So, fireden is dead for good

So, fireden is dead for good.
Until now it was just not updating, but we could at least search for Pre-august posts without problem, but now it all gone.
Hope you saved every copypasta, every old image. Because i sure didnt and now i regret it.

Attached: Sf2jYxKFSgnGx1q-wGtVvWSJ6J8Clho01eXdvaxSSds[1].png (1384x790, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I feel like with how many millions of viewers this site gets there should be a consistent archive for at least the popular boards

I'm absolutely positive the staff have their own archive and just don't make it public because they're faggots

The entire point of Yea Forums and imageboards in general is to have threads that aren't saved. Why the fuck would you want an archive?
Good threads are best left as memories.

they probably archive all the deleted CP

>dude just browse Yea Forums 24/7

How else are you going to expose people who hurts your feelings because they posted an image over and over again even though the only thing that matches is the image hash which means nothing at all?

What do you mean? It's archiving the only important boards, /cm/ and /y/.

Attached: 1566594217601.jpg (1200x900, 827K)

nothing that is posted here is worth archiving.

Because Jannies delete good threads and images before you get to them so being able to search those threads and find those images is a godsend.

To read storytimes of comics or get the download links from old Yea Forums threads? To prove things happened instead of just saying "U can totally trust me"? Tripfags hate archives because their old shit can get shoved in their face when they try to bullshit about something. Spammers and shills hate archives, because people can use them to prove spam/shilling.

Why WOULDN'T you want an archive?

>implying random shitposters are willing or have the capability to purposefully engineer hash collisions
>tfw no bf

Attached: img_080_011.png (259x195, 59K)

I miss voting to archive a thread. Also video games.

>this site SUCKS and the posters are STUPID MANCHILDREN and none of the posters are fucking worth ANYTHING
>*continues to browse*

For me, it's 4plebs.

Attached: 144.jpg (680x698, 53K)

Doesn't save images.

archivists deserve to be burned alive


What'd I do?

Attached: img_123.png (318x311, 79K)

>all those unsauced images

You know what you did to them, KYS ASAP

Wait, of all the boards on this site, THOSE are the ones they decided to keep? LMAO what a goddamn transparent disaster. Just think about the people that those boards combined would appeal to.

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>t. thinks imagehash has anything to do with poster's pc/ip

Bing Bong Ching Chong Ling Long Sushi.

They were getting investigated by the FBI.


>tend to just keep a billion tabs open at all times thinking "I'll check them later"
>will never know what they actually said

Attached: nightmare.jpg (168x176, 9K)

Holy fuck.

Attached: WTF.jpg (1080x1817, 588K)

>redditors can no longer search for file names to create a post history for anons
the horror

How else can I BTFO people using their post history?

Of the 200 images there, only 13 of them are vidya related

Based Ampharos

>tfw cached tab with old post refreshes to the 404 page

>noooo don't save my shitposts!!!
Let me guess, you said something retarded and it's screencapped for all eternity?

>We can no longer use fireden to prove just how often companies made template threads to shill their games
>We can't show people how many threads they made for the uncharted games, dragon age inquisition, and the new god of war

Attached: god of soy.jpg (1169x427, 360K)

oh no! where am I going to get redundant copies of the N-word now!?

Attached: 92.jpg (300x400, 28K)

wojaks are the future, deal with it

>we can't defeat the point of Yea Forums
could use reddit

so I can see the autist who spams the same shit and get them beaned

You just now realizing Yea Forums is a bunch of shitposters that don't actually want to discuss videogames?

Filenames and hashtags aren't proof of anything. They aren't tied to a persons IP or PC

If I save ampharos fags image and use it a bunch, it'll show up in the archive despite not being the actual dude posting it.

That's weird. It got taken down back in mid August for a couple of days and then returned in a permanently dormant state, where nothing after the day it was taken down would get archived. Why'd they take it down again?

how do i access this?

is there proof it was actually them though?

Wojak posters don't even use vidya related wojaks faggot, and neither do most frogposters.

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Why is there so much despair?

