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tfw no Adrian expac

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Maybe it's too early for HECUposting

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where did it all go so wrong bros?

the HL stuff is the best thing GBX ever made, than it all went so down hill but I never thought Valve would follow them ino the shit pit too

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>go on a huge HL binge
>play it, all the xpacs and then all of the good stuff
>try and move onto HL2
>remember it ends in a cliffhanger and lose all motivation

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It got me motivated to write my own story for Shepard and Borealis and maybe beyond.
However, while I have the basic plot ideas nailed down, I'm too scared to share it with people.

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Man, if we make it out of here alive, I'm gonna buy you all a round of beers. Hell, I'll buy the whole damn bar!

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>go out of my way to ensure soldiers survive most of the enounters with black ops and aliens
>they can't follow you besides a very small section of the game
I hated this in original HL and I hate it even more in Opposing Forces

make it a comfy HL mod instead

no reason not to, goldsource is pretty easy to work with and you can find models of anything you want

This, pitch your idea to a modding team and see if they're interested. I'll take anything over nothing.

I have absolutely no idea how I would design the levels. It aims to be a story first and foremost. With downtimes (Shepard and the squad sitting by a campfire, wondering what to do next, Shep being stationed at Black Mesa East and thinking about how the war is going to end, etc, etc.)

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These days it's hard to go to HL2 from HL. The first game is just so much faster and, dare I say it, fun to blast through
HL2 has so many slow sections that expect you to slow down and take in the impressive scenery, scripting and animations, it's much more of a chore to go through when you have already played the games once

Has anyone made any good mods focused around the seven hour war?

While I see your point, I find it immersive and enjoyable. There's something else about watching city 17 slowly go to hell in Anticitizen One.

Hunt down the Freeman.

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I do love HL2, but I got to agree - I think the core gameplay of HL is much better, though HL2 is a better vehicle for telling stories its harder to replay for that exact reason (I'm not gonna shit on Valve for going into story though, at least the facial animation in HL2 is STILL miles better than shit released today)

it was terrible but in the first version the sky in the 7hour war map was just FILLED with combine ships flying through and it actually looked kinda cool, but then they took that out

one of the only redeeming things about the whole trainwreck besides the music and they took it out

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I don't know if it's possible to make a mod about the even that's not a soul-crushing curbstomp

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I really respect HL2 for what it did, it's a pretty damn impressive achievement, and a good example of the time where games still cared about innovating beyond simple graphics
It's sadly also an example of how story in games can negatively impact gameplay

"story-rich" chapters can be bypassed (A Red Letter Day, Black Mesa East), but I see your point.

Is Alyx actually cute or is my view just tainted from how long ago I first played HL2?

She's a cute character and I'm not even straight

She's a mutt, but a cute mutt

she's forced a bit too heavily on the player, looking back a lot of it does feel like nerd pandering (the hug, her constantly talking about how amazing you are in the episodes .etc)

at least she does fight and do stuff though, and doesn't try to be a 'bad-ass chick'

I never liked that she sort of hand-holds Gordon through both episodes, but it's bearable since Alyx is not obnoxious in any way

I mean, your character is basically a god at this point. She can handle herself and doesn't feel too forced. Even if it's nerd pandering, it's done in a much better way than, say, the half-naked babes of Red Alert 3 or skin-tight assassins with necessary combat rolls of HL1

Everything about her character is pretty cringe. She's more like a robot puppet than a convincing companion, although in the context of Epistle 3, and what might have been Episode 3's original story, it made sense.

If we take Marc's Epistle/Episode 3's story as gospel, Alyx's conclusion with Gman means that the entire time, through Half-Life 2's events, Gman was possibly just using Gordon as a tool to get to Alyx.

Much like the Gman's ethereal nature, under his control, Gordon is a kind of interloper just observing the world around him in Half-Life 2 -- You're a silent mute with practically no presence while all the other characters in the world around him incite his actions while driving the story forward. He's a puppet just passing through to do a few specific things and kill one specific guy before being shelved for the next job, until shit happens and then he decides to take Alyx instead.

If that was the intent, then they botched the execution, because HL2 IMO, in hindsight, just isn't as fun and eventful as HL1.

I meant nerd pandering as in early reddit-tier "so this is what having a gf would be like!!!"" rather than fan service/titties

the assassins originally had bouncing boobs in the HL beta IIRC

They still do

Doesn't surprise me given the black humor of the original HL
I don't think this is a "this what having a gf would feel like!!!". She's just a helpful and resourceful ally. Maybe it's because I'm not the ""target demographic"", but she's just friendly and cute.

Gordon doesn't speak because they didn't want to break immersion. It's evident that he actually speaks to characters in the context of the game. Scientists in HL1 react to your commands.
Shepard is also an heroic mute and yet he can radio his squadmates and identify himself.

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weird, I swore they took them out - maybe they were gone in the opposing force version? oh well

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One of their grave mistakes with HL2 imo, was the "nerd" pandering and treating Gordon like the Christians view the second coming of Jesus.

In their earlier drafts of Half-Life 2, people don't really give a shit about Gordon's unexpected arrival, and they treat him like a liability that they're desperate to get rid of. They don't really know why He's there and they don't care, they just want him gone, in safety or no, before he can compromise their network.

They should have kept that tone of direction.

>skin-tight assassins with necessary combat rolls of HL1
they were great, you shut your mouth

Probably got taken out with the HD Pack Gearbox released for the game.
For the better, to be honest. The only thing I feel for these invisible silent bitches is infinite burning hatred. They killed too many of my boys

Fuck these invisible bitches

Zombine get it.

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Come on it was cute

They really should have. HL2 isn't bad per se but the more you delve into it the more annoying it gets. Maybe it's just because the constant NPCs giving you the equivalent of chapter-long fetch quests is at odds with how for the majority of HL1 you're all by your lonesome shooting aliens and robotic grunts in dank, reverb-filled GoldSrc hallways with a single clear cut goal from the start (get the fuck out of Dodge) that all the other smaller goals only provide a means of continuing to follow that primary goal.

>he played it on hard mode
was it fun user?

Seriously, why was sound like this in HL1? I don't think I've ever heard so much reverb in a game.

Challenging, but fun. Black Ops were more about learning the spawn spots and cleaning with grenades in advance, but otherwise you get to actually use the fast movespeed for actually jukes and dodges.
Just make sure to save often, of course

I mean, HL2's goal is clear; "Kill all sons of bitches and destroy combine, somehow", but the way they go about it is so scatterbrained at times. It feels pretty full of uneccesary hurdles, whereas in HL you're just blasting your way through corridors in the most convenient beeline to the Lambda Complex

it was comfy (no seriously, this is why Dark souls also has great atmosphere because they paid attention to echo/reverb in the environment you're in)

the sound system was really sophisticated for the time

>try to play HL2 Multiplayer Mod
>most servers are dead
>one guy with no profile picture reports me for tossing his three barrels into the water
comfy HL2 with friends never again

Presumably Valve were super proud of their engine addition and no one thought to mention that it doesn't have to be enabled ALL THE TIME.

Half Life is pretty comfy overall, the low sound quality somehow just adds to that
Half Life 2's feel is much more eerie, which the game uses effectively mind you

I think the pacing in HL2 was better. While I really liked the original HL, it felt hard to keep a sense of progress (how fucking BIG is the complex) whereas in HL2, the more varied environments and goals felt nice.
The approach to Nova Prospekt is particularly good.

so why did the soldiers kill the scientists?

The DSP system was pretty fancy.
Because the base is a fictionalized mix of a Titan 1 and 2 missile complex, they had more than plenty of opportunities to exaggerate the acoustics in large rooms with lots of metal surfaces.

Remind me why people are sucking your dick in HL2? You were just some bloke in 1 who just so happen to be the only 1 who can go to the alien world

>>the sound system was really sophisticated for the time

Actually sound systems were way more sophisticated back then, but everything got patented.
Binaural audio just recently lost its patent period.

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Fuck that rain SFX is good

HL sound design is efficient, but basic. In HL2, it matured and felt like more effort was put into it to make full use of it.
Still didn't see a better atmospheric storytelling than vid related.

