Doesn't play castle wolfenstein

>doesn't play castle wolfenstein
>hurr durr I invented stealth
>doesn't play demon's souls/dark souls
>hurr durr I invented shared events

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Other urls found in this thread:

Your company is doomed. Your public image is getting worse every day.

Kojima is FREE now and you have absolutely zero way of controlling him. You're boiling with anger and there's nothing you can do about it. Delicious.

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He invented the icon of stealth. The average fuck's icon of a stealth game is Snake.

He's a literal back without Fukushima.
He has made 3 bombs and a demo and an upcoming walking sim dogshit.


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wolfenstein invented stealth?

idk who invented stealth, but these games come to mind when it comes to the succesful implemention of it
thief, mgs, splinter cell

dumb zoomer

>castle wolfeinstein
>invented stealth
how fucking retarded can you get?


I said average fuck. Not average fuck on Yea Forums. Plenty of the masses have heard of Metal Gear but not Thief.

Lupin III came before Wolfenstein and had stealth elements. Try again.

The average fuck thinks of sam fisher you retard

All wrong. The mainstream vidya icon of stealth comes from the Elder Scrolls.

Attached: Stealth Archer Elder Scrolls.png (190x284, 60K)


Literally nobody gives a fuck about this boomer shit.

Maybe in the 2000s. Not now that we're almost in 2020. Your AVERAGE person is going to know who Solid Snake is, not Sam Fisher.

Shit I'm not the guy you were replying to but I didn't even know Lupin had a game that came out in 1980. That is indeed a year before Wolfenstein.

i indeed didnt realize you were talking about the 1981 game with zero depth i havent heard about until today lmao
again i really dont care who invented stealth and if kojima said that he might be wrong but that doesnt change who made the best stealth games and kojima is def. among them

See those stealth mechanics? I invented them!

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If the original Metal Gear and Wolfenstein are supposed to be "stealth" then the true original stealth video game is Pac-Man.

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This is some cope. Let's see:
>Good metal gear games WITH Fukushima.
>All of them.
>Shitty metal gear games WITHOUT Fukushima.
>All of them.
The results literally prove themselves.

Fuck Konami and fuck Kojima. They made subpar games and both deserved each other.

He did invent movie games

Whats so great about PT? It's just a jumpscare shit with AAA graphics.

markers dont count as shared events and neither does invasion. you dont contribute to the world environment.

Dark souls isnt based around those events. Death stranding is the first true strand game

>dude I coined the term let's play

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Lupin III was a pacman-like game. It's technically not a stealth game.

Truth is there's a stealth game before Castle Wolfenstein, but it's a super obscure and tiny experimental game made by a computer student in his free time back in 1980. It was barely a stealth game.
Castle Wolfenstein invented almost all the stealth gameplay and stealth elements as we know today. Optional combat, AI with several awareness states, open ended levels, scavenging, item management, lock picking, disguise, body dragging, and deeper interactions with AI.

It was Kojima's way of getting around his NDA. Absolute genius.

>Fukushima games WITHOUT Kojima
>Ghost Babel (a writer at best) and....
Who is this fucking guy again? Stop spamming this Neogaf meme, you literal muppet.


That Lupin III game came out a month before PacMan.

Yellow pill boy btfo

Pacman and lupin aren't stealth because the enemies dont have multiple states and just approach the player randomly.

It's just a coincidence that every game Kojima has made without Fukushima has been shit.

Kojidrones seething and coping.

The ORIGINAL Wolfenstein by Silas Warner, not ID's version.

Just like people forget that Duke Nukem was a 2D platformer first...

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>doesn't play castle wolfenstein
>hurr durr I invented stealth
Did Castle Wolfenstein even came out in Japan? It was a PC game and Nip PCs were completely different from what Burgers and Yuropoors were using.

Metal Gear 2 (the MSX2 one) is unironically awesome, regardless of what you think of Kojimbles.


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Fukushima was just a guy who wrote codec calls. Even if he wrote the stories himself, he was never a game designer anyway. Metal Gear 2, Snatcher and Policenauts were all awesome Kojima games made without his involvement.

this looks like ass. comparing this boomer trash to modern games should be banned

thief died before it lived

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Literal who

Seems a bit barebones compared to Metal Gear 1, but it was made six years earlier, so you can't expect much.

Is there a better designed playstyle than stealh Archery in Skyrim? I've played 100s of games and not one holds a candle to the sheer depth and skill threshold that stealth archery has in Skyrim.

He didn't say that though.