You spam your steam link all day every day it's pretty sad.


Attached: 1559909047394.jpg (600x418, 27K)

This is literally how people win arguments on r*ddit, they just search the other guy's post history

why is fireden so fucking gay

they had no good reason to completely remove those boards

What's the reason again for them removing Yea Forums archives? Something to do with CP right?

I was referring to the Ampharos poster.


sounds like you got caught spamming

So what’s the difference between Fireden and
Seems like the stuff up to August was moved here.

That, and probably the cost for hosting just keeps going up as more bullshit is stored.

drink bleach, shit smear

>nearly 1300 reposts in just 5 months
fucking based ampharos autist

The search feature is garbage on

>dark souls 3
fucking shills


I really doubt it since Yea Forums has an archive and has forever and that problem is way worse on that board

Well that’s good to know
Anyway, people are saying that Yea Forums was removed from Fireden but I can click on it, it’s just that I get redirected to an onion link

Barneyfag is still holds 1st place in his iron autistic grip. Based, as always.

Say what you want about 8/v/ , Mark let us talk about videogames at least.

Attached: 30 beats per minute.jpg (1018x570, 87K)

>ripme works on desuarchive and but not or fireden
Who do I have to sell my soul to in order for that to happen

>tfw all the CP that was posted by trolls on Yea Forums remained archived there for years, images and webms that would get you thrown in prison were never deleted

I'm amazed the party van didn't shut them down years ago.

works for me :)

This is a few years old, but still.

Attached: board reposts.jpg (1200x6937, 1.77M)

resetera trannies can't dox People without it

>some guy namefags and posts CP to derail a thread
>search his name on the archive to see how often he does it
>six pages of undeleted CP

Attached: 1462280970256.jpg (337x372, 23K)

It looks pretty great until you hit /pol/, then it never gets better

This sounds alright on paper, but there are many people now that salivate at the idea of no archives so they can rewrite history however they want

>was in a thread once that was actually good then suddenly disappeared with explanation, so went to the archive to see what happened
>up pops a webm of toddler bondage scat watersports

And that's the last time I ever used fireden.

it still works for me

>We will never be able to check those threads jannies deleted
>We will never be able to read through comfy threads again
>all this because the fireden staff are faggots who can't get more jannies and they personally hate Yea Forums

Attached: 1556662205020.gif (480x270, 2.48M)

but the opposite is worse when you have redditors who pretend they were on Yea Forums years ago and use the archive as "proof" of something they weren't even around for

>and they personally hate Yea Forums
I don't blame them, nearly every board that hasn't been infested with reddit hates Yea Forums.
Yea Forumseddit competes with /pol/mblr in making /trash/ and /mlp/ look good.

Attached: mario.png (196x197, 34K)

At the very least it’s nice to have proof that reddit spacing is a retarded phrase
I thought it was Yea Forumsmblr

>toddler bondage scat watersports
Who are you and why do you know about my favorite tags on the Panda?

some of these changed dramaticly

Can he be stopped?

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No that's pretty retarded dude, revisionists are worse than redditors posting what actually happened. It's not like taking down the archive is going to make redditors go away, so at least they're not talking bullshit.
There's no real argument against an archive except by people who would benefit from it's absence.

>normalfag-friendly boards are all Wojacks and Pepes

Attached: really activates the steel angel.png (870x1080, 1.1M) saves threads when they're archived so if a thread is deleted or a post in the thread is deleted there's no record of it.

How does Yea Forums manage to be a big board but still resist the endless flood of faggots that keep coming here? Is it because they're the only board with effective gatekeeping?

>Yea Forums
>effective gatekeeping anymore

what is this redir onion shit for the fireden vg thing?

Yea Forums lets mods and jannies do their jobs without interference. Here if a wojack thread is deleted they'll ban evade and post more for days.

It doesn't, retard.

There’s still an endless flood of faggots, just check shit like the Dragon Ball Super general
What the mods do is instantly delete pepe and wojak threads/posters though

Yea Forums isn't that "big" compared to Yea Forums or /pol/, it has also gone downhill thanks to r/anime tourists, anitwitter cancer, and MALfags settling in. Still one of the better boards remaining, though.