My pet theory which I want to write in a fanfic someday is that some higher-ups in the government didn't approve of Black Mesa raiding a savage borderworld with little to no supervision. When word got out of the Resonance Cascade, they saw it as a perfect excuse to clean up those eggheads with very questionable ethics.
Some soldiers theorise that the scientists sabotaged "ground zero", too.
Think about it that way : you got a semi-private megacorp with immensely powerful alien tech operating under little to no supervision. And now, you get word that they screwed it all up and that aliens are pouring in. The governement panicked and decided to cut off their losses.

if you play Half-life Decay someone did actually try and sabotage the test sample lift with a crowbar

I don't think I ever understood the radio chatter.

It's never actually stated.

Even in Half-Life 1, the soldiers you listen in on don't know why they're there exactly, why things have gone awry, and while they can agree with killing the aliens they're apprehensive about killing civilians, and they don't know who planned the response operation.

After the ADAAS is switches over to military comms, they have it issue the "KIL" order to the first wave of marines in the base, but by the time you reach the launch center in the On A Rail chapter, it's made clear that their aggression with Gordon gets personal.

He's been killing their buddies, so they decide they're going to kill his until they get him.

In HL1, G-man wasn't really a character yet, he was designed more as a representation of government suits that might have ordained all of that.

That's never framed as sabotage necessarily, just a misplaced crowbar.

Now in the original PS2 version of Decay (because I think this was lost in translation for the unofficial, fan port), if you wait around long enough in the intro areas on the way to the control room, they do have scripted announcements over the intercom about various safeguards being turned off.

When does Xen will be finally finished? I'm so tired of waiting.

>robotic grunts
I don't know if you're referring to how they talk or the censored german version of the game

It's a bit of a pity but that's probably because they wanted it to be a "hidden gem" that you would need to dig a bit to find out.

He did single-handily defeat the HECU, Black Ops, and stopped the Vortigaunts from pouring into our world. His slaying of Nillanth is also what gave us the Vorts as powerful allies.

Understand this, they've been fighting an uphill battle since 20 years and a great asset finally comes their way. I would be pretty happy too.
I'm willing to wait a bit more, desu, it's looking great.

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My guess is that someone called some help with the government about the alien attack. Since they might be afraid of this happening again and/or the secret that alien exists will be spread to the masses, they have to kill any witnesses (in this case all the scientists and the staffs) as well.

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Fuck almost forgot about that like valve forgot about half life 3

That was my assumption.

They speculate that Gordon may have sabotaged the test and caused invasion, but it's only a guess. At that point they just want him captured/dead specifically because he's been killing their men. And it can only be assumed that the kill order never made it across the entire response force.
If it had been rigged, then you could speculate it was only issued to a very small group of marines that then started shooting people.
Killing them in response naturally snowballs the situation into a quagmire.

How they talk due to the piecemeal voice clips.

Nah I love this, it's realistic they won't follow you across the entire complex, but I do imagine these people will make an attempt to either mount a resistance to the military or Xen creature, or try to make an escape when you leave them.

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In Black Mesa, if you save all those who can follow you through office complex and get them to the elevator, a scientist will go "Lmao no fuck that I can't jump that" and the rest decides to hang around a bit for backup, which I think is a nice bit of interaction and an actual reason as to why you go on without em

This was done ostensibly to dehumanize them, same as the off-hand comment about "killing scientists and none of them fought back."

Orders are orders. I kinda like the dev. the HECU got in Opposing Forces, but the devs needed a human enemy and having it full sociopath silent Black Ops would have been far less memorable and tedious.

I'm unironically thinking real soon. Joel Nielsen said that the upcoming Beta version (the last one containing everything) would come with 3 extra tracks and 2 remixes. The remixes he already dropped so it can't be too long now, right?

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Make sense of the puny nerds, make also a bit of sense for the security guards, less so for HECU marines

I'll never not be mad

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>E-3-J: (laboured breathing) Any station, any station, this is Echo-3-Juliet. My team... ambushed... I am injured. I'm losing a lot of blood here... left leg...
>E-5-R: Echo-3-Juliet, this is Echo-5-Romeo, I need you to tie a tourniquet a hand's length above the wound. Get one out of your IFAK now.
>E-3-J: (laboured breathing) IFAK's gone.
>E-5-R: Say again?
>E-3-J: (weaker breathing) My IFAK'S gone... I'm... uhh... um...
>E-5-R: Ok, you're gonna need to find another pack, and get a tourniquet out of it.
>E-3-J: (silence)
>E-5-R: Are you still there? Echo-3-Juliet, can you hear me?

It's all medical terms, IIRC. Uses terms like infection and unknown organism to refer to insurgents and zombies and so on. 'Cauterize and sterilize' for directing the metrocops and troops to attack them. The last living Combine in a group will repeat 'Outbreak, outbreak' over the coms.

It really is. I fucking love comfy rain and thunder in games and they nailed the slight muffling and tapping on the windows and roof.

Turrets are "sterilisers", because they can control an era (sterilise it)
Soliders are "stabilisation delegates"
Killing someone is "amputating" them
A bullet is a "verdict"
Freeman is referred as a "sociocide" and an "infection" several times over
Unused audio for snipers designated them as "scalpels"

The Combine uses medical newspeak terms and euphemisms to emphasise their alien nature (compare and contrast the more "human" chatter of Marines enemies)

>Enemy air! Incoming! (Shit shit!)
>Oooh back up. Back UP! BACK THE FU- *radio static*

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>puny nerds
You would rather side with shit for brains meat heads who accomplish nothing in the grand scheme of Half Life history.
The HECU are sweaty try hards who had every advantage, ample time to prepare, and they still got their ass kicked whilst running like cowards, whereas the Black Mesa personnel were on site from the beginning to the very end.
While the Black Mesa stuff are immortalised by the humans to the point where the Lambda symbol becomes the universal symbol of human resistance against the combine; as the Black Mesa scientist survivors are the only thing making the Human Resistance a credible threat to the Combine. Whereas the HECU are promptly forgotten and even vilified, whoever didn't die at Black Mesa would be slaughtered during the 7 hour war, whoever survived that would most likely join the Combine Overwatch

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Houndeyes are neat and they should have been the mascot instead of headcrabs.

I'm more of the opinion that they joined the resistance at some point, to be honest.

They're dog-like and don't even hit that hard. Would be hard to weaponise them.
Headcrabs are more visceral.

You try holding a front against an unstopping mass of aliens teleporting in front of and behind said frontline

Humans can't fight war for shit when the logistics are under constant attack and there's no clear designation of what areas are enemy and which are friendly.

Headcrabs are shit. Losers die in like two crowbar swings and don't even make neat chirhirhrirVWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE sounds.

I can't help but feel bad for the marines, it's clear they got sent out with little to no info on what they were facing, were held out for way too long before finally pulling out, when they pull out, they leave several squads behind, and then they get slaughtered by the Black Ops.

Original ost >Black Mesa

Perhaps, i'm not entirely sure what happened to the remnants of Earth's or America's military. Post 7 Hour war, my assumption that the vast majority would have been slaughtered. But I know for a fact, as shitty as it sounds. The Black Mesa personnel are worth more than the life of every HECU soldier.
If Dr. Kliener and Eli were at Ground Zero, and somehow managed to escape (even though the area they're in seems impossible to escape from), then there's the slightest chance for every other Black Mesa Personnel to potentially escape.

In comparison to the Black mesa personnel, who had no time to prepare for an alien invasion, no training, no combat experience; who slowly picked up the pieces whilst also being slaughtered by the American Military, who are trained, armed, have ample equipment and supplies.
They are stuck between an alien invasion and a hostile military force, both are seemingly unstoppable to a simple unfit nerd and a few Security Guards.

It's admirable even being assaulted from all sides, the Black Mesa Personel managed to hold their ground, most perished, yet a small handful did the impossible and escape. Against all odds.
To me at least, I have the most respect to the Scientists because they truely are robust, like an SS13 round going to shit, whereas the HECU are the tryhard players who make sure they are equipped to the teeth, instead of making do with the clothes on your back.

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>Breen's VA died before we could get to see his character finish his arc

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Kleiner's VA has to be on his deathbed by now and Alyx and Barney probably sound too different as well.

At least Gordon's voice actor don't need replacement.

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Nah kleiner has been doing Va nonstop. Hes been active with the communitu too

You joke but they actually changed the VA in hl2

The scientists who survived in larger quantities are the ones who:
A: Hid from the HECU
B: Had knowledge of what they were facing.

