The evil is defeated

The evil is defeated.

What killed it, Yea Forums?

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this game is primarily for selling cosmetics to normalfags and women and a game second. balance took a nosedive in favor of being flashy for esports and so i quit. this game wont ever die for good, but im for sure done with it

Reddit fags took over. Can't even call someone dumb. And good luck trying to main an old champion, they are either dogshit compared to newer releases or getting reworked. I still remember maining nautilus and maokai jungle in S3.

I kind of miss 2013

I tried logging into my good goy account from years back but apparently someone had hijacked it and got banned for being a meanie head. I emailed support about it with an actual
>it wasn't me I swear unban please
and it actually worked. It was plainly obvious from the log in locations and chat logs that it was someone else using my account, but I figured they wouldn't bother checking or even give a shit to begin with. But they unbanned me so that's cool. I played like three matches and remembered why I quit though.

I still play fvery sparsely due to my friends and the game is having quite a rough year.

I never play without them but we usually get like 5-8 minute queues regularly at regular times, and holy shit my friendslist which used to be like 200 people is a complete ghost town

I think everyone moved on and only the very hardcore whales remain now

me 7

the esports circlejerk alienating the players that made the game popular in the first place

It's still alive though.

they made all the champions play the fucking same


Removing the small amount of strategy the game had in favor of the epic esports flashy outplay bullshit. Probably why the jungle has been boring as all fuck the past few years

>I played like three matches and remembered why I quit though.
literally any time i try this game it feels that way
>I kind of miss 2013
desu i havent played league since 2009 or 2010

no game rules forever

league has plenty of problems but the whole genre is in decline, right now BRs are the hot shit, in a few years it'll be something different

Game would've died 6 years ago then

Whatever. The kpop music video is still fucking popular.

>LoL defeated
lol no, biggest game still in 2019

No, man, this is RetardEra that we're dealing with. They banned all banter in every online game, so now I refuse to play.

LoL, Overwatch, Rainbow 6 - they can all rot. Games that steal your money for saying a verboten word are shit on that merit alone, not that those 3 were good games to begin with.

>Biggest game

1. Fortnite, Epic Games - $2.4 billion
2. Dungeon Fighter Online, Nexon - $1.5 billion
3. League of Legends, Riot Games, Tencent - $1.4 billion
4. Pokemon GO, Niantic - $1.3 billion
5. Crossfire, Neowiz Games - $1.3 billion
6. Honour of Kings, Tencent - $1.3 billion
7. Fate/Grand Order, Aniplex - $1.2 billion
8. Candy Crush Saga, King, Activision Blizzard - $1.1 billion
9. Monster Strike, Mixi - $1.0 billion
10. Clash Royale, Supercell, Tencent - $0.9 billion

DFO is actually a really good game, many, many times better than LoL.


Weird how I've never heard of 7 of these


Honour of Kings is a lol's mobile clone made by tencent because riot refused to make a mobile version of lol, unlike eg jews with fortnite. If riot made it, the would've sat at top with $3B+.

>cracks fingers
Here's my autism:

Overall when China took over and released copy and pasted nobody Champions with ridiculously easy mechanics that are insanely broken on release. Then after people complain enough they get nerfed and never to see the light of day ever again.
They cater more to the pro players than they do their actual gaming base when it comes to balancing champions. Except for champions that are loved by the majority of the gamebase (like Riven, Darius, Zed, and Yasuo for an example) and will never balance these or else these said fans will start an actual riot.
Skins are lackluster and puked out so frequently it isn't worth spending $10-25. This especially goes for chroma bundles (where you HAVE TO GET THIS BUNDLE OR THE CRHOMA GOES AWEY!!1!!) or Prestige skins, which is worse. Because the prestige skins are $200 worth and it's just a golden chroma. Nothing else.
The match-making system is not balanced at all and a lot of trolls/inters go unpunished.

Sorry for making anyone read all of that.

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That's the power of China. Second biggest gaming market with very little choice. Imagine if Americans were only able to buy games produced by EA, Ubisoft, and Microsoft.

Forced meta. Latest example is just straight up deleting Pyke's already weak waveclear instead so he can be forced back into the support. Wasn't overpowered, just fun but still effective.

>that are insanely broken on release.
Oh, fuck off. Half of the times new champions are unplayable at release. Yasuo sat at 40% until he had 10 buffs in a row in every patch. Ornn had 38% or something at release. Yuumi had 35. Muh release xin zhao. Muh vayne. Nech yourself.

I remember that time where they were thinking of remaking Lee Sin and everyone lost their shit and Riot was like, "oh ok fine we won't renake him then stfu now"

And how Tahm lost his ability to stack his thing with Q or have bonus MS if you W allies. Shit's whack

Neeko is pretty shit and so is Yuumi. No buff but Neeko got a prestige skin so that's pretty nice.

>music videos are popular
Holy fuck user really? Never could have guessed

>DFO being owned by Nexon.
How old is this list?

Babby game for baddies that can't play DotA/HoN

>Cockteasing anime sluts singing in weeb-anese is popular
color me surprised

There are way more shitty music videos on Youtube that have as much as many views
Because it's music,it's guaranteed millions


I still play it, new panth still feels weak tho

oh no it's only the third biggest game
flop confirmed

It's also one of the shittiest on that list. Even worse than FGO.

Heres a hint, build him bruiser

>Even worse than FGO.
Now let's not get too hasty.

this, seasons 1-3 were legendary
you could talk so much fucking shit in all chat and never get banned
then plebbit, normalfags, trannies, faggots and women started playing, now you get banned for pinging someone to retreat.
fuck riot games and fuck nuviyda, they had a masterpiece then caved to subhumans on balance, metagame, rules and regulations

I was over league in 2013 but recently started playing tft and its pretty fun. Never played the autochess types of games before.

why is everyone an autistic sperglord that always needs to say nigger,faggot,cunt,gook at any given moment?

get a grip faggots,You would get banned from dedicated servers for being too insufferable to listen to,do you act the same as in real life you spergs?