Why did it go down?
Because I want to save the good things Yea Forums posts. Yea Forums posts links, has discussions about new and old games I'm interested in, and even give helpful resources sometimes.
I can't make a thread to ask "Hey anyone have that torrent to that old game from five years ago?" and I can't expect /r/ or /t/ to deliver jack shit anymore. So instead, I have the archive.

seconding this
manually saving every image from fireden threads is a pain in the ass

wojak and pepe are instant banned
the moderation on Yea Forums doesn't fuck around

>Deletes posts older than 2 months

Deletes images older than 2 months

Attached: img_2837.jpg (180x314, 39K)

>8fag bringing up 8gag for no reason
Do you still miss your hugbox, sweetie?

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>Why did it go down?
It was a server issue as far as I know, the site was costing a fortune to maintain and making very little revenue in return. Yea Forums and /vg/ are the fastest boards and were full of 90% shitposting anyways. Also the most likely places to require constant deletion of illegal content.

Based and cuteboypilled

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There was an image of a Ubisoft Twitter post that was taken by the person who was logged into that account. I can't find it though

not him but I miss the hentai games board

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They're probably a hell of a lot cheaper to archive than Yea Forums.

Honestly this place is too fast for its own good
The fastest boards definitely need to have traffic cut down

I got a bunch of shill exposure images, do you want me to dump them?

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God dammit I don't want to make a fucking f95 account to download games, fucking archaic bullshit

Attached: 1566154124770.jpg (640x476, 81K)

The original purpose and culture of the chans is long dead.

>Daily dose isn't even on there
You've let me down, Yea Forums.

Attached: 1541236963522.gif (329x302, 6K)

Do it.

That might happen if hiro's p.Yea Forums thing ever gets implemented. From threads I've seen about it on /qa/ you have to pay to post on phones. I'm sure it'll have no horrible repercussions on the rest of the site.

Do you have ?

Because they actually have good mods. If you suggest that Yea Forums needs heavier moderation, you're accused of being from retardera.

Well? Go on, doc. I've needed a full dose for days now.

Will do.

Attached: 1493507702486.jpg (2761x1552, 1.18M)

Block phoneposters
problem solve

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Attached: 3Y3QoAw.png (726x454, 34K)

I don't have that one unfortunately, i do have this one though.

Attached: 1509654518326.png (1473x1217, 1.67M)

55GB torrent dc7277cdd749a5e4aaffa9f32eb07a9366a3ed01

Thanks for all the dolphin porn

>things that didn't happen

Attached: 1518402954535.jpg (2347x1736, 1.23M)

Torrent of what

>phoneposting faggots stop flooding this shithole with twitter screencaps about literally whos
Fund it.

Yea Forums is next you realize

Attached: pajeetsoft.png (1904x1104, 1.07M)

why everything has to die?

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he avatar/namefagged as sachiko, search the archive enough through names and you'll find it if there's any left

>p.Yea Forums
Can I get some additional context? I wanna know how recently this idea was brought up

Lossy Touhou songs

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Far Cry 2 is kino and 3 was still a widely acclaimed game so I could see organic threads being made about it especially with racial tensions in the US so high

>better moderation
>console war flaming curbed
>reddit tier threads deleted
>ID's helped prevent shilling
>most shitposting confined to one or two threads at a time
>active gamedev threads
>could post multiple images/webms per post
>webms with sound
Not the user you're replying too, but 8 Yea Forums was superior in every way.

full dump of g,jp,mlp,v,vp

Attached: 1546814143081.png (2238x1060, 2.61M)

Modern gaming is shit if not dead completely, if anything you have to question why have a gaming board at all.

