Screen cap this post. This will crash the video game industry

Screen cap this post. This will crash the video game industry.

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Western games industry*

Western industry is already crashing with studios closing and games flopping massively. Doesn't matter as long as the east can fill the gap

a massive influx of subpar indie games might do some damage, maybe

Nah, you can't flood a digital marketplace, people just don't notice all the trash and the good stuff still gets noticed. Well if it's marketed well

One can only hope.

Yeah, keep on dreaming that you live in some kind of great changing era, I'm sure that will make you feel more important than you really are, you pathetic drama whores.

Please don't give me hope.

>keep on dreaming that you live in some kind of great changing era
Zoomie, we do live in a great changing era. 20 years ago the world was completely different. I can't even imagine living in that world again

I'm well over 30, and none of you have any clue about what is going on, especially in this industry. Again: I get that you kids are systematically raised to be insecure and you literally can't fucking breath without being told how super important you are... But if you think there is a crash happening, or going to happen, you are fucking delusional and laughable.

meanwhile in the island nation of nippon unions do not exist.

I understand user. Sometimes people need a lot more growing up to do. Someday you'll be a legal age to browse this website and you might think differently.

>This will crash the video game industry.
If it does, then it deserved to happen because abusing your workers is not something that should be allowed or supported.

Attached: hisoka.png (509x576, 457K)

>game workers unite
Uhh, What are they uniting for?

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I truly hope so. Maybe it discourages young retards from accepting pre-intern intern positions with 1/2 the minimum salary. Fuck, I hate the younger ones who eat shit because
Fucking retards. This is why we have underpaid asset creators every-fucking-where.

If you don't realize a great economic collapse is approaching, you're the delusional one. It will take down the western industry just like the 2008 collapse took down many industries. This will happen because the western industry is currently only capable of jewing people out of their money, they produce nothing of value. When the rich whale consumer is gone, they won't survive.

If you were that "well over" 30 you would remember that the last time the game industry has already crashed and burned once, and you would probably recognize that it's primed and ready to go full fucking shit storm at the slightest provocation thanks to cancel culture being a thing on top of all the shitty scumfuckery that it's currently up too.
All it needs is a spark, and the whole fucking thing will go down like the goddamn Hindenburg. I'm guessing you're more like 22-25 and gay as fuck.

>oh please corporate masters let me lick your boots
>I won't ask for anything more than a job sir I swear massa

make really shitty games

I wish
But the real problem if it also rebuilds it in its image.

to end all the racism sexism and homophobia in the games industry of course :^)

That only would make it better.

>companies outsource everything to indians
tough decision, do I want third worlders or sjw devs making my games

I honestly don't know.

and thats a good thing

Twitter threads will be replaced by "least Facebook dating dev escapade" threads.

I’ll reiterate, fuck you Yea Forums. This is more complex than
>le communist union man is ruinin the economy
pre-boomer shit you americans spew up. It’s industry wise problem and it’s roots stem elsewhere but it’s more prevalent in US based companies, but europoors and nips are plagued it too.

A) The industry was founded on the premise of technological excellence and “Prove yourself” ideology
B) Art side had to be creative as fuck, both the technical art as well as conceptual art side both due to novelty of the industry as well as lack of computer resources
C) Hard work, creativity, and not much money going around meant that small staff had pump out ridiculous feats to finish a project

Combine that, and you get a growing industry based on superb technical skills, creative minds and willpower needed to survive. This attracted ton of young fools who never created before, but came from the consumer side, and they only saw the end product. Before finishing f.e. their CS studies, and really, REALLY wanting to be part of that magic. Influx of talented hacks became the norm in the industry, and companies used that to push salaries down, work hours up, and if you didn’t like it, too bad :^) mby vidya games aren’t for you :^)

Massive companies ride the wave of this early “magic” of creative tech, and like the status quo and no wonder why. Cheap labor pouring in to do mind numbing assembly line work devoid all of the original creativity. Technical asset artists, skeleton riggers and sprite artists are full of younger guys who have barely finished their studies and live the dream of SOMEDAY making it big, saving some and founding their own studio (which they never will, they never REALLY learn the trade).

This also pisses off veterans, because it devalues their work and push down salaries big time, while keeping alive the crunch lifecycle.

God I wish


unions are a good thing

I think we need organizations like the Pinkertons more than ever.

Some agents within workplaces to identify Communist agitators and deal with them.