ASSFAGGOTS are an inherently infuriating genre, so by blocking a common outlet for anger, the same sperglords instead of blowing a gasket would int, thus causing a shitty experience for everyone involved.

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>new panth
wtf did they do to my man?
Don't tell me they reworked Jax as well

I said biggest, not the one that makes the most money. sorry if that hurts you. Fortnite is on the way out btw and then LoL will be at the top of the money makers again. Not htat it matter sanways

Tencent literally made a LoL clone for mobile / Switch called Arena of Valor

Panth plays mostly the same just instead of a passive shield you get a directional braum shield that absorbs everything from that side (no turning around),you can chuck your spear for executes or tap it to do an old panth q for the old cooldown and instead of getting the shield from autos you get a stronger spell from it.


Gentlemen: How the fuck do we fix the top lane?

Riot being incompetent devs

>8 out of 10 of these are owned by gooks and chinkshitters

what the fuck bros

Remove braindead shit like tryndaqueer,jax,vayne,quinn etc and add more insentive for toplane to impact the game, like a dragon tier objective for toplane to compete for. I dont count herald or baron for this since herald is pathetically easy to solo with any jungler with a 1 item powerspike and baron comes too late and is too strong to be controlled by a single player (except maybe shitsuo).


Balancing exclusively for esports ADHD twitch crowd and korean internet cafe playerbase. Almost every champion does a shitton of damage, 2 items are often enough to hard carry and late game is non-existent. Roles and metagame are handcrafted by Riot instead of giving players freedom to develop new choices and strategies. Removed bans from ARAM without fixing the issue.

so now that league is dead and hots has always been dead, is dota 2 still alive?

Le balance took a nosedive XD
Go back to r/lol you retard, only people who can't handle losing complain about balance on lol.
And that's just after reading the first comment, can't even bring myself to read the whole thread. Lol threads on Yea Forums are so fucking cringeworthy, either absolute disgusting L9 retards, dotards or plain "league bad" spamming idiots.

Panth rework is actually really cool if you aren't a "muh point and click spam" tard. Jax is pretty strong rn, idk when you stopped playing league but he's been strong for almost 2 seasons by now, and no rework (imo he's one of the best designeds melee aa carries). Honestly League meta has been so cool for the whole season, specially if you like those kind of champs, I'd recommend you check it out.

how is it dead? its still the most played, most viewed, most streamed game. Classic WoW is only #1 right now because of nostalgia novelty. itll be gone in a month

Riot. It was only ever successful by leeching off the success of something already proven. Their own incompetence has been eagerly trying to steer into the ground since day one. All the reports about how terrible and crazy their work environment is? 4,000% true, I knew one of the girls that worked there and you know how they say most rapes go unreported? Yep, she was raped and never said anything, happened YEARS ago before news of this came out. Don't know the name of who did it or I'd gladly throw it out.

Riot is a huge shit hole.


>What killed it, Yea Forums?
Tl;dr, Riot and chinks.

>heres your new logo bro

Attached: league-newlogo-banner-500x281.jpg (500x281, 21K)

>The evil is defeated
>still in top 10
what the hell bros why would you lie like this

>Almost every champion does a shitton of damage
That's what I've noticed in the few games of LoL I played with my friends, damage rates are off the fucking chart. Like I was playing... Cho'Gath(?) and had 4.5k HP but that got bursted down in seconds. That's fucking nuts. That said, I notice Cho can dish out a lot of damage himself just from the ultimate.

>was ADC main for years
>recently switched to Camille Jax Ekko top lane main

shits fun af again

>Pentakill Kayle
>The sheer ammount of porn.

Attached: Das it meown.jpg (536x593, 148K)

its thriving, and the most popular PC game in the world
im playing right now :)

though I will say this new logo is fucking shit
hope they dont go through with this

>Illaoi, Sejuani & Elise
Patrician choices.

Did something happen or is this just general discussion as to why the game hasn't been fun in years?

The only way to have fun in this game is to search for champion tiers and play the low tier ones only until you get really good at them. The metaslave drones have no idea how to play against these.

valve keep ruining MM because they listen to reddit

Im still having fun. New champs and reworks are actually quite good. I'm glad they're making the game more skill based over the boring old point n click shit.

The one responsible for Killing LoL was Riot and only Riot.

At some moment (like somewhere in second half of season 2 when game was with both legs in mainstream) Riot decided to pander to casual users/kiddos/eSports while shitting on real fans who are responsible LoL getting popular and going mainstream. And at this moment League of Legends was slowly degrading from good game to shit.
1. Design what was nice mix of many types of fantasy and steampunk has turned into shitty gacha or shitty Chinese MMORPG design style.
2. Every new champion now is like gacha hero, Usually female in order to grab attention from horny teenagers. Sometimes they release also something edgy to attract EMO or other "nonconformists".
3. Reducing impact of using strategy or tactics to 0 in favour of MUH FLASHY ACTION PLAYS AND JUKES, because it looks better on E-Sports, and also attracts kids cus kids hate to think, they want to win by just pushing buttons.
4. Changing game like crazy to make sure having in-game experience will mean nothing so veterans won't have advantage over newbies, but also it caused potential veterans leave because their skill progress gets reduced to 0 every season. This also panders to kids because kids are more likely to adapt to allways changing game.

This degradation also ruined playerbase because all good and mature players no longer have fun in LoL so they leave and they are replaced by immature kids because that's what is target audience of LoL and because most of kids have problem holding emotions at bay and usually deal with puberty they are really likely to be toxic that's why LoL community is fucking toxic.
If Riot will continue doing that, LoL will die, rot into dust and will be forgotten.

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Twitch icon for LeL already uses it

>i-it surely is dead this time guise i swear!

fuck you cunt

Why do all Zed players have an ego, whether they are winning or losing?

Sorry if I did not make it clear in my post but I wasn't referring to Yasuo, Riven, etc as broken on release date. I meant it over time the champions are over powered and riot refuses to balance them or even rw them or the fans will lose their shit, like when they promised a zed rw but never happened.

