Opinions on Yea Forums you've seen that feel like this, user?

Opinions on Yea Forums you've seen that feel like this, user?

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dark souls 3 suck

Yea Forums is full of contrarians
If you post something about gears of war, Fortnite or any other modern game there will always be an asshole saying that the game is shit, that they hate it even if they haven’t played it or they’ll just say you are lying even if you have the links proving it’s true
Talking about modern games in Yea Forums is like talking about satanism in a church

western rpgs are better than japanese rpgs

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You aren't entitled to shit and if you have a problem with it you can get fucked.

I'll give you one that will trigger most of the fags here. It's my own:

Dark Souls fucking sucks. It's a garbage, boring, game and I can not understand why so many faggots love it. I didn't even bother trying 2 or 3 after playing 1.

Smash is worth talking about

This. Jesus christ I have never played a WRPG that was even remotely as good as even generic JRPGs. the game play loop is so fucking bad. Even more so for people who complain about turn based combat being """bad"""

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That's wild to me. Dragon Age Origins, Kotor 1 and 2 are just a few I can think of that are genuinely great games

>Botw is the best zelda game

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When someone get's really deep on incel like talk.
Makes me question the user's real life sanity and if they'll end up in jail soon for assaulting some random woman.

"I will never play this game"
I find it funny when people act like they're taking a moral high ground or fighting back against some kind of evil popular opinion by making a big deal out of their choice to not play a fucking game.
Mostly it's zelda fans being adamant that BotW is the worst thing ever or Lisafags in Undertale threads trying to be contrarian by expressing the same opinion that most of Yea Forums has already been saying for the past 4 years.

>see a camp with a treasure chest
>kill the enemies in the camp with a 7 damage sword but it breaks in the fight
>open chest
>get a sword that does 5 damage

They are genuinely fun interactive fantasy/sci-fi novels. Games though?

How are they not games. A lot of JRPGS have wayyy more drawn out stories with tons of text.

your favorite game is shit

Every time someone talks about Gears of War multiplayer in a positive light

Ocarina of Time is the best game ever made

>It's from motherfucking 1998 and the 3DS remake, while better in most ways, shows the flaws in the game

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>This weeb game is better then this weeb game because ect.

/pol/ in general

The unbelievably powerful asshurt overwatch causes
It's really not that fucking bad and people on this website praise games that are 3x as unfun and broken

Any time Yea Forums uses waifus as an excuse to play a shit game.

Any time Yea Forums wants a game to fail so hard they start spreading misinformation to make it fail.

Any time Yea Forums or really anyone says politics don't belong in games. They really just mean that people shouldn't do topical subjects cause they either don't agree with them or its always done shittily.

Any time a game is praised on Yea Forums, gets popular, and then gets shit on. I feel like people here don't have an original thought in their head here cause they want street cred on an anonymous site.

The whole free speech for acting like a retard online. I was on board until the whole r6g thing happened and now I realize you guys are likely just socially inept.

I never feel like that
Their opinions are not okay and it's not okay for them to have them

>I like mobas and MMORPG

>Any time Yea Forums or really anyone says politics don't belong in games. They really just mean that people shouldn't do topical subjects cause they either don't agree with them or its always done shittily.
That's wrong though. What it means is "a woman or a minority is in the game or referenced in the game any way whatsoever, except as a thing to kill"

Gachas are perfectly fine if you don't pay for them

literally in the thread about megaman battle network falzar/gregar you have some user claiming falzar is just yveltal when the battle network games came first.

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Just about every opinion in this hellhole

>God tier story, literally encapsulates most of human history and dozens of mythologies while exploring deep characters like Solomon and Mashu
>Gameplay that can be cleared with bronze units through sheer skill due to how well designed it is
>Writing by some of the most well known and acclaimed Japanese authors (Gen Urobuchi, Kinoko Nasu, etc)
>Always pushing the bar higher and expanding its lore, scale, and mechanics

If you don't play FGO you're either an out of touch boomer or a retard with no self control to avoid paying for quartz

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You act as if those everyone who dislikes those games does so because its popular.
People like you make it impossible to discuss shit. There are such things as opinions and not everyone is going to like the same game as you.

