What comfy game are you playing right now?

What comfy game are you playing right now?

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Forza Horizon 4

usually some Euro Truck Sim 2

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Spyro 2 Reignited - comfy levels are at maximum.

I'm shitposting on Yea Forums

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>wojak letsplay garbage
tell me how this shit isn't cancer


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I'm sorry you're depressed, user - I still enjoy vidya and playing it again, this time with someone close, not only makes it a comfy childhood experience but also just a fun run to see what was changed and how much I remember.

Persona 4 Golden

Advertisement for Cargo BVLL

>feet sticking out from under the covers
Extremely uncomfy.

Kara Boga delivery service.
Only BLACK BVLLs work in my garages.

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Only if you have poor blood circulation and constantly cold feet

Christ this place is fucking dead as shit holy fuck

>Want a comfy sci-fi JRPG with autistic world building
>Can't seem to get into Ar Tonelico even though it's perfect for what I want
Bros I just want to be comfy

I wish I could play in bed but my only laptop is a tater and I don't want to play my Switch right now.

Darkwood, it was on sale on GOG. Worth every penny


Do people over 18 actually play video games?


Imagine what kind of fucking incel retard still plays video games.

Stardew Valley multiplayer. Nothing tops its cosyness

DQ XI with a trainer and WRC8 on dumb-easy mode, both pirated.

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I just bought and started playing Starsector after i watched a seeth review if the game and he wasn't wrong

So when the Battle Royal Comes out ?

I met some guy who played video games and he was in his 20's.

I couldn't believe it.

>Rule 2


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Base Dungeon Siege 2 campaign with the Broken World expansion. Only difference I've noticed so far is playable dorf and a couple of new skill trees, maybe there's some balance changes but it's been so long since I last played it's going over my head

Septerra Core is maximum comfy, try that

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Based. If you ever REPLAY, REWATCH, RE-READ ANYTHING you are a coping brainlet doomer. Unironically just have fun with new shit that everyone is following so that you have shit to talk about and get excited for with other people.