Lets say a new jojo fighter is being made. heritage for the future tier. explain how his mechanics would work

lets say a new jojo fighter is being made. heritage for the future tier. explain how his mechanics would work.

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5 special bars input
big windup
he does a big flashy cutscene attack that takes about 7 seconds total


Max bars required

When activated, the screen gains a red tint and all characters are invincible to everything for the duration

In addition, whenever the opponent does a move in the erased time, it'll be delayed by about a second while a phantom (think Talbain or Yun super except it sucks and only helps Diavolo) does it instead, letting Diavolo know what you're about to do

The move lasts 10 secs max, but the kicker is that Diavolo can cancel it at any time and use other supers as long as he still has enough meter, meaning stupidly back-and-forth mindgames and "I KNOW YOU KNOW I KNOW THAT YOU KNOW THAT I KNOW" shit

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>use KC
>any damage and energy inflicted/gained by the opponent is reverted to pre-skip levels
>another move can be a "teleport"

You sinply trigger it and the after 10 secondsyou get a free reposition and the damage is nullified.
Now, how do you make funny and johnny work?

Costs a lot of bars. If activated you negate all damage done to you in the previous 5 seconds, and immediately counter with a powerful, impossible to dodge or block attack. Like an infinite range command grab.

Is Chaosanon still alive I just need a pulse

Make Funny's a insta kill but full bars and corpse parts are required to activate it. Make it like the Kirby Dragoon from smash. You get hit a lot you'll drop corpse parts.

Valentine works like a lesser version of Marvel 3 Jean where if he dies with meter he hops off to a new self and gains some health
Johnny works like he does in ASB

More importantly, how does Soft and Wet translate into a moveset for a 2d fighter?

>Diabolo does a epitaph pose
>Hit Diavolo
>Teleports behind you

Just make him having a moveset with long invincible frames? That was literally how Diavolo used his ability in the anime.
>Diavolo is invincible during the whole duration of his moves, invincible lasts until they hit. They can be blocked.
>His special moves can be activated anytime.
>Moves come with low/high/air variation.
For his epitaph you can let the player read enemy's input or something.
If you think long invincibility is too op then maybe let him be a special/stand reliant character or something. Or maybe make it so you start as his otherself at start, but transform into the op form later.

>level 1: counter
>level 2: install like asb with dash-teleports
>level 3: king crimson: teleports behind your character and chops them

>if bubble hits stage it makes it slippery
>if bubble hits opponent it makes them unable to block (removes eyesight)

even better
>Diabolo use quick pose
>Hit Diavolo
>You hit yourself
>Bossu behind u

>makes them unable to block
Broken as hell

less op than a stun, you would still be able to move around. would only last a couple seconds or so. think of it as a combo extender

Diavolo has less total HP but when he's KO the fight rewinds and he gets some HP back and also gets a good counter move in this state

>Diavolo activates his super
>cuts to his hair to show the last 5 seconds (for balance reasons) was actually just epitaph
>everything plays out again, except the background is gone and Diavolo can move freely while the opponent is locked in (using that input replay system every game has)
>he can't damage them and they can't damage him but a good Diavolo can time a slow windup move to hit as they come out of erased time

>Has a command counter like Dudley.
>Can expend meter to give himself a single combo-breaking escape for 10 seconds (which correlates to max meter) and links into donut
>displays opponent's inputs on screen like training mode

this would be a kira mechanic. except he has to activate bites the dust before he dies then time rewinds to when he activated it. (he cant use kq while activated)

BtD would be a sick counter-based Ult finisher.