The difference between a low and a high tier is really small. It only matters if you're above diamond. Anything works under diamond if you know how to basically play the game.

they arent new champs retard go fuck yourself

That's the reality of lol, but Yea Forums aspies can't handle losing. And I'm mid dia and I can tell you ANYTHING works here too, legit seen some offmeta onetricks like teemo and shaco support, teemo jungle, ap whatever, etc

do you seriously defend the world of one shotting the game became? tanks stats have zero value, if you bought a tank item it was either only for the health part or because the unique passive works with your kit.

I fucking loved dominion but it seems I was not a customer they liked so I was kicked out of the game with dominion

Unplayable in NA. My god these players are the absolute worst. Always throwing an easy win while trying to do do some flashy play with their anime faggot champ and failing miserably. It wasn't always this bad, at least back before e-sports gookclick shit.

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I dunno but I love taunting them and toying with their ego.
9/10 times it blows up in their face.

those flashy outplay characters appeal to people who think very highly of themselves. i play udyr because i want to win with as little communication as possible, just stat 2 win

How is LoL dead.

One shotting has ALWAYS been a thing you absolute retard. Tanks are the only class that is a bit weaker, and they are trying a different aproach on em now, which is great since when tanks are good the game is boring. Honestly you people rambling about one shots and tanks are always so clueless. A world without one shots and where tanks are meta is a world where the game is ACTUALLY not balanced and where you can play fewer stuff.

League of legends - Super weenie hut junior
Smite and Hots- Weenie hut junior

Dota 2 and HoN - Salty spitoon

Dota in warcraft 3 - Super salty spitoon

it isnt

I'm sure people here will tell you it's the death of the game because they get punished for calling other players niggers.

im real faker irl look at me do 3x damage because of how the champion works even though I need W to not die I'm the epitome of skill

the tanks are one shotting is the issue, if i pick malphite and the best way to play is by ignoring armor and going full ap to be an assassin then the game balance is broken

Qiyana sat at 38-43% winrate for an entire patch retard

Have to say, there's a lot of people on Yea Forums that want to talk about league, but we can only talk about league on league hate threads lol. This board and website in general is so fucking trash, the hivemind is controlled by a small fraction of spamming autists.

S3 was the beginning of the end tho

borderlands 2 is my most played game by a wide margin, imagine how i feel

Quick question: How do you stand it? I've been curious about this as somebody who can tolerate the first game but none of the sequels.

that isnt a tank then you dumbass

>if i pick malphite and the best way to play is by ignoring armor and going full ap to be an assassin then the game balance is broken
too bad the game forces you to go full assassin because everything else isn't viable anymore

Malphite is perfectly playable as a tank vs a lot of comps, and there are a lot of top tier champs that are full tank. Most of em are jungle or support, that's true, but as i said before the role needs a new direction instead of straight up buffs so idk how you can take that info an conclude that "riot balance absolute trash lolol"

>call someone a faggot
>get permabanned
>email riot and tell them I'm gay and we call ourselves faggot all the time and we don't get offended
>they literally apologize and unban me
It's just a pathetic joke company.

Malphite has literally always been able to do that, his AP ratios have only been nerfed
The difference is that he can actually clear the jungle quickly thanks to his W update so playing him as a champ that can delete two+ champs at once rather than one that can hopefully delete an ad carry and maybe walk away afterwards with his Q speed is hardly unbalanced

There's a general for you to talk (i.e. post porn) about league of legends you fucking retarded mongoloid.

Tank junglers are viable right now.
Mundo is TEARING soloq apart as a tank Jungler.
like 52%+ Winrate
Tanks are not playable top anymore due to Conqueror.

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When Yasuo and Zed were perma banned in ranked, or 2 Zeds and 2 Yasuos in normal for years I realized the game had turned into weeb central and I was no longer the target consumer.

Too many gooks playing this game. Anything popular with the gooks is bad to a regular person by definition.

That's awful, but honestly lol is almost worse. The only people willing to talk about it are people who want to complain.

seconding this
I can get past the shit writing, the awful characters, the constant barrage of objectively shit-tier humour
but the gameplay is a complete trainwreck

Except it's not because AP Malphite is useless once your ult is blown. You're sacrificing actually being useful throughout a team fight for a potential game-changer that you can miss. And don't give me that "durr missing malphite ult xdddd" shit because anyone with at least a few brain cells left can see/hear your dumb ass coming up with predator and be ready for that shit.

i really like loot grinding, and the end goal of preparing for raid bosses is fun for me. 3 is ok, i feel like orange loot drops too often and is also weaker than almost every purple.

Based G2 will win worlds.

Game peaked in season 3

Malphite with 2.5k hp and 160 armor at 700 ap is nothing compared to champs like darius or jax having 4k hp 300 AD and 120/120 resists with conqueror sustain

Generals are a circlejerk, it's almost like a discord server. Got better things to do than that. I want genuine threads every once in a while, I already know I ain't getting em so don't bother telling me I'm a retard.

10 years anniversary next month

>non-asian team
never happening

I know it's different but that isn't the case in Dota2. The balance in Dota is pretty good too. At the last big competition only 3 of the 115 heros weren't picked.

Don't get me wrong I'm not recommended Dota2 and the players are more redditified than ever.

Only people who haven't played S2 say that. Also, hot take: this and last season have been the best seasons.

>like 52%+ Winrate
Jesus, that's considered good? How do people get into mobages?

SKT failed.
It can happen.
It almost did last year.

>10 years

I still remember a friend in HS telling us about this game he was in the beta for jesus christ.

>MOBA's imploding
Are there any good RTS coming out? It can be a good comeback for the dead genre

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>guaranteed to win more than you lose
>not good

>best seasons
>riot lost nearly a billion dollars and fired hundreds of employees

you guys msut ahve watched ayoutube vid or something
whydo u all tsay the exact same thing lmfao

G2 will win. They only seem to get stronger the more matches they drop in a Bo5.