Attached: 1525123877083.jpg (4002x7365, 1.93M)

Motherfucker I just changed back all the links in my mesoamerican info dump list to fireden since they re-nabled Yea Forums and Yea Forums after having switched all the links to arch.b4k

Attached: anxo-mijan-praza-oeste-ma.jpg (1920x1216, 1.27M)

>2d loli is CP
top tier mongoloid

Attached: 1533247153069.png (1485x1536, 1.74M)

Attached: 1514819564241.jpg (2083x1405, 462K)

good. now you can stop stalking other posters

I've gotten that before when I mentioned the failed Yea Forums youtuber Hiro tried

Attached: Screenshot (147).png (849x417, 88K)

Attached: 1533247715511.jpg (4888x6804, 2.91M)

not him but there was some CP just sitting in the archives


Attached: moot meh.jpg (800x746, 61K)

this t b q h
this shit is supposed to be ephemeral

after seeing their glorious plan was to transition from java to python* for performance reasons i'm inclined to agree

* not an endorsement of using java for any reason

Attached: 1518274091483.jpg (502x700, 258K)

wtf iam an archivemissile now

The ampharos poster literally posts that picture in EVERY thread, but he's probably a NEET who spends all day on Yea Forums. Autism. He probably got a few other anons hooked on spamming it as well.

>hurr durr archives are bad they go against the point of Yea Forums
>can't search through archive to find for sauce or answers or to not make the same retarded threads anymore
Fucking mongoloids.

holy shit reddit

Webms with sound made it better by default, but threads were also more than a cycle of people posting cringe and dilate with shitty coomer memes. At this point I only come here because the rest of the internet is that much worse.

Attached: LOL.jpg (640x640, 192K)

Why are sonyfags such trash?

guys lets not be ridiculous its actually just fanboys that are making the same thread over and over again telling you to buy a game from a dev Yea Forums never talks about anywhere

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I like how the wojaks and frogs are proportional to how cancer is the board

if Yea Forums is your main souce of porn youre a huge faggot who needs to be spoonfed anyway so kys

Attached: goons.png (1561x1630, 461K)

they stole our sakurafish
gradually i began to hate them

Attached: 1541377572152.jpg (1024x854, 126K)

Don't be fooled, Yea Forums is frogposter central. Can't say for the other boards but Yea Forums really isn't the clean and smart board it wants you to believe.

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>shots that makes you want to suck cock

Attached: 1444336579797.gif (240x291, 568K)

Yea Forums mods have been fucking up lately, I've seen shitty twitter screencap threads stick around for hours and deleted posts within the thread proves mods are enabling it. They also go after buyfag threads to autistically enforce arbirary and unwritten rules while leaving shitposters and blatant rulebreaking running rampant. Still better than this board, but I also think it's because anime and manga filters out a lot of retards once you go beyond shonenshit.

>you have to pay to post on phones

Attached: jinx.gif (250x250, 724K)

based ampharostranny bathing in his own filth

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Attached: 1522003224310.png (819x667, 173K)

you burgers and fries losers are mentally ill

>Barneyfag's autism surpasses even wojak and frog spam

I've only ever seen him in "thinly veiled" /pol/ threads, Twitter screencap threads, or Wojak autism threads. And I post in a lot of vidya threads. Sounds like you only come here to be a worthless shitposting loser, user.

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Attached: hirotruth.png (1402x3892, 2.51M)

That same leak document also shows the CIA logs a lot of time on /mlp/
I bet it's because of ya es hora.

When does save images?

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Did 8ch ever get back online after getting murdered by ((them))? I really miss 8 Yea Forums before the whole THQ publicity stunt.

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>you have to pay to phonepost
>new IPs need to lurk for at least a day/week before posting
Would this help save Yea Forums?

Attached: 1497907342070.jpg (1360x1103, 418K)

I always said that the best way to bring votes to the right-wing is "leave it to the democrats, they're the best right-wing shills".

Everyone on pol just jacks off to it

Attached: hiro0000.png (978x754, 315K)

for Yea Forums at least the archive is just to have a database of download links, i imagine it's the same deal on a lot of these boards as well

Not everybody is a massive faggot like /h/ and those on Yea Forums who like shit like taimanin and subverse.