I think you're underestimating the impact of being unable to block in a fighting game
stun/dizzy generally requires you to get opened up 3-4 times in a row without any reprieve
being unable to block is functionally equivalent to being stunned if you're ever knocked down and down have access to an invincible reversal
You'd be forced to eat a full combo on wakeup because there'd be no other option. If it was something he could combo into there'd be easy infinite setups that would be one touch one kill for Josuke

Activate super
It drains the bar like timestop
After you turn it off/run out of meter both players return to original positions and health
Only opponent repeats all their inputs, while you can do anything
You can take damage (if you're stupid enough to get hit by things twice), but opponent can't
You have to position yourself to do some combos right after time erase ends

To avoid it you have to pay attention to Diavolo's meter and position yourself away from Diavolo using teleports, 8-directional dashes or anything that moves you offscreen

Attached: crimsonRage.png (1280x720, 528K)

he would be able to use a bar of meter to negate the last couple seconds of the enemies inputs, revealing that it was a prediction, then the opponent will be forced to do those inputs while doppio can still move to dodge but not attack. maybe using 3 levels of meter, he could negate an entire special by predicting it? he would essentially do what diavolo could do but not skip time. he could throw knives and use king crimson arms

that's a pretty neat idea

But wouldn't the opponent just choose to not act at that point? Just choose to block the entire time or something?

Maybe instead when you trigger it, it plays back the last 10 seconds of the fight but removes the damage incurred in that time.

Alternatively, and this is a pretty decent gimmick, but it skips the match timer ahead 10 seconds. It also attempts to hit the opponent with DONUT and can be combo'd into.

How would you balance The Hand? It's literally an insta-kill attack with a teleporter.

probably just the same way it does in ASB

unfortunately hes really lackluster in asb when he had potential to be really cool like other anons have suggested

make it either really slow or really difficult to use

How would Whitesnake, C-Moon, and Made in Heaven work?

make epitaph something that costs bars and basically
>opponent gives control to AI for like five seconds
>does its thing
>rewinds to when you used the attack
>AI opponent repeats all the same inputs, meanwhile you can easily disrupt them

ideally it'd let the player control itself during this instead of it being AI but I feel like that'd either be hard as fuck to pull off or would just lead to butthurt players doing nothing in the time. that and I guess making it AI would allude to the whole sleeping slaves thing? I dunno

like Phoenix Wright in Marvel 3

That's a rewind power.

I imagine Whitesnake being kinda like kirby in smash bros taking a character's B except it also seals the stand for the player for the duration (for balancing reasons it'd probably wear off fast enough or it'd turn the disc into an item you can easily get back from the pucci player)

C-Moon, fuck if I know. I barely remember what that thing did. Think it shifted gravity? Just rotate what a player has to do by 90 degrees or somethin for their attacks.

MiH would just put the timer into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE and probably give Pucci a speed boost

I'm alive.

if you just hold block they throw you

didn't MiH speed up the timer in ASB, or am I thinking of another game?

Magenta Magenta
doesn't take chip damage but automatically loses any timeouts

So what? One fucking throw doesn't mean shit. That's better than anything else so who would try anything different?

in 10 seconds, you can throw them into a corner and combo them

I've finally found a place for a member of the train club to get some extra dialogue; it's when they're talking about a way to cairo before the balm garden fight

we're kind of forgetting that epitaph wasn't the only component of the stand

if we're going with the opponent playing out any of his moves, when you disrupt him, anything that had projectiles should still shoot those projectiles as if the attack wasn't interrupted, allowing you to make your opponent shoot themselves

An special: after the activation the enemy repeat it's actions of the last ten seconds while you're free to move and when/if you attack your enemy receives great damage, the timer is stopped while it happens. Also the skip for projectiles is the same as a perfect dodge but it doesn't consume "time" too.

Oh, also: both of you are invulnerable while it happens and the "broken world and red tint" effect

>This stage is only available as part of Pucci's GHA, "Made in Heaven". After Pucci evolves Whitesnake into C-Moon and then Made In Heaven, the fight moves to outer space with the players standing on a road of light representing the rapidly changing universe. During this special stage, "Made in Heaven" Mode will activate; Pucci will move faster while the opponent moves far slower. However, Giorno can use his GHA, "Your end has no ending!", to activate Gold Experience Requiem and nullify the effect, and Kosaku-Kira's GHA, "Bite the Dust", will revert the stage back to the previous stage before Made in Heaven was activated. This stage is the only stage that lacks Hazards or Situation Finishes of any kind.

Oh and IIRC you win if your opponent takes too long.

damn, thanks user