figured I could do the same in the presumably slower game (or at least form what I've seen).
All I need now is to order this shit on amazon now.

Guys Outer is getting in smash I'm sorry

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His post is more on topic than yours.

The cancer nullifies it. fuck off.

at least the arms arent so critical that you can still fashion Machina with it a bit
stats wont be super optimal but you dont lose so much that it cripples you

and whats up with all the memory attachments? what exactly does having more memory do? unless i purposefully tried for it, i never ran out of memory

>unless i purposefully tried for it, i never ran out of memory

Memory affects lock-on speed. Double guilty throne + missile launcher or a cannon that isn't deadly drive + aux are a bitch memory wise but outside of that it's not really an issue. Arms are more important than you think, precision and fire support make a big difference.

>Gargantua keeps using his fucking heal bubble while staying just out of range of fucking EVERYTHING
>Area limit doesnt even seem to apply to him
Does that bullshit weapon EVER run out of ammo? I got his ass down to a sliver of health before running out myself and the faggot just zipped away and started popping bubbles

Arms are so important, that the difference between them can quite literally make or break a weapon. Precision is so important that not having enough of it completely removes your ability to even circle strafe a stationary target and without rapid fire support, every rifle in the game is now shit in your arms.

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I think the Ai doesn’t actually run out of it.

Just go to town on him as fast as possible and try to draw him away from his team.

Hes the only one left

huh. guess thats what i get for going for full machine gun for most of the game. dont need precision and fire rate didnt slow down effectiveness enough to stop it from killing everything

im guessing theres people working on figuring out the specifics of the stats and how much it relates to different weapons?

it does not help that the average projectile speed on this game is quite honestly really poor, i feel like most shots need to be going at least 50% faster, especially if they are coming from a weapon with a slower rof

projectile speed is weighed directly against precision. The auto correcting for guns that aren't bazooka or non attachment acid guns are actually really accurate because precision does the auto correcting for you unless the person is using jerky movements.


Still just wreck his shit. Use the attack boost femto or something. If he starts to do his bullshit heal at least the damage will mostly make his healing worthless

This story was so fucking bad, disjointed and nonsensical I felt like I was replaying lost planet 1

who the fuck wrote this story

That's the issue, I'm slamming him with double maces when he pops his heal bubble but the faggot will zoom to the other side of the map, pop another, zoom to another side of the map, pop another, etc. Within 10 seconds of having a sliver of health, he was already back to half

it only goes so far, because it only auto-corrects by leading the shot straight ahead. alot of the time ive got a target locked, but nothing is hitting because they are moving on a curve (the easiest way to spot this is fighting the jet-bombers) even when ive got fire support processor ll installed with decent arms.

Hm. I guess you should consider bringing one of the stun guns then, it could help at the very least. Or just some guns in general when starts to fuck off and heal far away

True but it helps. From the aspect of a guy who has tested this rather extensively, gentle curves are absolutely fine at high enough levels of precision. But "high enough" ends up being close to 160. 200 is only for sniper rifles to take advantage of.

throw maces at him
fisticuffs time

no, but seriously. you're probably losing more time trying to kill him now than you would backing out and taking a different loadout

I'm almost done with C rank, when do I get more plugsuit options?



anyone figured out whats the point of fire or acid? I figure they might negate healing or stamina if applied or if its just there because it looks cool

It's possible, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you master aiming with gyro controls.

Fire burns, acid reduces defense

I give up, the final boss is bullshit

equip throwing arm
throw the bombs at him

he is stupid not fun and bullshit but is ez to cheese. stupid fucking last fight

Took him out running again. Had to focus all my initial ammo in his ass first so he could keep fucking healing

This game looks like a rip off of Armored Core

When is From Software making AC6??

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>someone brings a bazooka
>they lock the enemy in knockback against the wall and make him invincible

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that's not darksouls or bloodborn, or anthing with souls in the titles so.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Maybe after 10 years when the soulsborne craze & money fades away. I kinda can't blame them, they hit paydirt

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Fight him on the ground. Sounds obvious but I swear it makes him a lot more bearable.

>tfw I literally had no ammo, No arsenal, and had to finish him on foot.

I think they give him too much health.