>Tanking in Dota 2
>Pick tank
>Build defensive tank items
>Perform well and get fed
>Become tanky AF.
>Every teamfight you go first, take worst shit enemy throws at you and lose only 1/4 hp.
>Your team now can slaughter enemies who have their worst shit on cooldowns and lost chunk of their HP because "Blademail lol"
>Win game
>Tanking in LoL
>Pick tank
>Buy tank items
>Perform well and get fed.
>Have 6 tank items and have fuckton of hp, resist and armor and have thornmail.
>Suddenly you get instakilled by few autoattacks and low cd skills by random enemy who bought Lord Dominik regards or Voidstaff+torment and your team had no time to do anything.
>Lose every teamfight because it's basically 4v5
>Lose game.

Attached: 8oHMErh.jpg (1132x590, 91K)

season 5-6 was the peak for me, 7 was definitely the worst, and i completely lost all interest in 8. freshly reworked skarner was the most fun i ever had. plus all of my boys like yorick and urgot were still in the game

That's because the game is actually way more balanced than people think it is. 45% is super bad and 55% is super good, and they are not even real indicatives of the champion's strength (Competitive, 1tricking or actually playing the champ well)

I mean, I can play fightan and keep an 80% record pretty easily. Being forced to lose because of inept teammates would likely feel fucking awful.

Not the best season for riot or for cosmetics or for offtopic shit, but best season gameplay wise. General feeling wise, S2 was a blast and everyone was happy and loved league obviously, except HoNtards.

the awful teammates thing only happens in silver and lower, everyone in gold and higher is competent enough where you can solo carry them with top tiers

Entropy my dude. The only thing propping up dota2 is whales buying battle passes and turning TI into a ridiculous cash prize spectacular. The time of the moba has passed, we're firmly in the post-DayZ battleground era, who knows where we'll end up next.

That said, a ton of people do still play these games so to pretend that they're actually dead is disingenuous, they're just not the most visibly popular games anymore.

This. Snowflake/SJW proofing the game ruined the community. Especially the word toxic, everything is toxic. Except the retard feeding his ass off for 10 games straight.

>Being forced to lose because of inept teammates would likely feel fucking awful.
thats not how it works tho

If you can maintain an 80% winrate you are the rank1 player in every server. Jesus people, listen to your math teacher some time please. And everyone gets bad teammates, the thing is winning the game even with them in your team.

Women are like 5% of the playerbase and almost all of them are casuals

>gold through diamond 3
>guaranteed competent players
oh no no no no

competent enough. as long as you arent playing bot lane you can steamroll hard enough to do whatever you want. only bronze players can actively throw your lead through sheer incompetence

Silver and lower every person playing is a "bad teammate", you can make the whole game your bitch, you can actually do WHATEVER THE FUCK you want. Same with gold actually. The bad teammates excuse applies on dia mostly.

all they have to do is give ranked points like apex legends does. so even if u lose cus ur team sucks, u still get some points if ur good, or even dont lose full -20 lp if u did good.


DotA 2 battle pass is well worth its price considering the insane amount of cool shit you get.

It has always been a thing on targets that warrant it and after certain items. Back in season one you could one-shot ADCs and squishy supports with 3 core items, now you usually do that with one.
Tanks back then could survive an engagement, try to disengage, engage again and so on, now they die in a couple seconds due to all the true damage, %hp damage and armor shred. Tanks were balanced because while they were tanky, they didn't have as much damage as tanks have now.

Ah sorry, yeah different rules for team based games but that's just logic. Better players will have better winrates regardless.

this. my highest rank i ever got was G1, and it was playing shit like nasus, volibear, teemo, and old nunu. even old nunu i could put the moves on people with good old red smite cinderhulk

That's moreso riot just seeing how much shit they can remove from tk and still have pick priority in ESPORTS. Hes a walking mikaels at this point that tickles the opponent with his tongue.

Its actually a joke how worthless his Q feels now that it cant stack and devours stacks on a stun. Dont even get me started how they also gutted his W damage so devour and minion spitting is worthless damage wise.

I still remember being Malphite with 600 armor and 5k life, hitting every ability on a Tristana. She just pressed Q and melted me in 1.4 seconds

Two things.
One, instead of trying to encourage the team aspect of the game Riot instead focused on the soloautism "experience". This began to infect the game at every level so that eventually your 4 teammates were generally speaking your biggest opponents in terms of how they could euthanize your game and cause the most amount of rage/autism.
Second was turning into a chinese gacha box simulator to milk whales.

hiroyuki sawano

Why do my S1 icon and santa Nashor icon trigger so many people? It's 5 seconda after loading screen people have already scavenged through my lolnexus and calling me ebay lmao

Not really. Diamond is notorious for its awful teammates and trolls.

It’s the same game

Nah, I mean sure people were tankier but is not as much as you think. LB, Gragas, Talon, Zed, Kassa, old fiora existed, top of my mind, Literally s3 metas was mid assassins. And tanks were not balanced, they were THE ONLY WAY to play toplane, because they were unbeatable 1v1, safest lane ever. It was mostly because of items though, as always with tank metas(frozen heart, sunfire cape).

i dont like how people can click on my name and see how many mastery points i have. if you wanted to be a faggot and see who to target the whole lane phase you used to have to alt tab and google me. so stupid

What? Nobody gives a shit about this

>She just pressed Q and melted me in 1.4 seconds
That's one thing I miss about old league. A full build Malphite back then could literally solo a full AD team. He has been nerfed dozens of times since. I still remember having like 10k HP on Cho because Warmogs stacked back then and I could tank the enemy nexus turret for like 30 seconds.

chinese greed is what killed it

>Didn't get banned or wasn't even toxic.
>Didn't get santa baron icon
God fucking damn that icon will always trigger me.

It used to be that korean MMO grind was something Yea Forums laughed at. "Those silly gooks and their need to grind to feel accomplished"
Then League of Legends literally not only made it a standard but worked tirelessly to defend it.
Only recently have they added gacha boxes. It is literally one of the most insidious PC games on the market right now with the damage it has done/will continue to do to games. And even the people who played it won't remember a damn thing from their time playing because of how grinding tickles the reward centers.

they don't need to do anything. the matchmaker adjusts its confidence in its assessment of your skill on wins or losses not subjective determinations of how you performed.

esports killed the spirit on how the game was founded. it went from a community passion project to "how can we streamline and sterilize this for an audience". i still had fun with it until the end of season 5, but i dont think i would install it again

It works as a double edge swords too, for those that have no mastery points on one account but thousands on other account, the skill is hidden but is there and whoever underestimate him loses to some extreme lee sin mechanics.