Black Mesa had been studying and harvesting from Xen for ages, parts of their personel knew what they were up against, which was a big help for them. As long as those guys hid from/make themselves unaccessable by the HECU, then they'd have a pretty decent shot at holding out for some time. Which explains why a good part of the Lambda team is still alive and kicking 3 days into the incident.

Isn't the Black Mesa Kleiner voice actor just someone who can do a really good Kleiner impression but not actually the real deal?


>takes place at the end of the timeline
>no 'combine' in sight

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Whoever kills the most, has to buy us a big juicy steak!

>end of the timeline
Canonically the exact same time as HL2, the relaxation container things have a 20 year expiration date written on them
There's no combine because there's no reason for there to be any on some bumfuck field in michigan, like white forest in ep2 doesn't have any combine installations either

>scientists call gordon dr. freeman
>barneys call gordon mr. freeman

Should I play the original HL or Black Mesa?

Brain is nothing without the brawns. HECU units would have first-hand experience with the ayys and could train resistance units

the original HL

BM is good but probably won't be that fun if you've never played HL

>bad art, fucked up proportions

Half life if you want a ye olde fast paced FPS shooter, Black Mesa if you want a modern remaster of this game which does not have as fast paced FPS, but has spent a lot more effort on worldbuilding and visual storytelling.

Personally I preffer Black Mesa because I'm a sucker for good story and visuals (and the soundtrack is also 10/10 IMO), but I love Half Life aswel, just for different reasons.

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Ending of Portal 2 is purely poetic. The wheat field is an allegory for paradise in some ancient legends.
You're finally free.

Even with the '20 years passed' theory it still can't take place during Half life 2 or its episodes since that's when the first Portal happens, so it has to be after. Also Wheatley himself makes it clear that you've been sleeping in that bed for longer than 20 years and even remarks that you may have damaged your brain in the process.
And the 'combine on a wheat field' is symbolical you brainlet

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>fucked up proportions
He's just tall. And I like the art.

user do somthing with those plot ideas and let people critique it. You won't get better from hiding this stuff away, get better at writing and satisfy your own take on the story.

He looks a bit lanky here. Sheppard has more "grunt" build. And massive forearms.

Make those sections breaks between the action filled levels. High-action gameplay always needs islands of calm in between. You already got them, now think of what to do for the shooting parts.

Its safe to say that most BM personnell died even before HECU arrived, the scientists were getting their shit kicked in at every point and security wasn't doing much better, if it wasn't for the fact that Black Mesa is built like a bunker with turrets anywhere and everywhere, and they also knew what the Xen creatures were.
The HECU were sent in with fuck all knowledge about what they were fighting, constantly fucked logistics due to aliens teleporting anywhere and everywhere, add with the fact that were ordered to kill the ones who could help them with the aliens, and fought living tanks that are constantly pissed and super soldiers who can break walls
The HECU did extremely well for what they fought

HECU call Gordon Freeman
Combine call Gordon [gibberish]

I just finished replaying HL2 and the episodes after about a decade, thinking about how it could continue but with damn near 15 years worth of advanced technology just makes me sad that it won't.

At least the franchise will continue in some manner with HLVR in a few months, but who knows how shitty/brief that may turn out, could just be a 40 minute long gimmick that happens to be set in the Half-Life universe.

Anti citizen

At first the HECU appeared to have the situation decently under control, for the first day and most of the second day they had near total control of the surface level of the facility. Although you can see that most HECU incursions into the underground labs lead to them being slaughtered, even in the beginning.
It's when the aliens decided to bring the party to the HECU and started pouring out into the surface in the late afternoon of day 2 that shit started going really sideways for the HECU, but the operation was never going well.

>you will never be employed as a guard at Black Mesa
>you will never wake up for another day and get to explore another part of the massive facility as your day's shift is assigned there
>you will never enjoy taco tuesdays with the nerds and fellow guard bros
>you will never drink beers with barney
>you will never sneak away to a maintenance corridor for a short donut break with otis

it's not fair bros

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But then I was like

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How can you make a mod/game about total annihilation? A walking simulator where you see dead bodies and cities turned to dust?

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These are so fucking neat. I just love it
I may have a fetish for glitched voices

Barney sees through the nepotistic scam that is academia

Reminder that HL2 was made in year.

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I didn't know Salad Fingers lended his voice for the HEV.

OpFor, except you fight against combine synths and xenian wildlife that's gotten cozy on earth
including optional friendly houndeye

Hopefully that episode 3 mod will be decent. Then we won't need Valve to make a half assed HL3 with battle royale and the main story being Gordon helping a strong trans womyn force save the world

Portal takes place right after the 7 hour war, since GLaDOS locked everyone in before everything got to shit and employees in the aperture website said they didn't know what the fuck was going on outside and couldn't contact anyone. If Chell was 'packaged' at that time, she'd be out 20 years later. Wheatley asks if she's brain damaged because aperture makes shoddy stuff. At the 20 year expiration date you most likely just drop dead
Also yeah, I now see the pun

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That's probably how long the life support lasts without maintenance/replenishment, it's assumed that the robots who initially saved her (in the post-release version of the cutscene anyways) after killing Glados in the first game were maintaining vital systems like that and were keeping everything running until you are finally forced out of stasis due to the whole system failing after an indeterminate, very long time period.

There's also the shit from the coop campaign with the very deep vault containing stasis'd humans that somehow isn't delapidated

Combine ass right in my face.

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It sounds like an indian midget.

I love theorizing how the computer got so glitched.
Its probably blood from the wielder ruining the hardware, but I have a favourite theory.

My theory is that the HEV has a ways of reading neural signals sent from the brain to determine the health of its wielder, the same neural signals sent to tell you that your hand is hurt etc. With the brain scrambled by the headcrab, the signals become jittery and so does the suit itself as it tries to process what the fuck is going on with its wielder, neither living nor dead.

Attached: HEVzombie.jpg (1920x1080, 167K)

Bots were tasked with maintaining everything but wheatley in particular was in charge of the humans and he isn't really the best for any job, now is he?

I think i read a youtube comment on that video that was like this.
Still, neat little interpretation, the suit doesn't know how to react to a headcrab and goes haywire

Which is why everything went to shit when Wheatley was the only one left (Atlas and P-body are also pretty incompetent out of the player's hands so not much help there either)

We don't really see Adrian besides the basic HECU model
I don't think he looks too lanky. Long legs but still looks built/strong

You know it, family.

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I still don't understand what the Gman plan even wants to achieve.

The HECU grunts literally got dumped into a shit show with no explanation of what was going on, or what they were doing other than having to get Freeman, then got dumped nilly villy across Black Mesa just as trapped as the Black Mesa personnel, what they had in training and equipment had to make up for their complete lack of knowledge of Black Mesa and its layout.

I doubt many of them felt like joining the Combine after being first responders to an alien invasion that likely killed most people they knew.

At least I can dress up like it and pretend it

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>We live in a timeline where HL2 episode 3 will ever come out
>We live in a timeline where HL3 will never exist
>We live in a timeline where we will never, ever, see anything Half Life related ever again outside shitty fan games made by hacks
It fucking hurts bros.

>we will never, ever, see anything Half Life related ever again
HLVR announcement is due sometime in the next few months, it'll probably be shit but hey, it's something

>HD models

Attached: hl.png (1295x989, 689K)

Hope this has some ARG elements.

You can rp as one in ss13

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It's one fucking video game. Get over it already.

>We live in a timeline where we will never, ever, see anything Half Life related ever again outside shitty fan games made by hacks
>what is black mesa, operation black mesa and guard duty

That's really cool, user.
I've always wanted to larp as a Black Mesa guard, but I could never figure out how to do the vest right.

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Reminder that the HECU were real, look up Operation Urban Warrior from the late 90s

Attached: Final Known image of HECU marine Adrian Shepard disobeying orders by escorting scientists (Colorized (2806x1906, 1.73M)

Attached: Half Life Opposing Force HD - Operation Urban Warior.jpg (906x576, 250K)

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Mine is two sheets of cloth, for the front and back. They're connected together with the shoulder straps. I then added cloth flaps on the side with velcro on them to close them up. The plates are painted EVA foam plates. Then it just needs the BM logo and Security letters on the back. This was my first foam project though, and you can see it. I should probably redo it sometime. The helmet is fine though.