People who insist on leaving negative reviews for a game because of something someone on the dev team said once, even if it was long after the game was released.

Ah I forgot about that one. Thanks for reminding me.

Every time I see a DMC VS Bayo thread. Smdh.

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"This is board culture."

>You act as if those everyone who dislikes those games does so because its popular.
That's basically what it is. Especially for games like Fortnite

>r6g thing

yea. but they are quite bad since the ps1 died

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The only good thing about FGO is the foot porn.

>Its impossible for anyone to dislike this game. There is no way whatsoever someone could have a different opinion from mine
I'll grant you that such people are real, but stop acting as if its everyone on the site.
Its completely possible for people to dislike a game because of the game itself.

>can't frame his opinion without hiding behind a wojak
That's it, that's the kind of opinion that annoys me. Absolute fucking pussy.

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why do you niggers call every enemy a "mob"?

You know it is true. Specially when you factor how they make it sound like a game with minor to a handful of flaws is somehow worse than eating shit.

Let's be real here, 90% of the time some here expresses "their opinion" about a modern game is less about actually trying to share their opinion and more about simply trying to stop anybody to talk about said game.

Zelda series being "okay" or worse as a whole

I legitimately cannot understand why someone would play a JPRG over literally anything else - 99% of the characters are bland, the lore is non-existent, the story is anime-tier, the combat is turn based and as a consequence is devoid of any real skill mechanical or otherwise, and there's a horrible tendency to pad out these games with hours upon hours of meaningless grinding.

Its always that specific type of wojak, never any other.
Its funny in a way, the most soi filled wojak became annoying and hated, much like soi filled men themselves. A parody got too close to being the source

How many have you played because it sounds like not a lot at all


if you're bad
not its name
never was
never will be

Some dude on the r6g general was bitching about being banned. People asked what he did and it turns out he was harassing the shit out of a woman on r6g. Not meme harassment but repeatedly DMing her insults and shit. People eventually found out his Steam profile and iirc it was exactly what you'd think it'd be. This was about a year or so ago so I'm bound to be wrong on something but thats the gist of it. Im almost certain he's responsible for the whole soijack looking at the report toxic behavior buttonvtalking about getting his money stolen.

Whenever people use one single person as an example for painting an entire franchise as shit.

One single person draws Undertale characters as poly-gay demiboys and thousands of people decide they hate the game. One single guy overacts to a movie trailer for Youtube Likes, and suddenly the entire Marvel franchise is shit. One single guy gets really excited about a Nintendo console, and suddenly everything the company has ever produced is garbage.

You all act like a bunch of women who are obsessed with how you look and who you hang out with. You don't want to be associated with the "wrong people" because it might hurt your rep among the other girls.

Well of course thats because there is a filter I can't say soi with a y.
Or do you mean wojak? because while technically correct memes evolve, so everything after the original Feels guy can have that sort of title.
I understand if you want to keep to the original name though, can't fault you for that.


yeah but be honest, people on here shit on everything just for shitposting or be contrarian for the (You)s. People on this shit site have no genuine opinions on anything anymore

It's an RPG term since the Everquest days, and used in tabletop before then.

JRPGs are just braindead grindfests. WRPGs have much more in-depth combat systems, much better writing, and more player freedom.

This image is shitposting

So because there are a loud minority that like to shitpost you write off everyone on the entire site?
The fuck are you still even doing here if that is the case user?

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There, that wasn't so hard now was it?

its weird when i realize some of you really are spergs who freak out over women in games and shit like that in real life. like to the point of threatening to kill people.

