If you ever upgraded health you're a total fuckin scrub

If you ever upgraded health you're a total fuckin scrub

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The most broken build in the game is built around not upgrading health. Though yeah ignoring danger Mario it is more fun to just get a shit load of FP and BP.

t. never done an early pit run

Ok, so it's useful in 1 (one) challenge run because you don't get any otherwise useful badges anyway.

Agreed. Flowerbros for life!

>not maxing out bp first then going for flower
get aload of this casual.

HP > FP > BP
bp is just a crutch for noobs

I usually do a good mix between the three but usually prioritize BP and FP over HP and will usually stop at about 25-30 HP to be on the safe side and the rest would go to the other stats.

>not a crutch
real chads have 5 hp at all times so you can stack danger buff badges.

Game is boring to play without BP. Being stuck to Mario's default jump and hammer is lame

games aren't fun unless they're not fun

The chad BP

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the virgin hp

>Danger Mario is so broken that they had to restrict it to late game.
if only we could get it as early as chapter 2 then we'd be talking.

>Yea Forums likes dumping HP in favour of BP
>not so they can experiment with fun and interesting things
>but so they can use an objectively OP build that breaks the entire game
I always forget how casual this place is. How many of you are from the Philippines? For some reason it's always those guys who like looking up the most broken build and hacking their games for 99999999 stats and stff.

Does TYD have the most unique turned based battle system with the audience thing? I loved finding out how to time all the stylish moves. It's a shame they never did more with it since PM ended up going where it did.

let's be real here, hp is just stalling and basically useless if your good at guarding since nothing can hit you for more then 22 damage and even if it does your hp is so high that it'd be a non issue.

paper mario was garbage compared to the M&L rpgs
can't stand them knowing what a good mario rpg feels like

They're all shit except for the original SSS

>mush badge + triforce
absolutely busted, shame it takes awhile to set up.

I dropped this game as a kid before getting the koopa sidekick because I hadn't heard of backtracking before so I never tried going back the way I came. I thought all games just progressed linearly from start to finish without ever revisiting areas.

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Why would I take HP if 3 BP gives you 5 HP?

the snes one is the only real RPG. the rest are glorified button simulators

TTYD is solid. Super Mario RPG is still the best game though.

dumb asukafag

i tried a no hp upgrade run before, it's not fun. Having more hp let's you take more risks and aren't fucked if you miss an action command.

Superstar Saga was the only truly 10/10 one.

Bowser's Inside Story was fun though, and Dream Team is surprisingly great with maybe the best OST in the series.

Switch release when

>Ok, so it's useful in 1 (one) challenge run

it's the only challenging thing in this baby game

The only true way to play this game is BP and FP, with NO Danger Mario and NO Superguard. No broken builds makes the game fun

It's kinda funny how giving enemies 50% more HP can completely fuck the game's intended cheese tactics. Hyper enemies in Ch4 posed legitimate threats.

Doing button inputs to attack and build up your super moves isn't unique, though it's not as common as it should be. A turn-based RPG basically has to start looking into the realm of positioning mechanics to be unique

It may not be the fanciest, battle-mechanic-wise. But this game's soul cannot be beat.

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how's the difficulty hack?

don't know, haven't tried it yet. I thought the creator took it down or something

pro mode has been replaced with master quest, but they cranked the difficulty to masochism tier
they are making a lite version for people that still want to enjoy the new content but without minmaxing every stat

positioning isn't really much as proven by paper mario as much as it is making the system not just menu simulators where you press a button and watch an animation

Paper Mario just adds a shitty minigame every time you attack. Compare Paper Mario to Worms Armageddon why don't you and see how good turn based combat can be.

i miss ttyd

Play it on dolphin my dude

>real chads play the game on ultra easy mode

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But that's illegal and Nintendo will give me a $5,000 fine

What? Mega rush and power rush are available at the beginning of the game. By the time you get spike shield you're ready to steamroll everything.

>tfw when I was a kid, my bro and I only upgraded HP ever
>by the time we fought the shadow queen we had 110 HP, 5 FP, 3 BP
As you could imagine it was an absolute fucking meme and I would never do that again.

they can only fine you if you're hosting the game

Be honest with me, Yea Forums.
Do you still have hope?

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so are we ever gonna get another pm game or atleast a port for the switch? i can understand a new game not coming since they botched everyfucking thing

You did keep your GameCube, right user?

doubt it, the staff said they would only release a new game if they could think a new paper gimmick