Why the fuck is this shit such a gamble with dual layered discs? I had no idea this was a thing until I bought a copy of Yakuza 2 3 years ago and wouldn't work on my slim but worked on my fat and started rushing through the game because my fat model I was scared was going to break down on me. Then I got God of War and worked fine on my slim but Yakuza 2 still doesn't work. They should've just kept using multiple discs.
PS2 Dual-Layered Discs
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I didn't even realize this was a thing, I'm using my launch fat still
Never had a problem with dual layered discs, but blue discs were a bitch.
I've never had an issue with blue discs. Wish stuff like this didn't come down to basically lottery.
dual layered discs on slims are finnicky, but blue discs are such loud fuckers
just clean your laser a bit and you should be golden
I cleaned it before when I first tried to get Yakuza 2 to work. Interested in getting a copy of Xenosaga episode 1 but rather play on my slim as it is much more reliable than my fat model except this one instance. Maybe I didn't clean it right or something who knows.
I've honestly had few problems with my slim aside from bluebacks running REALLY loud and sakura wars so long my love detecting but not booting until I cleaned the laser
granted it doesn't play random DVDs now but that's life I guess, it's still going pretty strong for being 13 years old and having to get its cables replaced once, soon to be twice
Any tips on cleaning the laser? May give it another go.
some >90% isopropyl rubbing alcohol, a q-tip, and just gently rubbing the laser lens back and forth, that's about it
The purple discs are actually CD Roms. Look at the game cases, you won't see a DVD logo anywhere on it, just Compact Disc.
It's like taking a q tip to a cat in heat.
Just get Free McBoot sucka, and play backups through a ethernet cable. There's a bunch of guides to do this and works flawlessly. Plus you won't wear your laser ever again.
How much money would I have to put in to do this?
What the fuck are you talking about exactly OP? Yakuza 2? Not working on a slim PS2?? Yes it does, mine does, why wouldn't it?
You can get a Free McBoot memory card on ebay for like 8 bucks, and if you have the slim model, you don't need a ethernet adapter
unless you have the fat model, if you do need a adapter, you can get one for like 15 bucks
and thats it, just use your computer as a media server and connect your ps2 to your router or your laptop/desktop ethernet port and just find a guide how to work it.
i do it all the time and it works perfectly, you can also USB storage hub but I wouldn't recommend it cause it can cause some problems especially during cutscenes.
Because it is dual layered disc as I stated. I had an issue running Yakuza 2 and its the only game that is somewhat detected but just doesn't work and the only other game I won like this is God of War II which is also dual layered but God of War works on the slim and is dual layered. That is the only somewhat consistent variable I can find. But all three of the dual layered games work on the fat PS2 I own. Not saying it wouldn't work on yours, just saying it is either my laser or just super flaky and a gamble if it will even work.
i have to turn my ps2 upsidedown for any game to start. i can turn it right side up once it starts though and it works fine.
why did they design it to stand vertically if it slowly broke the hardware?
To increase console sales
How can you tell if a disc is dual layered?
For the same reason they picked shit lasers.
I think there is some print on the discs or on the back of the case that may state this like "DVD-9" or something don't have my copies next to me, but I pretty much kept looking up solutions on why Yakuza 2 wasn't working at the time and the only posts online were due to it being dual layered.
Why do women wear heels?
>tfw I just modded my ps2 fat with a modbo to play back-ups and region-unlock for ps1 and ps2
the world is now open to me.
to step on me
What a coincidence, I've been playing Yakuza 2 on my slim. It does have some problems reading the disc, but it usually works if I turn on diagnosis mode.
Xenosaga 1 has trouble launching and I have to open the top of my ps2 slim and close it to make the disc spin like 4 or 5 times to make it work
fucking sony making shit hardware. cheap sony dogs