Now that it's out, what are your thoughts so far?
AI: The Somnium Files
Other urls found in this thread:
What is her problem?
(In tags)
is there romance in the game?
I'm not feeling the humor or banter in the first somnium sequence
the atmosphere at the start was pretty good though
Fuck. I'm stuck at work. Aaaaaaahhhh, just let me play the fucking game
Oh, almost forgot about it. Might have to pick it up later.
do you get to play as a girl in this one
I have to wait for the reviews
I think only the guy
Does Uchikoshi jump the shark or recycle ideas in this one?
Uchikoshi really does need Nakazawa back to keep him in check.
Who is the best girl? Is it Mizuki?
mizuki is extremely cute
You have direct control of the AI (female) girl in certain sections
Is this game meant to be comedic?
it has a lot of comedy, typical of uchikoshi
>MC lives with a loli
>both of her parents are alive
I need doujinshi for this game. The character designs really speak to my dick.
Death March Club is the real one to get hyped for:
Reminder that Hiroyuki Kanno had sharper wit than Uchikoshi.
Yu-No is pure shit and the only praise it deserves is that it was one of the first VNs to try to have an story
As a story it isn't that much better than ZTD
>t. someone who didn't play the game
t. literal brainlet
more like t. someone who fell for the "Yu-No is anything other than a really mediocre dating sim with minimal serious plot elements that don't even get fully explained in the end and terrible characters" meme
I want all those hours back you fuckers, can't believe people unironically think that garbage is a the best visual novel of all time let alone a visual novel worth reading
Aiba's design alone makes me want to buy this game, and waifufaggotry almost never works on me
Is the dude in the middle - MC? I really like design.
How's his 3d model? Is it anywhere close or it's garbage?
only been able to put two hours into it
It's definitely not bad compared to Time Dilemma's models
Post Ai pantsu
Best girl of 2019
You can sex your stepmother tho
Holy hell im not alone. Yu-no was mediocre as fuck dunno why anyone praises it.
the stepmother was the worst character in the entire thing and had the worst route of them all
If I actually wanted incest porn in my VNs I would actually play some nukige instead of reading shitty incest drama in a VN that can't commit to romance or plot
Because it either was their first VN or they really haven't played many at all
What the fuck was Uchikoshi thinking?
>the best visual novel of all time
People say this about literally every VN before it comes out in English. I remember people on Yea Forums being all pretentious about what a masterpiece the SAO LNs were before the anime came out. People are just stupid.
>"""japanese humor"""
>tfw waiting for the physical release
She's a florescent shrimp
This is my dotter and if anything happens to her I’m killing everyone in this room and also myself
Now that I’ve said that I’m leaving the thread because I don’t want to spoil myself
I have the shrimplust
Buy in steam. It freezes in intro. Who has the same issue?
Wait what the fuck is this? Did translators made Date a cuck? Is this in jp version?
Can I run this game if my computer can handle ZTD? Required specs listed on Steam is pretty high
>torrent game
>start up exe
>black screen with fancy cursor
guess I'll never know if the game is good
He self inserts as he chad, obviously
Yes, in the JP version, it's NTR JAV. So far i've also had him be confronted with him watching "captured woman spy" JAV as well, which he spins off as training videos.
Very important appendix entry.
Japanese games are not known for being demanding.
Glad I didn't buy this piece of trash game.
Hopefully another flop by Spike Chunsoft.
dilate you fucking tranny
you're the one crying about a throwaway line done in a japanese visual novel
have sex
cringe and yikespilled
Fucking yikes. Glad I didn't buy this shit
You barreled into this thread in an attempt to derail discussion all because of a 30 second clip, complete with DILATE TRANNY LOL.
Is this real?
Yes. She says that in nip too.
It's a game made by the Zero Escape guy. It was either gonna sell enough to be considered somewhat profitable or it's gonna flap.
agreed user it's disgusting
back to your discord you freaks
you about to join the 40% club before the year ends anyway
She's cute! Does the MC adopt or marry her? Either would be acceptable
Why did you respond to yourself
keep crying bitch nigga
Adopts before the events of the story
I’m politically right wing but we usually take our time to build up a logical fact-based argument rather than going “DILATE TRANNY LMAO”
Japs see the gay community as a novelty because it holds no power in their society. Uchikoshi probably thinks they're cool in the same way he'd think an American riding a motorcycle with a bandana and a leather jacket is cool.
kys and all the freaks in the discord
you are life failures with 0% chances of being saved
where is the NSP
i'm sorry i'll change my opinion to yikes and cringepilled
If you're gonna go on a tirade at least post more than "LOL SUICIDE RATES, DILATE". Also using Discord as an example is fucking retarded since there's literally no such thing as a centralized userbase for a server-based community. If they're in your server that's a you problem.