>Yea Forumstards actually think one of the best F2P games has damaged the market.
You are so delusional honestly.

thats a retarded rating system. its like saying lebron james shouldnt be a top paid player because he couldnt carry his team to the playoffs. meahwhile hes top scoring top performing player in the league.

playing matches isn't grind you autismo

Reminder that RiotGames has literally admitted that the matchmaking is "Forced 40/40 +/- 10"

Attached: Forced40.png (1266x325, 55K)


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ive got around 1 mill on udyr, and my friend has 4 mill on gangplank. instantly he gets camped and the enemy jungler starts pinking all over

It was the only way to make the game prevail, the community feel wouldn't last forever anyway. And leagues strongest point is the competitive drive it awakens, honestly a pretty cool and accesible competitive experience. I don't think it was the wrong direction to take.

>locking gameplay affecting content behind grind/paywalls
Modern multiplayer shooters that do this rightfully get called out for being jewish bullshit. It is literally only this game where I see entire essays defending that judaism from both Riot employees and Riot shills.

Support and jungle roles are some of the greatest self-caused problems the game forever grappled with
Nobody wants to support or jungle since you are left as the bitch of the team depending on season
The solution they should had gone with sine 2014 would had been to just increase global gold generation and reduce money from last hits
But nooooooo
We gotta try to come up with more complicated solutions every year because THOSE DIRTY SUPPORTS ROLES GET TOO EMPOWERED AND CARRY ROLES RIOT BECAUSE THEY DONT FEEL PAMPERED ENOUGH

you aren't the top support in na because you built infinity edge and did more damage than the jungler, and you don't belong in games with more skilled players (who you will drag down)

In my 5-group of friends who used to play a lot, we had one person of each ends of this spectrum. We had a guy who was a complete metaslave, and another guy who was legitimately good and was bored of playing nothing but metachamps. He'd do shit like Ezreal support before it was popular, Janna AP carry etc, and the other guy kept sperging over it. That is, until he carried us through victory almost every game because he was a Diamon-tier player who just didn't give a shit.

One thing I never understood about League of Legends is the mere existence of flash.
Like niggu, how the fuck am I supposed to know if bot lane has used their flashes? Like, the difference is so huge, it can mean the game. On one hand they don't have flash and I kill them, on the other they have and I lose a fuckton of gold.

Nexon still owns DFO

that would be a retarded way to rate a player individual performance. i would expect more from a company making billions of dollars. perhaps they could hire more competent coders or a.i. algorithm creators. you dont belong in rating system conversations if you think thats how u should rate performance.

Support is actually popular and has agency rn lol, idk what you are on. And jungle is great if you wanna take the game seriously. IDK dude, that seems like a random opinion you got there.

It fucking killed itself, everything great about it started passing away with the heavy introduction of e-sports

Their balance team is fucked in the head and only thinks in the same FOTY champions
The art team is cucked to fuck now since anyone with talent has either been axed or left out of fear of getting "me too'd"
The community runs the game into the ground
The matchmaking is pure wank and Riot just write that off and say "don't play solo :)"
They ham up their end of season e-sports by buffing champions that are already overperforming because they would like to see them on the big screen more...fuck that...

What a fucking pathetic wreck, still can't take away the waifus though

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i miss bandit and frost queens claim. and me and my friend had a double face of the mountain strat. we would pick singed and tahm, both buy zzrots, and face of the mountain, then tahm ults singed into the base and we proxy every wave. both of use are tank gods and they have to all back to chase us around while our lanes push

you literally don't understand how match-makers work and what their function is

I hate every single game on this list.

AA and/or cast spells five times to get a special modifier for each ability.
Also you get a real fucking neato execute on your Q. Seriously, once somebody falls below the threshold then you can absolutely destroy them.

The two roles Riot has never had any idea what to do with is support and top. Jungle just always defaulted to "masturbate in bushes after your pre-set clear path for the first 10 minutes of the game".
Top lane since day 1 has been a "no man's land" with stupid autoplay champs that don't need no team that then must fall off hard or the carry role ceases to really exist.
Support went from "ward bitch" to "secondary mid mage" because of whining from support mains. Honestly, the game should have been 4v4 from the start instead of grandfathering in 5v5 from Dota. Then the strategic choice could have been to have a jungler OR a support. Carries could have been made more self sufficient with not as weak early games but not as strong late games.

you literally dont understand why lebron james makes millions of dollars even when he cant carry his team to playoffs.

I quit after I saw how much a single skin costed. Never paid attention until I hit 30 and wanted a skin for my goddess Kai’Sa but they be smoking crack if they think I’m paying that.

Not to mention the other shit you can buy. Fuck that. If you spend money on this game you’re getting scammed.

>They ham up their end of season e-sports by buffing champions that are already overperforming because they would like to see them on the big screen more...fuck that...
They do this to counter the FOTY champs, they buff their counters to be actual competitive picks. It actually worked wonders last worlds, I think it works fine.

he had an execute before. i dont like this philosophy of deleting easy to learn but not optimal characters. pantheon was a good learning character since you could bully them off of the wave and then focus on last hits. not every character needs to be "modernized"

havent spent a dollar. built up quite a nice skin collection over the years :)

Panth is mostly the same, he is easy still. I'd argue old Panth was harder because of old passive, but that's kinda like hidden difficulty, I get that the kit was simpler and cleaner.