And the Thai Royal Marines still use the MP5 w/ Gernade launcher.

Attached: 1527882065211.jpg (3216x4288, 2.57M)

Got better pics of the helm?

Attached: Have you seen this man.jpg (1000x563, 460K)

I'd have to take a pic of at home, but I have this picture, showing the blue trim.

Attached: Half-Larp 2.jpg (456x662, 73K)

Ah, now it makes sense.
God damn, you did a good job overall, I'm proud of ya.

Attached: boiney.jpg (960x1018, 142K)

Honestly, I'm playing through 2 right now, and it would just be a lot better with infinite suit power, sort of like how it is in Black Mesa, but I think even then you move a little faster.


Attached: HE AINT MY BOY.jpg (3000x1200, 530K)

>want to play a mega coop session of HL1, HL2 with friends
>they simply don't care, and it fizzles out by Blast Pit EVERY TIME

Attached: BLUESHIFT (at least I didn't save the same image twice).jpg (640x476, 96K)

What kind of helmet is this? I'm interested

I fucking love ARG's
If valve does something like they did with portal 2 for HL3, I'd cream my pants

Attached: 1562795906396.png (400x752, 399K)

>Forget about freeman! We are cutting our losses and pulling out! Anyone that's down there now is on his own. Repeat, if you weren't already-....Oooh SHIT! DOWN! DOW-DOW-DOW-kgggrrrt
U know its over bros

I always liked the idea of the G-man dropping Shepard on board a combine transport ship en-route to the borealis as the setting for an Opposing Force 2

>it fizzles out by the worst chapter
No kidding. Stick to Half-Life 2. It aged better.

A cheap M88 from AliExpress that I added a strip of EVA foam to on the back, to simulate the one from the game, and then painted.

Oh shit for the longest time I thought the barrel was a silencer. I was always scratching my head on why they would use a nade launcher on an mp5sd.

Didn't the guy who made that radio call evacuate?
In Opposing Force you pass by him.

Very based. thanks

Yeah, there was only one Marine telling the other Marines to evacuate. Why are Half-Life threads filled with such fucking retards?

Reminder HDTF is canon. Until valve says otherwise

It's the exact sentence though word by word but at the end he dies.


Attached: 1504471487358.jpg (1360x768, 235K)


Just how many ways can you order the men under your command to evacuate a privately-owned underground testing facility that's been overrun by extra-dimensional aliens?

Attached: Dinosaur2.png (320x240, 252K)

Nvm just checked the wiki, I confused two different radio calls

You are right.

In situation such as this, communication has to stay as close to its original iteration as possible.

Thats why military radio communication ends with a form of "You copy?" / "Copy", make sure your message came through and that whoever this guy has to pas it to will hear the same excact words as much as possible to avoid any possible confusion.

It's more than likely there were several soldiers radioing the message around. The reason this one dies (presumably) is because of the Gargantua that's been stomping about in the transportation tunnels nearby. Several messages, locations and sightings throughout the chapter hint to its presence.
This probably does a better job of explaining it than the actual game


Half-Life never had that though.

Attached: 02099218.347.png (608x496, 18K)


>fizzles out by blast pit
because blast pit is the slowest part for co-op

Nothing stops them from making it.
God, I remember when the blacksite easter egg was found last year and for a day i felt like a fucking kid again, running the audio through translators, mad threads here, it was great.
Until valve straight up said, it's just a prank, bro

>Nothing stops them from making it.
Wow. Did you come to that conclusion all by yourself? With your room-temp IQ demeneanor it really isn't a surprise that you're the kind of retard who thinks that every phony website with a morse-code playing on it is a Half-Life ARG. No wonder Valve employees keep making you retards seethe with stuff like the dz_blacksite transmission.

>miles sound system
>license runs out
>all goldsrc games gets updated and sound terrible now

The guy does evacuate, in fact the gman closes the fucking door on you
I think their aircraft gets shot down shortly after

That was unnecessary.

Attached: 1464197403389.jpg (736x552, 86K)

>Screamers in 2019

Attached: 1412828815141.gif (500x260, 993K)

normally I roll my eyes at people complaining but yes they have really fucked up HL on steam, now if you play in widescreen it cuts half of the weapon off of the screen. It never used to do that and it looks really dumb now.

I've followed the blacksite thing, and I saw all you retards embarrass yourselves by trying to put a code together by looking at the random numbers found around the map, or by looking at unused textures and saying >UUHH LOOK! IT'S TEH OLD APERATURE LOGO! >UHHH! LOOK DAT SHIP IN TEH SKYBOX IS TEH BOROLIS!

How the hell were there zombies on their feet shortly after the beginning of the resonance cascade?

Blue Shift is way better than Opposing Force. You know I am right.

I don't think the zombification process takes too long once a headcrab has proper hold of you, and Gordon had been knocked out for some time after it started.

Nitpick, but if it was a formal message from higher up, they should not have used the word "repeat", as it means "fire again". A bomber catching the message at the wrong time could potentially attack friendlies. Military comms use "say again".

It's a video game.

Isn't "Say again" only used when the message hasn't come through clearly? Or also when you are repeating a message you said moments before?

>This post
>That video

Attached: movie_projector.jpg (639x439, 20K)

What said. Also explains why even though Marines shoot to kill during all the gameplay, they inexecplicably try to neutralise you nonlethally during the ambush level.

"I say again: we are pulling off"
Would probably cut it

How do you think HL3 or HLVR or whatever the fuck is valve's first actual game will be announced?
I have this fever dream in my head since 2010 that one day, I'll just open up steam and boom, episode 3 will be there.

Attached: THISTHINGAINTONAUTOPILOT.png (810x665, 707K)

>new game after Artifact

>I have this fever dream in my head since 2010 that one day, I'll just open up steam and boom, episode 3 will be there.
Wow. That's original.

a surprise release would be the only way they could bypass the hype desu

Attached: 1503758628207.png (1500x3500, 2.55M)

Has a lot of pictures of GIRLS with DICKS

got any more art?

>... and what remained of me would be even less than that.
Laidlaw knows how to convey powerful emotions with a subdued tone.

That can't be Source nor Source 2...

only a few more but i'll post what I got

Attached: 1503764221201.png (1920x1080, 1.14M)

Attached: 1505840828132.jpg (441x561, 159K)

Thank you. Half Life fanart is so rare

Attached: 67565149_p0.jpg (1408x1760, 1.02M)

Source 2 isn't out yet, HTDF and Portal 2 just use an updated version.
They are using a slightly modified version of Source for this.

Either Freeman is really huge or that shotgun is fucking tiny.

The episodes really show how most of Half-Life 2 was made on the run. The level design is just so slicker.

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So what's the engine in that "Xen" screenshot?

>no gay-ass ponytail
These art queers need to actually play the game for once.


Can't unhear

The elusive Xen turret, of which there is only one in the entire game.
Say something nice about it.

Attached: Xen_floor_turret_brush.jpg (623x252, 77K)

The one you see throughout the entire game because it isn't in first person the entire time?

Or do you mean Deathmatch (Or multiplayer mods) which is the only time you actually see Gordon's model?

What's the point of doing anything in the Half-Lfe universe? You always lose, everything keeps getting worse, and the earth's fucked beyond repair.

Attached: 1547696749158.png (1900x1425, 1.39M)

>You always lose, everything keeps getting worse, and the earth's fucked beyond repair
if Portal 2 is anything to go by Earth still looks alright from space and people are still growing crops in the future

Did someone solved the pizza ARG from Black Mesa yet?

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opengl is fine after you disable texture filtering

Now there's a team up and a crossover. Shephard in Resident Evil and HUNK in Half-Life would be a neat concept.

I have no idea how Valve would handle Half Life in the future, if they do so at all. A lot of the original people that made the old games are gone now. Episode 2 was 12 years ago.

>esl retard trying desperately to let other people know he is such a big half-life fan he knows all about the models
Yeah, we all know Half-Life 1 doesn't have working mirrors, and that you can only see the full model in Deathmatch.

Attached: 1527719821356.png (800x606, 515K)

They're waiting for you Gordon..... in the test chambeeeerrrr.....