>loud minority that like to shitpost
you mean the loud majority?
>The fuck are you still even doing here if that is the case user?
to indulge in that shit myself I just know better to not take the opinions of Yea Forums seriously

>conveniently forgetting to mention that every enemy you kill also drops a weapon
>this means camps of weaker enemies basically guarantee you a net weapon profit, incentivizing you to engage with them
Why do BotW detractors have to lie in order to criticize the game?

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>One single guy gets really excited about a Nintendo console, and suddenly everything the company has ever produced is garbage.

My beef with Nintendo has little to do with their products and even less so with their fan base. At the end of the day, people just need to accept the fact that Nintendo, out of all the major video game companies out there, is probably one of the most scummiest (if not THE most) companies out there and their business practices are just straight up greedy and disrespectful to their consumers. The fact that their fanbase consists of so much cringe worthy "beta-males" and autistic spergs does not help the case in the slightest.

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Valve used to make good games.
Tf2, portal, half life, counter strike
Theyre all bad

>Acting as if you're were insulted by the mere thought that Yea Forums is a cesspool of shitposters.
Dude, please

they objectively are

>Nintendo, out of all the major video game companies out there, is probably one of the most scummiest (if not THE most) companies out there and their business practices are just straight up greedy and disrespectful to their consumers.

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Most of these replies are just going to be [Opinions I disagree with], but an actual opinion that gives me that type of feel on Yea Forums that I’ll see are;
>It’s ok they removed all these Pokemon. The graphics are better (the graphics are just upscaled 3DS. Along with the “new models for every Pokemon” bullshit. And when they take the argument to semantics and completely ignore the original problem)
>Not caring about freedom of speech and thinking permabans for anything other than serious legal violations is fine. And still browsing here.
>X character is getting into Smash Ultimate because Y reasons that don’t apply to the already existing DLC or applied to several other characters
>The games that lootboxes and microtransactions would be good without them (I don’t buy either at all, never will, but the games they infect are shit anyways, even if you adjust the game to fit without them)
>The people who say the don’t care about something or that they had a different opinion, when its obvious that they cared about thing
And while not on Yea Forums or even Yea Forums;
>Trannies and Commies on twitter defending big companies from any and all criticism no matter how legit, but would have all the higher ups at a place like Chick-fil-a hanged for that one anti-gay marriage event years ago

>Minecraft's combat was good before 1.9

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Yeah man, WRPG combat is so good...

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Okay, now try making a comparison with games that aren't 20+ years old. You can't.

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>You dont agree with me so that must mean you are personally insulted
Yea Forums is indeed filled with shitposters but I dont dismiss utterly everyone for the loud unrelated people fucking up a thread. There are plenty of people on here who want to discuss vidya or other such things.
I'll always have a pleasant memory of getting into a philosophy related debate about whether or not one can tell emotions from text or not.
maybe I've just had better experience on this site then others

JRPGs are WRPGs for literal retards.

When people post shit about games they've clearly never played

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>>Trannies and Commies on twitter defending big companies from any and all criticism no matter how legit, but would have all the higher ups at a place like Chick-fil-a hanged for that one anti-gay marriage event years ago

You do realize it's just commies turning the free market fags arguments against them right? It's sarcasm. It's about laughing at people who say "companies should get to do whatever they want it's a free market" and then getting butthurt when what they want harms the person saying it.

Imagine if someone got arrested bringing a loaded gun to a Republican political rally or charge the white house with a grenade. People would respond by saying "Wow what happened to the second amendment guys?" They aren't actually advocating for gun rights or saying the guy should have been allowed in, they are making fun of people who say that.

>Dark Souls 2 is good
>That one FFXV Autist that claims the combat is good let alone better than something as Okay tier as KHIII
I do not understand

That this is remotely a good game. Like are you fucking serious? It's an xbox 360 indie store era minecraft clone sold for a full $60
>muh soul
>muh comfy

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nobody plays morrowind for the combat you flaming falseflagging faggot

>They're doing it IRONICALLY
No they're not.

