Rather than asking players to set their own pronouns for V...

>Rather than asking players to set their own pronouns for V, the game will often opt for a pronoun-free approach when other characters talk about you. Consider it one of the many practical benefits of going by a monosyllabic mononym.

What the fuck I thought you guys were just memeing gamesradar.com/uk/cyberpunk-2077-gender-options/

Attached: IMG_8146.jpg (1024x576, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:

scholar.google.ca/scholar?q=gender dysphoria brain differences&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart

>still didn't cut his dick off

>Hey, guys, know how we have to record every line that uses a gendered pronoun for the player twice?
>What if we didn't?
>And then we also got journalists to suck our dicks for it?
Money on the way in, money on the way out.

She is so hideous it's actually painful

this. its obviously so they dont have to record every line twice, but faggots like op are still gonna cry about it every day.

lmao the absolute state of CDPR

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>cyberpunk 2077 gets praised for this by trannies even though many *actual* rpgs have done this in the past
Game ""journalists"" disgust me

They'll just call you V

Won't that just make everyone sound autistic? I guess it makes since if you believe that in the future everyone will have autism.

Just gonna throw this out there for all the people who seriously care about their personal pronouns: Pronouns aren't there for your feelings. They exist to help people identify others. If you're a man in a dress, stop getting pissed off at strangers for "mislabeling" you. They can't account for whatever shit's going on inside your head, and you're the one creating the confusion.

And stop making up words that nobody outside your circle uses.

>Dont want to record 2 versions of lines
>Just use neutral pronouns
>Pretend its because you're progressive for added bonus points on it

Woah. This must be very difficult to record some lines twice for a game which is around 6 years in development at this point.

Nearly every game with a character creator since the introduction of voice acting has been like this. I don’t recall there every being a point in the recent Fallout or Elder Scrolls games where your character is referred to by their gender. This is just some shitty attempt at virtue signalling by doing something that everyone else already did.

No, more expensive. Time spent in the booth is billable hours, my dude.

Why is the alt-right too stupid to make videogames?

Think of any sort of game where NPCs will sometimes shout lines during combat like "THERE SHE IS".

Doubling sound booth time sure sounds practical huh?

I'm pretty sure they have own record studio.

What a kino post

Do you think that means they don't have to pay the voice actors?

You do realise that they did that so they don't need multiple takes for a voiceover with every pronoun on twitter, right?

I'm pretty sure it's not that expensive for a game of that proportion.


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The amount of coping in this thread
>they were saving money
>they were saving dev time
In other words, they are lazy fucks

>at first: no, you can only choose between m or f
>now: ok, it's pronoun-free now
Just wow, trannies literally won and are the face of the game in a few months, impressive.

Doesn't this happen in every RPG though? It's not the first time developers cut costs and do that.

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Who's ready for this game to be the belly flop of the year and then have the blame pinned on bigot internet trolls?

except, why would you bother?
if you can write the script around gendered pronouns and thus save a quick buck, why the fuck would you go out of your way to include gendered pronouns to just have to record everything twice?
You know, RPGs with a male/female option and voice acting have been doing this for literally decades
should that be changed just because some /pol/fags are whining they aren't spoken to as a masculine chad, fulfilling their autistic fantasies?

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Yup, no pronouns here

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Still no pronouns in sight!

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I thought she was hot in the trailer but this pic is unironically pushing the trans agenda and all I see is a skinny dude with makeup now

Neo Vagina sounds orwellian as fuck


I'm starting to think you guys are just mad because it's popular

>Call the protag 'V' instead of 'he/she' in cutscenes
>Yea Forums loses its shit
pls have sex

a penny saved is a penny you can put into marketing

>We have such sights to show you

They'll remove it don't worry. They scrapped the entire 2018 demo too.


Jesus FUCKING christ, this is absolutely a mental illness, holy fuck

It's made somewhat comical knowing the picture was taken from a transgender awareness meetup and they're both trans. HSTS in this context means "homosexual transsexual", that is, a transgender person that is attracted to members of their birth sex. The "HSTS vs AGP" thing is a relatively new line in the transgender validity debate arguing that AGPs, "autogynephiles", who typically consider themselves lesbians are more like fetishists and only HSTSs have any sort of legitimacy. They're arguing Left is an obvious AGP and Right is an example of an HSTS.

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>His insides will forever drip from under him

It'd actually be a fucking pain to have everyone just say 'they' or 'V' every time it comes up.
"V's ready"
"Who will protect V"

It's going to sound autistic as fuck in no time at all, especially when they've obviously already done a bunch of voicing with pronouns.
They'll have to either redo dialogue completely to make it sound less stilted-jarring, or they're going to have to just put up withe very character sounding like an autist.

>every rpg has done this to save time
>suddenly it's not a problem
Literally every manufactured outrage about this game, this shithole is reddit tier now.

why tf do you even know that faggot. Btw is the girl a trans too?

>99% of dialogue is talking directly to you
Is there some spot on the spectrum where autists need to be referred to in the third person?

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Not great at reading, are you.

what else are we supposed to shitpost about

*barks your path*

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i cant comprehend trans faggot language

Far cry 5 did this and no one complained

The alt right makes games. You must have missed Angry Goy and it's amazing fashwave soundtrack. The game is meh tier, but it was made. No opinion on its sequel. The reason the altright doesn't make so many altright games is because as soon as you do that, you are going to be unpersoned by the tech industry and banned from any and all sources of funding.

Ah, so the plain english before he got into any of the weird trans politics shit where he said 'theyre both trans' went over your head then.
Must be kinda comfy being braindead, user.

How will they tackle this on translations to gendered languages like Spanish?
Man i wish all this bullshit would end

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Fuck that. If anything regular women should be getting dicks grafted ON.

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>why tf do you even know that faggot
I have gender dysphoria and I keep up with medical studies and the discourse around it because it's relevant to me. It's an awful thing to live with, make no mistake.

>Btw is the girl a trans too?
Yeah, that's what I was saying. That picture was used to try and give faces to the idea that there are at least two different "types" of transsexual, one that is clearly "wrong" and one that is could possibly be acceptable. So you get cro magnon on the left and the demure little darling on the right and attach them to the corresponding concepts to elicit a stronger emotional response to it.

>monosyllabic mononym

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a true cyberpunk experience...

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>that last reply

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Single syllable
Only having one word for a name.

Meaning 'V'.

Monosyllabic means it has one syllable.
Mononym means only having one name, as opposed to a more conventional first/last name, or first/middle/last.

They're basically saying V is the only way anyone ever refers to V. There's no last name or anything else someone could refer to V by.

seek help

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That girl is not a transsexual. No Adam's apple, narrow shoulders, female spine curvature. Someone lied to you

>friends and family boarding the escape pods
fucking kek

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Ok legitimately i thought that the whole "dilate" thing was just a joke.

They cut a hole in the body. The body attempts to close holes. It's not a complex concept.

What happens to somebody who wears earrings if they don't wear earrings for a month?

His own mother hates him for what he's become. That's actually quite upsetting for some reason

i find it hilarious that cdpr gets praised by Yea Forums day and night for not putting very many minorities in the witcher 3 under the guise of respecting the setting, but now that they are respecting a different setting and giving all the requisite options Yea Forums freaks the fuck out.

Its almost like it wasnt about historical accuracy in the first place and some very vocal people just dont like minorities. hmmmmmmm

Mother might just be sending their kid news articles about transgender shit becuase "Oh hey my child is transgender and might care about this news!" but the child in question is taking everything as an insult.
WHo knows one way or the other.

Yeah, un-genered words in spanish make the ears bleed

>I hope your friends and family are boarding the escape pods now

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>cdpr gets praised by Yea Forums day and night for not putting very many minorities in the witcher 3

No wonder this game was in development hell, this team is a mess

Oh come on, that message was clearly a dig at whoever the fuck that RANDOM LITERAL WHO TWITTER USER is.


