He did not use MAME for his Donkey Kong world record and he will sue all of you who question his legitimacy

He did not use MAME for his Donkey Kong world record and he will sue all of you who question his legitimacy.

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Watch out its gbf


>speedrunners salty their smear campaign is being challenged
Legitimately, dilate.

He has since gotten the score again at a machine in a bar but they wont restore his titles because he obviously use MAME.

Shut up billy

what does peter dinklage have to do with donkey kong?

as it should be
a verified cheater is not welcome in competition, even if they vow to never cheat again

>Be Billy Mitchell
>Realize Speedrunning is literally a meme sport that requires no real skills other than rote memorization
>Cheese the fuck out of it
>BTFO nerds and Speenrunning autists
Billy Mitch is actually pretty based

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Never forget when regular show was clairvoyant and made him the antagonist of a couple episodes before this whole thing started.

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Good. Now let's get werster off speedrun.com as he has admitted he's cheated before.

>his proof is a sketchy VHS recording of a high score

I'm shocked nobody questioned his record for years.

Nice revisionist history there too. King of kong came out before that episode.

werster has cheated? Source? His youtube channel is comfy.

Giant bearded face?

They had refs back then, but I think the ref for all Billy Mitchell's stuff was his high school buddy or something, which should have raised suspicion.

Repeated nearly 15 years after the fact, live, and verified, only a month after he was removed.

DIdn't he try and sue the show and lost?

He probably did use MAME, but that just means that his score should be moved to the emulated high score table. There's no evidence that it was FAKED. Just that it wasn't on real hardware like he originally claimed.

>Yea Forums hates cancel culture
>except when it's cheating at videogames, then they can't be given a second chance, they're cancelled forever

he got the world record...but who has the universe record?


Not trying to be revisionist, I guess I’m just retarded.

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hey zoomer
EVERYTHING that old was on sketchy as fuck VHS recordings
especially when it's being done on a live machine

People did question it, it's just that Billy was balls deep into Twin Galaxies, to the point where I think he even gave TG/Walter money because that shit became irrelevant once Guinness started doing game records and games stopped having high scores.

Werster should've been excommunicated a long time ago. Like right around the time he said nigger on a charity live stream

>ywn be as much of a fucking loser as this near 50 year old man clinging on to a high score at a video game only means of attention

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Yea Forums isn’t one person. Honestly I enjoy cancel culture and clown memes. I’m a nobody with a user twitter account getting likes for shitting on a innocent person. They all deserve it to a extent

No, Garrett Bobby Ferguson

>live, and verified

Correct me if I'm wrong but it that's literally the opposite of what happened. It was recording and "verified" by guy who was a friend and employee.

Hey guys just letting you know there's a potential Donkey Kong kill screen coming up if you're interested.

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It's on his twitch.

google werster sonic il

again, it's all on twitch.

Feels good to be me

>VHS recording
>live machine

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There's a difference between not wanting someone's life ruined because they said "nigger" once 15 years ago, and telling a known cheater to fuck off because you don't feel like investigating every one of their runs frame by frame whenever they upload a new one.

>apollo actually flew out to see this guy just to call him out
biggest fucking nuts

Billy did nothing wrong. True alphas like him and Richard Stallman always win in the end.

I'm amazed nobody kicked the shit out of this cumsucker

The only thing that is being cancelled is his cheated scores. Billy is still semi famous and enjoys success with his hot sauce company or whatever, nobody is trying to take that from him lmao

dude straight up moneyhats TG of course they wouldn't question him

What the fuck is MAME

Someone stream King of Kong. I remember watching that the day it came out. Good times.

multiple arcade machine emulator.

As the name implies its an emulator.

who here watched Billy live on twitch when he did his perfect game of pacman on july 4th?

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japanese milf doujin artist, did a lot of good H-games with COMPLETS

he's 54, he's married with kids and he owns a business.

Didn't all his friends, colleges and employes and everyone involved come out to say that Billy is completely full of shit?

Cry me a fucking river. The main problem with Billy is that he won't admit to his wrongdoings and refuses to apologize. A person like that should be banned permanently.