It's better than armored core, deal with it

Come on user. I like DxM, but BETTER than AC? Let's be real

Should I just go ahead and buy this on eshop?

anyone want to join a lobby?

Don't be a weenie and just admit it.

i kinda wish that DxM goes the speedy 4A route, while AC further emphasizes the slower heavier iteration they were trying for in V

like From has been doing slow, weighty stuff with Souls and honestly something more methodical would be great while DxM fills the hyper speed niche

Why would I admit something I dont legit believe

That's like saying Toukiden was better than Monster Hunter

I liked both of those too, but come on

if you like mech games go for it

I felt kinda bad for Red Dog and Savior near the end, mostly Red Dog during the whole game.

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>tfw enjoyed Toukiden more than MonHun XX and World

stupid story
stupid characters

stupidly fun combat
its not worth 60 bucks but goddamn do I love mech games so I spent the money anyways.

>he doesn't know a lot of the AC people left FROM and worked on this
user, I...

Just because you don't believe it, it doesn't mean it's true.
Like how people believe the American Civil War wasn't because of slavery, idiots believing it wasn't, but that doesn't make it true,

This is a bait

Healing shoulder, Gun arm and a sword was how i beat him. Try that. Get laser def gear.

2/3 are walking corpses cycling through organs on a regular basis

If I'm developing new equipment, do I have to manually remove the attachments from the ingredient pieces?

It's not bait if it's factual.

You need more fast user.

If it's equipped on your mech, then yes you have to remove it first.

This is also bait

Oh fuck wait I misread it. My bad.

You can you remove the attachments.Yeah. Sorry.

>If I disagree with the facts, it's bait.

Kangoku Senkan Armored cores style game WHEN?

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If I'm not baited, it's not bait

You're just butthurt at the facts, that's all.

>Called out on bait
>You're just asspained

You are butthurt, the fact you can't counter either assertions proves it.

Digged the game, but I'll buy it when it's on sale.
Online will be dead in a week anyway.

>Totally butthurt, ebin win

Are blueprints dropped from destroy or investigate? Is there a difference?

Girls, girls, you're both pretty. now stop your inverse dick measuring contest so we can talk about videogames.

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I've gotten from both

how do I beat the final boss? I keep running outta ammo

Is your outer a slut or pure?

Sword it. Throw the lights from the bottom of the arena at it. Or only fire when you've got femto arms. All of these things will see you to your clear

Calm down, look at it logically, you'll see that you're wrong. On both issues.

>He's really chunmong the waters today

That's weird I think I had an aneurysm typing that. It looked normal before posting

Everybody worried about running out of ammo for the final boss, Iam worried about those fucking pinpoint lazers eating my fucking health like it was the last slice of cake on the planet.

I just hide behind the pillar. Or use the shield. Fuck that laser. That's hitscan tier shit

did people really find the final boss hard?
was pretty easy with duel smg's (one for backup on shoulder) and a sword.

plus since i had arsenel repair on my outer i could just hide behind cover to heal it whenever

was honestly pretty easy

I found a qt

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post webms

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how do you gget the aurondite and the dieslif swords?
appearently you need them to craft eachother?

And you keep falling for it. Stop shitting up the thread.

Does this game still run like shit

>sword it
I got one of the combo swords and it worked like a fucking charm
he just stopped attacking me after I just kept combo slashing him

no it runs fine now
at least most of the time

framerate drops are soulful

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80% of the time it runs fine.

you get the dark sword by (most efficiently) using 2 flamethrowers to break a specific gargoyle statue in a specific mission, that sword is then used to craft into its holy version and can be crafted back into its edgy form

An Outer of culture and taste.

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Anyone have a list of secret techniques that you can do in game?

I did a 360 spin with dual ARs by accident once and i cant seem to replicate it.

Pic somewhat related.

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do you know which mission?
i beat the game if that matters since i can now go back to story missions

360 speeen is when you boost to left/right but fling stick in opposite direction while shooting both guns

>when the host has bad internet and you're fighting someone with blink

The fact that I've had better connections with Japanese than this English guy is pretty pathetic.

How do I farm attachments from Eclipse and Dominator?
The Eclipse doesn't have weak points and I just got a full jap team focus on the guns on one side and we didn't destroy a single one.

>character actually UNGAs
Damn, he's really the most intelligent one there.

