Looking for an RPG

I'm getting myself an RPG for Switch latet today for my birthday. I'm thinking about pic related, but open to other suggestions.

Just looking for a pretty chill experience that I can turn my brain off and enjoy. How dialogue heavy is this game? I ain't about reading n shiet

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DQXI basically comes with brainless and use-your-brain modes. The story only matters as much as you want it to.

There's way better mindless games out there though. If you don't wanna think play some Tales games.

A good one that's not too heavy on dialogue is Ys VIII. It also has many difficulty options so you don't have to feel challenged if you don't want to.

happy birthday user

Ys VIII? I'm only looking for ones available on Switch my guy

Thanks user, it was actually yesterday but I had to work. I hope your day goes well too.

Attached: Ys-VIII-Lacrimosa-of-Dana.png (1000x1619, 2.82M)

It has a bunch of dialogue but it's pretty pointless for the most part, story itself is quite bad and forgettable so you don't miss anything if you don't pay a lot of attention

The game itself, if you enjoy old style JRPGs, it's quite comfy. I've put about 90h into the Ps4 version and I can only imagine how much better it must be to play it in bed or something

Grandia 2.

DQ11S is pretty much the only big turn based JRPG I can think of on Switch. Despite how perfect turn based JRPGs are for the Switch they're surprisingly uncommon.

It is on switch

I bought tales of Vesperia on sale. I’m about 10 minutes in and it’s alright so far.

i played about 3 minutes and i can tell you it does not get better.

Happy birthday, user.

The PS1 Final Fantasy trilogy is on Switch too, if you never played those.

Ys 8 is awesome. Or Valkyria Chronicles 4.

That’s a shame.

That’s 25 bucks down the drain for me.

dont listen to that user

i started the game and watched the opening cinematic and its my GOTY

Can I play VC4 if I haven't played the others?

There's a demo on the eshop that can last about 10 hours on average. By the end of the demo you should have a good grasp on whether you like it or not. Personally Dragon Quest is one of the greatest series and most charming around. So much so that I ordered this special edition switch/game, a slime shaped pro controller, and the first trilogy from japan

Attached: nintendo-switch-dragon-quest-xi-s-set-loto-edition-596807.6.jpg (640x640, 40K)

Your birthday was yesterday? Mine was, too. I've never seen that before. Happy birthday, man.

The Disgaea series is worth checking out, 5 and 1 are on Switch right now.

Oh and all progress in the demo can transfer to the full game if you end up getting it


Buy builders 2, although I guess it’s debatable if it’s a rpg or not

There's no RPG more chill than Dragon Quest. It has dialogue but its not about exposition, its about quirky and interesting characters. It's one of those games where talking to every NPC is definitely not something you must do, but its a very pleasant thing to do so I do it every time. Because the story doesn't try too hard and isn't too complex like most FF and Tales games, its something you definitely can just turn your brain off and play.
Ys VIII is good too and I played it for the Switch, but with those framerate issues it might be better to play it elsewhere. I still enjoyed it quite a bit though.

Just get Dead Cells. It's pretty cool if not an RPG, more engaging than DQ11 unless you're super heavy into J-style RPGs, but since you said you don't want to read and would rather turn off your brain...

Fire Emblem Three Houses is the best JRPG on Switch right now. Some what great writing and music.

Which one is use your brain mode? The harder enemies option?

Octopath is decent to play in small bursts, try the demo