>Repeated nearly 15 years after the fact
You say that like it's impressive. Strats are always changing in stuff like this. Being able to beat a score you cheated 15 years ago only means you're still playing at the level you pretended to be on 15 years ago.

I didn't own an N64 growing up, I've never played Goldeneye or Prefect Dark in my life. I fucking guarantee you right now if I had a month to prepare I could set a world record by 2004 standards in either of those games.

Yeah okay, the dude is nearly 60 years old. Donkey kong requires reaction speed skills. You're reaction speed noticeably goes down as you get older. This is very basic human physiology. He only then had a month of "practice." you think this literal fucking boomer was scouring the net for the latest strats. Also keep in mind that million point game is something very few people in HISTORY have been able to replicate. It's time to stop.

to add to this, he did it 4 times live in two months.

While MAME does disqualify him from the clearly established rules, he has shown time and time again that he can legitimately get those scores. People just don't want the arrogant guy to win.

Winning defamation cases is pretty hard. because the burden of proof is quite high and hard to nail down, and when you bring up frivilous shit and it gets tossed out, you are on the hook for the defendants legal fees. Frivilous lawsuits are a bad idea.

He's a pathological liar. He's getting exactly what he set himself up for. I don't know what else you would expect.

>People just don't want the arrogant guy to win.

No shit. If you fool people and don't apologize for it, why should the community accept your back?

The problem with the high score was that he lied about it being done on arcade hardware. There was never a question about Billy not being able to do it. Because he can. The problem was that he lied and refuses to admit it.

It's hard to sue a blatant parody, and major cable networks aren't easy marks for out of court settlements.

Correct. The judge ruled that he did not own the intials GBF nor giant bearded faces. Making fun of someone, especially someone famous is generally protected speech.

>high score record
Great job, fuckwit. Fantastic fucking job.

Not really.

Yeah guess where this shit came from nearly 15 years later. Get over yourself.

>Yea Forums are massive fucking hypocrites

dilate you mentally ill tranny

science isn't as all or nothing as you believe.

Speak for yourself, one day the world will recognise my list of cheevos.

Seth Gordon ruined this man's reputation forever just so he could have a more interesting narrative in his documentary.

As if it wasn't bad enough that he faked the score, he's actually pretty self-absorbed. Quite arrogant.

Don't compare this fucking poser to Dr. Stallman, you retarded child.

The difference is this guy is probably guilty.

This is so fucking dumb though. He can do, he's proven it, and yet you're saying "well let's not actually recognize the now because that old tape has issues". This is crazy. We all fucking know barry bonds cheated. He's still got the homerun record. That's an incontrovertible fact of life. If you want to talk hall of fame of gamers, you may have a point. But thankfully we fucking don't

Get the fuck out, dipshit.

Fucking phoneposters

Yet science that agrees with you such as the tape analysis, is perfectly fine.

The other problem being that score having been beaten since, which makes his repeat attempts completely irrelevant.

>cheat to get a record
>get record legit years and years later when it doesn't matter anymore and is like 15th or 16th best at this point anyway

sincerely fuck off already

What shit? You have a cranial cavity instead of brains. Stop posting, you fucking nimrod.

it was proven he did but he is unable to refute it. simple

is he gonna sue MTV for having the edited footage before he claims the footage has been edited?

No it makes the witchunt completely inept. It's all personality problems certain individuals didn't like. In fact, it also proves that billy did not even attempt to "cheat" since the stupid movie, and accepted there were more skilled player

Stop spending all day fantasising about trannies, you mentally ill faggot.

imagine being a sematical faggot who cares if someone is a speedrunner or a high scorer. imagine the size of the micropenis on this sad waste of an incel.

No you do. Think about where theses accusations came from.

Ignoring the basic sciences that would dictate several factors which would make this harder and harder for a man his age. That's on you not me.