You do gunfort beta
you equip gun arms and shoot its core through it's suction field

>you equip gun arms and shoot its core through it's suction field
The what?

im actually not sure, but its one that takes place on the map with that big old gothic building at the center. . . . surrounded by 4 walls with gargoyles on them.

if you do a 180 (or was it 360) while moving left or right, your mech does a little swivel/spin to quickly change direction
if you have dual melee blades you can do a x move iirc

Dominator can suck you in and if you stay in that field it takes your weapons, yeah? Gun arms don't have to deal with that. They're not even affected by the gravity at all. Dominator exposes it's core when it's either using it's laser or it's sucking you in

Picture of where the core is exposed?

Using this setup for boss killing. Not great since I just broke into B rank, but the back laser does work on big dumb and stationary.

Attached: DXMChase.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

it's on it's big ass ugly forehead. You quite literally can't miss it

that's a nice dick and balls on your back

Laser dick and laser balls, thank you very much.
Didn't want to waste money on optimal augments until endgame, so the tank's just there to ensure I can continuous fire the entire back cannon without needing to regen Femto.

The Arsenal?

the thing that bites into the arsenal

Are there meaty feeling cannons in this game? Sort of like the 20mm Autocannon in Titanfall

lets be honest the dominator looks kinda like a clusterfuck midfight, and the weakpoint is hard to id unless you are directly to his side during his super moves when he exposes it.

that one railgun is great, you can start charging it while boosting too.

so I just beat the final boss
I'm pretty disappointed there are no new missions for the post game like in astral chain
well now
what are some good missions to farm parts?

is this the only online switch game that lets you directly communicate with people?

does splatoon 2 not have that sort of option?

There's a couple of shoulder laser cannons that feel visceral.

> got a 3 slot dienslef
holy shit

nope, unless you use the stupid app and even then that's only with friends
this game lets you directly talk to anyone beyond premade messages and hilariously I don't think any other online game on the switch lets you do that

I got around it by using femto shield.

pillar or those things near the outside, otherwise laser armor helps (like Goliath or maybe Radiant Gleam)

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Who drops deadly drive?

Nightmare A in co-op missions.

There's extra coop and single player missions.

So what kind of balance changes do you expect/hope for before PvP comes out?

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Don't care, I'm not going to touch PvP since we'll be facing off against super Japs.
I learned my lesson with Splatoon.

none, wait to find out what's strong and then wait to see what people use to counter that. What's strong vs AI won't work vs a person with a brain.

Should i keep my Garuda 2 or drop it, along with the memory chip in exchange for a firing up chip? I use 2 guilty thrones and 2 Silver Raven IIs.

If i swapped to the firing chip my fire rate support L/r goes to 97/97 from 77/77

I dunno man, it seems like some stuff is clearly too strong (silver ravens) and some stuff is clearly kinda bad (lasers, shotguns, a lot of shoulder weapons).

>Stack up on bullet res
>Laugh as they only do 1-2 damage per shot.
>Laugh again when you bring a splender and immediately heal all the damage they did
You aren't really that bright, are you?

There's room for counterplay, certainly, but if bullet res builds become mandatory that's not really the kind of balance we want.

Also if bullet res becomes meta that fucks over shotguns even harder.

They balanced the game before release, they've got feedback from players now, there's no reason they should hold off on any balance updates at all until PvP comes out. They can do more balance patches after PvP.

But he wasnt hitting anything.

SMGs are super short range and people are going to be zooming around at minimum of 15k. The same reason shock isn't going to work that well too.

he was intimidating them

up projectile speed on a lot of guns definitely
boost the homing or turning radius that missiles can do because those things cant hit SHIT
add explanations for stats and shit

for example:
how much does the fire rate support on arms bottleneck fire rate on guns and processors?

Thanks bro

Falling. Cybernetics don't work like they used to.

Yeah that's true.

It could be pretty difficult to balance the game for both arsenal fights and immortal fights.

Also I have a feeling people are going to pop out of their mechs a lot to place traps if there are 2+n vs 2+n modes and objective modes.

Same bro

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Is there any long range heavy ordinance bombardment build with good durability and decent speed?