2/10 got me to reply
Ben Shapiro over here
Gay community is one thing, LGBT is another. That's an acronym I really don't want to hear from anything coming out of japan.
I mean look at pride parades in Japan then compare them to here. They’re very quiet, and you wouldn’t even be able to tell they were gay if it weren’t for the flags because they all look normal. In the west it’s just complete anarchy and degeneracy, they’re dressed up like freakish aliens doing all types of fucked up shit for attention
keep crying bitch nigga
keep samefagging tranny
t. Literally didn’t read my response. I bet I could have agreed with you and you’d still call me a tranny.
damn all those fags triggered in here
are we getting raided again?
so how is the game? is it worth it?
At least it isn’t feminism
you're the only one triggered in here
stop throwing a temper tantrum because a random jap thinks gays are interesting
Well Yea Forums?
These types of games are usually defined by their crazy plot twists, and I don’t think anyone has beat it yet.
the pic doesn't say gay does it now?
also, dilate
obviously, im just asking for first impressions. how is it compared to the previous games?
I’m pretty sure he was talking about the person that posted them to bait people to begin with
Question. Do you like rick and morty style science mumbo jumbo and or the writing of the Zero Escape series? If the answer is yes to either or both of those questions, then it's probably worth it.
LGBT just means gay to me, I don't keep up with the alphabet people and their 20 made up terms
The characters are more interesting than zero escape’s but that’s mainly because the setting is more flexible and you get to see more than life or death tension all the time
havent seen rick and morty, i had to turn off the first episode because of ricks voice acting but i do love 999.
i think ill check it out when i find some time
Gib torrent plz
what's the problem? john wayne gacy was at least twice the painter jackson pollock was
Nice, I'll keep waiting for a physical copy
it's good thing that word is spreading out
just pirate this trash and be done with it
bye bye uchikoshi you tranny-loving hack
My thoughts are it would be great if the game launched for me.
if it's not lefties being triggered about a tranny being portrayed wrong in catherine it's righties being triggered about a throwaway lgbt line
horseshoe theory grows truer by the day
Why is the dialogue so cringe?
Why did /pol/ target this of all games?
still don't know why you're upset about the recognition of thoughtful musician michael alig.
>THAT one case from years ago
Yep it's an Uchikoshi game alright
bros, how could this happen...
Read the thread, the writer is pozzed, not the TL
>that writter dabing on the faggot with the Estelle avatar
If you find it so abhorrent then why even spend time on it? The fuck is this clown logic?
they aren't righties - they are larping faggots that don't have any true identity other than to constantly look for things to make them mad.
Do people even know what this word means anymore?
Live action role play - and thats what most of these faggots are doing.
Oof. Yikes.
>That slight cameltoe
don't answer the goddamn phone, close the curtains and lock the door
Give spoilers
oh, and i forgot, you also have to destroy all the books
Google is the main villain
they have mental problems
What is the actual context for the LGBT mention?
One of the characters is an okama bar mama who also works as an informer.
OK, that makes a lot more sense then. thanks
I wish this thread was my popular than the shit talking thread. I bet 75% of those posters didn't even buy the game
Well 100% of the fags they're pandering to aren't going to be buying it either.
>other thread got deleted
Just saw that. About God damn time
I just wanna discuss the game with people who actually bought it
>please don't ruin the meaning of my precious vampire the masquerade themed renaissance fair club
This is definitely a soja game
You're right, after Zanki Zero got censored I stopped buying Spike Chunsoft games.
I like it
Iris' minecraft somnium is some shit, get me out of there. You have to do the two paths too.
>Story has branching paths
>Finished kikAI but can't get to jinnAI
Can I redo kik and unlock jinn? Should I just go back and try to go another path? Did I get a bad ending with kik?