Are you Konami shills going to be like this every day from morning to clock-off time until November 8th?

Thief is literally better at stealth archery considering it has actual stealth elements and the bow is the most used weapon. You can use it to kill, put out torches, plant moss on the floor to silence your footsteps on noisy ground, etc.

>snatcher and policenauts
More like interactive movies

They were good interactive movies though made before Kojima started believing his own hype.

Amazing how much Kojima triggers Yea Forums now more so than when MGSV came out and it turned out to be pure garbage after everyone had been so excited about it.

>pure garbage
It was a fun game, most of Yea Forums just had unrealistic expectations about it and were mad that it wasn't the BiBo fanfiction they wrote in their heads.

Opinion discarded.

I was using BiBo ironically, dingus.

>castle wolfenstein
castle wolfestain is not a stealth game is a puzzle game that happens to have death blocks dressed as nazis

>He invented the icon of stealth.
That would be Sam Fisher along with 3 green lights.

>muh graphics

>i was just pretending to be retarded

It's pretty clear from the context of my post I was making of people like you from having unrealistic expectations about MGSV, who think they know the Metal Gear better than the person who made it, to the point that they invent cutesy-sounding nicknames for the characters like "BiBo".

>if you touch the enemy that keeps going up and down you die
>thats stealth

i guess frogger was the first stealth game

>people defending Kojima's fraudulent claims of creating the stealth genre
Yea Forums has reached a new low


If you didn't notice, stealth games do resemble puzzle games a lot.

>castle wolfenstein
castle wolfestain is not a stealth game is a puzzle game that happens to have death blocks dressed as nazis

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Why are most of the guards already dead? Is the player using cheats?

Your point?

you really think that's anywhere close to having the cultural impact of Snake?
even many gamers don't know Thief

yeah the bossfight is action

the normal enemies arent

in that video by the mark of 3 that enemies keep going up and down and they can see you, they wont do shit, you can bump on then,they wont do shit, you can shot at then , they wont do shit

there is no vision nor sound not touch ALERT mode where enemies stop patroling and start to hunt you

therebefore is not a stealth game.

castle wolfenstein bad

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>Posting the NES port
Shit, nigger! What are you doing?

>NES port
You really are clueless and seething.

>has to stand realy close to the walls so cameras wont see the player

>can stand right in front of the guard and he wont do anything to you

i guess that settles it

There's also Saboteur and many other stealth games before Metal Gear kek.

I just wanted zone of the enders 3... It's not fair...

Attached: ZOE-3-kojima-cancelled-game-3.jpg (1024x682, 88K)

>has to use cardboard board for enemies to see him
>if they do they all enter a alert mode and start to hunt the player

>can shoot the enemy RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM, he wont die and wont see you

i guess that settles it then

I fucking hate Kojima so goddamn much

Thief WAS big during its days.
Same fate awaits Snake

>what is 6 years worth of technological progress

enough to make something that ISNT stealth become something that IS stealth

>>what is 6 years worth of technological progress
is hell

Attached: technology. FUCK.gif (796x270, 2.76M)

I guess Wolf3D and Doom aren't true fps either because they had no free look.

yes user being able to be spoted in a stealth game is the same as being able to aim up and down

Shoplifting boy was the first official stealth game, followed by Pacman which is considered a pioneer in stealth that was purely unintentional in Japan that gave sega devs the inspiration to create 005 which was the second official stealth game and later spawned many shit like wolfenstein & lupin the third. This is a known recorded fact in Japanese gaming circles. No amount of memes and articles will be able to replace this known fact except in uneducated western gaming communities.

Tl;dr Kojidrones can suck a dick and complain all day. None of your replies will have any effect to this unshakeable truth.

A man of fine taste. That game is arcade kino

Not as big as mgs

Can you imagine FPS games not having aiming up and down after Quake and Duke?

>Pac man
>stealth game
No one thinks this.

Death Stranding will be a fun and interesting experience. You are a whiny bitch who should head back to 7+1 chan the instant it is back up. None of you have given a shit about stealth games over the years, it's been me and like one other Tenchu poster asking for a sequel since 2009. But Kojima says something you don't like and you cry and cry about it. I bet you like Hitman 2016.

if is a sprite based game i can totaly see it

shit game tho

He did invented many mechanics for the stealth genre.
Castle wolfenstein is Pac-land and Metal gear is super mario.
But then Zelda OOT of all things ruined stealth.