Attached: 1523326850721.gif (2123x2734, 639K)

go to reddit it's 8gag run by people that can read

>the more normalfag and non-virgin the board the more pepes and wojaks
>hence the more cancerous they are

Why did you allow the normalfags on Yea Forums again, anons? Now flaunting about "having sex" is a thing.

Attached: 1484725604957.png (2224x6864, 2.58M)

no joke they said they would have it back online by September 5th

wew lad

Attached: BTN_Sayonara_Zetsubou_Sensei_01_1280x720_h264_BD_FLAC_4D4266E1.mkv_snapshot_07.45_2015.01.17_02.52.1 (1280x720, 74K)

are there actually posts here worth archiving?

Attached: 1522554154485.jpg (322x605, 43K)

You always want to preserve the past.

Hey while you guys are talking about shills, have you ever thought about how AI will just spam shit endlessly within the next few years to the point where 90% of posts are incredibly intelligent bots that perfectly mimic humans?

Sometimes I shitpost in threads just using posts as prompts and replying the result to people. Most of the time nobody even considers its a robot and just calls it nonsense. Interestingly the site sometimes will output Yea Forums's top post bar (the thing at the top of posts with the date and time) without me even putting in any identifiers that the post came from Yea Forums. Basically Talk to Transformer is seeded by text all over the internet and can tell that the input would match a Yea Forums-esc responce.

Attached: talktotransformer.png (615x923, 86K)

codemonkey is busy implementing backdoors for feds, dream's dead. Personally I'm glad to see mark starved of attention and income.

they'll get ddosed by trannies so they aren't coming back

Attached: shilling2.jpg (818x4460, 839K)

Yea, I do legit miss 8ch, but only because all the good western loli artists posted their shit on /delicious/ and 8/v/ wasn't full of constant shitposting because people actually know how to report shitposts over there.

Attached: 1508802079187.jpg (1172x487, 238K)

archives serve a purpose

unlike you, mong

yeah I've posted shit from that without people noticing too

Attached: 1517633456765.jpg (1434x1800, 808K)

You're a horrifying person, but this is a pretty interesting use for that retarded website

that really fucking sucks sometimes i just want to actually have a discussion and not lose brain cells trying to dig through the thick layer of human excrement that this fucking site forces me too do to actually find some meaningful discussion for once.

john oliver archived one of my posts
hopefully hbo is more reliable

Every other post is wrong, the reason Yea Forums isn't as shitty as boards like Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /pol/, and Yea Forums is because Yea Forumsutists didn't actively make enemies of the mods and, more importantly, they IMMEDIATELY report shitposts on sight, something that most people on shit boards like Yea Forums NEVER do.

>They don't remember 4chanArchive
>they don't remember having to vote a thread up in order to trigger an archive

I miss it bros

I see it posted but I don't understand the context, does he do it when he gets into an autistic fit? Reminds me of a /k/ namefag who thinks he can police every time there's a meet up at a range.

well gain about 40 iq points and join a mailing list for a technical subject

Holy shit, based

Thought i had more than that, oh well. I'm done dumping.

Attached: 1519089756376.png (700x1090, 246K)

First vidya picture starts at 50.

Attached: 1558026260610.png (926x893, 800K)

I feel indifferent because hardly any posts are ever any good here to begin with. We deserve to fade away.

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As a trans woman, I don’t see the point of an archive,

In a month resetrannies will be claiming pre-election Yea Forums was a haven of tolerant and loving berniebros.

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you are such a newfriend

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I wanted the archives for Yea Forumsermin Yea Forumseekend at the very least

Don't call it retarded, I love that stupid site. The best inputs are asking it to list things like top ten most degenerate fetishes or for the members of a fictional team with only one actual member and a description of them listed.

The archived archives are still showing up for me, even on

Speaking of archives, has been dumped in its entirety recently/ever? It's probably the single most complete Yea Forums archive out there and it'd be a shame for it to just go up in smoke one day, especially the really old stuff that other archives might not have.

Sometimes I like to browse threads where I had a lot of (you)s for satisfaction

>not vidya
eat shit FFaggot

Attached: 1543899266166.png (600x600, 42K)

They claim that already.

