
Is this game good yet? It's been six years since beta.

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Its actually worse.

No, and it never will be. Retard.

Why am I a retard? Fuck you nigger.

Fuck this game. Has some cool alien races trapped in a game the developers gave up on before it had a chance.

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It got worse, which is sad. They completely destroyed the planet and monster generation to give a more 'cohesive' experience.

A real shame indeed. Will Chucklefuck ever get their comuppance or will the consolefag audience keep their parasitical scum life afloat?

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I unironically like the game.

How? Theres absolutely nothing redeemable from this shit.

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It's fun.

fun is a meaningless buzzword used to scam gullible retards out of their money

Sucks that this cute alien race especially is stuck indefinitely in this trash heap.

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I fucking hate the devs, but to be honest the game is actually amazing.
Your always setting goals for yourself and trying to build or make new things. It's really impossible to get bored. I really loved playing with this mod called Frackin universe. It adds like 10x the content to the game. Like, its fucking amazing. I have never been bored playing with that mod, theirs literally always some new crazy thing to build or awesome weapon to make or cool shit to explore. would highly recommend if you havn't played with FU before.

We can all agree the devs are fucking shit, and chuckle fish at large are jewey fucks who don't update their fucking games. but starbound doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, it has great pixel graphics, absolutely AMAZING soundtrack, pretty epic main story, one of the best modding communities, and wins my award for being comfy as fuck.

found the brainlet

user, it's a sub mediocre fucking game that does a bad job of ripping off games that did it better.

It only gets by on "indie" cred and being hip and cute.
Now that we know the kind of\greedy useless pieces of shit that are behind it, it's fucked forever.

>this game is great if you install mods!

>epic main story
Lmao what the fuck is this? The story is such a joke and doesn't even do "le ancient evil awakens" right.

>but to be honest the game is actually amazing

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I said it has a great modding community user
the game stands on its on very well.

Tell me user, what didint you like?
I mean about the game, not its development.
Give me some actual criticism here, Threads like this rarely ever take off so its almost impossible to discuss the actual game
I would honestly love to talk about your opinion on the game

every update is a constant mix-up between "we fixed some bugs", implementing a feature that you'll get bored of in a day that was promised years ago, and padding out content that was already there in a more enjoyable state.

the modding community, rather than making the actual gameplay feel better or more enjoyable, decided the thing this game needed was more grinding and billions of useless cosmetics. this might just be because of what the devs gave them in the API, because anyone smart enough to work without one would be too smart to invest time into this game.

>dev doesn't abandon the game during early access
>instead they actively work on ways to make it worse and remove features

They destroyed planet and monster generation to cookie-cutter the shit out of everything. I enjoyed having planets where I actually had to build defenses because there were some kind of insane acid-spitting flying monsters.

Not him but there qre so many things to get into on why this game sucks shit and isn't fun.

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>I really loved playing with this mod called Frackin universe.
from what i saw of the content, it was 500 more materials to clog yourself with, reskins of environment effects, and reskins of armor/weapons to combat those environment effects. what actually makes this good compared to something like terraria's mod scene that makes unique weapons or actually modifies how your character plays?

Game is shit and they abused countless artists/coders/musicans/etc for free work (even toby fox called them out on it after he did music for him that they ignored, and when he got huge all of a sudden they back ported those music samples he did that they never commented on after he showed them).

I see what you want, while I'd like to put it into words, I'm really not eloquent enough and also don't have enough time, however a few months ago a I watched a video that managed to perfectly encapsulate my feelings. I'll link it to you at the risk of you just calling me an eceleb cocksucker or something similar.

i should probably correct the "we fixed some bugs" part because the bugs they fix are never the ones that crash your game. have fun avoiding anything that makes your computer lag for even a split second, because that's an omen that you're not supposed to be here!

What would it take to make this shitheap good?