Attached: images.jpg (188x268, 5K)

To make first-person-shooters with interesting gameplay elements such as enemy, weapon, and level design.

I want to learn more about whatever psychedelic ass settings the combine can be in

The Gearbox-Valve partnership was ruined by Valve screwing Gearbox over during the development of Condition Zero.

i always liked how all the scientists treat you like shit but all the security guards offer you beers

This should be a sobering reminder of why Valve will never release a Half-Life 3.

“Development” of Half-Life 2 began pretty much immediately after Half-Life, but from 1999 to 2003 was basically just constantly making “gameplay experiments,” with Gabe pulling a “September 30” release date out of nowhere, then proceeding to say ABSOLUTELY NOTHING when September 30 came and went.

The ONLY reason Half-Life 2 came out was because the German kid hacked Valve’s servers and his buddy leaked the Half-Life 2 build, showing how “Half-Life 2” was nothing but a series of gameplay experiments and no actual game. It freaked Gabe out and caused him to declare an all hands on deck emergency to actually turn the gameplay experiments into a coherent game and ship it. Everyone was pulled from all other major projects in order to cobble together the gameplay experiments into a Half-Life 2 in a year.

Valve has no doubt been working on a Half-Life 3 for years now, but like with Half-Life 2, it’s all a bunch of disjointed and half-finished gameplay experiments that will never be made into a coherent game, because even if it all did leak, there’s no incentive for Gabe to order the company to actually make it.

the SP part of CZ did kind of suck though

Lad portal 2 takes place 99999999999999999999999999999999 years later

End of the timeline indeed. According to The Final Hours of Portal 2, the game was originally supposed to be set 52,000 years into the future.

There was even some cut dialogue from GLaDOS highlighting this. I guess Valve decided to keep it within range the Half-Life story arc in the end.

Everything would have fucking melted by then, mate.

Meant for
too. This is the stupidest theory by far. Glados is always fucking with you and wants to make chell feel bad by saying it's been that long, just like saying her parents were calling or whatever.
Does nobody understand that metal fucking rusts? Nothing of aperture would still exist. Like shit, ancient ruins are made of fucking stone, exist for less than 3000 years and are, well, ruins.

HECU marines got such a chad voice, other army related games should take notes.

>noooo! noooo! it can't be! half-life 2's world is just so fucking important to Portal's story!
Why are you people so obsessed with trying to have Portal happen anywhere near Half-Life 2's story? Portal is a puzzle game, the only reason those two franchises are set in the same universe is because that's great world building and you can have Cave Johnson saying funny things about the resonance cascade.

I love how complex the system behind their speech is, with intercheangable words making sentences according to whatever situation at hand, all that, it's the definition of the devs putting their soul in a game, so much thought and effort, literally none of the 12 year olds who played it in '97 would appreciate.
Shit, I didn't learn about it until a couple years ago

When is the hydra coming back?

imagine being so buttblasted and screaming personal attacks because you don't understand how time works

randy tried to scam valve just like he scammed sega on aliens: colonial marines where he pocketed the funds and funneled them into borderlands 2, bl pre-sequel and tales

The real reason the universes are connected is that the Portal devs wanted to be able to reuse Half-Life art assets.

Early versions of Portal looked like they were taking place in Nova Prospekt.

Those are called placeholder assets. Why are Half-Life threads full of delusional jimmies spouting reddit-tier non-facts?

>v-v-valve screwed gearbox!
Are you one of those retards that still praises Sierra for making Half-Life?

Honestly i think valve said something about the two universes being connected was unimportant.

They very likely have no plans to write anything about them.

Thanks for repeating what I said but making it easier for the room-temp IQ posters to understand.

these were just placeholders because the assets get made last
you can see from concept art that the design they wanted was nailed down from the first days

>room-temp IQ posters
Oh, it's you
And you're still here
That's kind of sad.

The Combine soldiers in HL2 also had a large amount of voice clips.

It's source alright

Looking pretty good.

Valve makes (made) great ambience

Watched this videos recently
Now feel bad fgor killing thid weird dogs.

Where we takin this freeman guy anyway?

Attached: hecu.jpg (333x541, 18K)

>nhehehehehe don't you mean valuve MADE gaems as in they dont MAEK games anymore???? im so clever Yea Forums MAN :))))

Probably because the beta version of HL1 was going to have the whole facility against you with murderous scientists and guards, which implied it was some kind of Government black site with ill intentions, so as such everyone was hostile, presumably because Gordon was supposed to be a whistleblower. Eventually they figured out friendly AI and changed their mind and just decided to leave it up to the imagination with the implication that G-Man was some kind of trans-dimensional CIA agent and the Government wanting to get rid of that division (Black Mesa) to create a cover-up and destroy any traces of alien experimentation.

Now that they made up lore for LH2 it just became a really big plot hole.

You can't really call it a plot hole since we never really learn what the g man is up to and that's kind of the point.
There's shit at stake that humans can't even comprehend. The best we can hope for is that they sod off and leave us alone

>there will never be a game about Shepherd leading a rag-tag group of resistance fighters wearing scavenged Combine body armour with 'HECU' crudely stencilled on

Attached: 1489863999210.gif (200x200, 3.14M)

R8 my story
>Shepard wakes up from the statis immediately after the Seven Hour War thanks to the Vorts
>is greeted by some remote branch of Black Mesa science team that weren't involved in Xen experiments at all, a few of his squad mates and maybe a guard or two
>"Second time I wake up surrounded by nerds. Let's not make it an habit"
>~character development~ and tensions when orders from the newly founded resistance comes in
>objective is to secure equipment that may looks trivial in appearance (microscopes, books...) to help the science team to kickstart the resistance
>they develop a vaccine against the more advanced form of headcrab parasitism and Shepard leads the assault with domesticated Houndeyes
How cool would that be

Hunt down the freeman, bro

I want that camo

imagine playing half life games for the story

I do

HL was always about seamless immersion of the story within the gameplay, and attention to details
You don't have to notice the attention of details in Nova Prospekt, but when you do, it's amazing

brainlet detected


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I wish that Opposing Force let you be so much meaner. When I heard that there was an expansion that let you play as the bad guys I thought I'd be forced to kill scientists and feel bad about it but instead you're a "good marine".

Pretty disappointing.

You can pretty much backpedal to the infirmary (although with an exploit) and kill everyone that helped you up. Also gives you an early Deagle.

I mean I did that but I was thinking like what if there was a part where some soldiers wouldn't let you through until you completed a quota of finding and killing scientists and they'd beg for their lives and you'd have no choice if you want to progress. That would've been really interesting to see.

this was before "omg my dad joke was so bad xD so quirky and awkward" became the slogan of the 2010's.

It’s kinda weird to think about how Episode 2 is literally the end of it. All the games were innovative and they experimented with cars and the outdoors and then it ends. The last Half-Life game was cars and the outdoors and big complex outdoor battles. It’s not so much the story that gets me, but it’s that kind of gameplay which gave the games their personality from the beginning. It’s like there’s this idea of what makes a Half-Life game, and there was an iteration of that idea that explored new territory, then it’s over. It’s really hard to explain what I’m getting at here, but it’s a really odd feeling to dwell on it.

>Cut down front sight
>Useless huge ass muzzle brake as part of the grenade launcher assembly
>Slots for a what look like a bipod cut into the handguard, yet no hardware to actually mount one
What a weird weapon, looks fucking sick though

I replayed Episode 2 about a year or two ago, and what was weird to me was how much it was hyping up stuff that was supposed to be in Episode 3, like all the "DUDE YOU GOT TO BLOW UP THE BOREALIS" stuff. I don't think they were expecting the Episode 3 project to just fizzle out like it did.

>they would use a nade launcher on an mp5sd.
once the enemy is shooting back there is no point in being quiet

I actually recently played the half life series for the first time and finished it. It was nonstop excitement until I got to the final chapter of Half Life 2 Episode 2 where I just lost all my enthusiasm as they started hyping up the plot

it just feels so weird. It was supposed to release like less than a year later. Pre production must have been already over, it must have just been laying the finishing touches on it by that point and they just stopped

I got the Orange Box in 2009, so I beat HL2 and its episodes for the first time ages ago. It felt weird replaying Episode 2 in 2017 because I forgot how much stuff about the Borealis was in it.