>Yea Forums told me that trans women are all big hairy oafs that are clockable at 10,000 paces and i refuse to believe anything else is ever possible

I've had a lot already.

You can get your adam's apple shaved, and part of the whole argument with the HSTS/AGP thing is some research suggesting that, on average, HSTSs were shorter and more slender than non-HSTSs.

For about a year and a half to two years following the surgery, you have to spend initially around 2 hours a day dilating to maintain depth. The duration and frequency decreases as time goes on, going down to around 30 minutes a week after a year for instance, until eventually it no longer attempts to close and dilation's no longer necessary. Bottom surgery's not anywhere near advanced enough for my liking.

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>Mother might just be sending their kid news articles about transgender shit becuase "Oh hey my child is transgender and might care about this news!"
I've had some of that. My mother thought I'd be very interested to hear about whatever ongoing nonsense was happening with Jenner.

Sure, nigger, whatever you want to believe.

>our newest school shooter

some trans people pass remarkably well, i dont see whats so hard to believe about that.

We are living in hell

If only you knew how bad things are going to be

>corpos don't permit dilation on their planes

Plenty of people with right-wing beliefs in the industry who are pretty much forced to stay quiet about their views since it can cost them their jobs in this political climate.

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Kek fair point, I completely misread that fucking thing, thought that was part of the title.
I dont understand how fucking twitter works.

it's always the dad

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Adam's apple is not a male only feature.

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it'll probably look worse

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This is also the slogan for every tranny

>implying that is a girl

It's 100% a girl. She's an tv actor.

> another thread crying about nothing or grasping at straws that are not even there

Im still hyped for this game, and not even Yea Forums‘s constant shitposting manages to change that.

With this and Bloodlines, I couldnt ask for more.

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If she weren't, wouldn't that pretty much prove the point anyway? The only distinguishing feature would be the adam's apple and there's a surgery that can be done to get rid of it.

You do realize this information came out a couple days ago, after the deep dive was recorded?

That guy is a fucking massive attention whore. He is legit mentally ill

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i'm sorry you're in the red and aren't happy

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Since a man doesn't have the DNA for female reproductive organs, the body treats the artificial "vagina" as an open wound and tries to close it down, so the tranny has to insert objects into its "vagina" for hours every day to dilate the hole and keep it open.
Welcome to current year, enjoy your free honks.

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im not being ironic i hate trannoidds.

At least you admit to being a blind fanboy.

>Since a man doesn't have the DNA for female reproductive organs, the body treats the artificial "vagina" as an open wound and tries to close it down
You arrived at the correct conclusion, but the assumptions that led you there are a little off.

>ma'am's best friend

Reminder that if you live in a western country there is a high chance your tax dollars are paying for such "surgeries".

>Neo Vagina
now this is cyberpunk

Do tell me. So I can ready myself.

>slicing my genitals and opening a perpetual galing wound won’t change anything, it doesn’t matter. So I’m getting it done

Oh yeah its that faggot
>hurr the box art has a man on it
Fucking whiner shits

Report all low quality spam threads

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A minority

so you've seen "her" vagina?

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wow, so it's just like every other crpg where you can choose whether to play as a male or female
I'm outraged

That is absolutely disgusting.

you salty tranny

one day you may be the person to sit in a chair that this man warmed up. Isn't that a lovely thought?

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join the statistics

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It's certainly not ideal. If 3D meat printing gets going, and there's a lot of incentive to get it going, maybe there'll be a better alternative in our lifetime though.

What assumptions? Are you gonna deny biology? If your chromosomes are XY you are NOT and never will be female. It’s not your body that’s wrong, it’s your mind that’s sick.

>The nignogrunners are misogynistic sexists that do not respect V's independence of pronouns.

That's it I'm going to side with the CIA and gun down each and every one of these haiti fucks and their whole district.

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>anime poster
>calling anyone else a tranny

Is there also a chance that doctors and scientists are focusing more on this shit than things like tinnitus and visual snow and other incurable medical shit

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>gender dysphoria
You have a fetish.

There already is a better alternative, and many trannies choose it in the end.

How will this make it harder for you to play the game?

Say you were able to CRISPR a post-op transgender person's DNA to match their gender identity. They'd still need to dilate. The DNA's not the important part there.

It's time, we shall be just like holocaust, but this time it will be real.

Attached: it's time.jpg (627x782, 121K)

No, because that’s not gonna change everything else about you that’s not female. Until you can do Altered Carbon tier body switching, you will never be female, and men will be instinctively repulsed by you.

Tons of games did this. Prey comes to mind and it sucks because of it.

A lot of games do this.
Funny thing is, that's not something to celebrate. Dialogues written entirely without sex-specific pronouns just come off weird, less personal.

Join the tranny /pol/tard. The lot of you ruined this hobby, an early death is the least you deserve.

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Well that's the debate, isn't it? Research is showing some strong links to the masculinization/feminization processes the brain undergoes during fetal development though, so it's looking like more of a brain condition.

Of course, many trans people never have bottom surgery. You're exactly right.

That’s fact

This but unironically

>men will be instinctively repulsed by you.
Not all men, if you catch my meaning. Either way, if you could meat-print and implant a set of reproductive organs that the host body wouldn't reject, it'd certainly be a step up from the current procedure, even if it's not a complete overhaul.

>it's looking like more of a brain condition.
Anorexia too has biological causes. Yet nobody tells an anorexic person to get cured by losing more weight.

I’m sorry, but could you please speak to me in English, and not in acronyms? Thanks. And you missed the point I was making, the entire concept of gender reassignment is totally absurd. There is no such thing as Gender, only sex. And you’re born with it. Stop attacking the problem from the wrong angle, it’s your mind that’s sick, not the body.

>but I want a vagina

No. You want to be a pretty girl. Your wishes are narcissistic to the extreme. You’re not even factoring how you will age into the future. You’re not gonna age like a female. You’ll just be a freak of nature.


During a hallucinogenic trip while looking at funny pictures of trannies who don't pass, my mental being slipped through the cracks of time and ventured forward. It was there that I saw "That Most Heinous Era" Known to the Future Folk as the Dilation Wars. Shortly after the Greater People, known as Jews in our time conquered most of the planet, Sweden was "Chosen". Their male population which consisted of 90% transitioned males were rounded up to fight for the amusement of The Great Ones. In their hubris, Our Leaders allowed the Swedish trannies to escape one evening. They were driven mad by their lack of access to proper dilation tools and quickly spread across the wasteland of Europe castrating every man they could find. God's Perfect People found this to be infinitely more entertaining than tranny arena battles, and so they armed the Swedes. This led to the greatest armed conflict in history as trannies brutally marched across the frozen hellscape of Europe to eventually find Asia. It was there that the trannies did battle with China's Mutts, American slaves that the Chinese people used for most things, including combat and foraging. Some say the Mutts were more than 50% white but I don't believe that, anyway the battle was epic but I was too high and passed out before the conclusion.

This really is hell

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There is no difference between gender dysphoria and biid. Yet nobody tells someone with biid to cut off their arm. You don't cure schizophrenia by validating the delusions. Bottom line, even if it's a brain problem they're still objectively wrong about their own identity, the right solution isn't playing along with them like they aren't crazy.

Yes all men. Because they type of guys who are so low self esteem to settle for a tranny are equal to the sorts of girls who gaijin hunt in Japan. They’re social rejects who failed to attract a mate due to being inadequate. They’re not men, they’re males who failed to live up to their destiny, and have deluded themselves into rejecting their instinctive calling. They’re still repulsed by you, they just suppress it cause they’re THAT lonely and desperate. Same way a Gaijin Hunter doesn’t truly love her western neckbeard, she’s just using him cause she has nothing else.

And don’t forget, low test male feminists are the ones most prone to violent outburts, abuse, and so on.... prepare yourself, you’re bringing this all on yourself,

If that's the point you were trying to make, you severely misspoke.