That is extremely true though.
Nintendo does everything anti-consumer that most other major companies do, and does even more, especially after the switch.
No other company hunts down fan content as obsessively as Nintendo (in fact, Sega hired fans after making a fan port of Sonic and Capcom gave RE that remade RE2 a vacation as compensation).
No other company has as shitty online service as Nintendo, free or not, it misses so many basic features.
No other company cares about piracy as much as Nintendo, who won’t let you download a 30 yo game from a defunct studio, but then resells you those same roms every time there is a new console (with the emulators being worse than free emulators at that too).
And no other company listens to so few of their fans given the size of their fanbase like Nintendo does, who has not cared about any fan that isn’t mainline/kart Mario, Zelda, Animal Crossing, and Smash, with the other IPs they own eternally suffering forever.

>x character is over designed
It's literally just a buzz word at this point to indicate you don't like a design for some dumb personal reason. "The design looks too busy" is in a similar vain but sometimes the person offers actual facts of why they think that way.

I'm one of them, and I absolutely am.

It's the same idea as defending game companies who want to sell loot boxes. I don't actually care about lootboxes, but I love making fun of people who hate government regulation and then demand government regulation on loot boxes.

Ah yes now I'm carrying a bandolier of 2 damage boko dildos that also break in 2 hits so I can run up on niggas like a fresh spawn in rust

>Posts webm of darksouls/bloodborne where they shit on some boss to prove the game's too easy for them

>Not caring about freedom of speech and thinking permabans for anything other than serious legal violations is fine. And still browsing here.
You are in your right to say Nigger as much as you like but expecting everyone to be okay with it outside of Yea Forums is really dumb.

>post a prime example of a WRPG
>n-no-one plays it for the combat!!!
>it's fine to use this critique for all JRPGs tho!

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Originally, it meant that a character design has way too many elements in its design that it starts to look stupid.
It’s overused now to mean “I don’t like”, such as saying literally who or political title, it still had a definition.

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>>Not caring about freedom of speech and thinking permabans for anything other than serious legal violations is fine. And still browsing here.
Why do retards keep thinking they have free speech here? This is a privately owned website. The owner can ban you for whatever he wants.

>Kotor 1 and 2
Kotor 1 and 2 are piss, take off your nostalgia goggles and try honestly playing them and not leaning back on the story to carry your argument and you'll see how quickly they fall apart, meanwhile most old JRPGs still hold up because japs are just all around better at designing time proof interfaces and gameplay

Yikes, tranny incel. Seethingly cope harder, dilate, and have sex. Based but cringepilled

>three of your points are story related
kill yourself fatefaggot

Anyone who thinks dark souls 2 isn't the worst in the souls trilogy.

>And no other company listens to so few of their fans given the size of their fanbase like Nintendo does
They literally stopped letting Treehouse localize games due to fan backlash. The Switch was also region free kinda sorta due to fan backlash about the 3DS and Wii U being region locked. Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower got localized due to fans speaking up. Stop trying to instigate console war bullshit.

>Halo Reach's multiplayer was good on launch
>XCX's open world is empty
>Blade style combat is just mmo gameplay
>Travis Strikes Again isn't the NMH3 we've been waiting for
>Fight N Rage being anything to write home about beyond combos

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>>Travis Strikes Again isn't the NMH3 we've been waiting for
This is correct though. We're getting an actual NMH3. TSA was great, though.

The fact is that modern games are SHIT, and JRPGs are not even fun, why the fuck does anyone play them

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I like to suck 's cock

>Using the words fun and comfy are somehow not valid compliments
I'm not a faggy game critic who needs to use big words to describe what I like.

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>Leon's campaign in RE6 was anything but the worst one
>Wind Waker is anything but the worst 3D Zelda

I think those are the biggest ones.

