What is your honest and unbiased opinion about juliane

what is your honest and unbiased opinion about juliane

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Kill all lesbians

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She's bi.

She is pretty cool, I liked her game

>All women are

She still wouldn't fuck you even if she were straight

model warrior julianne!

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She's a pretty weak character and her development, centric to her game, is badly written and executed. Her game is pretty trash overall desu

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Her character was boring

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A VN with average writing, good waifus, gameplay that's not gameplay, and a God tier soundtrack that triggers Yea Forums because bi people are scary.

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Smoking is bad, she should stop

>dat fucking costume

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What kind of guys does she like

I like her, but I don't like twintails.

Recently played her game for the first time. Genuinely a good girl.

This is literally my fetish and I was in a good no fap streak

>In a conversation with Alma, she states that she prefers her men to be "decent enough", to be "not jealous, not aggressive, responsible enough to keep a job", and to have "no tattoos or piercings".
When will Jill realize that her perfect guy was right next to her this whole time?

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He was such a good boy.

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Extremely attractive, cute and a good person! I don't drink or smoke but would love to do either with her.

I have a poster and a plushy of her on either side of my PC.

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That shiba is not rad at all

She's extremely OP for a welfare unit.

>not voiced
MICA... the VA....

Here, I'll balance it out with one that's got a double dose of rad.

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>unbiased opinion

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>a smoker


Seriously, how did the lesbian meme even start with this game? The character literally talks about boning a guy early on before any mention of her former relationship. Genuinely don't get it.

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rich ones

Based, fuck dykes.

I want her to crush my skull with her thighs.

This. She's fun when she's commenting on the interesting world and characters around her, but when the plot shifts to focus on her the game as a whole starts losing my interest.


She's okay. Gillian was a more interesting character though honestly

Bisexual slut with no self-respect and a complete failure with a dead end job all due to her own bad decisions

>drinking smoking carpetmuncher-on-the-fence in a world of faggots
Nah, you can keep her. Give me the scientist chick instead

To be fair she clearly has a preference for women.

>clearly has a preference towards her ex and boss over random dude

Bit of a stretch to say women rather than specific women. She still did, and probably would again, take a meat rod.

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I don't disagree, she's bi and that's pretty clearly stated. But almost if not all extended discussion she has about relationships is about her + a woman, be it about her past or when the other girls flirt with her. The only time her + a guy gets brought up, is when she basically says "Yeah I dated a guy, this is how it went" which is part of her character set up.

She'd absolutely date a guy if she met one that fit her likes, but yeah.

Jill likes to fuck dogs!

Reminder that we could have had him as the MC

This is a bloody shame

She is cute and I would fuck her

She talks about how she had a crush on a guy in high school and some shitty teenage bitches tricked her into thinking he liked her too.

cute ones

But Gil is cute and she doesn't like him

you guys really care about the sexuality of a woman who would literally plug her nose if she had to walk past you on the street

Jill can't afford soap so she already stinks