Unions are useful to a point. Eventually they just become the second organization you are a bitch for.

Facts of life from the games industry. Of course it's cringy as fuck, the whole workerbase is practically Reddit incarnate with superiority complex but they work in T-Ford assembly line transformed to produce digital media.

Scabs like you belong in a ditch

Why are Americans such cuckolds to the rich? They don't demand decent working hours, they don't mind not getting PTO like the rest of the world, men and women can't take time off to raise a newborn and pay hasn't risen with productivity since the 70's in America, but the rich sure did get richer.

economic collapse already happened you zoomer. EA laid off 30% and a bunch of studios closed (you know, the reason why you zoomie zooms rag on EA).

The industry will continue. if anything entertainment is very recession proof. holidays however...

Honestly only reason to support unions for this outcome

>it crashed and burned
except it never did you dumb faggot. just the console market which was owned pretty much solely by Atari.

If you werent a pleb you had a PC/Amiga/ST. be silent about your embarassing revisionist nintendie history.

all of their media is completely corporate controlled, they're fed superstitions to prevent demands for workers rights

Taking down the vidya industry...
Giving it back to the players...

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-18 Game Workers Unite ✊🏿✊🏽✊🏾 ( GameWorkers) Twitter.png (317x730, 222K)

I ended up taking my Union to court because they refused to represent me to my employer when I was being unfairly dismissed. In the end they argued that it was a voluntary organization and that my Union Fees were a voluntary donation and they weren't obliged to help any of it's members. We successfully argued that they did have a responsibility to represent all of their members. Ended up getting three years of fees back and about six thousand dollars on top of it to cover the redundancy payment that I never got, plus the amount of time the court expected me to be out of work.
Then the bastards threatened to sue me because I made all this known on their facebook page. My lawyer told me not to respond to their threats and it's been five months with no move from them. Fuck all commies. You niggers are greedier than any CEO on earth.

I wish there was an easy way to report trash threads like this for being blatant political bait threads

I dont think that screencap is doing them any favours

free market vs rights of man

God i hope, there will be an open lane for us to rebuild and profit.

>This is more complex than
I'm not going to die of lack of videogames so wether the industry crashes because commie employees or jewish employers doesnt really matter.

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well, I think I made the right choice to stop playing western games then, it was already an easy and natural choice anyway.

I wish, western gaming needs to collapse

A union in America?
Well that won't be totally corrupt and only serve the interests of a few.

games with more propaganda

>tough decision, do I want third worlders or sjw devs making my games

the former is better, if cultivated enough they can eventually become good developers.

if they succeed in unionizing realistically, how is this going to affect games? prices? longer development time?

well, at least third world male devs don't dislike boobs and ass

literally every "era" is greatly changing
that is the joke
your era just feels more important to you because YOU live in it

well, at least third world male devs don't dislike boobs and ass or a pretty face

yeah... the "players"

Attached: post 00's western gaming.jpg (1920x1107, 355K)

according to lib devs "everything is political" included their games

why the fuck did this place become like this anyway? it seems like before the usa 2016 election it was fine, but after that it's politics this and politics that. fuck it's tiring

In sane countries, Workers unions job is relegated to government. This way there are no cliques controlling the employment (outside of government jobs of course) and no way out for them.
But I guess enforcing your vacations and payment through law is communism/fascism or whatever.

did you see the current state of the entertaining industry?

Of course you don't faggot. But this is Yea Forums, and retards here oversimplify shit they know nothing about.

Worker rights


>greedy, passionless megacorporations versus dead weight employees and coastal ideologues
It's like the western AAA industry can't implode fast enough.

Lets hope so. It would be great if the parasitic marxist pushing termites that infected the gaming industry could remove themselves so the game devs that actually love games come back again.

If programmers get unionized, corporations will just get Pajeet from India to work for a tenth of what the union demands. That's how (((capitalism))) and (((globalization))) works

get out of here OP, Yea Forums is strictly a bootlickers board

if pajeets had the cognitive ability to make good games they would already have a thriving games industry

And then get the project back after it has been delayed 3-5 years due to "backend had problems with your spesification dear sir, could you please do the needful and be more spesific". And then fifteen programmers commit suicide when they see the code.

Jesus christ I wish we could go back before these marxist parasite dogs and their corporate masters destroyed gaming.

I think it will actually make more high quality vidya.

There was five thousand years where human just fucked around being nomads.

>user is anti-union

It's full of unironic communists.