Referring to yourself as a "gamer" or others as "gamers"

>Referring to yourself as a "gamer" or others as "gamers"
>Calling yourself a "consumer" or crying about "consumer rights"
>Defending the honor of companies
>Buying games to "support the industry"
>Buying "indie" games, the video game equivalent of a microwaveable cheeseburger
>Not exclusively buying physical to get most of your money back on a shit game

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This pretensious shit is why nobody talks to you.
Here's your (You) faggot

For not being a corporate slave?

>Buying "indie" games, the video game equivalent of a microwaveable cheeseburger
No, that would be corporative yearly garbage like FIFA.
Indie games is like visitng that small hipster restaurant that 9/10 will have cockroaches in the kitchen and the menu is some vegan shit, but sometimes you do find something good and new.

You could just pirate and move on with your life.

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>Lacking any serious nourishment
>Pale imitation of the real thing
Definitely a microwaveable cheeseburger

I'm a bootlicker because I don't buy into corporate slave speak and jump on bandwagons?

We gwt it,you smoked ciggies in highschool and rode a skateboard to the mall once. Now go be "cool" somewhere else. God what an absolute poser you are. I bet you dont even pirate games.

>Caring about consumer rights
>Defending companies
Fuck consumer rights amirite? Corporate interests #1!

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>Too poor to own a PS4
It's ok to cry user

Yeah, that sounds lie FIFA

>Fuck consumer rights amirite?
Calling yourself a consumer is disgusting.

The fuck is wrong with you? Consumer. It makes me retch. Is that your life? Consume consume consume. It's pathetic, how can you stand to proudly state you're a consumer and beg for consumer rights?

It's like calling yourself a cuck and advocating for cuck rights.

Sounds more like indies considering Fifa is full price

>>Lacking any serious nourishment
When's the last time you even looked at an indie game?

>the rights are bullshit because I hate the name
We can call it pudding if you want, you big fucking baby. You still need them if you don't want to get fucked.

I am rich enough to own a ps4,and a game on it. Are you?

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You still don't get it do you?

You're actually proud that your life consists primarily of consuming "content" aren't you? You disgust me.

Clean your fucking room you goddamn animal

Based except for one small thing
> crying about "consumer rights"
not going to let some corpo faggot make me pay more than I have to. Not in the retarded 'vote with ur wallet' way - I mean you have to cry, piss and moan otherwise shit won't change and we get fucked in the ass.

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Indies are as trash and artistically vacant as any AAA game

If you don't live completely off the grid you're a consumer too, even then you still need to "consume". Ugh disgusting user, how can you live with yourself?


Oh it was dirtier than what you are lead to beleive.

user, you can call it whatever the fuck you want, but you need the rights that have been negotiated, if you want to buy anything without getting fucked constantly. Consumer is an identity for some people sure, but you need those rights whether you buy something once per day or once per year.

fuckin love LA based

he's just a dopey, pre-9/11, corn-fed american chad caveman

There's a difference between me and you and if you don't see it then I feel sorry for you

You'll grow out of your childish angsty phase at some point user

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if someone watches movies are they a movier

I don't NEED them because I don't buy anything but food

I have complaints about stupid shit that doesn't matter too

Okay so is this the part where you don't actually play games and this entire thread is just a clever ruse to get people to stop playing games?

Customer rights then. Whatever.

>Calling yourself a "consumer" or crying about "consumer rights"
You literally are a consumer though, unless you never buy anything and are completely selfreliant

And grow up to be a "consumer" whore who lives like a fucking subhuman?

>O-O-Only AAA and Indie exist, nothing else!
God, you're one ignorant retard aren't you?


It's the phenomenon itself. It's disgusting.

If by difference you mean not being an underage autist who cries about other people demanding rights that still benefit myself when playing vidya then you're completely right and you shouldn't feel sorry for that.

>Calling yourself a "consumer" or crying about "consumer rights"
What the fuck else do you want to call yourself then in that context? Because that's exactly what you are.


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So what, you dress in animal pelts?
Or construction materials, do you self-make everything?
If so, do the tools just magically emerge?
You need consumer rights for all such transactions? Just becausr you hate the word, doesn't mean they aren't extremely necessary.

Based comrade

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>What the fuck else do you want to call yourself then in that context?
Nothing, because I don't buy garbage games or care about people who do.

>What the fuck else do you want to call yourself
Probably something along the lines of Sir Takesdicksalot

I'm not your comrade, commie retard

eat shit, tard raging faggot

>God, you're one ignorant retard aren't you?
The AA market is all but dead, but I guess there's still Japan, since it rarely goes to AAA levels, but while I enjoy a Neptunia or such every now and again, they ain't the hallmark of quality.

Is OP ok?

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So what's the last game you did buy then?


>Caring enough about shit others do to make this thread

Take a wild guess

the difference is you're delusional and probably too young to be posting here you dumb fucking moron, calling yourself a 'consumer' is about as detached as you can get from giving a rat's fucking dick about corporations. it'd be different to call yourself a 'fan' or a 'follower' of bethesda or EA or whatever the fuck, but when you call yourself a consumer, it's pretty god damn obvious that you're only interested in consuming the product, not hailing it as the second coming of the baby jesus or parading it around like it's your favorite thing in the world. shills are not consumers, shill are shills, and if you cannot comprehend that then you're probably operating on a level of stupid that few in this mortal plane are capable of achieving even with a traumatic injury.

>For not being a corporate slave?
He said while posting from his iPhone

Kill yourself phoneposting scum

Consumer rights are very important, and you are indeed a consumer.