>amazing storyline
>cool characters
>fun and addictive gameplay
>big selection of tools/outfits/weapons
>all of that ruined because of shitty graphics and hand drawn cutscenes
Peace walker would be brutal if it had the graphics of V
Amazing storyline
I wish MGSV was just a normal MGS game instead of Peace Walker 2
I wish V had the story of PW. Then it'd be complete. But PW is like a monster hunter style game for the Metal Gear universe which was awesome. But too bad the mechs were way too easy
>fun and addictive gameplay
MmMm yeah i Love spamming 100 rockets at braindead mecha boss fights this is so freaking fun! ! !
I wish MGSV had more of what Peace Walker had in it
>amazing storyline
I don't think so. The whole thing is BB wank. Not even good wank.
Unless you're Oceleot, I guess.
t. brainlet retard
is this guy where the death stranding names started?
Like what?
>Linear level design
>More bossfights
>That monster hunter level
Dick Pussyman
the story was dumb but it's the comfiest MGS game in history
>>More bossfights
Yes, also less between mission padding. No deployment costs, no MB coins, fast research, no having to ride helicoptors all the fucking time.
This, fuck Piss Walker. Even Kojima's son fucking hated it.
>more Boss/BiBo circlejerk
I don't think so, Tim.
MGS3 was the beginning of the end. Filler fucking bullshit. At least PW has something to vaguely do with the titular plot device.
Kojima's son hates all of Metal Gear.
Like fucking coop
Were kaz and ocelot friends during MGSV?
>Battle Gear removed from gameplay because balance
>Game already caps your rank if you use equipment that's too good.
Neither of these are a problem, especially in HD.
The REAL problem is the lack of humanoid boss fights.
Still doesn't ruin the game.
Wow yes so fun shoot the robot boss 40x with rockets in the weak spot, call in more ammo and repeat wow so much fuuuuunI actually mostly agree with you, I just hate the mech battles because they were balanced for the shitty co-op
No, they fought all the time mostly so Ocelot could be right about everything.
If PSP emulation allows for the improvements from the HD version, then enabling 2x damage during bosses might help.
Got told to play through the games in the "Timeline" order
why do they keep calling solid snake big boss?
MGS3 is the best in the series and also best game ever made. Don't blame MGS3 that Kojima ruined the game through sequels.
You're retarded for not doing release order.
>short mission format
>pointless base management
>boss fights against vehicles
I get it’s a mobile game but dropped so hard
Kojima's son likes smash. who cares about his shit taste
V is basically a continuation of peace walker. They feel like they're basically meant to be played back to back.
Nope. 3 is the pleb choice. You're just a dipshit. Not as much as OP, but you're up there.
peace walker is literally the worst game in the series you fucking retards
Meow, meow, meow!