What games have the best bug enemies?
What games have the best bug enemies?
Deadly Creatures
Hollow Knight
what the fuck is that liquid? hot oil??
It's hot oil, yes.
Its not a dildo its a sea creature mods.
I've seen this webm a thousand times please post something new.
No it’s not
does that count as cannibalism?
Deadly Creatures
Bethesda games
chinks arent human
Why do Asians eat the most disgusting things? They have some of the most celebrated culinary techniques and cuisines but they eat anything sentient.
God I wish Asian girls were real.
Isn't it dangerous to put it in a wine glass?
WTF is that glass then?
You don't heat oil in one and pouring hot oil into glass will make it crack.
Is the oil not so hot, really?
>Yea Forums user comes in contact with bath water
no, retard. its alcohol.
Why are Japs the only civilized Asians?
A Bug's Life
mmmm work those beees in
Acohol doesn't FRY insects, you moron.
Look at the reaction and the heat.
Look at the fucking thing spitting out it's internal liquids like a fire hose because it's being cooked alive.
borosilicate wine glass
Why they don't just get a fucking net is beyond me.
Wasn’t this the same chink who ate that clam penis?
>chinese cuisine
Are the bugs supposed to be in there, like some kind of bug pastry? Or do they just not care
Why is China real?
They intentionally modeled themselves after the German Empire. Korea (including South) and Communist (and maybe also Republican) China model themselves on victimhood, which gives them lots of poor and/or uncivilized people.
Because the bugs are the delicacies itself. Bugs are covered in chitin, therefore, rich in protein. Countries like Cambodia, Thailand, Burma commonly eats bugs like tarantulas, grasshoppers, and worms.
If you want to know the most disgusting "delicacy" then you might want to search Ttongsul from Korea
>ugh, filthy flies, disgusting
>oh, it's just honey bees, I could eat one of those buns
Also, the Jap constitution is based on the American one thanks to their last shogunate, the MacArthur Shogunate.
>Bugs are covered in chitin, therefore, rich in protein. Countries like Cambodia, Thailand, Burma commonly eats bugs like tarantulas, grasshoppers, and worms.
>If you want to know the most disgusting "delicacy" then you might want to search Ttongsul from Korea
Nigga the protein is the INTERANL PARTS OF THE BUG, not the EXTERNAL.
It's like saying you like eggs so you love eating the shell.
What the fuck.
Hard to crack a bee to get the protein.
fucking kek
>wine made from a fermented turd
Sometimes, it amazes me what humans turn into food.
asians will eat anything. they're like fucking dogs, except less loyal. disgusting.
At least bee's are clean i guess
It was fine until whites disrupted their culture with capitalism.
>Can't have 10000 wives
>Can't set the retarded degenerates on fire
>Can't crush immigrants with an iron fist
Better times
This shit makes my fucking skin crawl like nothing else. I can literally feel them crawling all over me. NEVER post this ever again
Because we nuked them into affluence. Before World War II Japan was as fucked up as the rest of Asia.
Flies eat feces and can carry all sorts of diseases and parasites, bees r cool and probably taste like sugar.
>They intentionally modeled themselves after the German Empire
No, they copied 1950s to 1990s US culture directly. You know, the country that's occupied them for like 70 years, meanwhile German society had a complete makeover after they lost the war and were occupied by Europeans?
For some reason they stopped at 1990s, this is why Jap fashion is a weird mix of 80s, 90s, and modern. For the best though, as South Koreans never stopped copying US culture and they are extremely Americanized.
I thought China was communist?
>>Can't set the retarded degenerates on fire
>>Can't crush immigrants with an iron fist
But they still do both of those in China.
Yeah thats what Alcohol does to that bug
Suuure it is...
Rain World
They are not. You could see the guy driving them away a few times.
Bees don't care about the dough (or whatever that is) and when it comes to filling they just closes the dough quickly so no bugs get inside.
He does not really care about actually selling those things, I imagine
>Why does (Culture I'm not a part of) eat weird music, guys?
explain please
>Falic shaped object starts shooting liquid
>Instinctually outs it in her mouth
Thats why we love asians
eat weird music
Bees are not for eating, honestly they are like insect cats or dogs, and you wouldn't eat a cat would you?