I guess there were just sudden priority changes, with the success of TF2 and Portal. If Portal didn't take off like it did, I think there would have been Episode 3 instead of Portal 2 in 2011.

I liked portal 2 too. Fuck I don't know if i'd choose it or ep 3 if the choice was up to me.
Why can't we live in a timeline with both goddamn

I like both Portals as well. I guess with Valve's "Work on what you want" system, I guess the employees were just more interested in the new Portal gameplay than making another Half Life episode.

portal 2 was alright but i think it pandered to the crowd who liked the funny memes too much. i would've much preferred half life 3 over what portal 2 ended up like.

Apparently portal 2 was supposed to be much darker originally and I would've appreciated that a lot more

Attached: half life 2 combine.png (1266x668, 232K)

I think Half Life 2 is a better game for coop despite Half Life being better. After playing Sven Coop so many times, goldsource games don't really feel as intuitive for coop.

Same, I may liked it more back in the day because I wasn't as poisoned by Yea Forums™ cynicism on everything and kinda liked the cringy in hindsight science! thingy
Supposedly, what portal 2 was going to be was shelved to be used later so they may go back at it when they start making games again, if ever.
>not benefuggtors
Lost opportunity

>Portal takes place right after the 7 hour war
Going by in-game lines by GLaDOS, Portal could take place anytime between the end of Half life 1 and the end of Episode 2 (or Epistle 3 if you take that as canon). There's nothing concrete about the placement in the timeline.

They're not bad games, but I seriously think Opposing Force and Blue Shift are massive downgrades compared to the original. OF has obnoxious NPCs and shitty new enemies and BS has the same NPC problems while only being 2 hours long.

I'll never understand why people shit their pants over those games. Even a lot of HL1 mods are miles better than them.

>The entire master chief collection gets a remaster on steam, a rival platform to their windows store
>Half life doomed to stagnate for the foreseeable future despite Valve having loads of money and resources

Attached: half life anniversary.jpg (540x679, 79K)

I bet they have HEAVY asses

Do any of you older guys remember the original TF2 concept videos?

How have you lads been feeling about the resurgence of Half-Life memes?

We know that glados locked everyone in before the combine invaded and put them to work for a couple of years, doug put chell to be tested first and by the time of portal, glados says she doesn't know the fuck is going on, so the combine must have already been here

glados locked everyone in to kill them with neurotoxin the moment she was activated, not because of the combine invasion

It's just a coincidence that she locked down aperture at that time.

>Valve allowed Hunt Down the Freeman to be sold on Steam for actual money

Portal 2 brings a sense of closure to the series. It doesn't need anything more. The wheat field with the blue sky is a metephor/imagery for Paradise and peace. Companion Cube adds to this.

I don't know if it would have been that well-recieved. Shepard is a good character because he's relatable (22 average joe is a lot easier to self-insert than 27 PhD man), has some endearing moments (petting the Spore Launcher), etc
I feel he wouldn't have had the same reach if he was just an evil grunt

it's the official reason given by Valve and Laidlaw when he was still working there
the more appropriate statement would be that it's been a coincidence that the combine invaded when she was activated
also according to her, she's the only reason keeping the combine out of the facility, so it's most likely that she managed to fend them off fairly well to the point where it's unclear whether Aperture was raided or not

Black mesa replaced it with a normal turret and I'm still mad

Attached: Teamfortress2005_640w.jpg (640x480, 39K)

I think glados saying this was just one of the lies she says so chell doesn't kill her
The combine probably know about aperture as just a bankrupt little company, with nothing interesting about them worth raiding for or else it'd be overrun.
Like, who can win, an interdimentional army who curbstomped earth in hours or a bunch of stationary turrets who use springs to shoot full bullets?
Maybe after the combine learned about the borealis in ep 2, they would raid the place

Attached: spy2.jpg (800x600, 88K)

So glad they didn't went with this vision, wouldn't have lasted.

The tram in Opposing Force should've been longer.

>The combine probably know about aperture as just a bankrupt little company, with nothing interesting about them worth raiding for
Nigga the only reason Aperture is a big deal in the Half life games it's because they discovered stable portal technology, the only reason why the Combine decided to overtake earth
>AFTER the combine learned about the borealis in ep 2
you mean after THE PLAYER learns about Borealis in ep 2. The combine were aware about it for as long as they've been on earth, it's why they have a fully functional facility set in its vicinity, trying to study it, because it's why they came here.
>who can win, an interdimentional army who curbstomped earth in hours or a bunch of stationary turrets who use springs to shoot full bullets
I'd bet on the turrets, especially when the facility that hosts them is constantly moving over a gigantic hole in the ground, with more facilities under that hole filled with more weird scientific shit like an army of praying mantises and cancerous gels

My theory is that it's a combine turret that was stolen by the Nihilanth's forces when they broke off from the Universal Union.

Say what you want about Black Mesa Source, but the warfare it had between the marines and the Aliens was fucking kino.

Attached: 1392019107047.gif (145x83, 2.95M)

I keep seeing people joke about "Node graph out of date: rebuilding" but I never encountered this happening when I played. What does it mean?

will XEN ever be released? i mean it sucked major ass in the OG version but im hoping the new team can correct that.

Almost everyone that was part of the “Half-Life old guard” has left Valve. Gabe is pretty much the only one left from that time, and Gabe famously does not like Half-Life that much. Meanwhile, a lot of the new blood that has trickled into Valve do not care about Half-Life, with a few even actively hostile towards the Half-Life fan base.

Black Mesa Source is a kino game. Standalone game version is a bit weaker than base mod on a few aspects (HECU chatter went from bombastic dudebros with occasionally very emotional moments to some generic voice actor with no personality), but looks more polished and prettier than the mod.

Old bug that happens on source mods (and occasionally on Opposing Forces). Means the mapper fucked up the pathing for enemies somehow. Usually it means nothing though.

Attached: mqknnq2ebZ1qz4rgp.jpg (500x647, 45K)

half life is dead. Black Mesa team is the only team who gives a shit about the game to do anything with it.

There’s still some hope in the community: KAFF, the guys making a fan HL2Ep3 in Source, and Project Borealis, the guys making a fan HL2Ep3 in UE4 by trying to recreate Source in UE4 (they even got ABH working!)



ironically enough, i find the beta Consul to be more in-line with how the Protomen portrayed doctor Wily than the actual Administrator Breen in retail. God i wish the beta of HL2 was how the game really went, even if what we got out of the remnants now is a disjointed mess, it's still a more coherent sequel to the first game and more logically dark and distressing.

Attached: 1550832000432.png (1472x1536, 2.28M)

>not the NTF

Accelerated Back Hopping.

In some builds of Source (I think 2007 and/or 2009, but I could be wrong), Valve tried to “patch” bunny hopping by adding code that decreased your speed if you were going forward really fast. However, this led to an exploit where you could trick the game into thinking you were going forward while going backward, causing the game to constantly try to slow your forward motion, causing yourself to go backward faster and faster and faster.

Look up some Half-Life 2 speedruns on YouTube. It’s beautiful to watch.

Reminder that both Gordon and Shepard got their bitch ass captured by the G-man to be used in his plans while Barney sucessfully evaded him and the G-man was so buttblasted about it he added 'no comment' on his report on him
Barney is the true Alpha of the HL universe.

I sometimes wonder what the fuck we did to deserve this, or if the "good guy valve" shit was a ruse to begin with.

Attached: freemancouch.png (1280x913, 1.23M)

>gas masked motherfucker on cover
>Chaos insurgents are all gas masked motherfuckers

besides, it was made before mall cops were added, which would have fitted better than Male to female foxes

Attached: crashing this server.png (1920x1040, 2.17M)

Some of the old guard might have been legit good guys (the Half-Life games definitely have a lot of “soul” in them), but “good guy Valve” has pretty much always been a ruse carefully cultivated by ruthless businessman Gabe Newell. People seem to forget that he was a Microsoft Executive in the hey-day of Microsoft’s corporate ruthlessnesses, and only left Microsoft to found Valve because he saw a business opportunity after commissioning a software survey that showed that Doom was installed more often than Windows.