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there's no endgame in terms of how the player feels walking around and actually fighting things - the most efficient abilities you're ever going to have, mobility-wise, are a clunky car that you have to wait through 2 loading screens to fix if you touch a piece of the ground wrong, and air dash which you get whenever you happen to run into the randomly awarded materials you need for it. neither of these feel particularly great compared to even the mobility options you had in the beta, and a mod or two that actually tried to give you more upgrades is no longer compatible. the popular mods you can still play without a hassle only add sidegrades.

this is the same essential issue with combat, as well. you will NEVER go beyond trying to magdump your energy bar into someone behind a wall, or pulling out a sword/gun and shield if you happen to care about your health bar afterward. every tier of armor and planet in this game, even in FU, is a grind wall to experience this boring game loop in a new colored background.

if this were terraria, you'd be stuck with a shortsword and bow and never reach the point where you even have a cloud in a bottle. if it were minecraft, you'd similarly only be hitting a creeper with a stone sword and running away, unaware of anything you could seek out to make the experience more fun in either scenario.

it'd take a fundamental rethinking of the gameplay loop and how much agency they want the player to have to fix this game for anyone who wasn't using it as a dress up simulator, and with what they've been doing behind the scenes i don't think they have anyone respectable around to give it that thought.

The fact it doesn't have a single random event that can happen where unique monsters spawn is pretty cringe in on itself.

>I unironically liked the game.
ftfy. Planet hopping and destroying settlements was fun

They better BACK OFF or I'm gonna SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT

No it's AIM, AIM, AIM AIM AIM ya dummy.

FUCK I'm more retarded than retardski

>Faithful restoration and expansion of the lore
>Procedural monsters not being waste of time fodder, uniques being rare as hell
>Give a reason to go underground, as you can literally beat the game without ever going underground outside of the first mission for the fragments
>Removal of Asra Nox, because holy fuck how can you make such an obnoxious throwaway character into some major character and not give them ANY character besides that of a generic mook
>Make it so any planet type can appear anywhere, and they scale properly
>Also make shit scale to 10, game ends way too soon
>Delete that shitty arcade you find in space with the poorly written visual novel minigame
Hell, there's way too much that NEEDS to be done first before quality of life things. Going back to the time when Sector X was endgame, races had lore that wasn't dumbed down and "humans, but alien", Agaran were horrifying parasitic bandits, and more diverse biomes would be the best way to start. Everything about the game after they dropped this bit ruined the fun.

First thing I'd change immediately is getting rid of that stupid fucking energy bar thats tied to everything and have a proper ammo system. It's like they aren't even attempting to utilize the setting correctly.

I'll have to disagree slightly here. Ammo in this game would be obnoxious since you know damn well they would make it take inventory space rather than be similar to a number tracked on a window like pixels and that purple stuff.

Speaking of which, a gun that fires currency would be a neat change of pace. You get rich real fucking fast in the game, so putting it to use would be nice.

Why not add seperate ammo slots that fill up to 999 like in Terraria? Also you could have unique effects for projectile based weapons like incendiary, explosive, armor piercing, pulse rounds, tracer rounds. coinshot, dirty ammo, recycled ammo and energy cartridges being regular, recycled, overcharge and max charge for higher damage.

Been playing a lot of F:NV?

user, this is Chucklefish. You get points for being optimistic and full of dreams, but you lose points for forgetting who is behind the game.

I saw some webms here and thought this shit was 2D No Man's Sky but with mechs. Turns out the mechs are mods and no one but the player uses them so they're pretty OP. Kinda lame.

Just play Terraria

It was probably the first game that taught me how versatile kinetic projectile ammo can be so yes.

Just wait for Terraria's last big update. 3 months to go.

Yeah, the mech system is by far the worst thing they've added post-release. Janky ass controls, awful loot aside from the random space weapons that can be found in chests, the most obnoxious enemies possible FUCK those green orb-shitting cunts, and it's required to finish the last bounty mission (objectively the only good thing about release, even if it's pretty much the same shit over and over). No Man's Sky is less of a letdown than Starbound.

Is that mod that lets you make a custom ship block by block compatible with the current version? That was the one thing that gave me joy in this wasteland of a game.

It has gotten hardly any updates since it was officially released. And it only got worse.