I don't mean they behave like house pets, they just have a long history of coexisting with humans
I spent a year in china and they actually have really delicious food. It isn't normal to eat shit like this but one time I was taken to a restaurant and they ordered a sea slug for me to eat. I actually ate it and it was gross. Tasted like warm flavorless gelatin. Other than that their food is great. Except they don't fillet their fish so they're filled with tiny bones that only chink teeth can eat around.
They dont actually drink that anymore, it was just vice lies apparently
>It was fine until Mongolians
There are more Mongolians in China than the entire population of Mongolia.
>not powdering and eating the shell
Don't you want Calcium in your life?
at least you didn't hear this with sound
>that gurgling and pop
This is why /pol/ calls them bugmen?
Sleeping Dogs.
It's literally puking its guts out.
>they have really delicious food
>let me explain this by sharing only negative experiences
So no, in general they do not have good food whatsoever except in extremely isolated tourist hotspots exclusively inside 4-5 star restaurants.
Bugs dont feel pain they just react
I wouldnt stop requesting for worm weapons. Finally i got them modded in. nexusmods.com
>people eat Worms becuase of chitin
Humans don't feel pain they just react.
>that occasional "shoo" as if it even matters
You would know the difference if you took Biology, asshat
>Look up Ttongsul
>Vice, Huffpost, Kotaku, and the like are all the top results
Came here to ask this
Space Jin
yo why's her face so sharp bro
I wasn't in tourist areas I was just sharing a story since it's a thread about eating gross things. The touristy areas sell burgers and pizza that are pretty gross. I was living in kung fu town where I ate pork buns and won tons. The roasted duck that they slice and you dip into difference spicy sauces was the best. They slaughtered a damn goat in the street and they made some delicious stew out of him.
Yeah, I covered that in this post South Koreans still eat dog and do other strange oriental things, though.
>eat bug, goy
Bro you ate food cooked in gutter oil lol
Malaysia boleh
goddamn animals...
What kind of clam is it?
What the fuck is she eating?
korean propaganda
Ironically it was better and healthier than what they put in western food.
Jesus you could mine gold with that chin
yeah it's a wasp cookie
the dough is specifically made to attract wasps which are rolled into it
90% of saltwater Fish just taste like Fish so I would unironically eat it
I think it's a Geoduck?
>It was fine until whites disrupted their culture with communism.
Vice is fucking predatory user.
She's wearing a putty chin
Nope, it's a chin filter, you can see it warping and glitching
more like (((whites)))
That faggot is a no true Scotsman advocate. He thinks that the PRC isn't communist because it has limited markets and trades with capitalist countries, even though its totalitarian politburo still must approve every "private" business within its borders, etc.
I think that's just because of the shitty video compression
What are they reacting to?
When the PRC was fully communist (during like the Great Leap Forward, whicj forced Mao to step down as Chairman for its failure), it lost at least 50 million of its own people due to starvation and labor camps. That's why, since 1989, they are now more coy about being so but still maintain extreme state power over all their businesses and citizens (and why they buy out land and businesses, internationally, too, for world domination).
There are articles about it dating back years, before Vice even existed.
pressure probably, they got exoskeletons
The new Star Wars trailer.
you've never seen the webms of them eating live frogs or roasting live eels? stupid weeb faggot
Lost Planet.
should I be worried if the doc says my bones are really really low on calcium,could drinking milk or hot cocoa every morning & night help with this?
Earth Defense Force
milk is a meme. take a multi-vitamin and get more sleep instead
>even though its totalitarian politburo still must approve every "private" business within its borders
this isn't communist
If the doc said you're low on calcium then he should have recommended a solution. Take a fucking multivitamin because you'll probably be drinking a miserable amount of milk
>not resident evil
What are some games that let you use overwhelming firepower?
>why da white man do dis
Because the western world needs a slave caste to make cheap shit.
Nah retard, they call them bug people because their society works more like a hive than a group or pride of mammals
She received the call but got disconnected midway.
It's kind of a dick.
That's the first time I've ever felt sorry for a centipede
the way they all start to clamor
yes it is
Dog's don't eat anything you retard, you're thinking of goats.