>You fought in the dilation wars?

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What a wonderful fiction.

>nobody tells someone with biid to cut off their arm.
They are starting to now. Did you think the ride would end?

And abortions

the last ones not a tranny, just a weeb


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>Is there also a chance that doctors and scientists are focusing more on this shit than things like tinnitus and visual snow and other incurable medical shit
It's guaranteed to warrant less focus than giving people fake vaginas of their penises.

Absolutely delusional.

Keep telling yourself whatever it is you need to cope. I guarantee you don’t make it past 40.

Dilate and hang yourself


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The only way to cure tinnitus atm is currently illegal from of stem cell therapy, which is considered as "too close to cloning" in legal terms and is highly likely to never be legal. Nothing much that can be done there.

You haven't heard of the furry who basically rendered his hands useless with dry ice and had them amputated so he could have paws?

They only amputated them because they were necrotic. That's not the same as amputating healthy body parts because a crazy thinks they don't belong there.

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>Mods deleted the other thread making fun of this

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This is why we need another flood.

Agreed. What the fuck is wrong with people?

he did it on purpose

Why is cloning even illegal?

At least they finished Witcher before they committed suicide, shame about Cyberpunk though

Even so, once the tissue is necrotic the doctor has to treat it or the patients life is endangered. The furfag did it to himself using the physician as a tool, it wasn't a decision made by the doctors themselves.

christfags think using stem cells is an affront to god so now we're denied life saving medicine.

Yeah, I can't understand this overhype for a shitgame.

>"not wanting to discuss the details at this time"
>arthritis somehow in both hands

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>We only recorded one set of voice lines for every possible pick the character could be
This is what they're actually saying.

It's like bethesda games where you aren't named whatever goofy alias you gave your character, you're named "You", because that's what everyone calls your character.

Corporate interests mostly, many left-leaning figureheads such as Soros are bankrolling hundreds of politicians to keep it illegal for reasons.

The demo had Jackie refer to female V as Jaina, so they likely had already recorded some dialogue addressing V by gender. You know what really would have saved money? Making a silent protag.

>Making a silent protag.

This is the everybody wins option. Anything else is a fucking mistake and a step closer to games being just interactive movies.

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>Anything else is a fucking mistake and a step closer to games being just interactive movies.
What do you expect from CDPR?

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That's probably a bit of a understatement. I'm pretty sure that under all his corpo-bullshit he is funding thousands of lobbies. Likely more.

Remember lads never trust a corpo.

>Citation needed
Let's see you come back with some numbers faggot

What part of "She's an tv actor"
Did you not understand

Ongoing research is looking into the development of altered brain circuitry as the likely cause of the disorder, including difficulties with the brain processing serotonin.

Multiple cases have been linked to the development of tumors, and in parts of the brain that should be interacting with the premotor cortex being in some way inhibited. It's seemingly suggested that information relating to what parts of the body are receiving sensory input aren't being properly transmitted.

This one's a little trickier, since it's lacking much in the way of consistency. However, the recurring elements feature parts of the brain not registering information as discretely as should be typical, having reduced bloodflow, or even inconsistencies in abnormal size for regions of the brain.

In other words, each of these are an example of the brain breaking down in some way, and not communicating information. The reason dysphoria isn't being classified as a psychological disorder is because there doesn't seem to be any part of the brain that is functionally impaired or failing to meet the typical performance thresholds. It's just not featuring what would be the appropriate proportions for the affected individual's birth sex.

I'll take your advice under consideration. Glad you're looking out for me.

I read this and realized how much I love my balls. They keep me strong and horny, and they're great.

Dude lets just kill billions of humans, animals and plants because of the absolute minority of mentally ill humans.

What we really need is an awakening all over the world.

You guys think you'll get to ride on the boat?

Trannies like you bullied her off youtube. You will never be a real girl.

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>an tv

and? trannies can't be tv actors?

are you sure about that?

not really

Nothing wrong with being trans. Why do some of you folks care so much about what other people do with their bodies?

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Holy shit, that post

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The only thing that can save it now is to have the pronoun thing be part of the main story, and one of the organizations you take down be the SJWs that outlawed pronouns, resulting in the sad state of dialogue at the game's start

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Yeah, DNA's not too important once the structures have already developed. Look at androgen insensitive XYs. They have "male" DNA, but some have partially or fully formed female genitalia, although without a uterus. It doesn't treat it as a wound and attempt to close it, even though they theoretically shouldn't "have the DNA for female reproductive organs".

>scholar.google.ca/scholar?q=gender dysphoria brain differences&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart
100% bullshiting my dude

Humm. I wonder (((who))) is pushing for trans rights the hardest, just like during the Weimar republic.

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I don't care what they do with their bodies, but I care when they shove it in the content I consume. Just let people play games, watch movies, and browse the internet without it be shoved in everything in an effort to be socially acceptable.

and then u realise thanos was the good guy

I'd happily die if it meant this bullshit was ended in the process. Fuck this shit world.

>androgen insensitive XYs
>Mutations in the AR gene cause androgen insensitivity syndrome.
it's DNA u mong

From what I understand, there's not an intrinsic link between impaired brain function and dysphoria, just dysphoric individuals having a higher risk of developing other disorders. It's the lack of a causal link that's the focus here.

Deserved it

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It's more that your self perception is objectively wrong and nobody wants to be a part of your delusions. You are a man, you will always be a man. Deal with it.

Don't push your shit on me or expect me to care about your shitty pronoun garbage and you can go cut your dick off if you want for all I care.

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Yes, the cause of the condition is an issue with the DNA, but it's being brought up in contention with 's suggestion that attempting to close a neo-vagina is because of not having the right DNA. It's all about how the body interpreted its instructions to construct itself.

there are no pronouns in polish

Content-makers have always been using their chosen medium to express their inner struggles, political agendas and so on, but I don't remember anyone calling for murder because Nine Inch Nails or Nirvana promote depression. If their product is not to your tastes, why not just ignore it?

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If it's that insufferable, why are you still suffering it?

We were here first. Fuck off and die.

>I'm pretty sure it's not that expensive for a game of that proportion.
you will always be poor with that mindset

>It's all about how the body interpreted its instructions to construct itself.
Which is based off of the DNA that the individual has.
People have a mutated AR gene which could cause them to have a vagina that never closes.
Trannies dont have that AR gene mutation so it closes.
It's not hard to understand stop deluding yourself.

>and then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

>I am so cyberpunk because I did a bunch of tranny surgeries
what's funny is that CDPR drones defend 2077 now by saying trannies are cyberpunk so they basically agree with this thing

Are you more accepting of non-transgender people changing their names, or does it annoy you as much as this pronouns thing?

Maybe if you fuck off and die first you'll get to claim that one.

Bruh differences in the brain cause the higher risk of developing other disorders.

there is no such thing as the alt right

The Boss in Saints Row 2 is referred to as "this bitch" regardless of gender.

I thought the thing was that disphoria is a mental illness but transitioning is really the only thing that actually improved it slightly

u stupid?

Okay, let's look at it this way. Some women have extremely narrow or short vaginal cavities. There are surgeries that can be performed to attempt to increase the depth or width of the cavity. After these surgeries, even though the person does have DNA that says they should have a vagina, it will attempt to scar, constrict, and close the parts that have been in some way expanded. The body cant' tell what something is "supposed" to be, so it doesn't look at the new construction as "more vagina" and give it the thumbs up.

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IF they looked anywhere this cute then we wouldn't have problem, hell, i'd fap to that catboy/girl, in fact I WILL fap to catboy/girl after I finish this post. I also save your images in my porn folder, feel free to post more. Now even being ironic rn, I love me some girly traps and androgynous cuties.

But most trannies, or any for that matter, don't look anywhere that cute or even passable. By far most of them look closer to this

You are correct, but that won't stop anti-trannies from citing spurious unsourced statistics at you pretending otherwise.