>Heavy ordinance
>decent speed
Pick one

Is there any long range heavy ordinance bombardment build with good durability and decent speed?

shotguns and machineguns get fucked by bullet res.

>tfw you will never have tea with Savior after a good day of saving humanity

so how's the game for someone who doesn't care about reviews

It's alright.

It's a good mech game, it's a more casual and anime Armored Core-like game. Reviewers bitch about Armored Core so it makes sense that they would bitch about DxM too.

Just beat Dominator ass with a mace.
This game got fucking stupid halfway through B rank.
Guess I'll grind 3 slot mkiii attachment equipment until i drop the game completely. Was fun until the final stretch though.

guys I think my robot is fucking bugged

I change the parts out but it doesn't actually get reflected in its appearance, it always looks the same even though the stats change. I restarted the game but that didn't work.

Remove your pre-order skin. It's in the paint menu I think.

>the treaty forbids any actions within the oval link that could endanger the outside world
So wait, there's humanity outside the oval link? Then why is everybody huddled inside the oval link (which I think is some kind of big dome?)

post those fucking robots
also does anyone want to play

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thanks user

Femto is lethal to them. Outers are all high on femto and are immune but regular humans will die from femto poisoning.

Unless you have expensive body mods and peak physical conditioning like Knight.

The Oval Link is a barrier surrounding the area where the moon fell to Earth. Femto is poisonous to normal humans but Outers can survive exposure, so they're used to do work in the Oval Link and bring Femto and other resources to the outside world.

Knight has LOYALTY on his side which makes him stronger.

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>most characters are pure human, with the occasional one like Painkiller or Gargantua with minimal modding
>but then if Rookie is fully augmented, he shows up as a literal freak, like 95% machine, is basically a human brain inside a robot

I have yet to find a Daryl Lorenz in this game.

am I the only one who loves looking at everyone's mechs when they join a lobby

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nope, I like to look at peoples mechs, then I judge the shit out of them if the thing is named ARSENAL.

Gun arms are love gun arms are life

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If you read the descriptions, the only organic part of of your body left in the end is your brain, spine, and maybe some of your skull and the flesh and muscle there depending on what you choose.

>Guns Empress is an A.I. who made herself human
This only makes my dick harder.

imagine her having to go out and buy a robotic pussy just so you can fuck her, or being able to swap out different kinds for what you're in the mood for


Seriously, not your fault, and everyone should spoiler text, but fuck I should really know better.

Nice, that's hilarious.

I don't think she's into dudes desu

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Not yet she's not.


I feel like I don't even need to beat him to clear this tower hack prevention mission but IT FEELS WRONG NOT TO.

Grief in that mission has infinite stamina so he can blink like crazy, don't bother.

Fuck that, why can't I color the lights?

crown princess is mai waifu

great, that leaves nemesis for me

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B-But she's crazy user.

No organic vagoo for you.

>find out why Heaven and Abyss are so crazy

that's supposed to be her tongue right wtf?
why is it like that?

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dude body mods lmao

Why? I don't remember.

DaemonXSilentLine when?

Armored Core 6 when?

They're walking corpses, they had all they had their organs and such replaced over and over and are very mentally unstable as a result

It feels like they came up with a pile of ideas and want to see what works. AC has always been very iterative in content and I'm imagining this will be the same.

Don't forget they also have a system inside their Arsenals that boosts performance but causes extreme pain for them.

reminder that chads who don't need to see the enemy to kill them use the icarus launcher

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>Red Dog is a cackling maniac when Klondike is around
>Once he's out of the picture, Red Dog immediately becomes a little more eloquent and introspective

Say what you will about the overall plot (which while clearly rushed and somewhat incoherent, I do not feel is completely irredeemable), but the characters themselves have some real stand-out moments. The stage is set pretty well for some post-game missions with some story sprinkled in.

Gameplay is amazing. Story is hot garbage. It feels like an incomplete product you shouldn't pay full price for but I am sorry for anybody who doesn't get the chance to pilot it once.

Glorious Nipon

100% coopable
Quad legs
Some weapon types just feel too weak compared to others.