Unironicalli egg shell. Google it.
my dog ate a rock and also eats shit if he could
Drink the milk, lightweight baby.
Earth Defense Force.
scorpions are bullshit
Because he is lacking on nutrients that your retarded ass does not provide.
It's called Pica.
Hey stupid, the kind of alcohol that can do that to a bug isn't the type that is safe for humans to eat with. Granted its a bugwoman but still.
Wtf, that can't be real
Those things are unironically delicious when properly prepared.
White historians love to document cannibalism in foreign cultures without any proof.
Chinks seem to lack that part of the brain that says "I probably shouldn't eat that". They would probably eat literal shit if there was a way to torture it to death first.
What the fuck do they do about the stingers? Just hope that shit doesn't come into contact with any internals?
I feel like this is how super flus are created.
At the very least can’t you get some fucked up works or parasites for eating shit like this?
>but still maintain extreme state power over all their businesses and citizens
So they’re fascist now?
I imagine the baking process would make the stingers brittle enough to render them harmless.
>the massive centipedes aren't even the ugliest thing in this webm
How do Chinks multiply like cockroaches when they're all literally this ugly?
Most of them are poor farmers with low education.
It's hot cooking oil. That's asmr_som and her chin is really triangular.
dogs don't eat poop because of pica you moron.
This is obviously an urban bug though
You dumbfuck thats what happens when you drop insects into alcohol and it secretes a liquid
>and her chin is really triangular
Seriously, it's almost impressive how triangular her chin is. Wtf
Dogs eat bugs, dogs eat garbage. Sounds like chinks and gooks to me.
haha this is my first time seeing this photo nice
Fascism is also extreme socialism. Can you name a single communist government that doesn't maintain extreme or complete control over its businesses and services?
Water Margin wasn't written by any white, nigger.
Congratulations user! Your post is the only vidya-related post in the entire thread! Your parents must be proud
pssst none of the people in here actually care about real things, they just want to make fun of asian people
Command and conquer generals
when all your choices are bad...
>centipede desperatly just wants to fuck off
>clearly doesn't want to be close to the scorpion only jumps him because it just doesn't see a way out
>start feeling pity for it
God, I'm such a pussy, I just feel bad for the centipede, even though I'd smash the sould out it if I ever see one of these shits in real life.
Haha nah man. Chankoro aren't people.
I was having a good ass day.
'Till this thread came along
yeah honestly the balance is way off on them, they've been OP for multiple generations now.
You were probably raised in a western society. Western societies are so cozy and comfortable that you can afford to be hypocritical about anything since most people in them have a very low chance of coming into contact with a lot of bad things. Pity is ingrained in western people from a young age, I wouldn't feel bad about it.
And coloured folk love to eat people.
i'd be interested in seeing what race across the planet aborts baby's by choice the most
how so? it's not boiling, the temperature would crack such flimsy glass.
What do bugs taste like?
It is boiling, retard. You can hear the centipede frying in the instagram video, that ain't glass.
>better and healthier
You definitely ate gutter oil. Might wanna Google that.
Like crispy rice. It's healthier than meat.
this but unironically
i've heard those described as rice like when people eat them on tv shows
Nigga frogs are eaten by frogs.
I'm still disappointed that they didn't do some spooky as shit with giant spiders in REmake 2
That's also the Chinese.
This is true.
37th post best post
For some reason "jap" is offensive. Seems really stupid to get offended by a shortened version of Japanese.
it's state-controlled "capitalism" basically to support their domestic communism
she looks like she is ugly as fuck behind all that makeup.
There is another video of a guy doing the same thing with multiple in a bottle then chugging it. The same reaction happens and he covers the top. Apparently it's some kind of wine.
>Watching some ugly ass chink bitches eat bugs
>Not watching and giving your glorious faps to korean qts eating live octopuses sexually
Get with the times, user
It's not the same shit, that's fucking boiling oil. Go look for the video yourself.
I miss Chargglez fire caster so much
Yes. They also do the same thing with hairless newborn rats.
Why do whitu piggus eat congealed blood? Why do firthy gaijin eat canned rotten fish?