Deep down you know I'm right, most of the retards here whining about shitposts rarely ever report said shitposts, then actively join in when said shitposters start flinging shit like retards.
It's been like this for years, starting in 2008 and worsening in 2012 before hitting its peak in 2016-2017.
I enjoy a nice offtopic thread every once in awhile, but a lot of the retards here just spam shit instead of making it a once-in-awhile thing like literally every other board, and that just ends up with threads being deleted, autists getting banned, said autists getting mad and spamming more threads, and the board's quality continuing to plummet.
The entire point of 4am threads was to have a little offtopic shitpost thread from time to time without it being too overbearing, but when there are fucking 20 4am-esque threads in the catalog at any given moment that shit gets grating.

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I don't know how to feel about that one.

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Fucking disgusting

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Half of those retards don't even randomize filenames. It's hard not to call them out when it's so clearly the same person.


It's something for me to do at work when it's really slow.

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Attached: 1542206616667.png (1567x1955, 42K)

Don't listen to , Yea Forums is just as shit as the rest of the high traffic boards, the only difference is that they encourage each other to dump their garbage faggot shitposts on other boards and derail threads into pointless anime shit, then try to hide behind the bullshit "muh weeb site tho" excuse. It's really bad at /vg/ right now. Literally go into any MMORPG general thread and it's constantly flooded with avatarfagging anime niggers and ironic bullshit like footposting and other assorted garbage. I forget which one it was but either WoW or Guild Wars general got so bad with tranny and anime shit that they had to delete the generals on sight for like 3 weeks straight, that's how bad it is. The janitors either don't care or can't keep up with them. You could make a fucking Donkey Kong Country general and they would rape it with constant off topic derailing shit.

>That one dude obsessed with pushing coomer because GAMERBRAIN didn't catch on

Attached: 1567632851301.png (357x419, 139K)

I do user

>I miss it

I don't, it was a stupid system.

Can't even rember last time there was a good pasta on this board

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Fuck ampharos and fuck you.

Not everyone needs to think like 2000s most. Its 2019 user.

Funny how a single autist posting cheese pizza is enough to bring down an entire site.

It could start a race of super intelligent AI that will take over the human race in a few years, and it could be done without a gun, and without the need of gunpowder or a rocket to take over space. We already have tools that can control any other type of robots, including the cars and TVs and guns and even airplanes which are already doing that, so why don't we take it to other fields where that will never happen? We should consider going this direction instead of fighting against the AI race and fighting the gun war. They are both just an extension of humanity and so are not a concern. I feel the same way about having weapons of mass destruction against people (even if I don't want to use them). People will never stop using them. They may only have to rely on the internet, but I think that will grow at a very slow pace of around 5% per year but in a very big way. We have to stop

Attached: Dmx4MA0UYAER5Ea.jpg (971x546, 56K)

Because mods there actually do their job and shoot down retarded wojaknigger threads on sight. Don't be fooled though, the average population of Yea Forums still falls for the same garbage tier bait like everyone else. They go full /r9k/ tier blogposting when there's some Kuzu no Honkai tier anime where people start having sex

Anti- archivists must be marched to death.

I never understood the whole barneyfag thing, what did he do that was so bad.




>Hope you saved every copypasta, every old image
I did
ok then you cuck

Attached: I won't ever forget.jpg (724x7228, 739K)

He had to watch Barney in special ed and it mentally scarred him

you mean besides spam relentlessly, including posting ponyshit so he could spam in his own pony threads


Attached: 1568634170527.png (270x301, 102K)

The slugfucker of Yea Forums

antiarchival aktion

>Sounds like you only come here to be a worthless shitposting loser, user.
That's 90% of Yea Forums in a nutshell.
Thank god Yea Forums's popularity is starting to die down, nowadays the site struggles to hit 800k posts a day compared to almost double that in early 2018/late 2017.

>hurf durf anons, why did you allow normalfags in a normalfag hobby on one of the most popular (read: normalfag) boards on Yea Forums???

