>See I created this new genre called "Social Strand System"
>Dark Souls?
>I don't know that game. I don't actually play that many other games.
What did he meant by this?
See I created this new genre called "Social Strand System"
Other urls found in this thread:
Kojima doesn't play video games other than his own.
considering he doesnt actually make the game it really doesnt matter
He meant that he's a hack who acts like he doesn't steal ideas.
I'd rather have his style of game in this setting than the one he picked
Lies to sell the idea that he's created a new genre by implementing features other games already have. There is no way he doesn't play other games. That'd be like a writer saying, "I don't read other books," or a musician saying "I don't really listen to other music, just my own."
Yea Forums once again proving the average pleb here doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about and just parroting the mindless biased non factual opinions of the retarded vocal minority because they want to fit in.
>I am superior buzzword buzzword buzzword am I cool yet xDD
who are you quoting?
Why is his tongue so tiny?
>>I don't know that game. I don't actually play that many other games.
Absolutely based.
holy mother of cringe, that looks terrible
MGSV was fun. It sounded real and felt weighty. Maybe Death Stranding will be good too.
Source to the interview?
Honestly I've seen him tweet six million times about a movie he just watched and really liked but I've never really seen him tweet about playing a game he liked
This thread
based answer tbqh
He praised GTA5 while making MGSV, claimed to like Silent Hill several times before making PT, and made PW amf Boktai inspired by Monster Hunter amd Megaman EXE for younger kids, that's all I can remember
I wanted to hate it since it's HZD, but this concept art is pretty great
Too bad we got the shit we did instead
It's a lot easier to hire a celebrity than going through the trouble of creating characters with soul and personality.
Hackdeo Cringejima
Nice, thanks
Lololol he definitely played demon's souls
You'd be surprised of how many writers and musicians like that actually exist
To play Devil's advocate, didn't Gibson create Cyberpunk by throwing together a bunch of stuff?
He's obviously deflecting so he doesn't go into even greater detail about the social aspects just yet. It will have a lot more of a focus on player to player aid than souls ever did.
he's getting butthurt, but he's definitely expanded on the idea of multiplayer co-op in an interesting way.
You guys saw that 40-minute gameplay? I can't stand that lady's fake enthusiasm, even though it's her job
Everyone steals ideas. That's how human kind progresses you stupud bastard.
Oh I need to go get some milk, better invent a car! Wouldn't want to buy one, that would be stealing someone's idea.
>It's another retard who thinks he's someone special
It's hard not being superior to Yea Forumsedditors, you are the bottom of the barrel of everything you are part of.
That's why you lost the little influence you once had in the industry and why every game you claim that's going to flop ends up succeeding.