Fallout 4 is the best fallout game

Fallout 4 is the best fallout game.
New Vegas fags think NV is best because
>muh deep story
>muh C&C
Oh yeah? Well guess what, it's a linear storyline up until the point you chose who to ally with, at which point it's either the NCR or Legion.
>NCR good guys
>Legion bad guys
It's shitty, hollow writing.
Fallout 4 meanwhile has 4 excellent factions to chose from.
It's fully voiced.
It has the greatest gun modding system ever created.
The settlement building is addictive and excellent.
And for the first time in a Fallout game, good combat.
Previous Fallout games are vastly overrated, while Fallout 4 is criminally underrated by a bunch of butthurt pre-Fallout 4 fans.

Oh and also, Fallout 4 sold twice as many units as your shitty NV. How you like that 84 metacritic NV fags?
Fallout 4 is clearly the better game.

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And don't even get me started with the Reddit tier Old World blues.
Fucking absolutely disgusting.
Pic related is the average NV fan.

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>Fallout 4 is the best fallout game.
there isn't any interesting quests or storylines in fallout 4. it's basically an open world shooter with the fallout name attached to it
prove me wrong

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The Institute is the only excellent faction tho I mean look at the others
>Bos - Nazi incels
>Railroad - SJW PETA gays
>Minutemen - Radiant quests: the faction

guys if you know OP is a huge faggot then why even reply?

You're not wrong.
And it's still the best Fallout.
People need to realize that writing doesn't matter in games, the gameplay does.
And Fallout 4 by far has the most fun, satisfying and polished gameplay out of all of them.

If you know I'm a fag, then it should be easy for you to prove me wrong you absolute brainlet.

>at which point it's either the NCR or Legion.
You know there's a third choice, right?

I've never played a Fallout game before, but I agree with this.

had me up until
>at which point it's either the NCR or Legion.
and you completely lost me at
>Fallout 4 meanwhile has 4 excellent factions to chose from.

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Mr. House and Independent play out the same, and they're non-choices as far as I'm concerned. In fact, the "endgame" faction quests are all literally copy pasted, but at least Legion and NCR have a slightly different feel to them.
>Literally the same
And people give Mass Effect 3 shit.

fallout 3 is great
can't wait for fo4 remake

>it doesn't count because I say so

there is literally no way someone can honestly hold the opinion that fallout 4 is anything other than mediocre

You forgot to add an "imo" at the end

>Greatest gun modding system
Maybe for the energy weapons, but the mods for conventional firearms fucking sucked. Minimal visual or functional variance, no ammo variant system, .50 cal was a massive waste to get to for a minimal damage bump over the high-tier .308 receivers, in addition to being a much more commonly found cartridge. Shotguns were reduced to two options, pistols reduced to two real options and three enemy junk weapons to scrap for parts, heavy weapons were reduced to one energy, one conventional, and two explosives, and every other energy gun was inert the moment you could start buying enough plasma ammo to feed a plasma flamer. Also, why didn't we get recycling and hand load options, and why did they only halfway commit to real world cartridges? Shotgun shells aren't broken out into 12 and 20 gauge to improve variance and extend the shelf life of the platform as options, and despite fixing so many cartridges they stuck with the 5mm rather than just moving over to .308 or at least permitting a rechambering option to give the gun some extended use beyond low level enemies. I say all this as someone who really likes Fallout 4, but it's got some major issues I had to mod my way around.

It's fact though.
Gameplay > Writing
Only autistic nerds care about text that doesn't matter.
It's unironically excellent. I'm serious.
Absolutely based and redpilled.

i actually loved the gunplay/settlement system, i wish they couldve made a more nuanced radiant quest system so i could continue building up after the main quest without the world feeling dead

quests rewards being just caps instead of unique items is the single most damaging aspect of the game. debate me

Learn to not be an autistic fucking nerd.
Stop writing academic dissertations on Yea Forums you fucking fag.

kill yourself, fuck stain

gameplay > writing in any other genres except for rpgs

>>NCR good guys
>>Legion bad guys
So you never played NV then.

what a waste of a Fallout thread just so that OP could fish for replies

>This wasn't the case in NV, F3, F2, F1
What's your argument coom for brains?

*Blocks your path*

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the only things I like about 4 over NV are Curie (my wife) and Nick

it wasn't for nearly as many, both directly and indirectly through the areas you would explore.

You have to go back
Dude, I want to discuss this and you guys act like it's impossible that someone thinks F4 is the best game of the series.
My entire argument is this.
No matter how good the writing is, if the gameplay isn't good the game isn't fun.
Planescape Torment may be the best written "video game", but it's actually just a graphical novel.
Same as the previous Fallouts.
Fallout 4 has actual good, fun gunplay. And you're no longer shoehorned into a build.
>Playstyle gets boring?
>Earn more perks and switch it.
It's brilliant.

>it wasn't for nearly as many, both directly and indirectly through the areas you would explore.
Yeah but you didn't say that, you said quest rewards. And there really aren't that many "unique" quest rewards if any in previous Fallout games. It was still mostly caps and random items.

Never mind New Vegas, 3 was a better Fallout then 4.

NV and 3 had such incredibly shit gunplay though. It was, and still is, just Oblivion with guns. How do you people rationalize this?
How do you justify it?
c'mon guys.

I felt Fallout 4 needed to end right around finally entering the Institute. The Bladerunner feel of chasing Kellog and Coursers was so fucking fun and atmospheric. Mysteries and thrillers always suck after you figure them out.

And the Railroad needed to be less utterly retarded. Hurrr most advanced technology in the wasteland, hurrr blow it all up cause slavery is bad hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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Bad bait OP so here's a free bump

4's gameplay was marginally better then 3 and New Vegas, but it was still dull, mind numbing garbage made even worse by the lack of any unique to loot, instead replaced by focus on customizing and collecting garbage to build useless shit.

There are plenty of other games that do gunplay better then Fallout and its garbage gamebryo engine, if you don't have the draw of at least trying to be a roleplaying game, there is literally 0 reason to waste your time playing 4, its gameplay is still bland, mediocre trash.

>Implying an anime poster opinion counts

That being said, the reason why the railroad was sold bad because of the institute the whole premise of the railroad revolves around the institute.

at the very least, pretty much every quest chain in NV leads to a tangible and interesting reward, with many more found in hidden/locked areas around.

Of course they play out the same you fucking dolt, you're hijacking his plan. If anything, NCR is a non option because only a fucking retard would side with them

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Stop telling the truth, you fucking moron

Wrong on every account and this b8 is obvious and stale.

>NCR is a non option because only a fucking retard would side with them
This is actually pretty based.

How the fuck are you niggers falling for bait this obvious?

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fallout 4's story is far more interesting than new vegas' story, nothing in new vegas comes anywhere close to the quality of the institute or the railroad

no its not.

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More like Faggot 4

I can't, Fallout 4 was the most disappointing shlock I've ever had the misfortune to play, all Bethesda had to do was make a refined sequel to 3 and it could have been a solid "ok", not great, or even good, but maybe at least worth a playthrough or two. They didn't even try.

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what games do you like user?