Both sides of the first real somnium are the two main branches of the plot. Neither are good or bad. Down each side it'll split some more.
>buying games
>Game also has references to cuckoldry
Does the game freeze at the very start for anyone else? Like immediately after launching it.
>game has a reference to that one anri okita porn where she sucks the barrel of a gun.
>Game also has futa references
No loli no buy.
I bought it.
I knew hackikoshi was a shit writer since morphogenetic fields, why did it take tranny dicksucking for you to realize, Yea Forums?
Damn shame you missed out on the DR team's best game all because of tertiary scenes
There's a 12 year old, very mature loli who wears a yellow jacket and deadlifts.
the protagonist lives together with a little girl.
He is not related to the little girl. The parents of the little girl are alive.
She sees an Asukafag
What the fuck were they thinking picking a godawful font like this.
>no romance path where Date bangs the girl with big tits
i don't give a shit about the LGBT references, porn references or characters.
is the STORY good? are the TWISTS good? is it even close to 999 or is it ZTD tier?
Nobody has played it for long enough yet, but the consensus so far is that it's better than ZTD.
uh torrent when
There's a joke ending where you run away with Ritsuko.
its good.
Reminds me of VLR
>better than ZTD
is this supposed to mean something?
>it's better than trash
i would fucking hope so
>asks if the story is good
>has an image of a character spouting out hot garbage writing and pandering
stop playing this game, AIs are evil.
Remember the good old days?
I was going to pirate the game anyways, but at least this time I can do it without regrets
Which game had the best opening?
Root Double
I don't like the LGBT community, but you are overreacting, dude. The game is full of cool stuff and waifus, I don't care what a minor character says.
How to fix freeze in intro?
it's op poster.
i'll pick remember11
why are /pol/acks such snowflakes?
Is Aiba officially the Yea Forums girl of the year?
yes, because she remind me of Demi-Fiend and she's autistic cute.
can you romance anybody here? do all girls crave for date's dick? i am kinda getting tired of that troop
There you go. Japan slowly getting fucked by SJWs and subverted too, as I predicted.
I started to notice this while playing Gravity Rush 2 where the story was a socialist/marxist wet dream. Then Catherine Full Body, and now this.
Of course, these assholes don't know about Resetera, universities resembling totalitarian China during the cultural revolution etc.
First, Japan was slowly subverted by kabbalist/gnostic crap all over the 90s and 2000s. Now it's getting closer to mimicing Western commies ideals.
Expect a whole lot more of SJW/LGBT crap from Japan now, and even more if they want to catter to the West like Uchikoshi.
How do you feel about her?
What does 'Skip Unseen Content' option do, just started the game.
It defaults to being on.
lmao get fucked republicuck
Blame yourself or god.
You sure that's a loli?
Eat shit.
I don't like this character...
This game feels like a new ace attorney.
Yes. No real competition in 2019.
That's awfully sexist of you, user.
Good. I hope more Japanese devs and games follow suit. I'm sick of "le japan is so based for being toxic pieces of shit".
kill yourself
>oh I use a single out of context line as jutification to pirate a niche visual novel
Nooo, I can only coom to anime tiddy nooooo delete this
Is there a way to use controller and mouse combo controls?
uhm, guys?
I don't give a shit about "LGBT community", but if you want to do something like this there has to be a subtler way.
This sounds like a PR statement or something. No real person talks like this.
Anybody else on PC having the problem where the game freezes at the intro cutscene after the "this game is a work of fiction" screen? There's a bunch of posts about it on the Steam forum.
i'm broke but i want to play this so bad.
>Nintendo bonus isn't real they said
How do I change move camera view to wasd and just let the cursor move with mouse! My mouse and arrow keys are both fucking right hand side FUCK!
>replies to the wrong post
>calls other people brainlet
that's going to be an ike's from me dawg
just torrent it you brainlet, it's not like you're actually stealing it or anything
oh, no. the sjws are ruining the Japanese games!
Was on the fence for this, thread being full of LGBT circlejerk and protag being a cuck got me off the train. Guess I'll just wait for When They Cry V or YU-NO.
Not buying this shit. Stopped playing Fire Emblem when it became faggot emblem and will do the same with every series that tries to spread pozz.
Good riddance, idiot.
