Play new bounty hunter update

>play new bounty hunter update
>only capture black people and women

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yea the update is trash. its still boring as fuck

This. I can't believe they finally added some depth to the game in the form of classes, only to put them behind stupid barriers or a pay wall. The only reason I have the bounty hunter is because it comes with my Amazon prime subscription.

if you're expecting anything but cashgrab updates from R* you're going to be very disappointed

The Trader is also free for all PS4 players.

Stop whining you fucking nigger. They literally gave us double gold weeks before the update so we can acquire them for the roles. It's your fault you don't play the game and expect everything handed to you.

And dont forget that jewstar games have been throwing hundreds of gold for free at the entire playerbase and gave us the trader role for free which makes you even more money than anything else in the game.

>go to deliver 50 goods
>accidentally hit a rock
>whole wagon breaks

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25 Gold bars have been deposited in your Rockstar Games account.

.t seething tranny

Red Dead Online is finally starting to shape up, this update was nice. On the 10th I was level 38, now I'm level 65 and I'm drowning in cash, I have 40 gold bars and I never spent a single dollar in microtransactions.
Is so easy to level up on Trader and Collector, Bounty Hunter is a bit buggy but rockstar just added legendary bounties.

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seeving twanny huhuhuuhh

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I disagree but they should definitely expand on the roles soon


based shredder

Territory showdown is great. Elimination takes too long.
What ability cards do you guys use?
I got paint it black, gunslinger, the stamina damage buff, and heal on damage.
2 Lemats for playing the objective, a sniper and a bow for sneaky kills.

damn cant believe some people on here defending this shitty update, i can expect that from the red dead subreddit but not here lmao
half a year and we get this shit

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PiB, fool me once, winning streak, eye for an eye
lemats, rolling block and trying to decide between litchfield and lancaster

yeah so basically rdo is reddit and if you enjoy it you should kill yourself

I still havent been able to counter 1 free roam mission, no one does them. Is there any area where it happens more? Ive seen it pop up 2 times after many hours of play and it seemed random and way too far.

Trash game. What were they thinking with the fucking multiplayer?

I like the game but this blatant comment tactic is used too often. Before a thread about a game is about to die a guy bumps it with a comment about hating it. No shame at all.

It's the truth tho
