Holy shit I made it
So from now on From run out of time and the reste of the game is incomplete ?
What the fuck was Miyazaki thinking btw ?
Holy shit I made it
Lost Izalith definitely, not so much the other parts in my opinion.
Wasn't the kiln and Gwyn supposed to be better ?
Not really, Gwyn fits the theme of "you're too late, shit's already fucked"
he's supposed to be easy
Archives, Tomb and New Londo are all good, it's just Izalith that sucks
I felt Gwyn wouldn't have been hard without some minions. It's a skill ceiling thing after O&S.
>So from now on From run out of time and the reste of the game is incomplete ?
>What the fuck was Miyazaki thinking btw ?
Bamco cut six months of dev time from the game in order to release it early because they didn't want to compete with Skyrim.
Izalith hurts my eyes from all the glare emanating off the lava.
First off, fuck you tripfag. Secondly, New Londo Ruins is fine. Valley of the Drakes is a connecting area. Catacombs/Tomb is fine. Lower Demon Ruins is fine. Izalith shits the bed. Duke's Archives is fine, Crystal Cave is fine, Kiln was supposed to be an actual level, Gwyn is fine.
What was he thinking about O&S? Just a skill check for whether you can focus on what two bosses are doing or not.
I'd argue that's like Genichiro in Sekiro.
Ishin is miles harder than Geni
that's not the case with gwyn in relation to O and S
>Great chest ahead
Only because they didn't realize just how easy Gwyn is to parry.
fuck u too lads
btw that charge attack from Smough was BS
litteraly just run around him
too fast, I can't
But staying close made him stop use it for some reason
Gwyn's main problem is that it's possible to parry him
Without it he would be a DS3 tier speed boss locked in DS1
it's not a problem, he's supposed to be easy
Then it's a proper challenge
but as you are fighting a decrepit carcass so you will be surprised anyway
ornstein and smough arent "hard", they are the only half decent boss in the maingame and mechanically extremely barebones compared to anything from bloodborne
budget/ time ran out at sens fortress which is exactly why anor londo is a complete piece of shit but with a decent boss at the end
everything afterwards is also poor with some okay-ish tidbits strewn in here and there. Even oolacile is pretty poor outside of the bosses. All in all dark reddit is the weakest of the 3 soulsborne gigants and it only wins out on exploration. Worst NPC.s, worst bosses, worst story/ lore, worst artstyle, worst mechanics etc etc (the single exception is estus, but you shouldnt be able to kindle manually)
Demon Ruins and Izalith are half baked shit, and I also feel like New Londo could maybe have been handled better. I actually really like Duke's, though, and Catacombs/ToG are pretty neat (although Pinwheel is a joke, and Nito isn't all that hard either without his skelly minions).
>All in all dark reddit is the weakest of the 3 soulsborne gigants and it only wins out on exploration. Worst NPC.s, worst bosses, worst story/ lore, worst artstyle, worst mechanics etc etc (the single exception is estus, but you shouldnt be able to kindle manually)
Absolute shit taste tbqhwy fampai
even with his minions he's nothing, just go full havel and tank everything
poise was busted, I hate that it doesn't do anything in DS3