Reminder that this is not a visual novel. It's an adventure game in the same vein as Yu-No, and the old LucasArts games where you click on various objects on the screen.
she's twelve years old, just a retarded zoomer talking shit like usual or totally gay for A-set.
That's no better than the HuniePop argument where every girl being a bitch makes sense because they're all thots and that's how they would act in reality. I play games to get away from people who act like this not to double down.
Nobody cares about you being a limp dick faggot who can't deal with real life. It's a murder mystery where most characters are unlikable and suspicious until you get to know them better, not a fucking dating sim where everyone needs to be tailored to your preference.
You retarded mouthbreathers:
>oh no. In this single cutscene in a single line a minor npc says "lgbt good" I am no longer allowed to enjoy this media or promote it. If I dared to enjoy the other 99.99% of the game I would lose all my hardearned Racism&Sexism points and all my Yea Forums-friends would hate me.
Is this a VN?
Thanks for proving my point. The Japanese gaming industry needs to change.
Uchikosher is a bad writer that has good ideas but makes awful plot twists. 999's ending was garbage, same with VLR, in ZTD he didn't even try.
I want to chceck out how much of a trainwreck this one will be.
Dump the CODEX file contents into the installation folder.
I've only just discovered the second body Renju, but I wish there was more dread/uneasiness/tension when bad things happen/are discovered, like in 999 and danganronpa to an extent (the distorted body discovered sound when you find Nagito is brutal). Of course this is very early on and could improve.
you not proving anything tranny. Kill yourself already
Who is the best girl?
>his entire character revolves around him loving porn
Based Coomer
About to start playing now
>I just wanna discuss the game with people who actually bought it
unfathomable levels of wrong
>a VN that can't commit to romance or plot
how the fuck does yu-no "not commit to romance or plot"? you didn't fucking play the game. fuck you
>love gamecenter
>burn through all 18 translated seasons
>feel sad there is no more
>recently discover Tokyo Encounter
I'm ready to love again
>still share a board with Uchi apologists
>n-no THIS game will be good!
there is absolutely no way this is the original japanese dialogue properly translated. no fucking way
some localizer thought they could get away with this shit because they assumed this game would flop.
>"Where do I even start with this?"
good question
for some reason NTR references in anime don't annoy me anywhere near as much as seeing the word "cuckoldry" in the west.
The Lemniscate Reception has a absolute 10/10 english voice actor for the personality she plays
>getting the same issue
exactly, it's only the west where the gays and trannies create a protective cocoon for themselves by lumping their entire fragmented subculture into one catch-all fake 'community' / acronym
she does not say 'LGBT' in Japanese i fucking bet you
Is there a mod to remove the LGBTP references?
>romance is shit
>plot is shit, a minimal part of each route and the MC forgets
If it went all in on either of them it could have actually been good
seriously, instead of pirating why not just not play it or participate in discussing it at all?
why do people play games they pirated out of SPITE? why not play games you actually want enough to pay for it instead of wasting your time
the MC doesn't 'forget', you go back and do each girl's route after finishing true end and then you can have your official true real ending with whichever girl you fucking want, chode.
Nice translation fuckup.
I play with japanese voice acting and she does say ERRU GEE BEE TEE
Idk what happened here but that second reply shouldn't be there
Is Mizuki lewd?
Excluding politics.. is the game good?
Can you hook up with your Boss in this game?
Are you telling me any ending other than the tree ending is the true one?
the rest of the endigns is just fanservice for the waifufags retarded enough to actually love those shitty characters
>excluding politics
that one question/answer is basically the entirety of the games 'politics'
this is so stupid
Quick rundown?
The loli thinks the LGBT community has smart/artistic people in it. Like normal society does.
This doesn't sit right for some people.
what the fuck Date
He likes the idea of Hitomi having a dick too.
Picked up
seriously what is his fucking problem
>Like normal society does
nah normal society sees you as the freak you are, they just won't say it to your face freak.
>Saying this on Yea Forums, one of the gayest boards on Yea Forums. Possibly gayer than /cm/.
He's a coomer
That second screenshot has the Japanese actor say the line in English
Uchi may be a hack, but his trainwrecks are fun.
I torrented the game and there's a black screen when I start it. Anyone know how to fix this?
what is this game?
