So I heard you guys liked UK rap

So I heard you guys liked UK rap.

Attached: session.jpg (1552x873, 328K)

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I actually cant fucking stand it. UK Rappers just sound fucking stupid with their ridiculous accent trying to act all hard and shit. I am honestly reconsidering getting this game if that's what it's soundtrack is like.

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Game is great. Hate the music. I'd still recommend this game though. If you enjoyed the skate series that is. For 20 bucks I'm surprised how big the map is.

yeah, i fucking love em why?

[spoiler stealth Yea Forums thread? stealth Yea Forums thread.[/spoiler]

Nice spoilers user but good idea. I can't imagine Yea Forums has good taste in music.

I wish it was punk instead.

Controls are weird, but I think I just have to keep getting used to them. I keep instinctively trying to turn with left stick instead of triggers. Also while it seems realistic, the push is kinda slow and the ollie height low.

Yeah really. As soon as I bought this game and saw that the triggers turn you... Okay so this is not exactly like skate. Switching the options made it a bit more easy. Flipping the controls when in another stance was a little too sim for me. Turned it off.

i know, i bungled it up. ive been on some really good Yea Forums threads here, but i notice most gamers seem to have a pretty limited taste lol

nice choice user. i think the winning option is a mix of rap, punk, underground rock, and maybe a light sprinkling of ska, but that's the THPS in me talking

DABBING on the Tony Hawklets

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>british accents

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its fun, but it makes me wish they would make skate 4. I prefer the control mapping better.

how about some Danny B

id skate to that

of course cuz wot you don't like grimes (not the bitch chipmunk artist btw) innit?

haha soz m8 it's freudian slip in me but yeah I think they go for this kind of style to differentiate them from Skate and THPS

it's more across the Atlantic it's more London it's more Souf

This or Skater XL?

Because judging from videos right now skater XL looks to have a better animation and physics system.

skater XL

Skater XL is basically dead in terms of development, but it has more content when you count the mods/user parks. Session is worth getting if you like in-game spot creation, but it's definitely rough right now.

There is actually a new development video for skater XL, showing a new park.

Does scroobius pip still do stuff? He's really the only one I liked

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I listen to Grime radio all the time and I'm not ashamed to admit it