I want some fucking quad legs for maximum turtling

I wish it wasn't so reliant on boost gameplay. I feel like the Arsenal vs Arsenal fights are worse because of it.

its the fact that stamina has no recharge delay whatsoever, and that you have no penalty for fighting momentum, if these were a factor, boosting would still be viable and important, but not nearly as free and easy to use

> that secret input with sword katanas
what the fuck is the devil may cry shit

It's why I liked the PS2 AC game mech design more than 4/FA.
You have to get good at timing your landings and energy use to keep your momentum instead of just remembering to press the fast button.

MH Generation Ultimate lets you type messages in lobbies. You can use a USB keyboard too.

what secret input

How do you do the mission where you control the giant immortal? There are 4 of those flying things that are flying above the range of any attack left. I can't hit them with anything, and the missiles don't lock on to them.

>Does no damage and loses 10% of his health
I'm gonna have a great time wrecking speedfags.

I'm having a great time. I think it's the first game I've cared about this year. After a break to go do some self improvement, it's a game that's really drawn me in. I look forward to playing it at every oppertunity where I have spare time.

I'm glad people are actually using spoilers now. Already had a couple bits ruined by fools the past few days.

What, so everyone in the oval link is an outer?

even tho the stories incredibly cliche and silly, I still really enjoyed it and the characters. I wonder if they'll do story content updates with their road map next week or just stick to online stuff only

You better not just be talking about chain attacks

Something is off. Where is the metalic paint for Arsenals? I beat the game still can't make my mech look shiny like some of the big name outer's mechs.

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Is there a way to repair your arsenal if it gets wrecked? Mine got wrecked just before the end cutscene in the train mission.

Metal Bronze for 200 online missions.

Co-op, keep doing missions.

Cybernetic arm upgrade.

>try out dual swords
>slashing left and right
>see a Strai with dual wielding shields and try to slash it
>get staggered

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Bronze is 200
Silver is 250
Gold is 300

The double swipe?

Use auxiliary button

Fuck, I literally just did the same thing. I spoiled myself on a plot point in Astral Chain the same way, I'm a fucking retard.

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You need to be a bit far away from them so that the missiles can lock on. Dash away from them and 180 and immediately fire missiles and it should work.

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Seems like it's usually ammo issues for most people. I had that problem too the first time I killed it.

>got three level 3 melee dash accelerators from abyss 1 farming
>not a single level 3 gun arm attachment

this fucking sucks bros

As far as I can tell you can only repair a damaged but functioning arsenal. Once it's completely down you need another player to reboot you. AI allies won't do that.

Everyone except Knight

How the fuck are you even supposed to beat the final boss? My weapons do fuck-all damage and I'm completely out of ammo before getting even 1/3 of his health bar down.

I didn't bother to bring anything but two swords for that fight, it did the job.

Take him to the disco

Is this game playable solo?

The "postgame" is coop but you should be able to solo some of them at least.

Eh, I ended up dropping it. Dodging the boss's attacks isn't actually difficult, but he has a fuckton of health and I inevitably run out of ammo halfway through the fight at the latest. If there were ammo or health pickups spawning during the battle or if the boss's HP had been halved, that would've made this somewhat reasonable, but as it stands, I just can't see why someone would be bothered to trudge through this.

for fucks sake user, this game is piss easy compared to the majority of mecha games out there.
in the last raven the average fight against another mech was a grenade shell flying at your face the instant the loading screen was done.
equip a goddamn sword, set your femto mode to assault, and fucking do 1600 damage in one hit.

How do you grab the giant weapons that bosses drop?

fly up to the correct part of them and hit A like anything else dude.

Do you have to drop your current weapons?

No, it's like picking up a car or a road sign to throw at someone.

The game up to this point wasn't overly difficult, but this fight is just too much of a chore. I had the purple laser sword equipped, but it only ever did around 300 damage at maximum and doing multiple hits in succession was too risky, since the boss can just switch to doing its spinning top move in a second without warning. The way around this is to only jump in for a quick slash and retreat. This isn't difficult to manage, but the boss's moveset isn't the problem - it's how overly drawn out the fight is. This boss would've been so much more bearable, if the game at least provided an opportunity to get health or ammo pick-ups during the fight, but it feels like the devs went out of their way to deprive the player of these, considering that every previous big boss fight in the game had these.

laser swords are shit because they eat up femto you should be using on your modes, equip two actual swords, set femto to assault with a full femto guage, hit and run after he does big attacks, do a double hit with assault on (pull both triggers), see a chunk of his hp come right off.
once you get him down a bit it actually becomes easier because he starts beamspamming which is infinitely easier to deal with.

on another note, the specialized literal gun arms can't pick up anything in case you wanted to try it out

I agree about the ammo, I really feel like you should get some from killing the flying cannons. That said I did manage to beat it using double MG arms but I had to make sure to only shoot when it exposed the weakpoint. If you want to make it easier you can grab the laser cannon from coop nightmare, it makes ammo a non-issue because of how ammo efficient it is.