VN, action, rpg, puzzle ?
>crashed twice in less than 5 hours
thanks uchikoshi
user who said not to do the Midori route first in a previous thread, are you here?
Which one was that one, the one with the photograph or the one with the balloons?
That's the one that branches off from the iris somnium (hit the TV instead of turning it on), not the Mizuki somnium with the Theme Park. Just do whatever you want in that one
thank you
Someoen played God Eater 3 i see. Same dance there. It looks retarded.
Soulful grafix
Someone upload the ost
Seriously this guy is unreal, what the fuck was Uchi thinking
Even Sigma at his most horny wasn't like this
it's rutracker if that helps
Having this same problem.
did you transfer the files from the codex folder into the correct folder?
try messing with the launcher settings?
running it in administrator mode?
absolutely based
At least there's 1 good thing about Islam taking over.
Tried all that and nothing, I just get a black screen and a cursor.
>Dislikes: Hate Crimes
This is so confusing, seems like the author wanted to appeal to both weebs and SJWs at the same time.
It was only a matter of time.
It is, playing it in Japanese.
Uchikoshi is a pretty horrible writer, I thought Spike could reign him a bit but unfortunately he is full throttle here, I'll just refund it
I currently have about 22 people filled out in the appendix and only 4 of them have an age that isn't a multiple of 6.
Three of the people who don't have a multiple of 6 age are dead, currently.
Is the correct folder Program files x86? That's where it auto installs.
>lets see what information is in the appendi-
then iunno man
i'm talking about the codex crack/emu that's inside the codex folder on the .iso you downloaded. if you clicked the transfer codex contents during installation then don't worry about it if not transfer the contents to your \AI_TheSomniumFiles_Data\Plugins folder. if you haven't already.
if you've already done all that and it's still fucked start searching or other forums.
The Japanese were innocently being goofy and sexy in the past and were never there to make a statement, nor comprehend the psychological warfare of the present west with its agenda pushing.
you want the ripped music?
One character written to be annoying doesn’t really account for that.
user you retarded piece of shit. Its an optionial dialouge
Judging from comments on the crack, it needs fixed? I'd like to buy this for Switch but I want to test ti out first.
Why did you cut the part out that reveals she is transgender?
there's nothing wrong with the crack it's a windows 7 issue so you're stuck with waiting for an official patch
i just wanna be able to talk about video games
it came out to be 3gb bro i think it's better to wait for the official ost
just post it in a mega or whatever
This game looks like gay propaganda. Does it at least have sexy children in it? Or is it gay propaganda like Zanki Zero?
Reinstalling and clicking "transfer codex contents" worked. Thanks, user.
LGBT the game
you retarded piece of shit.
The protagonist is a pervert who keeps thinking about porno magazines, girls and tits
Is Zanki Zero actually gay propaganda? I know they censored it but I didn't know much about it besides that.
would a gay propaganda game really have this MC?
2 more financial crashes could happen and you'll still feel threatened by "sjw marxists"
Fuck this hack faggot
who cares
i wanna read a goofy schlock uchikoshi story
How the fuck did the font get through testing?
/pol/tards have no self awareness for being a faggot
weeb brain
Worth 60 bucks if I liked 999?
>comic sans as the man font
>giving money to Uchikoshi after ZTD
worth a pirate
This shit reminds me of the crazy dialogue options in DeSu2, except it's the whole damn game./
people are screenshotting the crazy stuff.
if you have it installed on PC then use this
What's the TWEEST this time?
>the "japanese humor" scene paints Aiba as a retarded so randumb character
>she actually is more serious than the giagautist Date
Why the fuck can a little 12 year old girl bench press 120kg for reps? Did she become gay fascinated from watching too much muscular gay porn?
>Those PC Requirements
>For a VN
Let me play on my toaster you gooks
Are cucks here?
Magnet with this game someone?
NTR != Cuckoldry
Yes it let you fuck men as men.
So where are the sexy children you fucking faggot?
what'd they censor on it?
nvm I remember what they censored, was thinking of a different game.
60 fucking dollars
Can i date girls in this game like Persona 5 or is it just another shitty linear detective game?
So they took that one perverted side character and make him a MC? Sounds ok.