I installed the client again and almost puked

>front page full of sailor moon waifu skins for the girls
>new champions are generic garbage, one is literally just a fucking disney cat
>reworks destroyed the soul of characters of old

the only plus side is no more runes to buy, thank fucking christ that was some bullshit

I still have yet to see a company do anything so transparently jewish as Visual Update Udyr

I still watch highlights but otherwise I’ve moved on to other video games on mobile or console

Now sure if I could play the new champions with their mini-games

pro sports (including gay esports) do not have individual assessments of skill as a function of match-making i.e. there is no attempt to make games fair. your subjective assessment of lebron james's at sportsball is irrelevant.

i love base skins udyr, hes a relic of a game we wont get back

>muh soul
Only few champions didnt need a rework.
That being Aatrox and Warwick

The rest were garbage to play against and with.

lmao the game still looks it's from 2001

The cat is actually fun as it has silly mechanic
My issues is that recent releases and rebalances are all about requiring good mechanics for absurd rewards. Only Sona is the simple champion that is good seriously

member me?

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>shitting on the cat

its complete horseshit how urgot, yorick, taric all got reworked for being impossible to balance point and clicks yet sona gets to stay. just because she has massive boobs and people buy her skins, literally the only reason that champion still exists in that awful form

players are successfully individually ranked in pro sports via income. not successfully ranked in league of legends. its all based on your team wins and losses as you stated earlier. u suck at arguing btw, dont be a lawyer lol.

suffer as i do

>I kind of miss 2013

Ye the muh sould tards are people that haven't installed the game since like 5 years.
They keep the soul on most reworks, and the ones that get their kit deleted where trash design most of the time. Sometimes it's unfortunate / infuriating, but the game quality is so much higher because of the reworks.

I generally miss old league, when games lasted longer than 25 minutes on average
literally 100% of my wins end in a surrender vote at 20 or 21 minutes
I also miss that you could die one or two times to the enemy laner without him instantly being able to towerdive you 24/7 without any hassle

thats literally how elo systems work

>the year of braum and jinx spam


I've noticed players can highlight that the enemy used their flash in chat. I've asked but nobody ever tells me how to do it. How?

I still miss old Urgot and old Swain and I'll never forgive Riot for remaking either, even if I like new Urgot. New Swain can eat a dick, though.

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nigger braum was released in 2015

hit tab and click on their flash. you can do it for their other summoner too

Sona has low range so she can get away with it, taric was too binary. Urgot I agree they changed it too much but it was for the sake of identity i would guess (why the hell would that big guy be an artillery caster). Yorick was cancer, but the rework wasn't to exciting too gameplay wise, i agree on that.

I know right, I guess it has something to do with """inferioty""" because someone is considered old school. Personally I dont give a shit

season 2013 you stupid coomer

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no there are salary caps in sportsball and subjective factors beyond performance such as popularity. if sportsball had games made up of assigned teams around assessments of skill then good players would have objective ratings for performance. but they are entertainment, so like esports teams are assembled by third parties based upon finances and tons of teams (all of north america) get completed stomped, because they are made up of shitters (who are paid better than superior players due to subjective factors)

have you guys seen how desperate and pathetic the youtube league or legends ads are? they get le wacky relatable animators to go “REMEMBER THIS GAME EXISTS”

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taric was my mid lane ace to take on zeds. nothing was better than finishing iceborn/sunfire and getting an endless stream of bitching from the dude in all chat since he cant play the game

Ok boomer

you should even be able to lane against zed and he will push you in and go kill your bot lane

So, let's talk about the real issue here. Which is the official Yea Forums ranking for the KDA girls?

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Try Garen or Renek mid vs assassins.


old taric w was nuts damage, and he had a point and click stun. you started ruby crystal pots, and then fast backed for bamis so you could cs easily. then get the ibg, tabi, finish sunfire and push all day while zed cant stay in lane.

League of Losers lmao

this stupid line of skins epitomizes everything i dislike about the game and the people it attracts.


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koreans that are better than you at video games?

I enjoying scripting my way up to master league back in the day
entertained me for a good couple of months, maybe even a whole year if you include coding
was a good time mostly for the salt and smooth ladder grind after tuning the script just right
dont understand how people unironically play and tryhard in this unfun garbage of a game though

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Is it dead? I heard it got a new influx with the battle chess mode.
To why it died:
>Riot despised its fan base and tried everything to stamp out “wrong think”
>unnecessary remakes and champions that are self inserts of the developers
>casuals switched over to overwatch because it’s more fun and has a lower skill ceiling

>Modern multiplayer shooters that do this rightfully get called out for being jewish bullshit
yet everybody praises COD4MW even though its gameplay and content entails everything modern COD gets shit on for

How did we get from this...

Attached: Nikafeet2.png (1280x720, 742K) this?

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>VS NuAkali in mid
>Play Garen because fuck the meta, fuck those overdesgined shit, fuck myself since most likely will get rekt and fuck it.
>Garen BTFO Akali

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Just let me fucking say it. I hear it on the radio for 20 years and all over entertainmemt and yet somehow I'm not allowed to do the copycat monkeybrain thing? Fuck you nigger nigga.


ugh and then they took what was unique about aatrox out. Now it's just male riven


By using a PC to play videogames.

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No, it's that it's mostly waifufag pandering nowadays

Because players below diamond are shit and can't play them properly. You can't use winrate to deduce wether the champ is busted or not.

Alive and kicking.
For a 10 yo game thas awesome.

No one is switching to fucking overwatch lol.
The self insert thing idk what you are even talking about. It's not dead, Yea Forumstards.


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When is League of Legends 2 coming out?

They killed hyper carrying in the game and brought a lot of catch up mechanics.

At the very least allow me to split push riot without the towers having a gorillon armor and Mr.

Also they killed most of my fav champs and left riven, Darius and yas intact.

I don't care that riv and has are high skill capped they are bullshit to play against and deserve proper nerds defensively:

Remove yasuos windwall or nerf the duration to like a milli second.

Make Ribbons shield physical DMG exclusive so at least she has some kind of proper counter.


As fun as he was that champ was literally only good when on hit items were broken and shit any other time.