>Wind Waker is anything but the worst 3D Zelda
*Pic related

I haven't. However, I think Donkey Kong 64 is fun and look forward to an all new Donkey Kong 3D platformer.

Me too user. I almost 100%'d it as a kid and I had fun with the VC version.

It's ok to admit you like interactive movies and spread sheets user. You don't have to shit on wrpgs to do it

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both suffer the same problem of shit writing

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It's clearly an unfinished game that was rushed to market. Great idea on paper, but it wasn't given the time it needed to really stand out as a game. Presentation is ace but it really is just a third rate OoT clone as is.

>Sonic Riders and Star Fox Assault are bad games

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the unfinished part only becomes fully clear when you tear into the game's files

>Great idea on paper
>Presentation is ace
That's two points the game has over Skyward Sword

Literally the problem with that is that literally everyone overuses literally all the buzzwords until they literally lose all their meaning, literally

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>just a third rate OoT clone as is.
You mean like every other 3D zelda.

Awesome! It's challenging to even get close to 100% so that's impressive. However, it's plenty forgiving moving about and lets me enjoy rolling, sprinting or jumping across maps easily. Kirkhope's music brings some mystery to the environments and the divided sections according to each kong make it easy to follow banana trails. The whole cinematic experiment with the sliding camera makes the adventure seem like the final get together for the Kong family but I would seriously enjoy another adventure, especially if Kirkhope returns.

you can, just compare something like original sin 2 or pillars of eternity to something like tales of berseria
the same image can be made
I know it's hard for your anime damaged brain to accept but Japan has been creatively bankrupt for a long time and are even worse than the rest for releasing same formula-new graphics games

Pillars of Eternity and Divinity OS 2 shit on any JRPG.

Minecraft was never good.


>it’s another WRPG vs. JRPG thread

Both are equally shit
So are shitroidvania
Low IQ game for low IQ gamers

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opinions are problematic so i try not to have them. feeling strongly about something instead of making sure everybody on earth feels safe and respected is toxic.

platformers are quite literally for children, so I have no idea why you're trying to bring IQ into it, you fucking idiot

Wanna say just about any opinion I've seen on Yea Forums about fighting games.

When people reply to threads that aren't even bait so much as they are strawmen, as though they are not talking to strawmen. It is genuinely one of the most cancerous things on this board.

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dark souls 3 is the only one i like. i played it first, so going to 1 just felt like a rough version of 3, and 2 was just bad

Videogames are for children

Seen people complaining here about the fact you move faster with the knife than guns in CS.
Actually also want to say anything related to advanced movement mechanics as they seem to upset the casuals here.

overwatch isnt bad, just kind of bland. most of the hate comes from it being made by blizzard or the ass backwards stances they take on "toxicity". personally i just dont enjoy shooting at shields for 5 mins and then unleashing ultimates to push an objective

But user! It's the current year!! It's okay to childish in public ;)

>Finding out where to go next in Metroidvanias doesn't challenge the players observational skills
>Creating optimal character builds/loadouts in RPGs doesn't challenge the player's strategic skills
If anything the challenges these games present require a higher IQ than a simple, direct level structure.

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maybe in the early 90s, but modern games are targeted at a variety of ages, so no they're not unless you're the kind of retard that thinks games like banjo kazooie and planescape: torment are intended for the same age brackets

>person uses red letter media or another youtuber to form their opinions and say them word for word without a trace of uniqueness
>co-worker will defend every part of twilight princess including the long boring start of the game
>co-worker 2 will say BoTW has the best vidya soundtrack ever even though I've played the game for 80 hrs and don't remember a single one
>friend thinks toaster strudels are better than poptarts even though poptarts cost less and can be eaten toasted/untoasted/frozen

That's my point though. Every overused word essentially means the same thing anyways. There's no difference between me saying.
>"I like Mischief Makers because the gameplay is fun and challenging"
>"I like Mischief Makers the gameplay was really ahead of its time. I can't explain how much I enjoyed shaking and throwing things. It's challenge is next level you really need to be skilled and learn its mechanics well if you want to beat it."
>"Kino Makers and based af. Treasure should get off there asses and make more games like it."
I said the same thing three different times changing the words length didn't change the content.