>or if the "good guy valve" shit was a ruse to begin with.
I'm as blackpilled about it as it gets but revising history by pretending it never existed is just stupid.
Valve was great, pumped game after game that had polish and standards of quality that haven't really been surpassed yet.

NTF are there to save the scientists, not shoot them.

>that desperate battle to bring your whole squad alive through the basement section with all the entrenched black ops position
>have to leave them all behind anyway

i still believe what i read years ago that P2 is set around 110-120 years after HL2. It's the only logical time lapse.

any game which has monster infighting like RTCW or doom half life halo etc always gives me a semi, i get a hard on if you can actually use them to kill each other off and advance the level and make it easier on yourself

play half life echoes
its got more soul in it than volvo

Whyd the HECU look for freeman
also why does everyone use the lambda sign despite black mesa being the cause of the cascade

>P1 ends in a forest area
>P2 ends in a wheat field

Attached: Portal+2_bd33f8_4089102.png (874x391, 85K)


>playing with a friend through Sven Co-op
>apparently they didn't finish HL1 or don't have much memory of it
>replayed it so many times I know it like the back of my hand so I just zoom through Blast Pit
>They're put off and quit


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>Boush the Tinker's diminutive race is known for its intelligence, its cunning, and its prickly relationship with magic. As a matter of pride, they survive by their wits, and use only those powers of nature that may be unlocked through rational methodologies. Even this forbearance has led to a great deal of trouble, as Boush can attest. Once a key investigator of natural law, Boush the Tinker led a vast intellectual investigation into the workings of nature, founding a subterranean laboratory in the rumored, mist-wreathed wastes of the Violet Plateau. While scorning mages for the dangers they visit upon the world, Boush and his Tinker associates haughtily wrenched open a portal to some realm beyond comprehension and ushered in some nightmares of their own. A black mist rose from the cavernous interior of the Violet Plateau, shrouding it in permanent darkness from which sounds of horror perpetually emanate. Boush escaped with only his wits and the contraptions he carried, the sole Tinker to survive the Violet Plateau Incident.

famous lines
>This is starting to remind me of the Seven Minute War!
>I predicted all of this you know, all of it!
>Hazard suits me!
this is the most effort Valve has put in Half Life in the past 10 YohRAs

Attached: Tinker_icon.png (256x144, 65K)


Don't forget
>The massless field flux should self-limit!
>Your talents are only surpassed by your loveliness.
>Get away from the beam!
>Oh, fiddlesticks. What now?
>Conditions could hardly be more ideal.
>Three instances of 'Oh, dear!'
>I've clamped the manifold parameters to… CY base and LG orbifold… Hilbert inclusive.
>Initializing in… 3..2..1!
>Lamarr, is that you?
>I wish this was a Kleiner bottle!
>I predicted all of this you know, all of it!
>Thank goodness. My relief is almost palpable.

The voice direction for Tinker was just literally "let's be dicks to Half-Life fans".

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>"good guy valve"

It's weird to remember the early 2010s when I first got here, and how even Yea Forums was "PRAISE LORD GABEN LOOK AT THE SALES".

To be fair, I was like this too.
A FREE coop DLC and a FREE map editor for Portal 2?
FREE L4D2 for my friends to download?
Meet the Pyro released?

Please, Gabe, no more.

Killing Enemy Spiderlings
15% chance

▶ Lamarr, is that you?
▶ Lamarr?!
▶ They're debeaked and completely harmless!
▶ I've seen these things somewhere before.

OJ and also, listen to this fags

It felt like we would never stop winning

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fugg forgetti imagi
>Kleiners last words are welcoming you to dota

Attached: Cosmetic_icon_Announcer_Dr._Kleiner.png (600x400, 208K)

There's also the Operation Black Mesa/Guard Duty team, they're still working, it's just taking a while

I always figured that the parking lot area just got buried or something since it's probably been tens of thousands of years and that the new surface is the wheat field thanks to tectonic plate shifting or something


Attached: Half-Life-Scientist-Fear[1].jpg (1280x720, 67K)

>free L4D2
Oh, yeah, I remember. That's where I snagged the game from.

I like Dota, at least watching the tournaments, but it and CS:GO were Valve beginning to just stray further and further away. Both of those games are easily the reason why they started indulging on hardware.

don't forget just nonchalantly adding all of L4D1 to 2

Oh man wonder if xen will be released on the anniversary.

The open beta has Xen and Gonarch's lair, and the rest of the levels are supposed to be released Soon™

>more logically dark and distressing.
I never got this. The beta was clearly pulpier and less gritty than HL2

I kinda liked that HL2 had this hopeful tone. It makes it a deeply idealistic game. Constrat with the bleakness of 1 and of Opposing Force.

I actually liked using this Announcer, but I'm still upset we never got the Freeman's Mind announcer

This has some gems, toobad I dont play dot 2

secoding. I like how the resistance is wholesome and the npc's are so friendly and cheery no matter how shit the world is. It just feels so earnest and innocent

>size: fat

I wouldn't say it's perfect, there are some tragic moments (Grigori's last stand, Wintson and Laslo's deaths), and of course it feels a bit forced, but it works for me.

>science company
>binary checks on size and height

Xen has the best audio.

>science company

I liked it.
quick rundown?

Imagine the porn we'd have by now had they made it to the final game.

One can only imagine.

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>good work launching the rocket gordon now lets get on this helicopter so we can fly over to half-life 3!


People say it's the gameplay and physics that make HL one of the GOATS

Some even say it's the story and lore
No,no friends I'm here to tell you something.
Its not that.
It's the SFX

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>so we can fly over to half-life 3!

It would have been HL2 Episode 3. I wonder what the actual Half Life 3 would have been if Valve carried on, and if it would have been about the Combine, or a new enemy.


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Dyson sphere logo

I liked hunters

Me to. I wonder if Episode 3 would have had more cool Combine Synth designs.

Told you so. Told you hats would lead somewhere bad.

Laidlaw had it all planned. Humanity was fucked the moment the combine discovered earth. Had they made episode 3 in 2008, this would've been the conclusive ending. Gordon on the beach, many years later, after the combine manually came and eradicated what was left of humanity.

>The voice direction for Tinker was just literally "let's be dicks to Half-Life fans".
I'm glad I completely ignored fucking doto

I kind of feel bad for Laidlaw. He probably really wanted his story to be finished, but almost everyone else at Valve had moved onto other projects, so he had no choice but to write about what Episode 3 would have been 10 years after Episode 2. This is just me speculating about what probably happened. I might be completely wrong.

As mentioned above, the actual Half-Life devs are long gone. Modern Valve is made up of a bunch of newcomers who don’t care about Half-Life besides making Half-Life jokes to torment Half-Life fans for the lols. They legit make crap like custom Half-Life 3 T-shirts and fake leaks to bait VNN. They’ve got a whole email thread devoted to bullying Tyler.

Laidlaw’s vision was for each full numbered Half-Life to be a relatively clean break from the last, setting up a new story arc, so a HL3 would probably just have had off-hand mentions of the Combine being “permanently” cut off with the remnant Earth garrisons wiped out off screen after Episode Three.

On the other hand, Laidlaw’s plan was also for someone new to take over from HL3 onward (Wolpaw seems to have been the designated heir before, well, you know), so the next writer might have broken with Laidlaw’s vision and brought the Combine back.

>tfw no black mesa themed SCP SL

>also why does everyone use the lambda sign
they're all homosexuals

>They legit make crap like custom Half-Life 3 T-shirts and fake leaks to bait VNN. They’ve got a whole email thread devoted to bullying Tyler.
Can't really blame them here, Tyler needs to find some other hobby. Yeah, I don't even want HLVR or anything anymore, they'd fuck it up.

He did leave in feb 2017, and re;eased Episode 3's story in august of that year. He was just a sitting duck for all these years. If you take the final scene with Gordon on that beach, it's almost as he's inserting himself there, admitting that Valve has changed.
If HL VR proves to be a success and by any chance they revive HL3, it's gonna be weird without Laidlaw. At least the VR game is playing it safe by being a HL2 prequel, but anything after EP2 will be the hot pan. The half life IP as been a taboo at Valve since 08.

What's the first one from?