Kayle and aatrox should have never been reworked

holy shit

Original Graves was my favorite ADC and they fucking ruined him, if it wasn't for Jhin I would have stopped playing a long time ago

Never forget

>dude stack on-hits and be shitty master yi

>can't spam nigger in chat anymore then game is bad

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i had a replay saved on my old laptop right before he got reworked. i was playing him top, disconnected in the middle of a fight with yasuo. i kill him, and then fizz ganks my afk body and i kill him too. champion was so much fun

Say what you want about old aatrox new Aatrox is just riven.

Also right at the end old aatrox was basically one of the best top Laners In the game

player individual performance can only be rated 1v1 or 1vSpecialChallengeDesignedToRateEveryoneEqually

New Aatrox is what Riven should have been.
Actual combos and not cancelling

>They killed hyper carrying
Maybe for you lmao

I just don't get why they wouldn't leave old champs in the game instead of deleting them
just make an announcement that you aren't going to balance them anymore(until they become a real problem) and you'd still get dosh from skin sales while offering even content

shut the fuck up you absolute faggot, reading your post is dropping my T-score by the second

I write retarded/untemensch/demented/faggot(sometimes)/get cancer/get euthanized/If only Franco followed Germany in euthanizing retards(when playing with retarded spaniards)/you're ancestors managed to avoid camps I see (when playing against retarded germans)/etc and I never got one mere chat restricted even.


best thing about WW rework was how everyone was defending it with "muh old Warwick clunky, new Warwick sooo much better" and then everybody realized that his new Q was clunky incarnate

And you wonder why people don't want to play with you. Yikes.
Eres un parguela nano, sal de este sitio que te esta haciendo daño en el seso.

I stopped caring about balance when Zed came out
>an Assassin with higher poke range, lower CDs, energy instead of mana and inherent higher damage than Xerath

>All the reports about how terrible and crazy their work environment is?
funny because that just became a thing in the last 2 years, before that everybody praised rito for their top notch work environment

That's straight up not true, even in the days of zed being strong (7 years ago at least). Plus there's more factors, Xerath is safer and has better wave clear.

>They killed hyper carrying in the game and brought a lot of catch up mechanics.
game is snowballier than ever tho

Same for me but the guy had dumped like 500$ into the account and had all the champions unlocked so like... bunch of free stuff.

It probably makes him seethe and it gives me energy to imagine how butthurt he is over it. Doubly so considering he was a diamond player and all I do is play meme games with my friends.

I don't wonder, you rat. I'm well aware but honestly idgaf. I have more fun this way, this game has become so much shit but I invested quite the time and the money even that I'm not willing to quit it for now and for a good while until those shitty servers are up (sunk cost, I know).
It's funnier to actually flame the retards that winning in this underfun game, let alone when you are forced to play a lost game for said retards. I don't flame (anymore) premades though if they are in my fl, i flame premades in other's friend list that start bothering me though.

Dumb silvertard. A champion with no escape can't be "safe". The only thing he has is range and even then you need really good positioning in team fights to be effective and in lane you can't pressure because if you go into the middle of the lane to try and force a kill you're either spreading your ass cheeks for a gank or straight up opening yourself to missing a skill shot and getting untucked by le big play assassin that just jumps on you with 1/4 hp but destroys you from 90%hp, often with a target ulti.
Not to mention the fact that mana and energy aren't comparable in any way.

Lmao you are complaining about zed and calling me silver tard. He has wave clear from tower, of course he is safer than fucking zed's waveclear, that requires him to burn his 12 seconds escape. I REALLY don't understand this fucking board, how can people be so DELUSIONAL? The audacity of calling me silver with those trash opinions, I still can't believe it.

Except Ubisoft isn't even an American company so that one is out too

>he only thing he has is range and even then you need really good positioning in team fights
That's true, he is a hard champ since it's all skillshots. But let me tell you I've played some tourneys and it's a pretty popular pick in amateur stuff since it's super safe, and stalls the game super well, think of him as some kind of anivia.
>and in lane you can't pressure because if you go into the middle of the lane to try and force a kill you're either
That's the thing senpai, you don't have to get close vs zed, you can grab a kill from REALLY far away, or at least force him out of lane. You gotta watch some good Xerath players to get that nonsense that Xerath is bad out of your head.
And yeah, Zeds level 6 is brainless and pretty much freekill for him without doing anything flashy, but a good zed is as much about positioning late game as a good Xerath. IDK why I'm even trying with you desu

I was describing Warwick, old Aatrox could at least build like Jax/Xin do and be useful

Retard, you can't perfect cs under turret and you can still get dove, especially pre rework Xerarh. Stay silver, scrub.

he has higher range than Xerath
and I really hope you remember the days when Zed was pick/ban because he could 1v2 literally everyone and just mindlessly splitpushed until he destroyed every inhibitor or his team finally engaged 4v3 winning the game

Now or then? Because now CSing underneath a turret is hilariously ridiculously easy. Turrets deal enough damage to bring them to last hitting range.

>That's the thing senpai, you don't have to get close vs zed, you can grab a kill from REALLY far away, or at least force him out of lane.
because when I try to force him out of lane, he just shadowsteps onto me(under tower) and bursts me down in 1 second on lvl 3

Stopped playing like 5 years ago, was getting tired of the constant shitty reworks, favoritism, new generic artstyle, shitty new champions, etc... It just feels completely soulless now.

>Constant remakes
I'm more annoyed they're basically killing off the characters outside of Warwick who you could pretend he got mutated further and forgot about Soraka. Mechanically the game's been in the shitter for years now so I would care less about that.

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>People playing ranked after hitting gold

Why waste your time? My normal games are way more fun, and it's not like you get anything else for ranking further. Literally just climbed with support swain because he's fun, plus making ADC mains cry because of not being able to dodge his slow as hell E is great.

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american alimentation

Lootbox ban can't come soon enough.

That's too much. FGO isn't even a game.

>100k more views than the 2nd most popular game on twitch.

I have the S1 cup and never anyone said anything

oh its the monthly reminder to check up on ahri porn again

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>why can't a kill a carry with a full tank build
lmao imagine not going AP with malphite, you could have instakilled that tristana even with a negative KDA
Malphite has a lot of baseline armor, its useless to go full tank, you need damage

Every single character is a ninja with four dashes that go through wall and can oneshot you in a second.