The way I see it is that we have to start looking at technologies and try to improve what we have instead of what we don't. That is how we can create all new things. Even the most advanced robot you could imagine using it may not be the best robot that mankind uses, because you don't want to make it smart in the same ways that an intelligent system is. We are not machines and so if we make robots smarter, it will be because of human intelligence. As long as the robots are intelligent and our technology is intelligent, what we have and how we use it may not ever be the same. So we have to figure out what works.
We have to have more people working in technology that can put new ideas into it that can be a new paradigm. That's how I look at the internet. If you are trying to take a new paradigm, it's the same way. You need a foundation to base your ideas on and you could start in a world that people are familiar with and you could learn from everyone else.


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It was costs of running the site not the autist, even the current archive is saying it isn't sustainable due to costs

Why hasn't /jp/ been renamed /2hou/?

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I was under the impression the entire time that Barneyfag was a hero who could somehow identify pixels from any MLP image in existence to call them out. You mean to tell me this isn't the case? Better him than some wojaknigger from Yea Forums is what I say

it's confirmed that the fbi has an archive

How gay.


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lee do i have to call your mom

I thought he hated ponyshit

He is based. I've never seen him shitpost in an actual video game thread. Wojakfags can bite it and complain all they want when they pull the "I only come here to shitpost xddd" argument

I see these types of people on ABC reality shows too (Though I always suspected that it was some stipulation in the contest rules rather then genuine interest for at least a portion of them). What the fuck drives these normie autists to be so obsessed with fucking Disney.

that means the chinese have an archive

This. I seriously have to consider a new hobby. 6th gen was the last good one.

>This site
No, just this board.
Just Yea Forums specifically.
And I guess /pol/ and Yea Forums, but everyone with a brain already knows that they're shit.

biz is always a blast when their coin drops. Based Barneyfag.

because you can have stats about the boards, I don't forget how forced was cümbrain before it was filtered

how would anyone be able to visit moot's favorite board if you changed its name

cult of fire is the most based thing to ever come out of india besides shitting on your neighbor's lawn
prove me wrong


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The irony.

>mfw tripfag replies to my post
is there a worse feeling bros

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>the mcchickens
>the corvette vs nissan

Someone pretending they used the site earlier than they really did is not worse than inventing false history.

Don't even bother responding to a LE COME HERE TO SHITPOST XD faggot. These people only come to the board for wojak opinion threads made for shitposting and can't appreciate all the actual videogame threads that come with OC like Underrail,DMC,LoboCorp ect and start cheering when archives go down because "Yea Forums doesn't talk about videogames xDD"

i started posting here in 2020

>people can identify me based on my images
being an attention whore sucks

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>newfags lurking more is a bad thing

>mfw tripfag responds to my post
>mfw i answer before noticing his trip
>mfw people think I'm feeding tripfags when I just systematically ignore names

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Saw them live earlier this year
I must say, it definitely was the most pleasant smelling concert I've ever been to

lol Yea Forums didn't change

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wait until you start getting creepy anonymous replies from staff without posting any image
that is your final form

>See a new tripfag name
>Reply to them with "filtered"
>Never see them again

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Best mainstream boards by far. Only if you want niche shit you can do better.

>still reposting 7-1

>How does Yea Forums manage to be a big board but still resist the endless flood of faggots that keep coming here?
Simple, by creating their own damn faggotry.

>mfw ""user"" calls me by my name, even if I've never mentioned it before
These mods are creepy motherfucker. Scared the shit out of me.

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>"Every other post is wrong,"
>Proceeds to be wrong in the same sentence.

Being the best mainstream board is like being the smartest retard.