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It becomes clear when Greatfish Isle doesn't have its own dungeon. The lacking fire/ice islands and Triforce quest padding drive it home. Parts of WW just feel off.

SS has the entire Lanayru region, Ancient Cistern, Sky Keep and the Ghirahim fights.

No, the others (aside from BotW) are second rate. At least those have some solid dungeons.

toaster strudels are way better than poptarts, poptarts are shit tasting and horribly dry. smores is the only good flavor, and it is only good hot.

Toasted s'mores are good and frozen raspberry is good too. You see strudels are nice, but I'm a lazy bastard who likes not needing to bukkake my already pre-frosted poptarts I can get in bulk from costco.

>he doesn't draw shapes and faces on his toaster strudels

>Pretending that Wind Waker didn't have good dungeons.
>Pretending that those "Second Rate" Zelda games weren't mostly forgettable dungeons with 2 - 3 stand outs.

>Platinum is a meme developer
>Bayonetta 2 is bad
I know I'm supposed to hate Korra, but I had fun with it on a second playthrough.

WW doesn't have good dungeons. Wind Temple is almost good but dragging Makar around is lame.

They don't give me enough frosting. I end up using the other packets to autistically finish my doodles.

>playing RDR2 makes you more intelligent and mature than someone who wants actual gameplay

>Valve used to make good games.
>Tf2, portal, half life, counter strike
>Theyre all bad

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Actually in this very thread.

>I know I'm supposed to hate X

Assault isn't bad but it's so hard not to compare it to 64. What kills it for me is no non-linear branching paths to different levels. That's all it seriously needed for me to consider it as good as 64. And better voice acting I guess, especially Falco and Krystal.
Seriously though I'd kill for another Starfox game without a stupid fucking gimmick attached to them like these two games.

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That's how I feel whenever I try to talk about sports games here

>Tower of Gods
>Earth Temple
>Wind Temple
Are all good Dungeons. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean their not.

>people who cry about western games being cinematic, but they immediately talk about how much they love JRPGs with 100 hours of cutscenes and 10 minutes of gameplay

And don't give me that garbage about how "oh there's tons of gameplay". Quick time events and sprawling through menus do not count as gameplay.

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Tower of Gods has a good second half but the mandatory water level shifting slows the first to an obnoxious crawl. And Earth Temple is just a bad mirror shield dungeon, not a scratch on Spirit Temple or Ikana Castle, and its final room is a standing symbol for how much of a joke WW's puzzles tend to be. Besides, Medli might be fun to control but her getting caught by Floormasters isn't.

>>>>>>Indie games
>representative of Western vidya
Nice try.

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When people claim that you never played the game if you have negative opinions about it.

>Every time someone who has played smash says they don't like it
I can see why, but man are they missing out. It's so unfortunate that the gameplay just doesn't click with some people. I wish everyone could have something in their life that's as good as smash is to me. The series is legendary and I love it.

>Use Royal Greatsword on bokoblin camp
>Get boko clubs from bokobakas
>Get bokobakadragonbaka club from chest
>I fought for nothing
>Walk ten steps
>Blood moon
>I wasted my time
Everything feels like waste of time in BotW. It's way much efficient to just kill Major test of Strength shrines for weapons. Whenever I see a bokobaka camp, I just avoid it. It just ain't worth it for the possibility of decent weapon or a gem. Rupees are good I guess, but having just a one 2-star armor set makes over half of the game a cakewalk, so in the end you are just buying armor and some hearty food parts for max health recovery.
I fell for the Nintendo hype twice in the row, first SS and then BotW. Thank God I skipped Mario Odyssey and played it at my sister's place. It was a Skinner's Box too.
I really hope the BotW sequel isn't a Skinner's Box but I ain't buying it until like 2 weeks after the release to see what it is actually like.