No where in that post mentioned death stranding. Imagine defending a man where you're setting up false accusations against another just because someone called him and his fans out on his words. Here's a consolation prize

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he didn't invent anything

>Your AVERAGE person is going to know who Solid Snake is, not Sam Fisher.
Your average non-weeaboo won't have the faintest idea who Solid Snake is. Hell, I've been gaming all my life and all I know is that he's a character from japcrap action-stealth movie-games.

Cameras, box, the whole alarm system and cool down.. metal gear is definitvely an improvement over castle wolfenstein in most aspects, except the surrendering mechanics.

>I've been gaming all my life
Yeah, your whole 15 years of existence.

Can you people stop arguing with Beepzorz?

Pacman enemies literally aren't random. They have states and unique patterns that depend on the position of both the player and other ghosts to make them work together to flank like guards in a stealth game should.

Pacman isn't a stealth game.

>Your average non-weeaboo won't have the faintest idea who Solid Snake is.

Yeah because it's not like he's THE third party character in Smash Bros or anything.

>inb4 doesn't count because Smash Snake is a fusion of Solid and Big Boss.

People know the protagonist of Metal Gear is "Snake". That's why Big Boss kept reverting his title and why Liquid and Solidus refer to Solid as Snake when all 3 are Snake.

Pacman is not a stealth game because the ghosts always know where you are.
Stealth is about being the enemies unaware of you.
But there's zero random elements to pacman:

>metal gear was pinned as a "stealth game" because your main method of survival was avoiding enemies
I don't know.

>implying he didn't steal it and conveniently "forgot"
Also, Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, 005 and Infiltrator also came before MG.

There is no such thing as better stealth Archery than skyrim.

You're a fucking retard lmao. Casuals know the same Solid Snake more htan they know the name Hideo Kojima

Normal non-weebs don't know either name.

stealth archery in skyrim isn't good. It's just the least intolerable combat in skyrim.

Thief is super mario.

when are we going to realize that hideo kojima is the poor man's suda51?

>Death Stranding will be a fun and interesting experience
*walking simulator

Thief is mario 3

do people unnironically think Metal Gear Solid is a deep sealth game?

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The idea of stealth games didnt really catch on until metal gear. They weren't even really considered stealth games until then.

You completely ignored his post.
It doesnt matter how deep or shallow metal gear solid is. The fact is, snake us the face of the stealth genre

Sure, MG made it popular, but
>implying they weren't really stealth games
Look up Infiltrator, for example.

Like iPhone is the "face" of mobile phones.

You're delusional if you think that metal gear isnt the face of the stealth genre.

I didn't say it wasn't, you analphabet.
Let me spell it out for you: "Being the face" of anything doesn't make you the inventor of said thing.

shit taste tho


Ok Beep.

I don't know who the that is or what he has to do with Thief. Thief is still better than Metal Gear.

I never said he was the inventor of the genre. But you started the argument with a completely off-topic post, attacking the games depth when it had nothing to do with whether or not the game was a face of the genre. Furthermore, the fact that metal gear wasnt the start of the stealth genre has never been a fact that I was arguing. Nor was it even brought up in our argument before this. I have no idea what topic you'll jump to next, so I don't really feel like continuing this discussion when I was only ever trying to make the point that metal gear is the face of the stealth genre.

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Fuck off and learn to use Yea Forums. I wasn't the guy you originally argued with.

no it's splinter cell retard
even when mgs was new it was shit compared to tenchu

Cope redditor.

Yeah because shooting blind enemies that don't even alert when they find a dead guy has so much depth and a high skill ceiling

Where did kojima touch you?

Prove it wrong, then. MGS doesn't even have a fucking shadow system.

>shadow system
And Thief's AI remains in an unconscious state forever. Guards in MGS1 can actually wake up.
This is something Thief fags have always ignored over the years I saw them repeat that line.

>Arguing with a redditor

Oh yeah sitting in shadows where you're invincible is peak gameplay

Except that guards check dark areas, you moron. did you even play thief?

>Guards in MGS1 can actually wake up.
This is true, Thiefs guard stay knocked out if they get knocked out. The key point is that in order to knock them out they have to get hit fromt he back of the head with the blackjack, Garret can't just run at them from the front and hit them a few times to KO them. Not to mention that only human guards can get KO'd. Snake can't even move bodies in the first game for fucks sake, and its sound design sucks in comparison to thief.

I 100% have always considered Splinter Cell the face of the stealth genre. I know it wasn’t the first, or maybe even the best, but it had three great games and was extremely popular.

muh thief.