Man the fuck up
I don't know what's more disgusting, eating those insects, or that smiling plastic disaster.
This is even worse. Octopi don't deserve this.
>hot cooking oil in a wine glass
What a fucking idiot.
No it wasn't.
literally Pikmin
crunchy or chewy
arnt those things know to choke people since the tentacles still work even after being bitten off?
You can know pity without being raised in a safe space. It's just that people raised in a safe space use pity to virtue signal and raise their standing, they arguably don't actually know pity and are only acting on what their instincts are making them do to fit in.
dat ass.
now he's a faggot that streams on twitch and constantly spams his own chat with pride flag emotes
>tfw you hear the Pillsbury Doughboy sound
One would hope.
>go to asia
>"dude, you HAVE to eat the street cuisine to get the authentic travelling experience"
>end up lying in hospital with intense vomiting, gut pains and diarrhea for several weeks
>What games have the best bug enemies?
Real life.
people who say this are either fucking with you or retarded tourists who got incredibly lucky that their portions of gutter oil didn't contain chunks of fermented feces
Did he died
That happens whenever you travel to any country with a different diet. The bacteria and other micro-fauna in the food is not something that your digestive system is used to, so it quickly pushes it through the digestive system as a precaution against infection.
If you were to continually eat it for about a month, you digestive system would accustom to it and you wouldn't have any bowel problems
>real life
tru dat
>enemies ignore armor
>Thinking I was talking about the bees
Did he die? I found an article about a chink dying but it seems to be a separate thing
n-nah yeeeat
>well pay you 100000 koreabux to eat this bird so we can make north korea look bad
american journalists have no standards. That was probably just one of their asian camerawomen too, american asians eat birds for breakfast
Fuck these "people"
GOD I wish that were me
>spams his own chat with pride flag emotes
are you shitting me. how far can you fall
To be fair, centipedes are also bullshit.
Fucking nuke the east again
I wish I were just shitposting. I went to his stream to see if he was still doing the same stuff and thought the pride shit was just a joke about some people taking it too far, but then he got really pissy when I typed something like
>lol transPrideEmote look at me guys I'm special haha trans pride!
and banned me himself. It's like they swapped his brain out, dude's not the same
Fuck, this webm always cracks me up.
>guy dancing in suit while cleaning out hive, not a care in the world
>cut to him being carried away on a stretcher presumably dead
must be the money
what a faggot
Did he really die? I mean why is he even clearing out a goddamn giant hornets nest? Shouldn't he be using fire, smokes or some flamethrower instead?
So does the bitch not have feeling in her mouth? How does she eat something that was being fried one second ago?
Chinks always find the funniest ways to die.
>Why were bugmen doing something stupid?
It's truly a mystery.
Those suits are hot as fuck, and unless it was damaged or put on terribly wrong there's no way even the strongest of wasp stingers will get him. He probably underestimated the power of heat and knocked himself out with the heat buildup.
god damn me for laughing
did she die from going into a garage?
>FNAF Sister Location
she holds it for a few seconds then blows on it to cool it
>did she die from going into a garage?
The automated car ran her over.
I thought centipedes were poisonous? I was reading about someone becoming retarded after eating one.
Yes. It's one of those automated garages.
imagine shoving that up your ass
what in the literal fuck is this
Always strange to see chincese people react the same to someone dying in front of them as someone watching the liveleak on 4channel
What the fuck why didn't he stop or at least jump off the bike? Is everyone in China blind?
no its cause they breed like insects and all look alike and swarm like hive creatures.
How do you react to seeing dead bugs?
Honestly, that's the most human reaction. Someone who literally drives off a cliff like that is awe-inspiringly stupid and deserves no sympathy, only your amazement
seriously, what the fuck
>person is sprawled over on the floor coughing up blood and shivering
>everyone just walks around them with nobody trying to help them or ask someone to help them
How can the population of China be seen as "humans"?
To be honest I'd probably just walk by as well.
Why are 3rd worlders like this?
shouldn't have sued for being helped
Scorpions always win, why do they never do scorpion vs scorpion?
The only help you can provide is a 911 call. Trying to actually 'help' is a good way to make things worse, retard