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>I wish everyone could have something in their life that's as good as smash is to me
A shower

i like smash but not ultimate or 64. melee is my favorite one for items and weird stages, brawl is the best one for modding, and 4 is the one i like most for competitive. ultimate looks too much like 4, but plays nothing like it and i cant shake muscle memory. i just end up upset every time i try to play ultimate

I got some enjoyment out of the game at least. I hated Zelda, I disliked the inconsistency in game mechanics, and despite everyone complaining about weapon durability, the game was WAY too easy. I had to constantly limit myself so it wouldn't be a pushover.


It was enjoyable to me for 5 hours, but I really didn't want my Royal Greatsword to break when I sneaked it off from Hyrule Castle. In the end I decided to grind the weapons from Shrines and places where I knew I get good weapons easily. Then the repetition hit me and I accidentally upgraded my whole armor set to 3 stars and wondered why I didn't take any damage. Then a Lynel one-shotted me(I maxed Stamina first, then got some hearts). The armor system is so fucking stupid it hurts my head. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I liked Purah though, pity I couldn't date her in the game.

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You know what man you can have it. No point in trying to change your mind. Wind Waker is kino and introduced a lot of great mechanics and ideas that were only expanded on later I.E. Good combat, Savage Labyrinth, a link that is as much of his own character as a blank canvas for the player. If you can't see that that is fine not my problem. I'll firmly admit it's not perfect but it's got a lot more going for it than SS. TP is debatable though cause that game has as many faults as it does positives as a Zelda game.

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I don't really think WRPGs are bad per se, but I can't get into any modern ones. Only ones like Fallout 1 and 2 are interesting, along with the occasional old dungeon crawler. Otherwise JRPGs tend to draw me in more.

>consoles are the reason why video games are bad
>consoles are holding gaming back
People will often point to Witcher 3 as an example of the second one but they'll always ignore the fact that the game would have been much smaller in scale if it had not also been developed on consoles. Sure you didn't get your pretty graphics but you also got a better game because of it.

Haha, good joke.

>Smash is anything other than a casual party game

Fighting makes the enemies stronger, which improves enemy drops. "Fighting gains nothing" is a tired debunked criticism.

obsidian are owned by microsoft and larian have had an enormous budget since OS1
were you really hoping someone mentioned a bethesda game as an RPG because that would be easy to strawman? even fallout 4 has more freedom and roleplaying opportunity than any JRPG and that game is extremely close to not even being an RPG because of how railroaded and casualised it is
but if youre only going to count AAA titles because its '''easier''' for you to actually argue against, how did FFXV turn out? THE quintessential JRPG series installment that everyone waited a fucking decade for
nice talk weebcel

That kinda sounds like grinding.

saw someone on Yea Forums try to convince people that alyx vance was a bad sjw character. theres probably worse opinions but that just leaves a bad after taste in my mouth

came to post this

Liking Metroid: Other M's story

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They are

Anyone who plays gachashit should be gassed.

>Player needing to have full agency in RPGs
>A good thing
There are many ways you can play a role, and if the game focuses on delivering a solid plot with a good story then Linear plotline is hardly bad. Like this complaint sounds to me like bitching that a pear doesn't tastes like an apple. They have different purposes and have different impact on the player. I also believe the term to segregate these as "east" and "west" is reductionist because then you are left with something like Mass Effect that is for all intentions and purposes a JRPG but it was made in the west.

Then again, this image implying that Thief is better than Metal Gear Solid already gives away it's a troll pic.

3 is literally a soulless copy

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games are mechanically complex

>literally has soul in the name

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>to play a shit game.
ehh, "shit game" is fully subjective. P.N.03 was paraded as a shit game, but I had fun with it. I like repetitive games, believe it or not.