Yes, but differences aren't necessarily impairments. A study found a consistent link in the feminization/masculinzation process of the cortex in transgendered individuals, showing the cortex had undergone feminization when it should have been masculinized. A feminized cortex isn't a dysfunctional cortex, it's just feminized.

>A feminized cortex isn't a dysfunctional cortex, it's just feminized.
Cue the incels going well ACKCHUALLY


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vaginal hypoplasia is a genetic disorder, so it has to do with DNA.
You aren't really proving your point

what the fuck

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replacing it with a couple of turbo-driller cocks

Of all sad words of tongue or pen...

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>. A study found a consistent link in the feminization/masculinzation process of the cortex in transgendered individuals.
>the cortex had undergone feminization when it should have been masculinized.
That's a dysfunctional cortex my man.

Stop speaking logically, they can’t handle it.

Hey let's be honest, if you're some bisexual pervert, would you be more open to fucking a girly boy's butt, or a weeping open wound where a tranny's dick used to be?

How do they masturbate? Can they cum? If not, that'd explain a thing or two.

Except it's not always a genetic order that causes it. It can be a complication of a woman who has an overly loose vagina undergoing vaginal reconstruction surgery in an attempt to tighten in. At which point the body can end up scarring and closing up where the reconstruction was performed.

>15000 burgers

Attached: Tae5.jpg (820x713, 191K)

The ending of that got me.
"A Masculine yet feminized cortex isn't a dysfunctional cortex, it's just feminized." is the correct way to write it.

The function of the cortex isn't impaired. It's more like the process that developed it was dysfunctional. Imagine you had a car and it got the wrong engine, but the engine's still perfectly up to spec for driving the car. There's nothing wrong with the engine itself, just the guy that installed it fucked up.

You've heard this many times before, but most cis women don't look like your typical anime sex-bots either, and the majority of men don't fit the adonis image, so what? Should they be hated and persecuted for it as well?

With enough advances in cosmetic surgery and medicine in general you can also eventually expect things to get more to your liking in this regard.

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>"A Masculine yet feminized cortex isn't a dysfunctional cortex, it's just feminized." is the correct way to write it.
Not when masculinization and feminization are distinct processes in the brain's development. You can't have a "masculine yet feminized" cortex, it's not how the terms are applied here.

They legitimately aren't human and should not exist.

Ugly normal people are just a bit unpleasant to look at.
Ugly trannies are abominations forged from nightmares

Vaginal reconstruction surgery is mostly used in these cases.
>Cancer patients who have undergone extensive surgery or radiation treatments for any cancer of the organs and structures of the reproductive system and urinary tract
>Women with vaginal wall prolapse. This is a sort of hernia in which the walls of the vagina impinge on other organs such as the bladder, urethra, rectum or other structures
>Women who have suffered physical trauma to the region as the result of accident or rape
>Women with congenital abnormalities (birth defects)
Only one of these isn't genetic

>just do anal
My fucking sides.

Attached: 693925d03792e60f58b5627ca3213d86024d0aa73c1078a0e4850a093c241e39.jpg (634x815, 120K)


okay so, why is it considered feminized then?

>4 surgeries
>another $15,000

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>Women with congenital abnormalities

They're more human than sociopaths like you.

Not to derail the discussion about trannies but is there anyone out there that thinks that the graphics of Cyberpunk 2077 won't be downgraded? Especially the lighting and shadows seem like they would never run on current gen consoles and historically devs are not allowed to have too big of a differences between platforms in terms of graphics.


When you look at the lighting and shadows around 6 minutes in and onward and around the part where the turret is ripped off and the boss fight I just can't see current gen consoles being able to handle that shit.

Attached: Sketch (255).png.jpg (1276x676, 119K)

>Saying they are being inclusive to people who have specific gender preferences
>In the end it was probably just cheaper to have each voice actor say "V" one time instead of having both "Him or Her" in their dialogue.

>Birth defects

Most birth defects are not genetic.

The resulting proportional thickness. The cortex starts out proportionally neutral, becomes thicker when feminized and thinner when masculinzed. They're directly contradictory.

Okay, so if a woman that was raped has reconstructive surgery and complications cause her to experience closure as well?

It's a next gen game so it might actually not get downgraded.


Genius, you deserve a Nobel Prize for that comment.

why do you even care that they don't even use "him" or "she"? Those are just words of convenience.

>but most cis women don't look like your typical anime sex-bots either
no, but by a wast margin most are still very attractive and don't look like a literal sasquatch.
Yeah, there's always those ugly landwhales and trannies, but walking on the street most females look attractive and healthy.

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You are right, I'm an idiot.

Most cancers are not genetic.
Rape isn't genetic.
Most birth defects are not genetic.
Hernia's are complicated so I'll give you that one, even if it's technically incorrect.

I don't know what you are arguing about but most of that stuff isn't genetic.

Okay so if the trannies that are MtF or identify as such have a thicker cortex compared to men who identify as men then its an abnormality of the cortex compared to the average population of said men.

If a mother smokes and drinks during pregnancy and the baby suffers birth defects from it, that's not a genetic defect.

Those graphics aren't too demanding I think, latest tomb raider game looks better than the shite they've shown.

China will probably use it, they don't care.

>no, but by a wast margin most are still very attractive and don't look like a literal sasquatch.
Then why does Yea Forums bitch when women in video games look like those attractive and healthy women?

If pic related had a penis I woudn't give a singe shit. But that's not what they look like, see

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Yes, it's certainly abnormal, but that doesn't mean it's impaired. It still functions like an average feminized cortex.

>Then why does Yea Forums bitch when women in video games look like those attractive and healthy women?
...Because they don't look attractive in video games these days? Look at the new doom cloine and control. Nobody would want that in their bed.

what is the origin of this character?

>But that's not what they look like
Some do. Would you be more comfortable using female pronouns for a transwoman that passes than one that doesn't if you were fully aware both of them were trans?

You said most women are "very attractive" and pretty much every female vidya character is above average in attractiveness, making them all decidedly very attractive. Unless you lied earlier.

When pronouns are someone’s biggest fucking concern in life then you know they’ve reached a new unimaginable height of privilege.

The only one that isn't genetic is rape.
Cancer is cause by faulty genes so it is genetic.
Birth defects are genetic.
by the way something being genetic doesn't mean it's hereditary.
Genetic just means a problem in the your Genes, which is what causes the body to develop a certain way.

what are these video games with attractive women?

it is cause the genes are affected you mong thats how cancer starts.

Are you the guy who posts these pics of hot black women in other threads? you're doing God's work if so

The cost of hosting somebody for a single session is considerably more than asking them for extra lines or an extra take. VAs are not paid on a line by line basis. They are paid up front, then for the period of their recording time. Most of the VAs for a game like cyberpunk are probably not in any actual studio capacity for more than a month or two. Believe it or not, big budget productions usually have those actors in key roles do their lines multiple times. They have them do multiple takes with different inflections and different tones or with different emphasis. The actual real cost of these multiple takes is incredibly low per line. The real cost of this work is again, the initial fee and then the payment for whatever period the audio director or actor supervisor estimates they will need that person to voice act.

Attached: image1~01.jpg (400x333, 33K)

>pretty much every female vidya character is above average in attractiveness,
If anything, part of the whining is that what's thrown in games looks worse than who you would run into on the street on any given day

I have no idea, I just got those images from similar threads here.

>pretty much every female vidya character is above average in attractiveness

Attached: (you).gif (480x238, 443K)

That's not how this works. Why are anti-trannies so ignorant about basic biology?

>Some do.

It literally has everything to do with DNA. It tells your body how to build/rebuild and maintain your body. It’s the exact reason that your body doesn’t recognize some axe wound as a pussy and tries to close it back up.

So what do languages where everything is gendered do with this woke shit?
Like in spanish if table is a dude or whatever have they changed everything to be politically correct?