Hook me up senpai
>Catherine Full Body
Hey Trap is not gay you fucking retard
This kills the game
Talk about easily triggered snowflakes
if you're looking for the NSP it's on rutracker and probably on any other site built around sharing NSPs.
Have you guys managed to find a new hobby yet? I've just been stuck with emulating older games
What the fuck is this garbage font?
any rule 34 yet?
Its the exact same shit you dumbass
What's wrong with it
It's not fitgirl.
>Yea Forums seething this hard about Uchikoshi recognizing the great taste of the LGBT community
Love simultaneously worshipping and infantilising an entire culture so that I don't need to understand it's cultural or political history.
Do you agree?
It was a fun little game but calling it a masterpiece? What the fuck is uchi smoking?
I'm more pissed off that this'll mean the game will never be able to be talked about here again without tonnes of shitposting than I am of the line itself.
No but it's cool that he played it
> It is an unprecedented masterpiece in the game’s history of the world.
shows how bad jap VNs have become
But he talks about all the game's history of the world.
>No non-iso download
look harder retard
I hope you're not referring to the miner infested iggshit
your first thought goes to igg which confirms you are indeed retarded
No my first thought goes to private trackers, which none of them have non iso releases. Then public shit. Then shit like skidrow. Then ddl sites like igg
Again, none of them non iso
just off yourself bro you're never going to learn
what's wrong with iso?
Can someone rip the models?
How detailed is the naked A-set?
Still noone? So it's a faggot propaganda?
>iso in 2019
fucking pedo
How far into DR3 was this?
is uchikoshi a populist?
So you confirm it's a gay propaganda? No buy then.
It just ripped off Totono, I'm surprised he hasn't played that.
it's a bit different from totono, i wouldn't call it a wholesale ripoff though they have some elements in common
He did most certainly, he is just praising the popular stuff to get points
I still have to beat DxM before I play this. Too many fucking games lads.
we responded to you that its not but you want to see sexuslised children you disgusting piece of shit pedophile.
Kill yourself.
Gotcha. You are retarded.
Go away faggot. You're mentally ill. Consider yourself blocked, I won't reply to your shitty posts anymore.
Still waiting for a reply. Or should I just pirate? No point buying if it's propaganda.
There's hundreds of anime and vidya that has dialogue you would never hear in real life and you only now point htat out, when it's about LGBT stuff?
you are too retarded to read anyway you dumbass
this, shitposters will keep spamming it now because there are retards that can't ignore such a minor line and keep it rent free in their heads
I already read the reply. Nobody said if yes or not there's sexy fanservice for the loli in it.
It's not a minor line tho
I'm pirating it at least. Hopefully the game flop hard. This is just pure garbage.
it's an optional piece of dialogue
t. didnt play the game
>people flinging shit at each other over random optional dialogue instead of talking about the actual game
damn, even ZTD threads were more better than this
Just pirate the game user.
Still worth pirating the game. Devs need to understand that kind of shit is not welcome. They pulled the same crap with Zanki Zero.
You are mentally ill.
how's the inside of your asshole look, your head's shoved pretty far up there
Shill. I'm pirating the game. Next time don't put shit like that in it.
>Just pirate the game user.
I am, friend
I don't know what's wrong with these 2 desu, trannies maybe?
Good choice. Seriously, Spikechun Soft has been plain disgusting. You can bet they'll remove the 2 lolis as romanceable targets in Conception Plus and make it doable to romance dudes instead.
>Watching the horrible butchering of Kengan manga
Your mental gymnastics over pirating the game is the most faggot shit on Yea Forums. Kill yourself.
>mental gymnastic
why would you retarded autists even play a game if you psychopathic delusions make you think its lgtb propaganda?
What's the context? Why does she randomly start praising LGBT?
You act like an underaged virtue signaling whore from Twitter. Kill yourself.
Zanki Zero also had disgusting crap like that. They let you make gay romanceable in the game.
>get btfo
>start spouting nonsense
You are silly.
I'll be controversial (for Yea Forums) and say that small lines of dialogue like this aren't really worth 'justifying' piracy over. I'd only ever really give a shit if the entire game was riddled with that sort of bit of dialogue since it's generally low-quality. That being said I'm still pirating the game because fuck you I don't need a reason.
In what way, retard?