So what the fuck is Solomon actually?

A Femto ghost

at the bottom of the map there is a gathering of containers you can pull out and throw

with a good throwing performance arm and a direct hit on "grief" you can do like 2000 damage per canister

I feel like I've been buying ice creams forever and I've never gotten whatever it unlocks

>Got bored by the final boss because of how bullshit it is

What rank are you? And are you doing missions in between ice creams?

Rank A, and no I always get an ice cream before a mission
Does it not count if you die and have to retry the mission?

seeing all this farming for 3 equipment slot gear and attachments is really putting me off of the end/post-game
this day and age, there should always be methods of upgrading the base gear to have more slots and ways to develop most attachments. basic time saver and quality of life shit
farming can still be an option, but people arent always lucky and it fucking sucks getting gimped because of that

I don't know, I only ever failed missions after I unlocked it
I have no idea why you wouldn't have it by now. Maybe you've just missed it somehow, I was talking to a guy on /m/ a couple days ago who had it and never realized because he somehow never noticed the third option in the ice cream menu

AI can't beat you if you become the AI. Let's get rid of that brain too.

For the first mission where you fight Grief can you kill him?

You gotta eat 20 ice creams in a row without leaving the ice cream facility
After that you should see a question Mark as a 3rd option in the main screen of the ice cream facility

>You gotta eat 20 ice creams in a row without leaving the ice cream facility
This is the first time I've heard that

>that c rank mission where you have to take on savior and his two butt buddies with Johnny g and chill to back you up
Holy fuck they are so useless. Literally 3 on 1

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Thats how I did it, some other user told me about it, you can unlock it as early as rank D doing it like that

guys, how the fuck do I leave for a mission without my arsenal, a mission of a certain kind is telling me to do such (yes it is THAT A rank mission), or is there really no choice and I am being duped?

Unequip your weapons on your arsenal. Yes all of them.

Unequip everything, even your auxiliary, and get out as soon as you have control

I did and the faggots still attacked me unless you mean my fucking operator too, then I am lost.

You have to exit the arsenal, I think X is the default bind for it.

You also have to go to the meeting place on foot. Use the X button. If you really did it right. They shouldn't attack you.

k lemme give it a try
exiting did nothing to circumvent the dickery

Yeah you need to do both.

worked well for me, jonny did die first but not after i took down the little useless cunt and half the butler's health

>borderline 30 kills on faggot plane
>now i have to do it again and on much fatter one for fucking disco ball
i hate that goddamn fucking plane

>This game is doing the game content locked behind online shit MH does

When I do all of single player, I expect majority of the content to be here or something special atleast. This shit is fucking annoying.

thanks guys, it worked somehow this time.

also icecream parlor shit is sweet who knew?

at least it's beatable or can be even done with ai

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To be fair, it's not totally online only. You can at least use AI characters if you don't have Nintendo online. Which is something I'm surprised they let you do.

Is there a skull decal? And if so, where is it?

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looks like gun empress's arsenal

Do you guys know where I can find the Cronus Break I & II modules ?

but wheres the feed

Rebellion A and B in co-op

>meteorite defense
why does this mission even exist and why there's apparently a much fucking worse one later

thanks, I fought it 3 times by now but I didn't win this shit module
Do I have to take his arm off ?

You blow up all the weakspots you can and pray

>apparently a much fucking worse one later

? I only did one mission like that.

Why won´t they let me apply patterns to a single part of the mech? Why does this game have such weird limitations that have no reason to exist?


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I heard about some mission in rank A with meteors

yeah, barely passed that one. was a fuckin pain.

He's busy Fucking (Formerly Sucking)

Phew finally got the Cronus Break II