But that's not true. The whining is that they don't look like typical anime sex-bots. In fact, they are often explicitly compared to typical anime sex-bots but never to random women on the street. Because if you did that your narrative would fall apart.

>How faulty genes lead to cancer
Our genes pick up mistakes that occur when cells divide. These mistakes (or faults) are called mutations. Mutations can happen throughout our lives, during natural processes in our cells. Or they can happen because of other factors such as:

tobacco smoke
high energy (ionising) radiation, such as x-rays
ultraviolet radiation from the sun
some substances in food
chemicals in our environment
Sometimes people inherit certain faulty genes from their parents. This can give them an increased risk of cancer.

Usually, cells can repair faults in their genes. When the damage is very bad, the cell may self destruct instead. Or the immune system may recognise them as abnormal and kill them. This helps to protect us from cancer.

Sometimes mutations in important genes cause a cell to no longer understand instructions. The cell can start to multiply out of control. It doesn't repair itself properly, and it doesn't die when it should. This can lead to cancer.

There are 4 main types of genes involved in cell division. Most tumours have faulty copies of more than 1 of these types.

why are trannies so ignorant about basic biology

It would literally be twice as expensive you actual retard

>It’s the exact reason that your body doesn’t recognize some axe wound as a pussy and tries to close it back up.
Except the exact same thing can happen to women that have DNA saying there should be a vaginal cavity there.

You live in some very twisted delusion if you think most """females""" from videogames look anywhere near as attractive as most real women. You really need to go out more.

Yeah but this gta clone is claiming to be a rpg.

>Or they can happen because of other factors
There ya go

Name ONE (1) first-person RPG game where a character talking directly to you refers to you with ANY pronoun.

This isn't even an issue at all. They are taking the same approach Bethesda did when recording lines. You think ANY TES game mentions you being a male or female?

By "most real women" you do mean women of all ages and social standings, correct?

Says the weeb who thinks women look like his Japanese animes

Seek a therapist and don't mutilate your body.

It already looks like shit. There is nothing to downgrade.

>It's a next gen game

Ah yes, I do remember all those games from last decade or so that had attractive women in them! Like.... ehh..... mhhh... errrrr.... Well I'm sure there were some!!1!

yeah pretty sure i heard occasional pronouns in skyrim unless i'm going mad

Thinking that chopping off your cock makes you a woman is an impairment.

>Some do.
Post one.

>Name ONE (1) first-person RPG game where a character talking directly to you refers to you with ANY pronoun.
You get a lot of sir/ma'am situations, so it's the same concept even if it's not pronouns.

>This isn't even an issue at all. They are taking the same approach Bethesda did when recording lines. You think ANY TES game mentions you being a male or female?
I feel like you can hear about your exploits in the third person in some situations. I'd have to look to find specific examples, but I want to say Martin refers to you in third person in some speech.

Why is this a problem?

MSG is mostly used by Asians though, and no modern study has found any link to any health problems.

Yeah, it sure can. But there isn’t a single man that can cut his grundle open and his body not try to close it. You’re missing the point. A woman’s DNA being wrong has nothing to do with a man’s being correct.

By "most real women" I mean what I see when I drive to uni or walk on the streets going to local fast food joint or shop for food.

>tobacco smoke
>high energy (ionising) radiation, such as x-rays
>ultraviolet radiation from the sun
>some substances in food
>chemicals in our environment
All of these affect your genes you big dumb retard

>Dialogue at no point uses pronouns
Name one game.
Protip: you can't

>But that's not true.
Yes, it is.
>The whining is that they don't look like typical anime sex-bots.
Wrong, it's that they look awful as anything in a vacuum. For example, see how Bioware handled their female characters that carried over between games, and the responses to that.

this is unironically what happened

See, this is proving my point. You claim to find most women attractive, but you don't. Far from it. In reality I could point to any random game from the past decade and if there's a female (humanoid) character in it, she will be attractive.

>pretty much every female vidya character is above average in attractiveness

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The problem is the mutation. It's not an inherited genetic defect. Cancer literally isn't classified as a genetic disorder.

It's no longer classified as a mental illness by 'psychologists.'

The point is that it's not a function of DNA to interpret whether or not it should be generating scar tissue because "there's supposed to be a vagina here" after any surgery in the genital region. The body will attempt to close up any incision. Say your lips got fused together in a fire. If they cut a hole where your lips are supposed to be, your body will try to close it. The human body isn't that aware.


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So you deny she is of above-average attractiveness?

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>You claim to find most women attractive, but you don't.

Based CDPR
BTFOing trannys and /pol/cucks everyday

i use vee/vir pronouns

do you not recall what she looked like before fans demanded they change it?

Why do they try so hard at being so political correct when there will a shitstorm over something trivial anyway? You literally cant please these people unless you make some 2D platformer with pride 1-19 flags

This is just so they don’t have to code/record two different sets of dialouge for male and female V.

The tranny shit is just an excuse with the added woke point bonus

By your own admission.
>No, I don't just like anime sex dolls, I think most women are attractive, really!
>Oh, well, except her
>And her
>And her
>And... you know what, you can't give me any example I find attractive
>I still find most of them attractive though!

I think you desperately want to find most women attractive to avoid admitting that anime ruined your brain.

Nobody actually cares about this game. All you fags wanna do is make dumbass threads about muh pronouns or whatever other SJW bullshit they throw in this game.
None of you were gonna play it, nobody fucking cares. Take your bullshit back to /pol/, /lgb/ or Yea Forums. Or better yet, take it back to your ass.

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You are moving goal posts.
Genetic disorders don't need to be hereditary, they can be hereditary or non-hereditary.
Anyways I leave I'll leave it at that, you can reply but I'm not gonna respond you are wasting my time.

I've had therapy. My therapist was the one that sent the letter to get me started on HRT. Believe me, I tried the suppression route, and it just wasn't viable. I spent a lot of time reading medical studies about dysphoria partly in an attempt to recondition my way of thinking about it, and it just didn't work. No attempt at getting used to the idea of being masculine was half as comforting as just going through with transitioning. That's what I mean by saying it's an awful thing to live with, it's inexorable.


A shame they couldn't save Cassandra's jaw too

i have stock in cdp, if this woke trans bullshit will cost me money i will sue


>imagine eating out that neo vagina out
Must be kino and based AF

Because it pisses /pol/fags off, they rant about it, that increases visibility and its "controversy" in a way that garners them positive media attention. You get all the visibility benefits of a scandal, but because it's a bunch of whiny little shits complaining about it, you're not the ones at fault. Imagine how many threads we've had about Cyberpunk here on this board, and then imagine the tiny little fraction of them we'd have had if it were just a competently put together cyberpunk game. They're getting unpaid ad time 24/7.

if you say so

in what way is that irrelevant?

You not from around here are you nigger?

Again, cancer is literally not classified as a genetic disorder, and aside from a possible genetic component which increases the chances, genetics are not considered to be its cause. You're being pedantically wrong.

Just make it a player choice if they wanted to be called a she or a he

Your DNA literally tells your cells to multiply to seal wounds. Jesus Christ.

In every way considering there is none in which it is relevant.

Yeah, and it won't tell them to stop because "hey, there's supposed to be a mouth hole here".


Actually kill yourself you are completely useless.

>posts on Yea Forums
>talks shit on anime
Why do you niggers do this.

How is this disproving anything I’ve said? If you create what your body and DNA deem a wound, it will attempt to repair it until it is repaired.

Imagine you have a Chevrolet engine in your Ford, but you can't swap engines for some reason so you need to completely overhaul the body of your Ford so it looks like a Chevrolet, but you can't actually use Chevrolet parts or switch in any new parts really, so you have to alter the Ford parts so they look like Chevrolet parts, yet that can only go so far because if you mess with the frame or the parts too much you'd completely break the entire car. So in the end you saw off a couple vital (but not too vital) parts and paint a big Chevrolet logo on the hood of your Ford, and then tell everyone that it's a real Chevrolet and they're wrong for claiming otherwise. Is this car a Chevrolet?