Mizuki is intimidated by the owner of the cabaret club that Date frequents, who happens to be an okama. Date asks her about how she feels about gay people, and this is her response.
The girl is afraid of the bartender. The protagonist can ask if she hates gay people.
>threads are now instantly devolving into shitposting
>pirating a game that offends your sensibilities as "protest" when you'd have better luck getting your point across just mailing them a letter
RIP vidya discussion.
This thread in a nutshell
Funny you fuckers complain about SJWs when you act the fucking same
There's a screenshot when she spews "You are sexist" garbage.
maybe Date should stop being a cumhead.
I am aware, user. My opinion on the matter is unchanged.
disliking and denouncing the game and/or pirating it isn't trying to get the writers fired and blacklisted, mr impartial normal person
nobody here is trying to get anyone fired, or taking to social media to decry the game and all previous works by the creator you disingenuous faggot.
>idpol addicted fags who probably don't even know who Uchikoshi is coming in droves
Fuck you all, I'd rather have endless bitching about ZTD since at least it's funny than this utter retardation
the retards here call for a boycott of the game you dumbasses
Hard to call it propaganda when this is the person saying it.
It's like trying to take seriously an interracial cuckold that wants more migrants.
Pack it up boys, nothing to see here.
A few anons on a single thread on Yea Forums isn't going to affect anything. It's disingenuous to compare that to how SJWs "cancel" shit they don't like. You're not fooling anyone by pretending to be the enlightened middleman who sees both sides as equally bad.
Yes and? Kill yourself faggot.
>we are bad but they are worse
We aren't "bad" you fucking tranny.
>now that we had our way after complaining endlessly for non-reasons and factually ruined things that were totally good the way they were before, do not oppose us and keep consuming or you're a whiny baby, no matter how absolutely right you are in complaining
This is you, and you should also kill yourself for real, legit.
Why is it bad to complain about something you don't like?
you are braindead
Because phase one was whining endlessly about shit that was perfectly fine, ruin it, phase two is acting nothing happened and nothing was ruined, and strawman about complainers.
Go read the outlets talking about Tyrone Magneto.
not only
It's quite noticeable when someone doesn't mind one group saying or doing something, then gets offended when the opposite group does or says something clearly less extreme
Incredibly low iq posts.
Don't worry anons she is just saying it to not be beat the hell out of her by the okama, based uchikoshi
I accept your concession, pussy.
See? Not even 30 seconds after
You guys are trying to say you're better than SJWs but you are literally getting massively triggered by one line from a character written to sound like a a misinformed teenage girl and call it shit writing, pandering, and saying people shouldnt support the entire game when it's one throwaway line.
Like wow any game that mentions gay people in real life must go down the trash since it's clearly pandering.
>it's just one line
But the line is incredibly forced and pandering. Not to mention "triggered" would imply the reaction is unreasonable, but a lot of people were on the fence about this game because of ZTD in the first place.
so who is best waifu?
can we kill trannies in this game?
They're not proving your point. They're proving you're a retard.
you are the kind of people who went nuts about the tiny trans flag in Celeste arent you?
Just accept it
You are a retarded easily triggered snowflake
based NTR connoisseur
>But the line is incredibly forced and pandering.
This entirely ignores the anons point that the character saying the line isn't meant to be taken seriously.
No, that's one person. Also, that's a small thing in an otherwise apolitical game. It's not the same as saying "LGBT people are so cool and brave and I admire them" for seemingly no reason.
His point is wrong. It is meant to be taken seriously because the character Mizuki seriously believes it.
We're gay in the right way tho.
And every character in the entire game needs to share your views on gays? What the fuck did you want her to say when she was asked the question "are you afraid of that okama over there?". Burn gays and gas all kikes? She's clearly a teenage girl who has a very basic view of the world that yiu could interpret as annoying but that's just her personality.
I'm telling you that AI is apolitical.
So...everyone is the killer ?
I think i should explain ().
Us vs Them is the oldest way to dismiss criticism/convince people/make people support you. It all comes down to twisting meaning of words under different lights
>Them: terrorists
>Us: partisans
and search for flaws to defend yourself.
>We are doing x but they're doing y therefore our actions are justified.
And this happens every fucking time when epic gamer-warrior is getting flamed for being a faggot. Same shit every fucking thread.