No, it's blatant forgery of gameplay footage, and submitting it for the wrong category. And the score being irrelevant anymore.
What's the real reason why you continue defending this dipshit? Did he praise maga or some bullshit? you sound like a cultist clutching your anus.

fuck off Brian

Just stop.
>Think about where theses accusations came from.
Why would speedrunners give two flying fucks about high scores? you have some paranoid schizo thing going on, moron.

it’s hilarious that it took over a decade after king of kong for people to realise that twin galaxies was compromised and corrupt. the same documentary that shows us the extreme scrutiny they put tapes through in one scene. then later, moments after weibe makes the world record in person at funspot, walter accepts a tape that wasn’t even delivered by billy in person and has clearly been edited or tampered with as legitimate just because it’s from billy. score holders shouldn’t even be involved with the company at all except for competing and things like that.

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>injecting /pol/ shit for your brownie points
get fucked faggot. You don't even deserve a reply with a strawman that size, but holy shit, you got me worked into a shoot.

remember that one guy that looked like a gay undertaker that always called him "silly bitchell"

Who made the videos, who analysed the evidence?

kek mad as fuck dumb cunt.

Then explain yourself, you fucking parasite. Why do you insist on pushing this fraud onto other people, and making threads trying to defend him every day? Does his birdhair give you a boner?

Yeah bro, how about you and I have a javelin throwing competition and instead of using the same javelin as you i'll use one that may or may not make it easier for me, also if anyone asks I'll swear up and down that it's the same javelin everyone else is using (not in effect the same actually the same) and get the referee who is a childhood friend of mine to back up my obvious knowing lie.

I'm sure if you got fucked over by all of those things you might be a bit salty too.

Who said I personally make these threads? In fact, how would I know how many threads are made? This projection and strawmaning is out of fucking control.

well not everybody is equipped with the same javelin. some people only pack toothpicks.

You know, if I had that pull, whats stopping me from doing it a decade and a half later? When the scores were toppled (even by the man featured in the move) and several others?

it isn't about losing an outdated record. that record was supposed to be the first million achieved. which you get certain brownie points for being the first.

This isn't even an argument. No one fucking talked about it till the movie was popular. Even in those circles. It was only the movie that popularized the idea.

>muh popularity

shallow faggot. twin galaxies will burn with cucks like you and i will watch it burn with glee.

Exactly, I accept your concession. Keep those torches burning bright.

concede what? that you're a shallow faggot? great. kys.

lmao no arguments just buzzwords. so now i'll stoop to you're level, give me them (You)'s baby.

buzzwords is just a buzzword for "I have no real arguments so i'll just play semantics with words" dumb dumb.

You didn't present another argument or even rebuttal. So I again accept your concession peabrain.

you have no argument to argue with. so of course i'm mocking you, genius.

I did present one, you ignored it with adhoms. Now you get treated like the filth you are, in the style you like. Low intelligence, knuckle dragger format.

"Words" is not evidence. i mean try going to an actual courtroom with words and see how you fair. dumb fucking nigger stop trying to pretend to be smart.

You can't counter what I said and insist on throwing a tantrum. I'm done with you. Now go ahead, post again, get the last word to make you feel better.


>he did not use MAME for his Donkey Kong world record

Okay, and he's still not even top 10 on the record list so he can fuck off.

he wants it reinstated so he can be a proud cheating cunt that got the 1mil first before everyone else made his score seem like i could do it.

You point a camera at the screen

did he actually cheat or was it just a matter of him using Gens before it was banned as a valid method of getting the record?

actually, billy lost ALL his scores, even the ones that nobody was disputing, like him being the first perfect ms pac man.

people were calling billy a cheater basically since the boomers tape came out, a tape that was in king of kong.

his ref was todd rogers, who also got caught cheating and faking scores in hundreds of games and fairly recently lost all HIS records.

post the whole pic

Of course he did. He's a known liar and cheat at this point, all his scores are in question without proof.

the only scores that were disputed were his first million DK. nobody was disputing his other scores, all of which were done in front of massive crowds.

I'm not defending the fucker. Like you said, it was proven that he cheated his way to his first million. But that being said, most of his scores were legit and witnessed.