Attached: 2017-ford-taurus-sho-sedan-angular-front.png (1360x903, 565K)

Does this really make the game better?
Does this really make the game worse?

Does anyone outside of Yea Forums or the other side of Yea Forums (resetera) even give a fuck?

Isn't it transphobic to not refer to a tranny player character with their preferred gender pronoun?

Because it doesn't matter whether or not you "have the DNA" for something, conducting surgery in the location it's "supposed" to be would result in the body attempting to close it.

You don't have to be masculine, just be yourself. No one cares if you're a feminine guy.

In at least one significant way, yes.


>Does this really make the game better?

>Does this really make the game worse?
kinda, it kinda sound jarring and feels unnatural so I guess you can say that it impacts immersion?

>Does anyone outside of Yea Forums or the other side of Yea Forums (resetera) even give a fuck?
multiple news outlets have picked up on it so I guess so.

But it still has Ford parts, every single part of this car aside from the engine is from a Ford. Will you just ignore that?

to be perfectly honest i went to class with a biological girl that looked like the thing on the left
her nickname was cave troll
kids are not nice

Only in that he's showing the world that even the ugliest race of real women is superior to trannies.

But they do care if she's a masculine woman?

Okay, so then what's with the comment >Since a man doesn't have the DNA for female reproductive organs, the body treats the artificial "vagina" as an open wound and tries to close it down

It's attributing the body's attempt at closure to not having the DNA, but that's not why it does that at all, it attempts to close it because it's been cut with a scalpel.

This would be funnier if it wasn't so disgusting... Eew.

I'll say it has a Chevrolet engine, and whatever inherent connotations having a Chevrolet engine suggests. Say you have a vehicle that's meant to have an engine that uses petrol gas, but it ended up with an engine that uses diesel. Are you going to put petrol gas in it regardless?

Yeah, my god, just look at these uglies. Boner killed.

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What a lying piece of shit.
They went from this :

To this youtube.com/watch?v=KtEO2xZ7BzQ

In 4 months.

Because of the virtue signaling they're doing. Nobody would care if CDProjekt wasn't shouting "We're virtuous for doing this!"


First off, I’m not that user, fucking retard.
Second, DNA still has everything to do with it. If a real vagina is wounded, it doesn’t attempt to morph the vagina into the abdomen. Men do not have the DNA required to create and/or maintain a functional vagina. The cells will keep trying to multiply and heal because that man’s DNA is telling them to and even if they didn’t the vagina would just go necrotic and require surgery. If this is happening to a woman that is in fact a genetic disorder.

You know someone certainly would.

Hey, you know information like this is almost always revealed in interviews, right? And that the devs are just responding to questions being put to them by the interviewers? And that the interviewers are in turn asking questions that they believe their audience will want to know the answer to?

Really ugly, buddy. Nope, wouldn't pound either of them.

See, this shit only works if there's an audience to preach to. Bad publicity only works because it makes you visible to an audience who'd be interested but didn't know about you. But here's the problem, SJWs don't fucking buy games. Them giving you asspats won't make you sales.

notice that they are only deemed attractive because their african features are muted

You're mentally ill, mutilating yourself won't fix that when your suicide rate is still 40%.

You think Keanu Reeves is cheap?

>First off, I’m not that user, fucking retard.
So the entire time you've been butting into an argument you had nothing to do with.

>If this is happening to a woman that is in fact a genetic disorder.
I've been over this with either you or that other user. If a woman has vaginal reconstruction surgery, she can end up experiencing symptoms of closure that require dilation to mitigate. That's not a genetic disorder, the body is behaving as it should be, but it can't tell that the surgery was adjusting something that "should" be there.

Ah, but you are still ignoring that the body is a Ford, and you are incapable of making it anything but a Ford. Nobody is denying that the engine is a Chevrolet, only insisting that its body will always be that of a Ford, and not a Chevrolet.

>mutilating yourself won't fix that when your suicide rate is still 40%.
It's great that you'd point that out, because it's not still 40%. Post-transition it goes down to like 20%, and post-op it's even like 11%.

>Straightened hair on Americanized mutts
>Still have ugly noses

NatSoc here. The alt-right is fake. The public members are jews attempting to mislead disillusioned to an alternate, still controlled, plantation separate from the normal population. They have the same morality and axiom as you. They're just upset that purported "equality" doesn't apply to straights, whites, men, or Christians - that's all. Other than that, most of them are content with the regular ontological progression of liberalism. Having spoken with regular right-wingers, can confirm that they really are just hopeless, stupid bootlickers - even the actual racists (none of whom were white). They are 100% on your side, but are just upset you aren't keeping your word.

Games are a waste of time intended to comfort you while your society crumbles. If someone is ACTUALLY of the third position, they're more likely to be much busier reading, working out, and listening to audiobooks while planning and preparing for the future. I come here looking for anything of value, hoping to inspire others towards beauty. That said, there is nothing wrong with gaming an hour or two after work, self-improvement, and after making all available strides against Jewery that can be made that day.

TLDR: Alt-right is fake, and actual NatSoc/Nazis are busy because gaming is not their be-all end-all of life.

You need to stop obsessing over every little shadow the News Jews call a Nazi - the shadow isn't there, and it definitely isn't a Nazi. It's unhealthy, and shows that you need to get help. You don't know what a real Nazi is, so misapply the label to begin with. Stop caring about Jewish propaganda, shut off ALL news entirely, and focus on self-improvement. It'll help to purge the sort of thinking that leads you to obsess with this sort of topic.

Based user

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Yes yes user, you can find anyone mad about anything. But if you can find more people who'd be mad about Sonic's arms being blue instead of beige, then it isn't relevant.
And the devs are giving an answer they think will pander to said audience. That's why it's a virtue signal.

You don't actually have those statistics, the only statistics you have are on self-reported suicidal thoughts. I know, because I've seen this whole song and dance many times and that's the only study ever posted on your side.

>And the devs are giving an answer they think will pander to said audience.
They are giving an answer that's true. Your complaint was supposedly that they tried to act like they were so great for doing it. Now it appears there's no way for them to do it that you won't label pandering.

Why should I be forced into your mental delusions? That's really the crux of it, more than your right to hurt yourself. Why drag others into it, like the LGBTQAP movement has done by shoving it down our throats and into classrooms?

Prey actually had different things occur between the two genders, actually. The woman was a lesbo and the man was a MGTOW, if I remember right.

I believe it.

Nigger did you not see that Furry ice his hands so he can live as a handless sex dog?

If they're doing it to facilitate tranny mess and telling people that, then it is indeed a virtue signal.

This is why the Holocaust should have happened.

I'm not going down alone

I don't think they're telling people that.

Some things are disgusting, like being a tranny or a faggot, and are detrimental to society and especially children, like being a tranny or a faggot.

>Let me ignore the article and its context

>Acting like I would vote instead of necking the enemy

>Take already in-game features
>Make them about social justice
Is this the power of women?

Attached: 1538951714679.jpg (675x1024, 53K)

>you are incapable of making it anything but a Ford
In some way it already isn't a Ford though. I see you ignored the diesel hypothetical. If you had such a vehicle, you'd call it a diesel vehicle, wouldn't you? That's the problem with metaphors, we can both push our sides of it.

Right, so again, basically nothing they could do to do it "right" in your eyes.

The 11% one's from that oft-shiposted longterm post-op followup study that concludes post-ops are more likely to commit suicide than general pop. Which, of course, is because 11%'s still a bit higher than 4%.

I'm ignoring your hypothetical because you didn't answer everything I asked you about mine. The point is that the body is a Ford, but you are asking people to ignore this fact, and claim it is a normal Chevrolet. It is wrong, in your view, to insist that any part matters except the engine.

> tranny seething that he can't hear his special pronouns in the game

Attached: image.jpg (427x300, 61K)

Not virtue signaling would be the right thing, but they constantly fail at that.