They will keep dying as long as they keep alienating their older players to pander to 12 year old ADD retards

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>pick tank
>throw throw CCs on their frontline instead of their carries
>wtf why did I die
dotards really can't handle a game with no big aoe stun

there's a skill-based matchmaking
you can't have 80% winrate against people who have the same level as you

>be an insufferable faggot
>get banned
nothing wrong here

You realize Karthus is one of the strongest jungles right now? You can make pretty much anything up to mid diamond ish

>They will keep dying
but they're as strong as ever

Is it worth picking up this champ just for the loli skin?

she's hard to play

>lost 1/3rd of their revenue in 1 year
>even through the hyper successful kpop shit
>went megajew mode this year to make up
>paid achievements
>Cutting on champ spotlights, rework skin particles, 975rp or less skins etc.
>focusing on autochess mode while the main game is in shambles
>moving core devs to research&development instead of trying to keep their dying game alive
Yeah, thriving!

>the main game is in shambles
the game is in a pretty good state at the moment
every champions can be played

really? for some reason this game is really popular among girls

I remember a few years ago when people didn't understand the concept of counter play. I played ap/mpen double dorans malph top and totally dabbed on niggas. 1 out of 5 tops ragequitted before laning phase was over. At level 5 a q did like 30% of their health. It was a slaughter.

that would explain why so many of my teammates are utter garbage

I got permad 3 times for negative attitude. I wasnt even throwing insults and was defending myself. At worst i called aomeone a jew.
Finally dropped this piece of shit game.

China will keep it alive for years to come, the game is absolutely huge there.

>I got permad 3 times
>dindu nuffin

Biggest=/= most profitable
LoL just netted 8M concurrent players

How come the 10 biggest games are all shit?

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The only RTS getting even the smallest bit of attention is WC3 Reforged, which will just devolve into custom games again, with a billion games of dota on top

>friends won't play anything else than LoL or WoW anymore
Is this what getting old mean? We used to play all kinds of stuff

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idk i still play it and think its pretty fun
i met my boyfriend over it

what aboutAoE2 definitive edition.
aoe2 even now on steam has 10k players daily

Is dota really this simple? Fucking casual autopilot trash. No wonder it devolved into auto-chess.

>What killed it, Yea Forums?
it died? what happened

smite > LoL
but both have had their arstyle turned into disgusting faggotry and the god/champ roster overcrowded so I'm sorry for you lads

shame hi-rez is terrible company also not that i care about graphics but unreal 3 engine is outdated as fuck and uses 70% of cpu even when alt tabbed during queue which are long as fuck because game is half dead

Ranked was a mistake in the first poace

it only got worse with the akali rework

The cat is actually based because it copies Mina's attachment ability from Dawngate

I really liked his original version but I have really gotten into Swain again recently his kit changed but his style is still the same.

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Add swain

>Remake old HP cost champion
>get rid of costs but keep their healing
I don't know what the fuck riot was thinking with Morde and Aatrox

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The cat is based because it enables The Destruction Man.

I love League Legends.

Who is that?

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>League threads don't reach bump limit anymore.

Its truly dead I guess...

>hard to play

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yuumi is literally e-girl the champion, she requires 0 mechanical skill to play and is immortal as long as the her boyfriend know how to attack move properly

>Mechanically the game's beed in the shitter for years

I think the main problem is that all reflexes oriented counter-play we have in the last years. An example is Rengar,alone you cannot outplay Rengar's damage, he will jump on you and do his thing, to counter him you must ward and play with the team to survive, and league community has been hating that more and more, to the point even this idea has filtered the rework and new champions teams.

The second problem and more recent one is the expansion of the brand: This year league events are boring, no more login themes and art, and a bunch of other soul thing that got gutted to be more sellable, see the new logo. With Riot dividing their attention they are losing themselves. Also Fuck TFT

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It went out of fashion. Like all fads eventually do.

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Souless new champions that have 2 dashes in their kit or some other shit. It all started with zed and yasuo and went downhill from there.

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Metafags, waifushittery, and cosmeticfags but metafagging happens to all esports, though. Which reminds me, FUCK Loda for crying like a bitch and asked for Fountain hooks to be removed.

Get fucked shitbag
>they just want to press buttons and win
That's YOU you are the garbage grandpa player complaining that new champions actually have strategy instead of point and click iwin bullshit like twisted fate or annie from years past

>tfw they killed ap yi and nidalee years ago
no fun allowed

it is
the Q is hard to land on the correct target and E is shit in teamfights because everyone will break the sleep

>The evil is defeated.
Wait wat
What happened?

>LoL thread
>zero (0) lewd pics
Are you guys fucking retarded?

Get fucked by a yordle user, this is a videogame board

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kys coomer
you are the reason LoL is trash now

league is the best state it's ever been and I play since pre-s1

>should have never been reworked
I think nuKayle is underwhelming in almost every regard, but that doesn't mean the old Kayle wasn't boring as fuck. She had one of the highest winrates but lowest pick rates in the game. It was basically build the necessary items and walk into fights. She absolutely shredded everything in sight with ZERO skill or thought.

One ought to have known. Perhaps one did know

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>I think the main problem is that all reflexes oriented counter-play we have in the last years. An example is Rengar,alone you cannot outplay Rengar's damage, he will jump on you and do his thing, to counter him you must ward and play with the team to survive, and league community has been hating that more and more, to the point even this idea has filtered the rework and new champions teams.
This is unironically true. We can't even have point and click CC because "WOOOOOW HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO COUNTER THAT?" so every champ needs to be all skillshots and unreliable shit and every champ needs 1564 dashes so you can epic big play dodge everything they throw at you.

Crossfire was pretty fun to just casually hop in and play, granted this was like 5 or more years ago

Buff jax

Just give me my 2 weeks of URF so I can be done with this piece of shit game for 6 months or so.

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>Old Kayle
In a game where everything has dozens of dashes, she is pretty much a refresher.

There are plenty of other characters in the game without dashes if you're that autistic about it. Kayle was just boring.