Based on some stuff that was either trolls larping or legit insider comments, HL2Ep3 basically got screwed over by Gabe (intentionally or not) in two ways:
1. The “Directed Design Experiments” thing after the Orange Box shipped basically encouraged a whole bunch of devs to switch over to what was fun and exciting at Valve. HL2Ep3 started bleeding team members who wanted to work on the cool new thing like F-stop, and later VR.
2. Valve got more aggressive about hiring/firing, taking on more guys and then washing them out if they didn’t “cut it.” This screwed over project continuity because a lot of guys that started working on HL2Ep3 ended up getting fired, and the ones that didn’t left for the “safe” projects, i.e. Gabe’s pet projects like Dota 2 and VR, where you’re less likely to get labeled as not making the cut and fired.
So by 2012, the last of the HL2Ep3 team calls it quits. Some try for an HL3 to attract back the ones that left to work on more fun experimental stuff, but those HL3 projects all end up failing too.

Sometimes, I dream about cheese.

>tfw no combine shotgunner gf

Wolpaw might have been able to write HL3. He worked closely with Laidlaw on the HL2 Episodes, and his more solo work on Portal and Portal 2 was great too.

But Wolpaw’s gone now too. They brought him back briefly as a contractor to help write Artifact lore, but I think his contract’s up and he’s gone again.

This is actually really messed up when you think about it.

Cheese is one of the oldest and most common foods in human civilization. And the Combine wiped it out.

First point makes the most sense. L4D 3 was 85 % finished and it was canned due to disagreements and devs bouncing back and furth to other project.
At least when it comes to game development, Valve's 2010's incompetence to make new games shows why work place democracy won't work in gaming.

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>he doesn't want to be a neet

Half life 1 is the best game I have ever played. 2nd place Unterwegs in Düsterburg 3rd place Portal 2.

I think it is unrealistic that a society ruling multiple universes takes hours to defeat earths ape army. Also it is a little bit stupid that they haven't got teleportation.

One of my favorite quotes from the Half life franchise: Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where [the] dimensions intersect

Attached: HalfLife2_WallaceBreen.jpg (410x599, 37K)

There’s also rumors that a HL3 project got pretty far into development before the team broke apart over disagreements on plot direction: a faction wanted to do crazy shit like explain the Gman.

Probably for the best we won’t get more Half-Life sequels. The new guys clearly don’t “get it.”

Fuck, just imagine. The dude thinks he's brought back to continue a long abandoned franchise, only to work on a card game that was hated from day 1, and turned out to be a financial failure.
Either way, if there's ever HL3, they'll have to rework the story from the ground up, and i doubt it will mirror Laidlaw's original apocalyptic conclusion for the HL2 episodic saga. That, and all the other important plots that were being set up for years like the combine's dyson sphere and Borealis's power.

Attention City 17. I fuck Freeman's mother. That is all.

Attached: Breencast_first.jpg (519x597, 167K)

>If HL VR proves to be a success and by any chance they revive HL3, it's gonna be weird without Laidlaw.

There's no way that a new Half Life would be the same as the originals, after over a decade. Whether it would be better or worse remains to be seen, but it will absolutely be different.

I remember watching this video back around 2011, and thinking that Valve looked like a really cool place to work. Now I see that the "work on whatever you want" thing wasn't such a good idea.

Breen did _______ _____

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Honestly, I wouldn't even want a HL game from Valve at this point. Portal 2 felt more like I was playing a Disney product than anything from them. It also felt overlong.

>a faction wanted to do crazy shit like explain the Gman
This just gives me flashbacks on how Kojima ruined MGS2's entire premise when he made MGS4 and fanfic'd the shit outta all the mysteries just for the sake of explaining.
At best, the Gman was a non human that wanted to monopolize teleportation tech for hismelf and his kind, and used both humanity and the combine for his goal. Anything more than that will ruin his established character. He was always meant to be an unforeseen puppeteer hiding behind the scenes, not some tragic character that needed a backstory.

Gameplay wise, all they have to do is stick with the regular "no cutscenes , all story takes place from the player's perspective" trick that all hl games did. Graphically and gameplay innovation wise, that remains to be seen, assuming the game won't be VR only, and will have other tricks to show rather than being the first proper VR fps.

fucking memes ?

also remember old hl3 with a day night cycle, DOG progression system and gliding on ropes w crowbars?

>implying GLaDOS released you

This could have been a troll larping, but supposedly one of the crazy ideas being pushed was explaining the Gman as being the “real” Gordon Freeman, as in Gordon Freeman when he’s not being controlled by the player, and who summons the player to take control over his body.

Actually, rereading it again, I really, really hope it was a troll and that the new-Valvers were not actually that dumb and crazy.

Attached: DJyznZFVwAAmj1t.jpg (1200x775, 182K)

The "Gman is Gordon from the future" is literally fanfic from 2004. If Gabe actually hired fanfic storywriters, no wonder the IP is in the dust, for good reason at this point.


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>thread is still alive
bless you shitposters

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>no based engineerbro

Attached: HECU_Engineer[1].jpg (384x723, 95K)

We just want the good old 2003 days to be revived. Nothing will come close to the hl1 modding community, playing counter strike with the mates and the hype for HL2.

What the fuck is that gun Jesus Christ

Any sauce on these statements? I'm interested.

Attached: Shadman.gif (504x284, 560K)

It’s just speculation based on crap from Yea Forums and Glassdoor; sauce would be the Yea Forums archives and Glassdoor Valve reviews.

Most of it’s probably just larping and trolling, but if it is, it’s at least self-consistent trolling, because a lot of the comments are complaining about how “work on what you want” kills projects by causing team members to jump ship to what’s easy and safe.

In a way im kind of glad we at least got the planned story out of it, so folks who actually give a shit about it can make the "proper" ending, regardless what shit labeled episode3/hl3 gets released out by valve

also holy shit its hard pirating the hl2 series with the newest source engine, but its still easier than trying to explain steam to dad

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we took it for granted

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Think of all the niche chinese cartoons that the combine ruthlessly destroyed. That alone is probably what motivated half the resistance to rebel. They just want their anime tiddies back.

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People come out of retirement you know

Laidlaw’s already said he’s not interested in coming out of retirement, even to finish HL2Ep3. Yeah, he could theoreitcally change his mind, but time’s not on his side.

Laidlaw did say that he planned Episode 3 to be his last game, and he would let future writers to write HL3 (that was the original plan if EP3 would've released in 2008) Right now he's done.
Pic related is from july 2017, 1 month before he related the Episode 3 script.

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I hear you,but gaben can always dangle a fat check and the promise of more creative control.

fucking IMAGINE a sequence where you're escaping black mesa as it's all coming down, security guards shooting at you, ayy lmaos teleporting in, osprey's crashing in the distance, all to this music

Attached: adrian_shephard_by_alchemist10-d9qpwol.png (434x606, 278K)

Ive never seen this

top siiiiiide for questionin'

Attached: shep.jpg (1024x682, 148K)

Assuming Gabe even wants or cares. If he did care, EP3 would've been out since 2008 as originally intended. He has the biggest power at Valve.

This is the camo the grunts used pre-hd pack/op4

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Attached: A very specific vaugly related Half Life Webm.webm (1280x720, 1.77M)

If anyone in this thread hasn't played Echoes yet, its easily up there with the best mods for goldsrc

Attached: Echoes 2.jpg (1920x1080, 381K)


For some reason Echoes just looks off to me. Everything looks way too "industrial" throughout the entire facility when the BMRF was supposed to be a sterile hospital-esque enviroment throughout the lab portions.

You're tellin me.

Attached: c17.png (1000x576, 89K)

Attached: a4CJHKU.png (720x540, 838K)

Well he keeps mentioning the HL film.collab with Jew Jew Abrams even though everyone thought that was dead

we got an announcement about steam link being discontinued YAY


Blew my fuckin mind first time I saw this.

Attached: Capture.png (1248x761, 597K)

Like, who the fuck thought of that, and why hadn't anyone noticed for over a decade?

Attached: YEAH.jpg (1000x795, 116K)


I wish we had more Half-Life threads.

I think the Half-Life series is getting too old for most Yea Forums users now. People that were only 6 when Episode 2 came out are now 18 and allowed to post here.

We've got two going, RIGHT NOW!

Attached: 1326650783449.jpg (1087x1063, 183K)

That's entirely because you get to spam voice lines and fuck around during the forced 'cutscenes'. You and your bros are practically in your own live gmod video