>Believe my statistics that were anonymously collected non the internet with no possible way to gauge sampling in a non-peer reviewed study
Holy gay propaganda batman

Because everything they could possibly do in this regard is "virtue signalling" according to you. So basically, you want them not to do it at all.

What are "African Features?"

Attached: 1544193140391.jpg (1080x1313, 92K)

Imagine going back in time and outright genociding the ethnic group and traitors who created the conditions that begat this condition. No chemicals in the water, no flouride, not plastic; nothing inherited from your parents, no slave-society entertainment brainwashing generations of your entire people. Just being able to be happy and enjoy life. I hate trannies, but feel bad for them. There's no helping them, and they'd only ever stand against me. It's not even their fault, most of the time, which is what makes it so tragic. Regardless of pity, a neck is a neck, and I gotta snap.

Yeah, instead believe the memes! 40%, lol!

No, because they cast their every decision as being virtuous and in-line with SJW morals.

Why do you faggots treat Vice and Buzzfeed like the Bible?

I can't really account for the actions of others. Personally, most of the transgender people I know in real life strongly advocate investing time and effort into strengthening self-confidence rather than trying to exert influence over others.

For example, I could either attempt to chastise you for calling my condition a delusion and attempt to coerce you into changing what vocabulary you use to describe it. Or, I can choose to disregard it and believe in my own convictions. The latter takes a lot less effort, and a lot less typing, and has a much better chance of success.

It helps, probably, that a significant number of the transgender people I know either are, or were counseled by, transwomen that grew up in the 60s and 70s. They didn't have the nebulous force of public opinion to call on back then, so they had to put everything into building themselves up.

I am suggesting that this decision is, in fact, entirely based on player experience/politics, not any budgetary shortcut. If you read my post you would know that, you flaming fucking homo.

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Why do you treat memes like he Bible?

>I'm ignoring your hypothetical because you didn't answer everything I asked you about mine.
That's hardly sporting, isn't it?

>The point is that the body is a Ford, but you are asking people to ignore this fact, and claim it is a normal Chevrolet. It is wrong, in your view, to insist that any part matters except the engine.
No, I'm only insisting that it's important to acknowledge that it is, in some significant way, partly a Chevrolet. It would be an incomplete description to say anything else.

>Mass Effect dealt with this years ago
>people care at all that it does this


40% suicide rate is sourced and peer reviewed, your study is amateur at best, not sourced, and not peer reviewed. That's propaganda. So I'll ask you again, why do you treat clickbait articles like the Bible?

>anonymously collected non the internet with no possible way to gauge sampling in a non-peer reviewed study
No, no, I mean the actual study one that /pol/ likes to misinterpret for shitposts.

Not him, but kinky, course hair, prognathism, a round face, and a wide, flat nose are all common features of pureblooded Sub-Saharan Africans of Bantu-extraction (essentially western and central Africa.) These feature set is not complete in Khoisan (who are both very distant to, and the closest genetic relative of, the aforementioned Africans,) nor in Negritos or Horners (neither of which are closely related to Sub-Saharan Africans, the first being most related to the ancestral out-of-Africa populations that lead to non-Sub-Saharan races and are likely to resemble their archaic shared ancestor, and the second actually being most closely related to Caucasoids who migrated back to Africa later.) Most American blacks are Bantu-derived, but have at least 25% European DNA, so African features can sometimes be muted or more rarely absent. The 'most attractive' black women you see modeling or as actresses tend to be of this type, who have few or very muted African features. This is commonly assisted with makeup, and rhinoplasty is a very common surgery for the same reasons.

>That's hardly sporting, isn't it?
I provided mine first, so I disagree.
>I'm only insisting...
Here's the thing, the person you are arguing with is agreeing that the engine is like a Chevrolet. However, I insist that this is not normal, and that trying to physical alter the body will not make it (the car) into an actual Chevrolet. The people trying to force others to accept it as a Chevrolet are doing something wrong.

It's the first time it's framed as something done specifically to please the SJW crowd.
I wouldn't give two shits if this was the first suspicious design choice.

I don't mind "kinky" hair

Attached: 47 - Eve Bella.jpg (497x750, 78K)

It's one of my least favorite parts of them, along with prognathism. I can't stand bad hair texture, courseness doesn't feel good and it's often very greasy.

I think this is their way of reducing development costs and effort (don't have to record lines for male/female variants) while pretending it's an "inclusive" choice

>40% suicide rate is sourced and peer reviewed
You should really read that source, instead of relying on memes.

I have no idea what other study or articles you are referring to.

They're a symptom, not the cause. If you could travel back in time, it's better to shoot Marx in the head.

Personal anecdotes are irrelevant. What is relevant is what the movement/community in general is doing, and it's not 'live and let live.'

Let's alter the terms a little to make them a better representation then. In your example, there's no reason at all to alter the chassis of the vehicle. However, say your mismatched vehicle had a significant failure rate, and altering some parts of the chassis to be more like a Chevrolet would, in some way, alleviate it. Would it be the smart move to continue driving the vehicle with the significant failure rate or to alter it? If treating the vehicle like it is a Chevrolet will get a better performance out of it, is it worth sacrificing that in order to maintain that the integrity of technical accuracy?

fuck off

Person anecdotes are all I can give you to account for the actions of my person. I don't speak for The Movement.

>tfw ywn use your black gf's hair grease to lube up your cock to put it in her very large ass
why live

The NTDS was launched in fall 2008 and was distributed
online and on paper through over 900 organizations that
were known venues for contact with the transgender
community throughout the United States.
In brief,
responses were obtained from 6,456 self-identified
transgender and gender non-conforming adults aged 18
and over. History of lifetime suicide attempt was among
the many outcomes covered in the 70-item survey.
reported lifetime suicide attempts
decreased with age, from a high of 45 percent for
18-44 year-olds and those who were unemployed (50%).

So what's your problem with this? 900 organizations is a lot more than a strawpoll tier cellphone survey

I'm going to stop you right there, and point out that my issue is not with your right to alter your car and call it what you want, but rather with you trying to force it onto others. Notice that this element has been consistent throughout my hypothetical. The primary issue has never been how much of a mistake it is to try and alter the car, but in trying to make others share your views.

>So what's your problem with this?
Post the whole study.

>Post the whole study.

So what's "prognathism?" It's the Jews that have those crooked noses, right? If blacks just have wide and flat ones, isnt that good?

Attached: 55 - Aisha Thalia.jpg (1080x1080, 80K)

Kino. I'm vaguely reminded of that LoTR/Sauron pasta of Jazz Jennings when her vagina popped. Christ. Humanity is a fucking circus.

This is the last instance of SJW pandering that I'm willing to overlook for CDPR.
I don't care if this is a practical choice primarily, they're still framing it as if they're doing it for the trannies.
One more thing like this and I'll just forget CP77 and CDPR exist, they can fuck right off.

Prognathism is, put simply, a projecting jaw. It's very common/dominant in pureblooded Sub-Saharan Africans. Luckily for most mixed Africans, it's the most likely trait to be lost. As for the whole nose thing, I don't like beakish or flat noses myself.

Well? The issue is not with the respondents. It's your interpretation of the results.

Be aware that what people take issue with is indeed the movement, the community, and not you as a person. Individuals only matter insomuch as they can form communities when it comes to the social arena.

Ah, I may as well direct you to then. I don't care to try and play enforcer. I've told you my stance, which is that I think it's significant to acknowledge that there's a different engine, or maybe it might be more accurate to say that it would be disingenuous not to acknowledge it, and that's about as far as I think it's my place to comment.

The difference of opinion is not in whether the engine is different, but in whether one should ignore facts for feelings.

I can't say that it would be ignoring facts though. It'd be a fact to point out that the vehicle is not a Ford in every regard, wouldn't it?

Well, I guess the best thing we can do to increase black beauty is to COLONIZE them. Who's with me?

