Could anyone on Yea Forums beat Kamiya's high score and take his title away from him?
How mad would he be?
Could anyone on Yea Forums beat Kamiya's high score and take his title away from him?
Given enough time and practice sure someone on Yea Forums could eventually beat it. He's probably not too invested in his high score.
*blocks ur high score*
redpill me on his situation
*--by cheating*
He posted a world record using MAME that was against the rules, causing his record to go to someone else. He is now suing them and Guinness Book of World Records.
>click on thumbnail
>He's wrinkly as fuck
This is what Kamiya does instead of working on Scalebound?
High score in blocking people on Twitter? Shitposting aside, was it something he actually went out of his way for, or was he just fucking around one day while drinking beers and ended up with a high score?
Scalebound came out two weeks ago, user
He looks so ridiculous
it's a fucking japanese culture game
you fucks ain't touching it.
make another masterpiece already you hack
Oh yeah isn’t he suing now?
yeah, it's a regular lolsuit. he claims that the video is edited by someone, but his speedrun appeared in an old MTV interview, dating before the alleged edits. he's fucked if that goes before a judge
That’s because he is
Scalebound looked like shit since its initial reveal, so good riddance
This man is based.
>Arcade Archives version
>Of Ninja-Kid
>On Caravan Mode
Seems oddly specific. I wonder if he's the only one who really put any effort into it.
Its a game nobody has played besides him, and guiness records heard him say he probably has the high score, so for good pr guiness just says he has the high score
That image screams unemployment (although it was updated by Plat). Hope he's on a fulfilling project after Scalebound went down.
Kamiya seems like a really cool dude. I read an interview with him where he talked about his inspiration for behind his philosophy of cool games. He said that it came from arcades back in the day where if you were really good at a game, you could draw a crowd. Inevitably this lead to showing off and trying to look as cool as possible.
>When Kamiya first beat a game at the arcade, “I had the gallery behind me, and to be honest, I really wanted to watch the ending of the game. But if you could beat a game and stand up and walk away that was really cool. I had a gallery behind me, so I had to stand up to walk away from the game. As I’m standing up and I’m walking away from the game, I’m looking at the ending screen thinking, ‘I really want to watch this,’ but I had to stand up because I had to do the cool thing.”
t. seething Apollo legend
What's his shirt say? Game no ____?
he's a great guy, shitters just hate him because he insults back and likes to block people
I don't know how you people missed Nier Automata coming out after Scalebound was canned and literally saving the company from bankruptcy
Stupid insect. Blocked.
Just do it live again lol
>Osaka, Osaka, Japan
Kaisha. Which means company.
You have to pay a bunch of money and go through an application process to get a record. Even people who can beat the record will be strongly discouraged from doing so, or even outright rejected by Guiness. It's all for marketing, you just pay them a bunch of money and they protect your record.
What has he has even been doing in Platinum since Scalebound's cancellation anyway? Aside from being having a supervisor role in other projects like Astral Chain. I don't think he's even directing Bayo 3, is he?
So this is why he wasn't making any new games.
Miyamoto said video game fans can't make good video games
He lacks the ability to get that score, so doing it live would just put the final nail in the coffin for him and prove he's a hack
Kamiya hates video games
Well there it is.
Does he? He's posted about games he's played many times.
He is a non conformist, he and Mikami had the choice to keep making Resident Evil games forever but they decided to make clover studios instead, then leaved and made their own company after Capcom modeled their business after Electronic Arts.
Supervising games mostly. Probably making sure TMNT doesn't happen again.
He already did it again on a real machine its even on twitch.
look at Yea Forums people who play and dont play the vidya hate it alike
He had a modicum of fame, lost it due to attempting to cheat using MAME. This cause him to be stripped of all his records, and banned from competeing for life, if I remember correctly,
and now he's desperately trying to sue to get it all back.
Killin looking fuck.
Yeah, he's legit good at the game, too bad he still submitted a MAME score. It didn't have to be like this.
Nope, he's a fraud.
i can but i'll never do it cause i don't want my name in the guinness world record book
There's live proof that he cleared his old record again on a cabinet.
I want to cum on his shiny head
That doesn't unbreak the rule that caused his original score to be removed from the Twin Galaxies leaderboard.
really? So what really did him in is being lazy?
He got pressured and caved to bad ideas out of fear of losing his status.
His dick had to be microscopic
>can apparently do it on a real cabinet
>submitted his score on an emulator that was against the rules and is pursuing a ridiculous law suit over the fact that people upheld the rules
What a fag. What is it about speed running that attracts the worst people?
>Guinness Scam Records
I think some of them forget how low the ceiling is with competing and beating scores. This isn’t basketball or F-1 racing, it’s playing video games and as such your score is always at risk of being beat. Some speed runners see this in the wrong light as a quick (ha!) shot to fame when the reality is you are a drop in the bucket that will be washed away before you know it. Case in point being this whole Kong fiasco where just days after all of it went down some other random dude beat the scores made. So all this fighting on is just who got the mill first and nothing more.
He was just to retarded or jewish to get a real cabinet and he got a cheap mame machine for his first recording instead.
It states the city, prefecture, and country, user.