>wants a game to fail so hard they start spreading misinformation to make it fail.
I blame this on console warriors who treat videogames as fucking sports team. The best example you can see of this mentality is in /vr/ where fuckers still to this day debate the technical capabilities of consoles, such as Saturn or N64 producing "real 3D" or not, as it fucking ever mattered.

>politics don't belong in games. They really just mean that people shouldn't do topical subjects cause they either don't agree with them or its always done shittily.
I am on the fence on this. On one hand the political discussion in Metal Gear Solid is very damn good, and enriches the flavor of the lore and plot-line itself, even if it comes out as preachy at times. On the other hand nowadays a lot of game developers, specially western indie, like to align themselves to whatever the american liberal left says due to their choke-hold on politically correct media. I.E. if those people don't like you for whatever reason you as a developer can be framed and left without a platform to advertise yourself just because some journalist needed an escapegoat to make click bait articles. In short: politics do belong in the videogame as part of the game, they don't belong in videogames surrounding developer or game making.

>a game is praised on Yea Forums, gets popular, and then gets shit on.
A personal belief of mine is that it just shows how people have different taste. Not everyone is going to like everything and people are more inclined to express negative thoughts than positive. A good example of that is this very thread, where most opinions are negative.

>The whole free speech for acting like a retard online.
I have absolutely no idea what r6g is, but you will always have both worlds. Freedom is a privilege not a right.

Yeah, but then they combine that with a battle system that challenges you to solve each fight as a puzzle. Well, the good ones do anyway. Most WRPGs focus on boring "use attack skills and manage not dying by drinking options" combat.

>I cannot think or act in accordance
>When posed with a problem where I have to use my brain my first solution is to brute force it through grinding
>I prefer platformers, where all the information I need to win is always on screen at all times
Platformers are for literal children. Even monkeys can beat Donkey Kong.

and WRPGs is for retards that can't get into TTRPGs. For people that look down on the simplistic nature of JRPGs, it's surprising you WRPGfags defend such a diluted sham of the freedom that TTRPGs offer. It's like a Mustardracefag gloating over console peasants while playing on a chromebook.

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are you saying table top games offer no freedom?

>whats wrong with my pepe and wojaks, Yea Forums was always awful and annoying so i'm not making it any worse

My bad, I meant:
> it's surprising you WRPGfags defend such a diluted mockery of the freedom of TTRPGs.

Anyone who says they like Other M's story is outright fucking with you. I'd sooner believe someone could like the game for the gameplay, not even kidding.

You try Tyranny or Underrail?

It's a tossup between 2 and 3 for me, but for different reason each.

Freedom is completely subjective and up to the DM. To be fair Tabletop RPGs are really just glorified playing house with some rules you don't even need to follow

I actually cannot get into rockstar or bethesda games
I don't really understand the appeal at all
Doesn't crashing cars and murdering brainless npcs get boring after the 100th time?

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The only Rockstar game I really liked was Red Dead Redemption when I played as a good guy stopping crimes and catching bandits.

well here's the problem, that form of irony sucks and its intended meaning gets lost making it worthless.
contrary to what people may think, shit like irony, sarcasm, hyperbole, and etc. require both the speaker and listener to understand the hidden meaning. or else the point of it all is lost and it just becomes fact for the listener and the speaker performs what is essentially mental masturbation

None. Because here I can graciously call someone with a shit opinion or post a faggot, and it'll either allow for the other to try and stand his ground leading to actual discussion without any filters or just seethe like a wimp.
Okay actually it also very often devolves in childish name calling and shitposting, but still no matter how sour and soulless this board and the entire site have become I still genuinely love coming here.

At least it's not like IRL or even other websites where you have to act at least a little decent around other people.

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I think the mechanics were pretty solid for a basic action game with platforming mechanics except for the ridiculous control scheme

literally all they had to do was make you use wiimote and nunchuck instead of fucking sideways wiimote and they could have improved the mechanics a lot