Attached: 26 - HpmWPZE.jpg (768x1095, 202K)

"Often", not all the times, that's the important difference.

"You've heard this many times before, but most cis women don't look like your typical anime sex-bots either"
They don't, but they DO look like women.

user stop my crotch can only take so much

Suicide attempt is not suicide rate. The rate is of course unknown but guaranteed to be much lower.

This, trannies are less than .1% of the population and only 1/100 have a convincing ass

There are many wrongs with being trans. I'm not trying to be mean, but dilating is horrid, removing your genitalia and injecting yourself with hormones is really just a vanity project used for someone's ego.

I could let that pass, but the culture of trans identity sucks in unsuspecting teens as young as 13 and also attracts neurotic parents who project onto their children. Now we have toddlers at the age of 4 who are being given hormone blockers to prevent them from growing into a boy. It's not right, kids don't fucking grasp their own sense of self how the fuck can they understand what gender they already are and what they would rather be.
transgender action is body dysmorphia wrapped in a misleading trendy aesthetic culture designed to advertise to anyone who feels even a little bit down about their self confidence.

The absolute worst part has to be the fact that it had enforced gender stereotypes and brought us back to square 1. If a fucking kid does anything that isn't typical of his or her gender that means they MUST be transgender. Girls playing with cars? Give her testosterone pills. A boy wore a dress? Give him estrogen.

This is why feminists are at odds with transgendered women. They have coopted femininity to represent old school traditional dress wearing dainty and vulnerable maidens. We've all sort of moved on from the idea that women should act in a specific manner but trans women don't believe that's the case. This is where terfs come from. Look it up it's its own thing.

Transgendered people are going to pass in the wayside. Why? Because it will never be as wide spread as homosexuals. All the trans people in the world couldn't fill a city. most of the action for their cause is hyper liberal progressives who hop on the bandwagon for self righteous fulfilment.

Now fuck off and start talking about video games faggot.

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>Suicide attempt
That's like arguing that beating somebody within an inch of their life is way better than just outright killing them

Oh, here we go, the bargaining after it turns out your own source doesn't say what you thought it did.

Since when is trying to kill yourself something to be bargained? Seems pretty clear cut to me

If you look, they don't even really go as far as "attempt". They lumped any report of strong suicidal thoughts in as attempts.

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You think anybody in this thread cares?

It's a lie to call it a Chevrolet.

>They lumped any report of strong suicidal thoughts in as attempts.
Why are you lying tranny?

They are in Skyrim I don’t know about fallout.

The entire nation of Brazil, mostly.

Fuck off. Stop trying to make everyone comply with your delusions if you don't want them to care

Feminists despise men and TERFs most of all. Just because they oppose the trannies doesn't make them your friends.

It'd be a lie to say it's just a Ford.

They do refer to the player as he or she in Fallout 4 at least, can't remember of they do in FO:NV or 3.

>we wouldn't have problem
Nah, trannies are sick in mind and body. I'd rather just be a normal faggot than one that entertains their level of bullshit

I agree. It's a Ford with an unfortunate, mismatched Chevrolet engine, and no amount of alterations will ever change it. The car should just pray that they live to see effective human longevity extension, can afford it, and then use it to live long enough to see full body transplants or fully robotic bodies so they can finally get a real treatment.

I told you to stop

Keep going

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It says so in the report. You did read it, right?

Not him but in legal terms if you have a car X and you replace some parts like the engine from a car Y the car itself is still X until the frame itself gets replaced.

Tell the car I'll take one Ghost in the Shell, please.


I'm sure someone had a lot of fun typing that, but I'll pass on reading it.

Everyone would take a Ghost in the Shell, you don't need to be a tranny to think turning your body into a badass superhuman weapon and being able to change its features to suit your mood is cool.

gaymer niggers need to stop cry muh ESSJAYSYDOUBLEEJOUU and simply punish the tranny pandering financially and with image damage. call them the tranny bootlickers that they are. cuck project red

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No it doesn't

There was is a proven example of use of the word "she" in the Deep Dive video, as well as female specific slurs, so why are they lying?

why are they pandering to degeneracy which major part of gaymers don't belong to?

>use male character for private demo for YT influencers
>use female for public demo

PC culture is garbage

>Nearly 70% of all men on hormone replacement attempt suicide

That footage was likely edited to hell and back and probably took weeks for the visual artists to finish, chances are they just hadn't had the time to rerecord and change the dialogue.

They have the character fuck a fat Mexican regardless, I'm just waiting for any plausible deniability about that evaporating.

It's them covering their asses after realizing they can't fit in character specific VO and cutscenes by the deadline

Did they actually cuck so hard after a joke that they can't use "he" or "she" anymore?

This is fucking clown shoes.

>The reason dysphoria isn't being classified as a psychological disorder is because there doesn't seem to be any part of the brain that is functionally impaired or failing to meet the typical performance thresholds.
That's not the determining factor for a disorder to be entered in the DSM. Gender dysphoria was removed because of activism that shifted public opinion on the matter, same with homosexuality decades earlier. And this is just in the hypothetical for people with this abnormal brain pattern. There are no CAT scans required to "prove" you're transgender when it comes to HRT or bottom surgery.

Lol, but you should seriously read it.

I assure you it does.
Now this, it doesn't.

>*calls for magic car*
>autodrives on road to quest marker
>*cybernetic implant toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant blood stains all over the crotch....a tranny™, it's gotta be"
>"Come on, K.I.T.T."
>*follows augmented nose*
>guys in women™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" WUBWUBWUB *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic headshot and blows guy in half"
>"Mhmm....males™ pretending to be females™......better tell the district head about this"
>"Come on, K.I.T.T."
>*autodrives on road back to metropolis*
>"Just some trannies posing as women™, here's proof *shows wig*"
>10 eddies received

Attached: witcherpunk 2020.jpg (1414x2000, 1.03M)

No it very clearly says 70% of all males on HRT attempt suicide. Enjoy your $5000 ambulance ride and phonecall to your disappointed parents faggot.

it's pathetic that they thing a woman needs to be in the front, like somehow we found out how woman is important
it was literally always like that

Page number?

So now you care about the study?

I notice you're not giving me a page number.

>people call you Shepard
>people call you V

Attached: 1563496405913.jpg (310x445, 12K)

one is laziness, one is tranny sucking

I notice you're suddenly caring about a study you have spent an hour and a half trying to discredit

Holy fuck man can you at least bother to look shit up before you post.

Feminists ARE terfs retard. And feminists don't hate men, they want inclusivity. It's the feminist radicals (aka Trans Exclusionist Radical Feminists) that hate men and trans.

How would you know

This is about how the devs are presenting it.

I have done no such thing. Now, are you too spiteful to do it or are you admitting you made it up?

what a classic post

Hey, I know tranny sucking when I see it happening okay? Trust me.

>Feminists ARE terfs retard. And feminists don't hate men
>It's the feminist radicals (aka Trans Exclusionist Radical Feminists) that hate men
Try that one more time.

AHAHAHAHAHA look at this damage controllign faggot. I HATE that I know enough about feminism to know you're lying through your teeth.

Ever heard of Marxist Feminism? Did you know it's technically the 5th wave of feminism?

TERFS are a branch of feminism, user. There was this whole thing about feminists kicking TERFS out of marches and shit last year.
>Feminists don't hate men
>Constantly bitch at and hate on men, attack men and male behavior, screech at anything that might appeal to men like cute girls, whine about how men in power or men making money, whine when men don't have power and don't make money, keep bragging about how men are dropping out of college and kill themselves so often now
>Feminists don't hate men

I thought we were still on the fourth.


Fourth wave feminism was women wrapping their heads around blaming men for everything wrong in the world. Fifth wave feminism is the culmination of all the early 2000's backed with political fuel vitriol. These people thing that the next step for the world is the replacement of WASP men in every position of power with either a woman or a diverse person.