Have you ever stepped foot into a shounen thread? You couldn't tell it apart from a shitpost thread on Yea Forums with how many times chad and based get thrown around. Literally the only good threads on Yea Forums are weekly manga chapter threads

>Implying I would ever punish myself by being an anime-only
Animefags are cancer to Yea Forums just like cartoonfags are cancer to Yea Forums.

not that user but 8/v/ was by far better than 4/v/

This shit didn't happen

he posted real cp links while avatarfagging you mental midget

it's true i do dump all of my garbage shitposts on another board that attracts people i don't like
how did you know

>tfw its a pleasant exchange

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are slash games is open to you still

>go to a mexican thread and get mexican posters

So what shit were you spamming

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Yea Forums's fireden archive appears to be up for me still. Is OP correct or is he lying?

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Then uncheck it? You're on Yea Forums you should know how to use torrents by now

Yeah I'm sure when the same exact image is used with the same exact OP like that autist talking about religion with Blasphemous isn't the same person

Yes I'm sure the other chan is the absolute bastion of intelligent discussion and not a more concentrated host of the cancer you call a community.

op is referring to the fact that the archive no longer updates.

>Until now it was just not updating, but we could at least search for Pre-august posts without problem, but now it all gone.
It sounds like he's claiming it's gone outright, not just not updating.

It's that kind of thinking that destroyed Yea Forums.
Full of disgusting non-virgins. That would be fine if you all weren't such normalfags, but yet here you are.

Non-virgins and normalfags should always be shunned from Yea Forums.


This is a true statement in a vacuum, but most of the people who would argue they belong here the most and are the least normalfag are the ones that engage in the most normalfag behavior (spamming wojaks and other meme templates, devolving everything into hurf durf muh fanbase wars, etc.) It's kind of hard to measure who belongs here, when the ones who want to belong most categorically don't.

>Deep down you know I'm right, most of the retards here whining about shitposts rarely ever report said shitposts, then actively join in when said shitposters start flinging shit like retards.
You're acting like the same shit doesn't happen on Yea Forums ever. Seriously, just saying the word "sauce?" is enough to trigger retards into derailing a decent thread.

It's quite simple really. If you're legitimately here to shame people about perceived virginity and get angry about fictional characters with a sexy appearance instead of talking about video games you don't belong here.
Other sites suffer because people bring their real lives into the discussion or try to establish themselves in a social pecking order. On an anonymous image board that shit is just mindless noise that only muddles real discussion.

>or try to establish themselves in a social pecking order.
Not him but Smash threads literally do this with all the different rosterfags trying to constantly shit on each other in regards to characters/series they want validated over the ones they don't like/care about and that's just one big notable example. Even people who aren't arguably normal, are like this here.

Good. Archives are gay.

t. shitposter who doesn't want to get called out

>Good threads are best left as memories.
I can't remember all that shit. That's why the fuck I want an archive.

Smashfags are insane autists, I never understood those threads but I also avoid them like the plague.

Explain my fuhrer

several thousand posts with the same image and the same general content within the spawn of two or three days, got banned because the guy forcing it bot-spammed it on Yea Forums when they fucking hated the meme and it got deleted

Well shit

>it's wojaks all the way down
Pretty much ragefaces at this point, congratulations Yea Forumseddit.

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They're an autistic board that hates fun, fuck any of the weeb trannies that want Yea Forums to be more like them.

>spamming the same shit over and over again and not discussing anything is fun
Kill yourself.

>implying mods give a shit

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You're delusional as fuck. Old Yea Forums has been replaced with newfags because old Yea Forums resented mods. Mods went out of their way to ban the shit out of old Yea Forums for the dumbest things ever. Newfags are constantly brown-nosing mods and trying to be oldfags and Yea Forums is literal trash because of it.
Yea Forums is full of shitty generals and all of those threads are made by the exact same autistic shitposter. The only non-shitty threads on Yea Forums are threads for popular shows because they actually have people and discussions, but a mod will still ban them because they get offended by anything, so you have to be careful to not trigger them.

It's a shitty board.

The archives were once wiped anyways. Fireden only kept the post moot era which is shit

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>tfw my embarrassing posts are gone forever now

>go on 8gag
>say something bad about circle-jerk
>get banned

fuck you going on about?
you can still view August and earlier posts

do they still ban sakura fish?

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Reminder that only shitposters are against archives.

Soon we will reign surpreme.

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